46 research outputs found

    Letter from Henryk Majchrzak and Tadeusz Tomaszeksi to Zofia Drzewieniecki

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    1947. Letter from Henryk Majchrzak, Director and Tadeusz Tomaszewski, Committee President, Polish YMCA in Great Britain to Zofia Drzewieniecki (Drzewieniecki) stating that according to her wishes she was relieved of her duties with the YMCA, thanking her for work and wishing her the best. Dated London, September 30, 1947.https://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/ymcadocs/1087/thumbnail.jp

    Teismo ekspertizės įstatymo Lenkijoje keliai ir klystkeliai

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    The authors very critically refer to selected Polish regulations, particularly with regard to the expert witness’ position in a criminal trial. The main problems discussed in the article are as follows: absence of a consistent expert witness law in Poland – a comprehensive legal act, non-regulated status of expert witness, absence of measures for verification of expert witness qualifications, ambiguity regarding the „scientific or specialist institutions”, only partial regulation of the issue of the so-called private expert testimony, extremely low hourly wages on the basis of which the expert’s remuneration is calculated, introducing inadvertence as the criminal offence involving delivery of a false expert opinion, chaos regarding the maintenance of expert register, strict control of the expert’s access to the case file in criminal proceedings, lack of reflection by the lawmaker de lege lata

    The Influence of Sintering Conditions on the Inkjet Printed Paths Resistance

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    The sintering of elements performed with the inkjet printing technique is one of the stages of flexible printed circuit manufacturing process. It is a crucial factor to determining the printed paths conductivity playing often an important role in the printed circuit. In this paper the study of the influence of thermal sintering conditions (temperature, time) on the resistance of paths made with inkjet printing on flexible substrates by using two electrically conductive inks was presented. The results of the investigations show that the sintering temperature is the main factor determining the paths resistance. Therefore, in some applications the sintering temperature higher than the one specified by the ink manufacturer can be used to decrease the paths resistance and to improve some circuit parameters. However, it should be noticed that the effective resistance decrease occurs only up to a certain temperature due to the appearance cracks in the printed paths


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    The paper presents an application of vision-based measurement method in experimental mechanics of biological materials.  The displacement and strain fields of human Achilles tendon specimen under tensile test were computed using digital image correlation method. Different software applications, both commercial as well as open source ones, were compared. The performance of algorithms was tested based on a referential measurement, carried out by a commercial software with affine model of deformation implemented. The root mean square error of a difference between strain obtained using reference measurement and each of the analyzed programs was computed. Additionally,  an example of full field computation of displacement and strain field was presented

    Administracja, zarządzanie i handel zagraniczny w warunkach integracji. Materiały konferencyjne - Zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem

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    Ze wstępu: "Bezpieczeństwo jest w coraz wyższej cenie. Zajmują się nim naukowcy oraz praktycy z różnych dziedzin. W najszerszym wymiarze pojęcie „bezpieczeństwo” sprowadzić można do słów: stan niezagrożenia, spokoju, pewności. Takie ogólne ujęcie problematyki bezpieczeństwa sprawia, że różne podmioty podchodzą wybiórczo do tych bardzo ważnych zarówno dla pojedynczych ludzi, jak i społeczeństwa zagadnień. Inaczej postrzegają i interpretują bezpieczeństwo politycy, prawnicy, ekonomiści, wojskowi, policjanci, lekarze, pedagodzy, a inaczej zwyczajni ludzie. W ich ujęciu bezpieczeństwo to: 1) stan świadomości człowieka, w którym czuje się on wolny od jakichkolwiek zagrożeń, pociągający za sobą poczucie spokoju i komfortu; 2) niczym niezakłócone współistnienie człowieka z innymi ludźmi i środowiskiem przyrodniczym; 3) stan bez lęku i niepokoju o siebie i innych, pewność jutra; 4) brak zagrożenia utraty zdrowia, mienia i życia, komfort psychiczny umożliwiający realizację życiowych marzeń i celów; 5) sytuacja, w której człowiekowi nic nie zagraża, a w nagłych i nieprzewidzianych sytuacjach może liczyć na pomoc i wsparcie innych."(...

    Privačios ekspertizės Lenkijos tardymo ir teismų praktikoje

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    According to a continental model of criminal and civil procedure an expert-witness is summoned for the proceedings in Poland only by a legal organ (a court or an investigative organ - a prosecutor or the Police in criminal cases); the formal condition upon which the participation of an expert-witness is possible is passing by the legal organ conducting the proceedings a formal decision of calling an expert in a given case. The parties of the proceedings are not allowed to call officially their own expert-witnesses; they can put forward a motion to call an expert-witness by a legal organ and suggest However a phenomenon of increase of adversary trial system has been observed during recent years in Poland and one of its components is asking by the parties of the proceedings for help persons specialized in various fields, called "private experts". The codes of criminal and civil procedures do not mention such a possibility but, on the other hand, there are no provisions that would forbid the parties to play such active role. With the problem of issuing by the private experts their informal opinions many difficult procedural questions, discussed in the paper, are connected, such as: an influence of private opinions on a defense tactics in criminal cases or parties' actions in civil cases, sufficiency of examining material for a private expertise, competence and objectiveness of private experts, possible impact of a private opinion on the final resolution of the case

    Pagrindinės eksperto teisės ir pareigos Lenkijos baudžiamajame procese.

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    From September 1998 a new Criminal Procedure Code is in force in Poland. Evidence collection is newly regulated in the Code among other issues. Although the institute of expert was not essentially reorganised, many of its amendments and corrections have emerged in relation to the changes of the arguing process and to the new possibilities of examination. Expert serves the participants in the procedure by applying his special knowledge. The law provides certain rights and duties of the expert. The article outlines common rights and duties of the expert and their scientific evaluation. The Expert has a right to provide an opinion (draw a conclusion) on the issues a body of the procedure is in interest. An opinion may be provided in writing or in oral, according to the request. hi certain cases, due to objective or subjective reasons, an expert may refuse to provide an opinion. The Law extended rights of the expert to become acquainted with the case material, with the exception of this right restriction in certain cases. The expert is allowed to participate in the Meetings of hearings of the court or in other actions of the procedure and to state his/her opinion. The expert has a right to choose the methods of research, a right to get proper payment for his work and reimbursement of other expenses related to the investigation. The new Criminal Procedure Code of Poland enhanced legal protection of all participants of the procedure including the experts. Scientists proposed to step one step further and establish an institute of expert undercover for certain categories of cases. The expert’s duties and the conditions for their implementation are also analysed. General duties of the expert are defined in the chapter 22 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Poland, which deals with experts, specialists and interpreters. In addition, other norms of the Code, which provide general duties of the procedure bodies are obligatory for the experts. When called to execute the duty (not only to carry out examinations but also to participate in the procedural actions, to consult) the expert must accept the call, carry out the assignment and present the conclusion. During the implementation of the functions, the expert must carry out investigations conscientiously and impartially. The law provides up to three years imprisonment for a deliberate presentation of the wrong conclusion. Duties of the expert indicate that he/she must not announce any knowledge gained in the process of the duties execution. Moreover, the expert is obliged to report about any such crime, inform and if necessary call the other expert to solve any questions in dispute, establish degree of reliability, etc.Nuo 1998 m. rugsėjo Lenkijoje galioja naujas Baudžiamojo proceso kodeksas. Tarp svarbesnių klausimų, kurie buvo naujai reglamentuoti Kodekse, yra ir įrodymų rinkimas. Nors eksperto (žinovo) institutas nebuvo iš esmės pertvarkomas, vis dėlto atsirado nemažai jo pakeitimų ir patikslinimą, susijusiu su įrodinėjimo proceso pokyčiais bei naujomis ekspertizių galimybėmis. Ekspertas teikia paslaugas proceso dalyviams taikydamas specialias žinias, įstatymas numato tam tikras eksperto teises ir pareigas. Straipsnyje analizuojamos pagrindinės eksperto teisės ir pareigos bei jų mokslinis vertinimas. Ekspertas turi teisę pareikšti nuomonę (pateikti išvadą) procesini organą dominančiais klausimais. Nuomonė gali būti pareikšta raštu arba žodžiu - priklauso nuo užsakovo pageidavimo. Tam tikrais atvejais dėl objektyviu arba subjektyviu priežasčių ekspertas gali atsisakyti pateikti išvadą, įstatymas praplėtė eksperto teises susipažinti su bylos medžiaga, nors tam tikrais atvejais ši teisė gali būti ribojama. Jis turi teisę dalyvauti teismo posėdyje arba kituose procesiniuose veiksmuose ir aktyviai reikšti savo nuomonę. Ekspertas turi teisę pasirinkti tyrimo metodus, turi teisę į deramą jo darbo ir kitų su atliekamomis funkcijomis susijusiu išlaidu apmokėjimą. Naujasis Lenkijos baudžiamojo proceso kodeksas sustiprino visų proceso dalyvių, taip pat ir ekspertų, teisinę apsaugą. Mokslininkai siūlė žengti dar vieną žingsnį ir tam tikroms bylų kategorijoms įslaptinti duomenis apie ekspertą. Taip pat analizuojamos eksperto pareigos ir jų atlikimo sąlygos. Teismo ekspertą pareigos yra nurodytos Lenkijos baudžiamojo proceso kodekso 22 skyriuje, kur kalbama apie ekspertus, specialistus ir vertėjus. Be to, ekspertams privalomos ir kitos kodekso normos, kurios numato bendras proceso dalyvių pareigas. Pakviestas vykdyti savo funkcijų (ne tik atlikti ekspertizių, bet ir dalyvauti procesiniuose veiksmuose, konsultuoti), ekspertas privalo atvykti, atlikti pavestą darbą ir pateikti išvadą. Vykdydamas savo funkcijas, ekspertas privalo sąžiningai ir bešališkai atlikti tyrimus, įstatymas už sąmoningai neteisingą išvadą numato laisvės atėmimą net iki trejų metų. Tarp eksperto pareigą yra nurodyta, kad jis privalo neskelbti savo pareigas atliekant gautų žinių. Be to, ekspertas privalo pranešti apie nusikaltimą, jei nustatė toki faktą, informuoti, jei būtina kviesti kitą žinovą, atsakyti i iškilusius klausimus, nustatyti tikimybinės išvados patikimumo laipsnį ir pan

    Legal Framework for eCommerce Tax Analysis

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