84 research outputs found
Fertilidade do solo cultivado com café conilon após aplicação de esgoto doméstico tratado
At present the need for water and nutrients in agriculture is increasing, and this can become a problem because the high cost of fertilizers and low supply of water resources, requiring alternative sources of water and nutrients to maintain agricultural production. With the objective of evaluating the inputs nutrients and fertility soil after application of treated wastewater in an Oxisol cultivated with conilon coffee, an experiment under greenhouse conditions was carried out, from November 2010 until January 2011. The experiment was realized on a split-plot 13 x 4, with thirteen clones in plots and in the sub-plots three depths of domestic sewage, applied with a third, two-thirds and 100% of the crop water demand total, and a control level with water supply, in a completely randomized design with three replicates. Were evaluated the input nutrient soil by wastewater and its efficiency as nutritional source to coffee tree. There was an increased of the salinity soil, however, there was increased of magnesium, potassium, base saturation, sum of bases with application of treated wastewater, and thus, it’s concluded that the treated wastewater can reduce spending on fertilizers in the initial cultivation of conilon coffee tree.Atualmente, a necessidade em água e nutrientes na agricultura é grande, e isso pode se tornar um problema pelo alto custo dos fertilizantes e baixos suprimentos de recursos hídricos, requerendo recursos alternativos de água e nutrientes para manutenção da produção agrícola. Objetivando-se avaliar as entradas de nutrientes e a fertilidade do solo após aplicação de esgoto doméstico tratado, em um Latossolo cultivado com café conilon, um experimento em condições de casa de vegetação foi conduzido, de novembro de 2010 até janeiro de 2011. O experimento foi realizado sobre parcelassubdivididas 13 x 4, com 13 clones nas parcelas e 4 lâminas nas subparcelas, sendo três laminas de esgoto doméstico tratado com um terço, dois terços e 100% da demanda hídrica da cultura, e uma lâmina testemunha com água de abastecimento, em um delineamento completamente casualizado com três repetições. Dessa maneira, foi avaliado o aporte de nutrientes no solo pela água residuária e seu efeito na fertilidade do solo. Houve incremento da salinidade do solo, todavia, houve aumento de magnésio, potássio, saturação por bases e da soma de bases do solo no solo com aplicação da água residuária tratada, dessa forma demonstrando que o esgoto doméstico tratado pode reduzir os gastos com fertilizantes, na fase inicial de cultivo do cafeeiro conilon
Dinâmica de macronutrientes em folhas e cachos de pimenta-do-reino
The objective of this work was to determine the macronutrient dynamics in leaves and bunches of black pepper (Piper nigrum) throughout the plant reproductive cycles. The experiment was carried out in a commercial field of 'Bragantina' black pepper. Leaves and bunches were sampled every 21 days for one year, during two crop cycles. The bunches were sampled from the twenty eighth day after the appearance of inflorescences until the complete fruit maturation. Samples of leaves and bunches were dried, and the contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S were determined. N, K, and Ca were the most common macronutrients found in the bunches and leaves of black pepper. The accumulation of dry matter in the bunches was similar for both cycles and it was adjusted to the linear and quadratic models. The accumulation and content of macronutrients followed the dry matter behavior trend. Macronutrient contents in leaves oscillate during the year, and K and Mg vary more than N, P, Ca, and S. The macronutrient contents in black pepper leaves and bunches depends on the plant vegetative stage, and this variation should be considered in the planning of the fertilization management.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a dinâmica de macronutrientes em folhas e cachos de pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum), ao longo dos ciclos reprodutivos da planta. O experimento foi realizado em uma lavoura comercial de pimenta-do-reino 'Bragantina'. Folhas e cachos foram amostrados a cada 21 dias, por um ano, durante dois ciclos de cultivo. Os cachos foram amostrados desde o vigésimo oitavo dia após o lançamento das inflorescências até a maturação completa dos frutos. As amostras de folhas e cachos foram secas, e os conteúdos de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S foram determinados. N, K e Ca foram os macronutrientes mais comuns nos cachos e nas folhas de pimenta-do-reino. O acúmulo de matéria seca nos cachos de pimenta-do-reino foi similar nos dois ciclos e foi ajustado aos modelos linear e quadrático. O acúmulo e o conteúdo de macronutrientes seguiram a tendência de comportamento da matéria seca. O conteúdo de macronutrientes nas folhas oscila durante o ano, e K e Mg variam mais do que N, P, Ca e S. O conteúdo de macronutrientes em folhas e cachos de pimenta-do-reino depende do estádio vegetativo da planta, e essa variação deve ser considerada no planejamento do manejo de adubação
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius), propagation from rhizophores with different numbers of buds
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a plant of Andean origin currently cultivated and consumed in several parts of the world for having numerous nutraceutical properties. An increasing interest in its cultivation demands advanced technical information on this crop, still scarce. Considering this, our study aimed to evaluate the propagation of yacon by rhizophores with different bud number. The experiment was conducted in two phases: the first phase was developed in a seedling nursery, using a completely randomized design with four treatments and 50 repetitions. The treatments consisted of rhizophores with: one to two buds (T1), three to four buds (T2), five to six buds (T3), and seven to eight buds (T4). The second phase was performed in the field with random blocks, four treatments, four repetitions, and the same treatments of the first phase. The following morphological and growth characteristics were assessed: plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, number of stems per plant, Dickson quality index (DQI), leaf area, leaf dry mass, rhizophores, tuberous root, and productivity. The following physiological features were also analyzed: chlorophyll content (FCI – Falker chlorophyll index), net carbon assimilation rate, leaf transpiration, stomatal conductance, internal carbon concentration, water use efficiency and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency. Seedlings from rhizophores with three to four buds presented the best morphological and growth characteristics, DQI = 0.47 and good performance in the field. In addition, the plants originated from this material (rhizophores with three to four buds) showed greater accumulation of dry matter in the aerial part and tuberous roots, and consequently higher productivity in fresh tuberous roots, constituiting a suitable propagation form for the cultivation of yacon.
Seedlings from rhizophores with three to four buds presented the best morphological and growth characteristics.
The results indicate differences in photosynthetic capacity among seedlings.
Possibility of estimating the CO2 assimilation in yacon plants through chlorophyll contents, determined by "ClorofiLOG" (model FL1030, Falker), a device that has lower cost and simple handling than other photosynthesis analyzers, like IRGA Licor 6400XT, representing a significant methodological contribution.
Study shows that the number of buds in the yacon propagule (rhizophores) has a direct influence, from seedling phase to final production and that their weight should not be a factor for selection.Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a plant of Andean origin currently cultivated and consumed in several parts of the world for having numerous nutraceutical properties. An increasing interest in its cultivation demands advanced technical information on this crop, still scarce. Considering this, our study aimed to evaluate the propagation of yacon by rhizophores with different bud number. The experiment was conducted in two phases: the first phase was developed in a seedling nursery, using a completely randomized design with four treatments and 50 repetitions. The treatments consisted of rhizophores with: one to two buds (T1), three to four buds (T2), five to six buds (T3), and seven to eight buds (T4). The second phase was performed in the field with random blocks, four treatments, four repetitions, and the same treatments of the first phase. The following morphological and growth characteristics were assessed: plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, number of stems per plant, Dickson quality index (DQI), leaf area, leaf dry mass, rhizophores, tuberous root, and productivity. The following physiological features were also analyzed: chlorophyll content (FCI – Falker chlorophyll index), net carbon assimilation rate, leaf transpiration, stomatal conductance, internal carbon concentration, water use efficiency and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency. Seedlings from rhizophores with three to four buds presented the best morphological and growth characteristics, DQI = 0.47 and good performance in the field. In addition, the plants originated from this material (rhizophores with three to four buds) showed greater accumulation of dry matter in the aerial part and tuberous roots, and consequently higher productivity in fresh tuberous roots, constituiting a suitable propagation form for the cultivation of yacon.
Seedlings from rhizophores with three to four buds presented the best morphological and growth characteristics.
The results indicate differences in photosynthetic capacity among seedlings.
Possibility of estimating the CO2 assimilation in yacon plants through chlorophyll contents, determined by "ClorofiLOG" (model FL1030, Falker), a device that has lower cost and simple handling than other photosynthesis analyzers, like IRGA Licor 6400XT, representing a significant methodological contribution.
Study shows that the number of buds in the yacon propagule (rhizophores) has a direct influence, from seedling phase to final production and that their weight should not be a factor for selection
Produtividade do cafeeiro conilon conduzido com a poda programada de ciclo e diferentes densidades de cultivo
Determining the correct population of plants and number of orthotropic stems to be kept per area, along with optimal pruning management, is very important for crops of Coffea canephora. The aim of this work was to improve conilon coffee cropping management, evaluating the influence of the programmed pruning cycle with different combinations of spacing and numbers of orthotropic stems per plant on crop yield. Two experiments were carried out: one with smaller spacing and lower numbers of stems per plant, and another with larger spacing and higher numbers of stems per plant. Both assays followed a triple factorial scheme 2 x 3 x 4 (2 spacing x 3 numbers of stems per plant x 4 harvests) in a random block statistical design, using four replications and 11 plants pen plot. The results show that a reduction in spacing associated with an increase in number of stems per plant has a positive effect on the conilon coffee yield.A determinação da população de plantas e hastes por hectare, juntamente com o manejo de podas, é de suma importância para a implantação e condução de lavouras de Coffea canephora. Conduziu-se, este trabalho, com o objetivo de aprimorar as indicações de manejo ora existentes para a cultura do cafeeiro conilon, avaliando a influência da utilização da poda programada de ciclo com diferentes combinações de espaçamento e número de hastes por planta sobre a produtividade. Foram realizados dois ensaios: um com menores espaçamentos e números de hastes por planta, e outro com maiores espaçamentos e número de ramos por planta. Ambos seguindo um esquema fatorial triplo, em delineamento estatístico de blocos ao caso, com quatro repetições e parcelas experimentais formadas por onze plantas. Os resultados mostram que a redução do espaçamentoassociado ao aumento do número de hastes por planta tem efeito positivo sobre a produtividade do café conilon
Crescimento e produção do feijoeiro comum cultivado sob déficit hídrico
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different levels of tension and water deficit on the growth and yield of common bean cultivated in Oxisol of clayey texture and Ultisol of medium texture. Two experiments were installed in factorial scheme of 2 x 4 with tension for the determination of field capacity on two levels (T1 = 0.010 MPa and T2 = 0.033 MPa) and soil water deficit (WD) on four levels (0; 20; 40 and 60% of the soil available water) in a completely randomized design with three replicates for each soil. Evaluation of growth and yield was held in phenological stage of crop R9 and the data were submitted to an analysis of variance (p ≤ 0.05). When significant results, the F Test (p ≤ 0,05) was used for the tension factor and regression analysis for the water deficit factor. The plants submitted to field capacity determined by the tension of 0.010 MPa presented higher swelling, growth and yield in both soils. The grain yield under WD = 60% was reduced on average of 39% and 36% in relation to the plants that didn't receive WD in Oxisol and Ultisol, respectively.O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de tensão e déficit hídrico sobre o crescimento e a produção do feijoeiro comum cultivado em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo de textura argilosa e Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo de textura média. Dois experimentos foram instalados em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, sendo a tensão para determinação da capacidade de campo em dois níveis (T1 = 0,010 MPa e T2 = 0,033 MPa) e déficit hídrico (DH) no solo em quatro níveis (0, 20, 40 e 60% da água disponível no solo), em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições para cada solo. A avaliação de crescimento e produção foi realizada na fase fenológica da cultura R9 e os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (p ≤ 0,05). Quando significativos os resultados, o teste F (p ≤ 0,05) foi utilizado para o fator tensão e a análise de regressão para o fator déficit hídrico. As plantas submetidas à capacidade de campo determinada pela tensão de 0,010 MPa apresentam maior turgescência, crescimento e produção em ambos os solos. A produção de grãos sob DH = 60% foi reduzida em média a 39% e 36% em relação às plantas que não receberam DH no Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo e no Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, respectivamente
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