175 research outputs found

    Determinates of Savings and Economic Growth in Poland in Comparison to the OECD Countries

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    Authors investigate interactions between the rate of economic growth and the saving rate in Poland in the 1990s. Tendencies observed in the Polish economy are related to the long term trends of growth and saving in a number of OECD countries. A simulation of possible development paths of the Polish economy is conducted using results of the estimation of the saving function for the OECD countries in the period 1971-1994. The model implies that, if the factors determining the rate of saving and the rate of growth were the same as those in the OECD countries during the last 25 years, the rate of saving in Poland would be higher by 5 percentage points and would equal 22 percent. Moreover, assuming the medium term rate of growth of 5-7 percent, a reduction of the budget deficit and the current account deficit, would result in a rise in the saving rate up to the level of 25-27 percent of GDP. Savings of households would rise by 2-3 percentage points to the level of 12 percent of GDP. The long term rate of growth would either be lowered down to 4 percent or raised up to 8 percent depending on the extent of utilisation of externalities and increasing returns from the employment of the human capital and technological change.economic growth, Poland, OECD

    Regional economic and labour market performance and inter-regional labour market balance : the case of Poland

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    "The paper analyses the directions of inter-regional migration in Poland in the years 1995-2002 and points out some major factors that cause the migration. The analyses indicate the voivodships with the largest net migration flows (Mazowieckie, Pomorskie) are characterized by high relative GDP per capita, high labour productivity and high relative wages. In contrast, the voivodships with the smallest net migration flows (Warminsko-Mazurskie, Lubelskie, Swietokrzyskie) are typified by large shares of the employed in agriculture, low labour productivity and wages and low GDP per capita. The size of migration inflows is negatively related to regional unemployment rates. Moreover, the highest propensity for inter-regional migration exhibit young people, aged 21-35, as well as people with tertiary education." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))regionaler Arbeitsmarkt, regionale Disparität, Wirtschaftsentwicklung, Regionalökonomie, Arbeitsmarktgleichgewicht, Binnenwanderung, regionale Mobilität - Determinanten, Mobilitätsbereitschaft, Bruttoinlandsprodukt, Arbeitsproduktivität, Lohnhöhe, Wirtschaftszweigstruktur, Arbeitslosenquote, berufliche Qualifikation, Dienstleistungsberufe, Lebensalter, demografische Faktoren, soziale Faktoren, Polen

    Zróżnicowanie podstawowych zmiennych makroekonomicznych w województwach

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    The aim of the present study is descriptive analysis of the spatial variation of basic macroeconomic variables in the provinces. Variables whose variation is considered here are: GDP per capita gross value of fixed assets per capita, investment per capita, wages and the unemployment rate. Work carried out in the discussion, because of the availability of relevant statistics for the CSO ww.stat.gov.pl in August 2012, concern the years 2002–2009 (GDP per capita and gross fixed assets per capita), 2002–2010 (investment per capita), or 2002–2011 (wages and unemployment rate). Summarizes the development of taxonomic analysis of complex economic indicators of macroeconomic variables previously considered

    Regional diversity of wages in Poland : [absztrakt]

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    Nowa metoda syntezy binarnych faz tlenkowych o charakterze półprzewodnikowym w polu mikrofalowym - PbMoO4PbMoO_4 i PbWO4PbWO_4

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    Krystaliczne proszki molibdenianu ołowiu i wolframianu ołowiu otrzymano metodą hydrotermalną w polu mikrofalowym za pomocą wysokociśnieniowego autoklawu mikrofalowego. Metodę ta można uznać za przyjazną dla środowiska, jak dotad nie odnotowano jej zastosowania do syntezy wymienionych związków ołowiu. Zbadano wpływ czasu trwania procesu na strukturę krystaliczną, morfologię i szerokość przerwy energetycznej proszków PbWO4 i PbMoO4. Szerokość pasma wzbronionego wyznaczono za pomocą spektroskopii refleksyjnej. Dla molibdenianu ołowiu otrzymane wartości oscylują wokół 3.2 eV, natomiast dla wolframianu ołowiu przerwa energetyczna jest szersza i wynosi ok. 4 eV. Szerokość pasma wzbronionego w obu przypadkach nie zależy od czasu syntezy.Highly crystalline powders of lead molybdate and tungstate were synthesized by a microwave assisted hydrothermal process in a microwave heated high pressure autoclave. Application of this novel and environmentally friendly technique in the synthesis of these compounds has never been reported before. The influence of a time of synthesis on a crystal structure, morphology and a value of a band gap for both PbMoO4 and PbWO4 was examined. The value of the band gap was determined using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. For lead molybdate the medium value of the band gap equals to ca. 3.2 eV whereas for lead tungstate it oscillates around 4 eV and does not depend on the duration time of the synthesis

    Wzrost PKB a zmiany zatrudnienia i bezrobocia w krajach Unii Europejskiej

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    This paper shows the results of statistical analysis of influence the growth rates GDP on the growth of the number of employees (employment rate) and the unemployment rate. It takes into consideration also the influence of the common currency (Euro)on the above-mentioned variable macroeconomic. The verification of conclusions consequential from theoretical models was made basing on the panel data for the 27 European Union countries in years 1990–2008

    The Analysis of Foundry Engineering of Copper Alloys Based on the Research of a Metallurgist Settlement in Szczepidło

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    The article presents chosen aspects of foundry engineering of the settlement dwellers, including the archaeometric characteristics and metal science analysis of the artefacts, as well as an attempted reconstruction of the production organization. Discovered in Szczepidło (Greater Poland), the foundry workshop is unique in Central European Bronze Age. This workshop foundry operated roughly XIV-XII Century BC. Its production is evidenced by the presence of markers of the whole production cycle: semi-finished and finished products, production waste, fragments of crucibles and casting ladles with traces of usage, and tools. On this basis the alloys and foundry technologies used have been described. The analysis of foundry technology of copper alloys in the settlement area was carried out by observing the surface and structure of the products, semi-finished artefacts and fragments of crucibles by applying optical microscopy (OM), confocal microscopy (CLSM) and Xray radiography (RT). The investigations of compositions were made by means of the energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (ED-XRF) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with an energy dispersive X-ray analysis system (EDS)

    Labour productivity simulations in Ukrainian regions : analysis based on a gravitational growth model

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    The purpose of the article is to build a gravitational growth model of Ukrainian economy. The correlation of the labour productivity macroeconomic indicator and its empirical verification is considered. The article looks at recent research dealing with data analysis of region groups as of 2004-2017. To determine the conditions for economic development of the regions, the magnitude and the possible influence of the main macroeconomic factors were assessed. The methodology of gravity modelling makes it possible to study the significance of each individual factor on the basis of statistical information and to predict these factors within the context of possible scenarios. Methods of statistical analysis and econometric modelling were used to build a gravity model and to assess its statistical significance and forecasting ability for economy. The methodological principles of the gravity theory in the context of the set tasks involve studying both regional GDP indicators and the geographical location and remoteness from the capital. The paper presents the influence of two macroeconomic aggregates on the dynamics of economic development - labour productivity and physical capital per worker, with account of their relationship to gravitational effects. The economic analysis uses regional statistical data available on the website of the State Statistical Service of Ukraine. As a result, three main conclusions were formulated. First, 2001-2008 was the most favourable period for the development of Ukrainian economy (after the restoration of Ukraine's independence in 1991). Second, future strong positions of the Northern Ukraine were identified (Kyiv city, Kyiv region with account taken of the expected side effect). Third, a long-term one, to implement the regional development policy the volume of regional investment should be increased. In turn, investment attractiveness of the remote regions, with a relatively low expected economic polarization, will also increase