2,330 research outputs found

    Regeneration of blood vessels within diabetic wounds after treatment with mesenchymal stem cells

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    Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects more than 30 million Americans. This disorder leads to a variety of acute and chronic complications, including diabetic ulcers (chronic wounds). Chronic wounds often persist due to poor regeneration of the blood supply which is essential to bring nutrients for healing. Particularly, diabetic individuals are prone to damage in their peripheral tissues which leads to a high prevalence of ulcers in their extremities, often leading to limb amputations. The aim of this study is to improve healing outcomes for diabetics through the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to stimulate healing, in which vasculogenesis is an important aspect. Catecholamines such as epinephrine (adrenaline) are prevalent in diabetic foot ulcer tissue and have been shown to inhibit wound healing. In this study, healing rates of type II diabetic mice wounds were evaluated when human MSCs were delivered within a collagen scaffold (IntegraTM) and treated with Timolol, a beta blocker that inhibits the effects of epinephrine. We examined wounded mice after 7 days that had received either no MSCs (control), MSCs, or MSCs treated with timolol for blood vessel development using immunohistochemical staining and confocal fluorescence microscopy. Blood vessel biomarkers GSL-I Isolectin B4 and CD31 were used to stain the wound tissue and fluorescent imaging data was quantified using software. Our results indicate that wound tissue treated with MSCs and timolol had the highest blood vessel regeneration and it was statistically significant when compared to control levels. Additionally, a Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (FISH) protocol to identify human chromosomes was successfully implemented using positive and negative control slides so that human MSCs can be identified when delivered to mouse wound tissue. Future experiments will examine how long the MSCs persist and whether they migrate outside the wound tissue bed

    Project for the improvement of the process of attention to requirements of the Omega Bank help desk

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    La presente investigación aplicada busca presentar las mejoras implementadas en el proceso de atención de requerimientos de mesa de ayuda del banco Omega. Para ello, se parte de la identificación del proceso actual concerniente a la performance del área de mesa de ayuda. Para lograr ello, la presente investigación aplicada de carácter no experimental se basa en la metodología de comparación de medias de los indicadores correspondientes a los procesos actuales; conocidos como “AS IS”, así como los procesos futuros denominados “TO BE”. Los tres procesos sujetos a estudio y comparación fueron detalladamente revisados y explicados en base a las variables de procesos, persona y tecnología. Ello es particularmente importante en la implementación de un nuevo proceso, sobre todo cuando este se caracteriza por ser intensivo en operatividad manual donde la responsabilidad recae en la persona que ejecuta las tareas. Es por ello que es fundamental que las tareas a ejecutar guarden relaciones con las funciones del descriptivo de puesto de dicho rol en la organización. Puesto que es en última instancia la persona que desarrolla la tarea es la responsable del cumplimiento según las pautas delimitadas. Finalmente, se detalla que cada uno de los procesos involucrados dentro del alcance está restringido a nivel de performance a su variable tecnológica e inversión en esta. Es debido a ello que se resalta la necesidad de explorar nuevas y relevantes alternativas para cada uno de los procesos a fin de contribuir con las mejores que ello implique respectivamente.Throughout the elaboration, discussion ant presentation of this project improvement related to the attention requirements of a help desk area at a local bank in Lima - Peru, the focus is to aim and ID the current state of processes involve in the performance of such area. To do so, this nonexperimental applied investigation relies on a methodological mean comparison of metrics related to its three AS IS & TO BE Processes. The three processes subject to comparison are detailed explained according to relevant variables such as process, people, and technology. This is particularly important to the implementation of new processes due to the first line of implementation relies on the appropriate implementation of the sequential steps and tasks required to complete the scope of the process, then the focus shifts to the role who is executing the delimited process to determine if it according to the HR dispositions. This is a main concern due to many processes are manually intensive and rely exclusively on the subject executing the task, and the compliance about it. Finally, each of the processes within the scope of this project improvement are restricted to the use of IT tools to boost their performance, hence the need to explore the alternatives that are relevant to each process


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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue realizar un estudio diagnóstico que permitiera identificar la presencia del Tecnoestrés en estudiantes universitarios que tuvieron que migrar de la presencialidad al entorno virtual. Empleando una metodología cuantitativa de tipo descriptiva y obteniendo información a través de un formulario de google, que constó de 28 ítems (encaminados a conocer sus datos sociodemográficos, su experiencia formativa en entornos virtuales, tecnoestrés). El muestreo fue por conveniencia a un total de 183 estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados arrojaron que los estudiantes universitarios están presentando un nivel alto de escepticismo, fatiga e ineficacia. Y en el caso de la ansiedad un nivel medio. El puntaje total obtenido por los estudiantes universitarios, se encuentra en un nivel de Tecnoestrés medio. Es evidente la necesidad de diseñar estrategias y acciones puntuales que permitan a los estudiantes universitarios el paliar, subsanar y prevenir el Tecnoestré

    Kounis Syndrome in a Clinical Case

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    Kounis syndrome is the grouping of an acute coronary artery disease associated with an anaphylactic allergy, in which there is an antigen-antibody reaction caused by the release of inflammatory mediators and mast cells act by causing degranulation, and in this situation there is the presence of cells of inflammation, causing an anaphylactic reaction. There are several triggers that can trigger an allergic reaction and therefore Kounis syndrome, patients with atopy are more susceptible, it has been associated with insect bites, medications and some foods, environmental contamination and some medical conditions. Any age because it has been described even in children. There are not many clinical studies, nor a larger sample of patients to reach a consensus on this pathology. We present a 46-year-old patient who is admitted to the Emergency service of the national institute of cardiology and cardiovascular surgery in Havana. Cuba; with a history of Systemic Arterial Hypertension (HT), which is an increase in blood  pressure above the upper limits of normality. Grade II obesity, which is a body mass index ≥35. In addition to referred dyslipidemia. In the results according to the diagnostic criteria of Kounis syndrome, the following were found: Signs and symptoms of myocardial ischemia, urticaria, pruritus, dyspnea, sinus tachycardia after bee sting. Electrocardiogram (ECG): With ST segment elevation in 2 or more continuous leads. Echocardiography: Transient segmental motility disorders. Cardiac chambers of preserved size and function. Serum myocardial biomarkers within normal parameters, increased Histamine, Tryptase, leukotriene values. The objective is to describe the clinical characteristics, complementary examinations, their diagnosis, evolution and treatment. It was concluded that the diagnosis of Kounis syndrome is eminently clinical. in itself everything that leads to the activation of mast cells can produce the syndrome. The prognosis depends on the type of Kounis, cardiovascular risk factors and pre‐existing coronary artery disease. Keywords: ischemia, inflammatory response, angina, vasospasm, atherosclerosis, histamine. RESUMEN El síndrome de Kounis es la agrupación de una arteriopatía coronaria aguda asociado a una alergia anafiláctica, en la que hay una reacción antígeno-anticuerpo causado por la liberación de mediadores inflamatorios los mastocitos y estos actúan provocando degranulación, y ante esta situación hay presencia de células de la inflamación, provocando una reacción anafiláctica. Existen varios gatillantes que pueden desencadenar una reacción alérgica y por ende el síndrome de Kounis, son más susceptibles los pacientes con atopia, se le ha relacionado mucho con picaduras de insectos, medicamentos y algunos alimentos, contaminación ambiental y algunas condiciones médicas Se puede presentar a cualquier edad porque se ha descrito incluso en niños. No hay muchos estudios clínicos, ni una muestra más grande de pacientes para realizar un consenso de esta patología. Presentamos una paciente de 46 años de edad que es ingresada al servicio de Emergencia del instituto nacional de cardiología y cirugía cardiovascular de la habana. Cuba; con antecedente de Hipertensión Arterial Sistémica (HTA) que es aumento de la presión arterial por encima de los limites superiores de normalidad. Obesidad grado II que es el índice de masa corporal ≥ 35. además de dislipidemia referida. En los resultados según los criterios diagnóstico del síndrome de Kounis se encontró: Signos y síntomas de isquémica miocárdica, urticaria, prurito, disnea, taquicardia sinusal tras picadura de una abeja. Electrocardiograma (ECG): Con elevación del segmento ST en 2 o más derivaciones continuas. Ecocardiografía: Trastornos de motilidad segmentaria transitorio. cavidades cardiacas de tamaño y función conservada. Los biomarcadores miocárdicos sérico dentro de los parámetros normales, incremento de los valores de Histamina, Triptasa, leucotrienos. El objetivo es describir las características clínicas, exámenes complementarios, su diagnóstico, evolución y tratamiento. Se concluyó que el diagnóstico del síndrome de Kounis es eminentemente clínico. en sí todo lo que conlleve a la activación de mastocitos puede producir el síndrome. El pronóstico depende del tipo de Kounis, de los factores de riesgos cardiovasculares y coronariopatía preexistente. Palabras claves: isquemia, respuesta inflamatoria, angina, vasoespasmo, ateroesclerosis, histamina

    Fragment Dissolved molecular dynamics: A systematic and efficient method to locate binding sites.

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    Fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) has been popular in the last decade, but some drawbacks, such as protein denaturation or ligand aggregation, have not yet clearly overcome in the framework of biomolecular simulations. In this work a systematic and semi-automatic method is presented as a novel proposal, named fragment dissolved Molecular Dynamics (fdMD), to improve research in future FBDD projects. Our method employs simulation boxes of solvated small fragments, adding a repulsive Lennard-Jones potential term to avoid aggregation, which can be easily used to solvate the object of interest. This method has the advantage of solvating the target with a low number of ligands, thus preventing this way denaturation of the target, while simultaneously generating a database of ligand-solvated boxes that can be used with other targets. A number of scripts are made available to analyze the results and obtain the descriptors proposed as a means of trustfully discard spurious binding sites. To test our method, four sets of different complexity have been solvated with ligand boxes and four molecular dynamics runs of 200 ns length have been run for each system, which have been extended up to 1 μs when needed. The reported results point that the selected number of replicas are enough to identify the correct binding sites irrespective of the initial structure, even in the case of proteins having several close binding sites for the same ligand. Among the proposed descriptors, average MMGBSA and average KDEEP energies emerge as the most robust ones

    Differential roles of HypC and HupF proteins for hydrogenase synthesis in Rhizobium leguminosarum.

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    Some diazotrophic bacteria induce [NiFe] hydrogenases to recycle the hydrogen evolved by nitrogenase during the nitrogen fixation process. Biosynthesis of Rhizobium leguminosarum [FeNi] hydrogenase requires a number of accessory proteins (products of hup and hyp genes) that mediate the incorporation of Ni and Fe into the active site. Among them, HypC-paralog HupF and HupK are present in bacteria that synthesize hydrogenase in the presence of oxygen. Hydrogenase activity in mutant strains lacking either hupF or hypC genes was severely reduced, indicating that both proteins are essentials for biosynthesis of hydrogenase. Co-purification of StrepTag labelled variants of HupF and HypC by an affinity chromatography-based approach demonstrated interactions between HupL-HupF and HypC-HupK. Experiments carried out with strains induced for hydrogenase under 3% oxygen tensions indicated that HupF might provide additional stability to HupL under these condition

    Dual role of HupF in the biosynthesis of [NiFe] hydrogenase in Rhizobium leguminosarum

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    Background: [NiFe] hydrogenases are enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of hydrogen into protons and electrons, to use H2 as energy source, or the production of hydrogen through proton reduction, as an escape valve for the excess of reduction equivalents in anaerobic metabolism. Biosynthesis of [NiFe] hydrogenases is a complex process that occurs in the cytoplasm, where a number of auxiliary proteins are required to synthesize and insert the metal cofactors into the enzyme structural units. The endosymbiotic bacterium Rhizobium leguminosarum requires the products of eighteen genes (hupSLCDEFGHIJKhypABFCDEX) to synthesize an active hydrogenase. hupF and hupK genes are found only in hydrogenase clusters from bacteria expressing hydrogenase in the presence of oxygen. Results: HupF is a HypC paralogue with a similar predicted structure, except for the C-terminal domain present only in HupF. Deletion of hupF results in the inability to process the hydrogenase large subunit HupL, and also in reduced stability of this subunit when cells are exposed to high oxygen tensions. A ?hupF mutant was fully complemented for hydrogenase activity by a C-terminal deletion derivative under symbiotic, ultra low-oxygen tensions, but only partial complementation was observed in free living cells under higher oxygen tensions (1% or 3%). Co-purification experiments using StrepTag-labelled HupF derivatives and mass spectrometry analysis indicate the existence of a major complex involving HupL and HupF, and a less abundant HupF-HupK complex. Conclusions: The results indicate that HupF has a dual role during hydrogenase biosynthesis: it is required for hydrogenase large subunit processing and it also acts as a chaperone to stabilize HupL when hydrogenase is synthesized in the presence of oxygen