39 research outputs found

    Knowledge and activities for the oncological prevention of women invited for mammography screening as part of the "Population program for early detection of breast cancer"

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    Breast cancer is a disease most often affecting women in the modern world and a huge challenge for modern medicine. "Breast cancer is not a sentence" - such statement is presented by one of the authors of the book position used in this paper. However, considering statistical data, every tenth woman asks herself whether this statement is true due to the highest percentage of cases of this disease among females. There may be many reasons for this situation, but one should also look at them in the lack of awareness of women about breast cancer prevention. Preventive actions are of considerable importance. They allow real recognition of the problem and implementation of activities aimed at reducing the risk of disease. Undoubtedly, some people are not aware of the seriousness of this situation, and the second part wonders what the reason for such a high percentage of cases is. The answer is simple - women do not perform self-examination of breasts, do not participate in preventive examinations and report to the doctor when the cancer process is already advanced. Aim of this paper The aim of this paper was to evaluate knowledge and activities for oncological prevention of women invited for mammography screening as part of the "Population program for early detection of breast cancer". Material and methods The study covered 105 randomly selected women in rural and urban areas of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship aged 50-69 covered by the "Population program for the early detection of breast cancer. The research was conducted in the period from 09/01/2017 to 10/31/2017. The author's questionnaire consisting of 32 questions was used for the research. The research was voluntary and anonymous.For the purpose of this work, the following tests were used for questions on nominal scales for verification of hypotheses: V Kramer (2x3 tables, 4x5 etc.), Phi (2x2 tables) - these are symmetric measures based on chi-square test informing about the strength of dependencies between variables in cross tables. For questions on ordinal scales, Tb - Kendall or Tc tests were used - the first for 2x2 tables, the second 2x3, 4x5 tables, etc. The statistical analysis was carried out using the SPSS program and all relationships are statistically significant when

    Pilot testing and preliminary psychometric validation of the Polish translation of the EORTC INFO25 questionnaire : validation of the Polish version of INFO25-pilot study

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    The quality of information that oncological patients receive from health care professionals is an underestimated issue in Poland and Eastern European countries. There is lack of sufficient data on this subject. The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) supplies a new tool for measuring the quality of information provided to cancer patients. The purpose of the study is the translation into Polish, pilot testing and preliminary validation of the EORTC information module (INFO25). Following the EORTC translation procedures, forward and back translations of the questionnaire were performed (English → Polish, Polish → English). The intermediate version of the INFO25 was pilot-tested together with the general questionnaire of quality of life (EORTC QLQ-C30). Reliability, validity and known-group comparison tests were performed. A total of 21 patients with different cancer diagnoses were recruited into the study (7 women and 14 men; mean age of 60,2 years, age range 25–73 years). Apart from filling out the INFO25, patients were interviewed about the difficulties with answering every questionnaire item. Patients' comments were analyzed and minor language changes were made to the initial translation. The internal consistency of the INFO25 showed a reliability of 0,78. The final version of the Polish translation of the INFO25 module was obtained and approved by the EORTC Quality of Life Department. It can now be used in clinical setting and for scientific purposes

    Intussusception ileo-ileum as a symptom of non-small cell lung cancer metastasis to small bowel - a case report

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    Przerzuty nowotworów złośliwych do jelita cienkiego zdarzają się bardzo rzadko. Również nietypowym objawem jest wgłobienie jelit spowodowane obecnością przerzutu nowotworu, którego ognisko pierwotne jest zlokalizowane poza jamą brzuszną. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 55-letniego mężczyzny, u którego wystąpiło wgłobienie krętniczo-krętnicze na skutek przerzutu raka niedrobnokomórkowego płuca do jelita cienkiego. Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2010; 6, 2: 87-89Metastases of malignant neoplasms to small bowel occur very seldom. Intussusception due to neoplasmatic metastasis which primary lesion localized out of abdominal cavity is atypical symptom, too. This paper presents the case of 55-year-old male patient, who had intussusception ileo-ileum because of non-small cell lung cancer metastasis to small bowel. Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2010; 6, 2: 87-8

    Persons with allergy symptoms use alternative medicine more often

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      INTRODUCTION: The aim of the study is to indicate the relation between the use of alternative medicine and the occurrence of allergic diseases in the Polish population of adults in the age of 20−44 years. Moreover the additional aim of the study is to define the relation between the sex, age and place of living and the use of alternative medicine. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The data from the project Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland (ECAP) has been used for analysis. This project was a continuation of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. The questions on alternative medicine were asked to the group of 4671 respondents in the age of 20−44 years. Additionally outpatient tests were performed in order to confirm the diagnosis of allergic diseases. RESULTS: The total of 22.2% of respondents that participated in the study have ever used alternative medicine (n = 4621). A statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine and declaration of allergic diseases and asthma symptoms has been demonstrated (p < 0.001). No statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine by persons diagnosed by a doctor with any form of asthma or seasonal allergic rhinitis (p > 0.05) has been demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence of allergic diseases and asthma influences the frequency of alternative medicine use. However the frequency of alternative medicine use does not depend on allergic disease or asthma being confirmed by a doctor.  Introduction: The aim of the study is to indicate the relation between the use of alternative medicine and the occurrence of allergic diseases in the Polish population of adults in the age of 20−44 years. Moreover the additional aim of the study is to define the relation between the sex, age and place of living and the use of alternative medicine. Material and methods: The data from the project Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland (ECAP) has been used for analysis. This project was a continuation of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. The questions on alternative medicine were asked to the group of 4671 respondents in the age of 20−44 years. Additionally outpatient tests were performed in order to confirm the diagnosis of allergic diseases. Results: The total of 22.2% of respondents that participated in the study have ever used alternative medicine (n = 4621). A statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine and declaration of allergic diseases and asthma symptoms has been demonstrated (p < 0.001). No statistically significant relation between the use of alternative medicine by persons diagnosed by a doctor with any form of asthma or seasonal allergic rhinitis (p > 0.05) has been demonstrated. Conclusions: The occurrence of allergic diseases and asthma influences the frequency of alternative medicine use. However the frequency of alternative medicine use does not depend on allergic disease or asthma being confirmed by a doctor

    Filaggrin Gene Defects Are Independent Risk Factors for Atopic Asthma in a Polish Population: A Study in ECAP Cohort

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    BACKGROUND: FLG null variants of which 2282del4 and R501X are the most frequent in Caucasians are established risk factors for atopic dermatitis (AD) with an effect probably mediated through impairment of epidermal barrier. Among subjects with AD FLG defects are also consistently associated with asthma and allergic rhinitis (AR) but it is less clear to what extent these associations are also present independently from skin disease. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of 2282del4 and R501X in predisposing to these allergic phenotypes in a Polish population. METHODOLOGY: 2282del4 and R501X were typed among 3,802 participants of the Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland (ECAP) survey, a cross-sectional population-based study using ECRHS II and ISAAC questionnaires, and ambulatory examination. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The FLG null variants were associated with AD (OR = 2.01, CI: 1.20-3.36, P = 0.007), allergic rhinitis (in particular persistent form, OR = 1.69, CI:1.12-2.54, P = 0.011), and asthma (in particular atopic asthma, OR = 2.22, CI:1.24-3.96, P = 0.006). Association with atopic asthma (but not persistent allergic rhinitis) was also present in the absence of AD, (OR = 2.02, CI: 1.07-3.81, P = 0.027) as well as in the absence of AD and history of broadly defined inflammatory skin disease (OR = 2.30, CI: 1.07-4.93, P = 0.03). Association to atopic asthma would have not been found if diagnosis was made by questionnaire only (OR = 1.15, CI: 0.58-2.32, P = 0.8). We did not observe an association between FLG variants and allergic sensitizations (P = 0.8) or total IgE. (P = 0.6). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In a Polish population FLG 2282del4 and R501X carriage increases risk for development of AD and atopic asthma (also in the absence of AD or history thereof). This suggests that interventions aimed at restoring epidermal barrier may have a general role in asthma prophylaxis/treatment

    Osoby z objawami alergii częściej korzystają z medycyny alternatywnej

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      WSTĘP: Celem badania jest wskazanie, czy w polskiej populacji osób dorosłych, w wieku 20−44 lata, istnieje zależność między stosowaniem medycyny alternatywnej a występowaniem chorób alergicznych. Ponadto dodatkowym celem pracy jest określenie czy istnieje zależność między płcią, wiekiem i miejscem zamieszkania, a stosowaniem medycyny alternatywnej. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Do analizy wykorzystano część danych z projektu „Epidemiologia Chorób Alergicznych w Polsce” (ECAP). Projekt stanowił kontynuację ogólnoeuropejskiego badania European Community Respiratory Health Survey II. Pytania dotyczące medycyny alternatywnej zadano grupie 4671 respondentów w wieku 20−44 lata. Badanie zostało zrealizowane metodą kwestionariuszową. Dodatkowo przeprowadzono analizy ambulatoryjnie potwierdzające rozpoznanie chorób alergicznych. WYNIKI: Z medycyny alternatywnej kiedykolwiek korzystało łącznie 22,2% wśród wszystkich respondentów biorących udział w badaniu (n = 4621). Wykazano zależność istotną statystycznie między korzystaniem z medycyny alternatywnej a deklarowaniem objawów chorób alergicznych i astmy (p < 0,001). Nie wykazano zależności istotnej statystycznie między stosowaniem medycyny alternatywnej wśród osób z rozpoznaną przez lekarzy a jakąkolwiek postacią astmy lub alergicznego nieżytu nosa (p > 0,05). WNIOSKI: Występowanie objawów chorób alergicznych i astmy wpływa na częstość korzystania z medycyny alternatywnej. Częstość stosowania medycyny alternatywnej nie jest jednak zależna od potwierdzonej przez lekarza choroby alergicznej lub astmy.

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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