180 research outputs found

    Longing for the main street

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    It may sound like a cliché that urban design theory changes with man’s development. The article refers to the changes in the way a city functions and the resulting new perception of the lack of existence of something as significant as the “main street”. Consequently, there has appeared a different way to identify with its parts anew. The transformations which have recently changed the assumptions of polycentrism are associated with the need to create multiple autonomous centres related to diverse functions of a city. The emergence of newly designed arteries, which are just transport links and not the symbol of the place’s splendour, breaks its tissue, creating a new, sometimes unpredictable scale. One can make assumptions about the “total” decomposition, which has become one of the modern methods of composition of urban spaces (somewhat, or entirely, by chance). Without going into evaluations, one can attempt at memories and express melancholy which is carried by the “main street” and a human scale which cities used to have

    The Healing Power of faith

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    The paper is an attempt to analyze the theses from James’ book Talks to Teachers on Psychology and to Students on Some of Life's Ideals. The main issue raised by the author is the relationship between utility of religious convictions and the source of their origin. According to James, philosophical concepts must be divided into existential judgments (answering the question about the nature of a thing or phenomenon and its source) from the propositions of value (significance, importance) – which opposes the so-called medical materialism. I illustrate the limitations of above expressed thesis, arguing that in the case of religious convictions presumption of their supernatural origin is the basis for their recognition, as well as is translating into the rules of action. This means that the religious hypothesis cannot be treated equally with scientific hypothesis, because it contains a larger share of commitment and its verification extends beyond the sphere of mortal life

    Comparison of stochastic optimal controls with different level of self-learning

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    In the article the problem of control of a linear dynamic system with a square coefficient of quality was introduced. Depending on knowledge we have about the parameters of system, the principles of control of the system under conditions of full and incomplete information as well as the differences in values of coefficients of quality were presented. Potential usage of the above mentioned principles may pertain to physical systems for which the supreme aim of control is minimization of energetic losses as well as optimal control of a linear system in real-time, and also to computer systems where the pricing of value of information is required

    The self-learning active problem in dynamic systems

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    The work concerns the theory of adaptive control. By using available tools of contemporarymathematics as well as computer science it is possible in the credible way to introduce the laws ofcontrol of a dynamic system as well as to simulate such process in the real world. Therefore wecan learn the working of system by simulation, i.e. we can get precise knowledge about theparameters of the system, which were unknown at the beginning of the control process

    The Role of God’s Word in Priestly Formation: Selected Issues

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    The Word of God is the foundation that enables a young man to establish a deep bond with Christ while following the path of priestly formation. Daily prayer based on profound meditation on God’s word (lectio divina) helps a seminarian become rooted deeply in the Holy Scripture and to truly encounter Jesus in the books of the Gospel. The student also needs intellectual formation based on Holy Scripture in order to understand more the secrets of the Holy Scripture more profoundly and preach them in his ministry as reader.The John Paul II Catholic University of LublinBenedict XVI. Postsynodal Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini. 2010.Browning, W. R. F. “Słowo.” In: W. R. F. Browning, Słownik biblijny, Warszawa 2009Cencini, A. Słowo Boże i formacja. Kraków 2006.Curro S., Dimonte R., Młodzi z Biblią. Poradnik dla duszpasterzy, katechetów i animatorów, Kielce 2006.Francis, Postsynodal Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit, Cracow 2019.Francis, Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, 2014.Francis, Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete Et Exultate, 2018.Francis, Apostolic Exhortation Querida Amazonia 2020.Gargano, I., Zgłębianie Słowa Bożego w lectio divina, Kraków 2003.Grabner-Haider, A. “Słowo.” In: Praktyczny Słownik Biblijny. Edited by A. Grabner-Haider. Warszawa 1999, 1205-1208.Haręzga, St. “Medytacja słowa Bożego podstawową modlitwą kapłana.” In: Sztuka bycia księdzem. Poradnik. Edited by J. Augustyn. Kraków 2010, 137-145.Haręzga, St., W biblijnej szkole życia. Materiały do lectio divina, Poznań 2009.John Paul II. Postsynodal Apostolic Exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis. 1992.John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Novo Millennio Ineunte. 2001.Konferenncja Episkopatu Polski. Ustanowienie lektorów i akolitów i przyjęcie kandydatów do diakonatu i kapłaństwa oraz obrzędy święceń diakonów, kapłanów i biskupa. Warszawa 1977.Kudasiewicz, J. “Pismo Św. w teologii i duszpasterstwie. Rys historyczno-metodologiczny.” In: Biblia w nauczaniu chrześcijańskim. Edited by J. Kudasiewicz. Lublin 1991, 17-40.Kudasiewicz, J. Odkrywanie Ducha Świętego. Medytacje biblijne. Kielce 1998.Levoratti, A. J. “Moc Słowa Bożego.” MKPŚ: 3-9.Margassi, M. Biblia i modlitwa. Lectio divina. Kraków 2003.Paul VI. Decree on Priestly Training Optatam Totius. 1965.Paul VI. Motu Proprio Ad Pascendum. 1972.Paul VI. Motu proprio Ministra quaedam. 1972.Ratio Institutionis Sacerdotalis pro Polonia. 1998.Rubinkiewicz, R. “Słowo Boże.” SB: 142-143.Siemieniewski, A. “Maryja zachowywała i rozważała wszystkie te sprawy w swoim sercu. Lectio divina drogą rozwoju duchowego kapłana.” In: Słowo Boże szkołą formacji kapłańskiej. Edited by J. Kiciński. Wrocław 2011.Simon, H. “Przepowiadanie biblijne.” In: Biblia w nauczaniu chrześcijańskim. Edited by J. Kudasiewicz. Lublin 1991, 49-84.Second Vatican Council. Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation Dei Verbum. 1967.Szewcin, A., Werbiński, I. “Lectio divina.” In: Leksykon duchowości katolickiej. Edited by M. Chmielewski. Lublin – Kraków 2002, 462-463.Wątroba, J. Permanentna formacja duchowa kapłanów w świetle soborowych i posoborowych dokumentów Urzędu Nauczycielskiego Kościoła (1963-1994). Częstochowa 1999.Wons, K. Jak żyć Słowem Bożym na co dzień? Kraków 2002.Zevini, G., Cabra, P. G. Lectio divina na każdy dzień roku. Czas Adwentu. Warszawa 2009.1951

    Does modern architecture need beauty ?

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    Piękno architektury i piękno miasta złożonego z pięknej architektury jest trudne do przedstawienia w jednoznacznej definicji. Twórcy od wieków próbują je zdefiniować i jednoznacznie opisać. Kolejne epoki w poszukiwaniu nowości negują jednak dzieła poprzedników, tworząc własne, nowe teorie. Myśli filozofów, poetów, pisarzy czy teoretyków nie zawsze są zgodne. Architektura – ta najbardziej techniczna i związana ze swoją funkcjonalnością sztuka, ma największy problem z opisaniem swojego piękna


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    The purpose of the paper is to present the idea of a financial accelerator – the mechanism, which is a step toward resolving the puzzle of how relatively small shocks can create large effects in real sector of economy. The work presents theoretical premises of this idea and related channels of external impulses transmission. The review of empirical literature indicates various methodological and subjective approaches to the problem.Artykuł  ma na celu przybliżenie idei akceleratora finansowego – mechanizmu,  który jest krokiem w kierunku rozwiązania zagadki, jak relatywnie małe szoki mogą skutkować znaczącymi efektami w realnej sferze gospodarki. W pracy omówiono teoretyczne przesłanki koncepcji i powiązane z nią kanały transmisji impulsów zewnętrznych. Przegląd literatury empirycznej wskazuje na zróżnicowane podejście do problemu od strony metodologicznej i podmiotowej

    Games of architectural fiction

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    The contemporary world is full of coexisting different architectural forms whose creation included a game with the viewer/observer among their objectives. The Dutch art historian Johan Huizinga points out that play constitutes the basis for all human activities. The playing, the game becomes an indispensable element of contemporary art, it is an expression of the viewer’s intelligence and the creator’s perversity, together with construction, it creates a new poetics of architecture which is sometimes difficult to comprehend

    Architectural sculpture

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    The paper presents the links between the different fields of art: painting, music, sculpture and architecture. The great influence of expressionist sculpture on architecture is emphasized. Modern buildings often look like built monuments. Architects like Zaha Hadid and Frank Ghery can distance themselves from their predecessors, but it seems to be evident that they unintentionally continue what was ‘born’ in the early twentieth century