56 research outputs found

    Reflections on tangs and other morphological adaptations that may be hafting-related

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    editorial reviewedTanged tools have always attracted archaeologists’ attention, and have often been considered to mark the beginnings of stone tool hafting. Very little is known, however, of the specifics of hafting these tools. Also the role of tanged tools in toolkits and lithic assemblages, as well as their significance in terms of technological evolution and human behaviour, are still largely under debate. We are presenting here some of our first observations and ideas of hafting and use of tanged tools building on our ongoing PhD research on the Mousterian/Aterian cave site Ifri n’Ammar (Morocco) and the Gravettian open-air site Maisières-Canal (Belgium). Our experimental and analytical work aims at reconstructing plausible methods of hafting and using tanged tools, and contributing to a better understanding of the role of tangs in the assemblages under study. Our preliminary results suggest that several hafting modes are possible for tools of similar morphology, and that tanged and non-tanged tools can in some cases be hafted using the same logic. We therefore argue that more detailed functional data on both tanged and non-tanged tools is needed before we can meaningfully assess the importance of the presence of tanged tools in various archaeological contexts

    A closer look at Malaita's lithics. Preliminary results of a functional study of the lithic tools from Apunirereha and Ria, Solomon Islands

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    Diese Abhandlung liefert vorläufige Ergebnisse einer funktionalen Analyse, die an den lithischen Inventaren aus zwei Fundplätzen, dem Steinschlagatelier ‚Apunirereha‘ und vom Wohn- und Bestattungsplatz ‚Ria rock shelter‘ (Insel Malaita, Salomonen), durchgeführt wurden. Die funktionalen Studien widmen sich vornehmlich der Gebrauchsspuren- und Residuenanalyse an ausgewählten lithischen Werkzeugen. Alle Artefakte wurden in Abhängigkeit ihres individuellen Erhaltungszustandes sowohl makroskopisch als auch mikroskopisch untersucht. In Fällen ausgeprägter, postdepositional bedingter, Veränderungen beschränkten sich die Artefaktanalysen auf optische Beobachtungen mit geringeren Vergrößerungen. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen das Vorhandensein von benutzten und geschäfteten Werkzeugen und tragen somit zu einem besseren Verständnis des Funktionscharakters der verschiedenen Inventare aus den beiden Fundplätzen bei.This paper presents the preliminary results of a functional analysis performed on the lithic assemblages of two archaeological sites from the Solomon Islands: the knapping workshop site of “Apunirereha” and the burial –living site “Ria rock shelter” (Malaita, Solomon Islands). The functional study included the analysis of wear traces and residues on a sample of lithic artefacts. All selected lithic artefacts were examined macro- and microscopically, adjusting the methodology according to the preservation state of individual artefacts and restricting the analysis to examination under low magnification in the case of extensive post-depositional alterations. The preliminary results obtained confirmed the presence of used and hafted artefacts and will contribute to a better understanding of the function of these tools from both sites

    Les représentations zoomorphes du PPNA et du PPNB au nord du Proche-Orient

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    The Pre-Pottery Neolithic sites in the north of the Middle East, to be more specific in the Middle Euphrates valley and the high valleys of the Tigris-Euphrates basin, show the prominent role of animal representations in this area. The symbolism is often very diverse and represented on a large number of different relics. The iconographic landscape is furthermore very heterogeneous. Wide variability of representations leads us to believe that this is a result of a profound knowledge of the regional wilderness. The artistic representations do not provide an illustrated guide to local wildlife. Furthermore, they do not show the real impact different species had in the economy. Numerous studies provided evidence on that. It is rather a limited repertoire, of which the wildlife makes the essential part. Everything indicates that the choice of animals is done in a very conscious way. After analyzing all of these aspects, we will propose some interpretations based on previous studies about the specifi c choices made within the presence of animals, the symbolic frames that could underlie these choices and other possible reasons that could have led to these presentations

    Forschungen in Ifri n’Ammar und ihrem Umfeld

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    Die Grabungskampagne 2013 wurde in der zweiten Märzhälfte und im April durchgeführt. Parallel zum Projekt der KAAK arbeitete im Ostteil unserer Lizenz, den Kebdana-Bergen, ein Team des Kölner DFG-SFB 806. Letzteres grub in einem neolithischen Höhlenfundplatz, Ifri n’Seda. Ferner führte es Prospektionen im Großraum durch. Ferner arbeitete eine Gruppe der Kölner Geomorphologie an verschiedenen Stellen des Lizenzgebietes, unter anderem an der Küste, an Terrassen des Oued Kert, am temporären See in der Ebene von Guerrouaou und auch im Umfeld der Ifri n’Ammar. Letzteres soll dazu dienen, Klima- und Umweltveränderungen im zeitlichen Ablauf der Fundstelle durch den Vergleich von In-Siteund Off-Site-Daten zu dokumentieren. Seit Herbst 2013 konnte in diesem Zusammenhang an der Kölner Geomorphologie unter Helmut Brückner mit Melanie Bartz eine mehrjährige Promotionsstelle besetzt werden. Die Grabung 2013 in Ifri n’Ammar diente in erster Linie dem Abschluss der Forschungen im Schichtpaket des oberen Mittelpaläolithikums in der Fundstelle. Dabei wurde die Schicht des oberen Atérien und damit der Zeitraum um 80 000 komplett erfasst. Deruntere Bereich der Schicht zeigte wie in den früheren Grabungen eine abrupte Abnahme der Artefakte. Auch der gesamte Schlagabfall wird signifi kant weniger. Zugleich endet das Vorkommen von Stielspitzen (Pièces pédonculées), der bekannten und gewissermaßen einzigen Leitform des „Atérien“ genannten Zeitabschnitts des nordafrikanischen Mittelpaläolithikums. Statt dessen erscheinen verstärkt Spitzen vom Moustérien-Typ. Alle Funde wurden hier, wie in den Jahren zuvor, präziseeingemessen, um anhand dessen Versuche einer räumlichen Verteilung von Artefakten und ihrenFunktionsgruppen in Verbindung mit Befunden vorzunehmen.

    Tool use and hafting in the Middle Palaeolithic of North Africa: preliminary results of an on-going use-wear analysis on the Mousterian/Aterian assemblages of Ifri n’Ammar (Morocco)

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    peer reviewedThe rock shelter of Ifri n’Ammar has a remarkable stratigraphy with alternating Mousterian and Aterian occupations within more than 6 meters of sediments dated from MIS 6 to 5a. The stratigraphy attributed to the Middle-Palaeolithic is divided in two units, separated by a calcareous crust, where upper and lower Aterian occupations can be identified. Previous studies have characterised Aterian and Mousterian cultures on a typological and technological basis. Functional data on lithic industries from the Middle Palaeolithic in northern Africa is at present very scarce and detailed studies of the production, hafting and use of tools, particularly tanged pieces, have not yet been conducted. Preliminary results of an on-going use-wear analysis of Middle Palaeolithic stone tools from the site of Ifri n’Ammar will be presented. Both low and high magnifications are combined for examining the macro- and microscopic wear traces on the stone tools. The interpretation of the archaeological material is based on comparisons with an experimental reference collection. The long-term goal of the study is to understand how stone tools were used, whether hafted stone tools existed at the site and how these functional parameters compare to the typo-technological characteristics of the different assemblages and how they may have influenced assemblage variability.Marokko: Ur- und Frühgeschichte des östlichen Ri

    Functioneel onderzoek van Laat-Paleolithische en Vroeg-Mesolithische sites in Vlaanderen.

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    Lithische artefacten zijn de meest voorkomende resten die worden teruggevonden op steentijdsites en op basis van een gedetailleerde studie van deze artefacten kan gereconstrueerd worden wat er precies op deze plaats in het landschap gebeurde. Veelal gebeurt dit via een typologische classificatie van het materiaal, vaak gecombineerd met een technologische studie en al dan niet met de integratie van studies van het ruw materiaal zelf. Deze methodes exploiteren echter slechts een deel van de beschikbare gegevens en geven geen inzicht in welke artefacten werkelijk gebruikt werden, waarvoor ze gebruikt werden en hoe. Een gebruikssporenonderzoek is één van de enige manieren om inzicht te verkrijgen in de organische component van de prehistorische technologie, die veelal niet bewaard is gebleven. Een dergelijke analyse laat ook toe om te bepalen wat de functie van een site was (bv. basiskamp, jachtkamp, productie-site) en te onderzoeken wat het verband is met de locatie in het landschap of met andere sites in de omgeving (voor eenzelfde tijdsperiode). Tot op heden is de functie van de meeste Paleo/Mesolithische sites nog onbekend en is het vaak moeilijk om in te schatten hoe concentraties moeten geïnterpreteerd worden. De mogelijkheden hiervan worden natuurlijk mee bepaald door de gebruikte opgravingsstrategie. Op dit moment is de regel dat het opgegraven sediment moet gezeefd worden, maar de exacte zeefmethode heeft een grote invloed op de bewaring van de gebruikssporen en de eventueel aangehechte residus. Er was tot op heden nog geen systematische studie gebeurd over de invloed van de gebruikte zeeftechniek op de bewaring van functionele resten

    Pleistocene and Holocene peopling of Jerada province, eastern Morocco: introducing a research project

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    The Aïn Beni Mathar – Guefaït (ABM-GFT) region in Eastern Morocco is the object of an archaeological, palaeontological, geological and geochronological research project, led by an international team since 2006. The research in this former fluvio-lacustrine basin, roughly 2000 km2, has revealed a significant number of Pleistocene and Holocene sites. Here we introduce the research project, that we conduct in the region, the main issues it aims to address, and the results already obtained

    Le peuplement humain pendant le Pléistocène et l’Holocène dans la province de Jerada, Maroc oriental : introduction d’un projet de recherche

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    [EN] The Aïn Beni Mathar – Guefaït (ABM-GFT) region in Eastern Morocco is the object of an archaeological, palaeontological, geological and geochronological research project, led by an international team since 2006. The research in this former fluvio-lacustrine basin, roughly 2000 km2, has revealed a significant number of Pleistocene and Holocene sites. Here we introduce the research project, that we conduct in the region, the main issues it aims to address, and the results already obtained.[FR] Depuis 2006, la région de Aïn Beni Mathar – Guefaït (ABM-GFT) au Maroc Oriental, fait l’objet d’un projet de recherche en archéologie, paléontologie, géologie et géochronologie, mené par une équipe internationale. Ces recherches ont permis la découverte d’un nombre significatif de gisements d’âge Pléistocène et Holocène, dans un ancien bassin fluvio-lacustre, qui s’étend sur une surface de 2000 km2. Notre objectif ici est de présenter le projet de recherche, que nous entamons dans la région, la problématique qu’il traite et les premiers résultats déjà obtenus.Funding for this research was provided by: Palarq Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport (Ref: 42-T002018N0000042853 & 170-T002019N0000038589), Direction of Cultural Heritage (Ministry of Culture and Communication, Morocco), Faculty of Sciences (Mohamed 1r University of Oujda, Morocco), INSAP (Institut National des Sciences de l’Archéologie et du Patrimoine), Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Ref: CGL2016-80975-P, CGL2016-80000-P, PGC2018-095489-B-I00 and PGC2018-093925-B-C31) and Research Groups Support of the Catalonia Government (2017 SGR 836 and 2017 SGR 859). R.S-R, M.G.CH., J.I.M., A.C., F.R., A.R.-H., E.A., I.E., F.B., J.A., HA.B., P.S., P.P., D.L., I.R. y E.M. research is funded by CERCA Programme/ Generalitat de Catalunya. J.I.M. and A.R.-H research is funded by the Spanish Minitry of Science and Innovation under the “María de Maeztu” Program for Unities of Excellence (CEX2019-000945-M). M.S. has been granted by the Research Program UAM Tomás y Valiente 2019. C.T. is funded by the Ramón y Cajal Program. M.F. and M.E.A. received a fellowship under the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency in the Master in Quaternary and Prehistory at URV. The research of M.D. is funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship Grant FT150100215 and the Ramón y Cajal Program (RYC2018-025221-I). P.P. has been granted a post-doctoral post under the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation “Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación” Program (Ref. IJC2020-044108-I). E.M-R. is beneficiary of a PTA Ref. PTA201714619-I. G.G.-A. has been granted a “Ford - Apadrina la Ciencia” contract. C.D.-C has been granted a Fundación Atapuerca fellowship. A.C.A. was funded by Junta de Castilla y León (project BU235P18) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The Institut Catalá de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA) has received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the ‘María de Maeztu’ program for Units of Excellence (CEX2019-000945-M).Peer reviewe

    Tool use and hafting in the Middle Palaeolithic of Northern Africa An on-going use-wear analysis on the Mousterian/Aterian assemblages of Ifri n’Ammar (Morocco)

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    The so-called “Aterian Culture” has received attention since the early days of prehistoric archaeology in Northern Africa. Several definitions were proposed, which triggered a debate around this cultural concept. In particular the presence of the tanged tools was a crucial element in these debates and the tangs were considered to potentially represent the earliest indications of hafting, or at least of intentional morphological adaptations in view of hafting. In contrast to numerous typological and technological studies of Aterian and Mousterian assemblages, use-wear analyses have been scarce up until today. However, for a better understanding of several aspects of these Middle Palaeolithic “cultures”, functional data needs to be taken into consideration. Given the issue of tanged pieces, the potential of such detailed studies on production, hafting and use is high. In this paper, the first results will be presented of an on-going use-wear analysis on tools from the Aterian/Mousterian assemblages of Ifri n’Ammar. This rock shelter presents an ideal case thanks to its particularly rich and well preserved stratigraphy. Around 200 artefacts have been selected up to now, based on their degree of preservation and without restrictions on the level of the tool types. Artefacts were examined macroscopically and microscopically in a search for evidence of their production, hafting and use and an experimental program was set up. Archaeological interpretations are based on new experiments, as well as on the existing large experimental reference collection available at TraceoLab at the University of Liège. The long-term goal of the study is to use a functional approach to answer questions related to lithic assemblage variability. At Ifri n’Ammar, it is clear that the tangs occur on a variety of tools. Due to the presence of tangs in the Aterian and their absence in the Mousterian, it can be hypothesized that there was a shift in hafting techniques between the two cultures/periods. In order to understand whether this change was triggered by functional, cultural, or environmental factors, more functional data is clearly needed.EVO - Haft (Tarceolab) and Marokko: Ur- und Frühgeschichte des östlichen Rif (DAI