107 research outputs found

    Numerical Analyses of Plate Loading Test

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    A numerical simulation of plate loading test, in order to underlines the size effect on settlements and derived values of geotechnical parameters, is shown. The study is based on the comparison between the results obtained by Finite Element Method (FEM) using the Mohr-Coulomb soil model and by some observations from literature. The obtained numerical results revealed that the subgrade reaction coefficient is strictly dependent on parameters like size of the loaded area and loading magnitude, and thus completely general and generic, and not a fundamental material property of soil that can somehow be determined rationally, as often one claims to be


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    Abstract. Through all the immediate and long-term consequences of estrogenic deprivation, menopause is an important public health issue with social, personal and economic impact. If immediate menopausal symptoms are sometimes noisy, the long-term, insidious consequences, especially cardiovascular and bone, are of major importance. In order to eliminate troublesome symptoms and prevent long-term consequences in order to provide a good quality of life for menopausal women, it is nowadays unanimously recognized that hormonal therapy is necessary in the context of adhering to recognized indications and contraindications, also rigourosly following the effects of therapy

    Obesity – a problem of modern civilization

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    Department of General Hygiene of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltareIntroduction Obesity, an increasing, global public health issue, considered the disease of the XXI century, according to the WHO, presents a complex multifactorial chronic disorder that develops from an interaction of genotype and the environment.Purpose Evaluation of the correlation between obesity and its associated pathologies on the population of the Republic of Moldova.Material and methods Have been evaluated the national and international statistics, national strategies for prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, and as well as surveys.Results The global pandemic of obesity is a reflection of the social, economic and cultural problems. In R. of Moldova 50% of people over the age of 18 are overweight or obese, with a larger proportion in the urban area, increasing proportionally to the age, from 1% (18-24 years) to 25% (45-65 years), and patients with obesity present a major risk for developing the cardiovascular, endocrine and gastrointestinal disorders.Conclusions Obesity has a multifactorial affection, and effective monitoring of the health of the overweight and weight population will improve their quality of life

    Obezitatea – o problemă a civilizației moderne

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    Background. Obesity, an increasing, global public health issue, considered the disease of the XXI century, according to the WHO, presents a complex multifactorial chronic disorder that develops from an interaction of genotype and the environment. Objective of the study. Evaluation of the correlation between obesity and its associated pathologies on the population of the Republic of Moldova. Material and Methods. Have been evaluated the national and international statistics, surveys, national strategies for prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, as well as scientific sources. Results. The global pandemic of obesity is a reflection of the social, economic and cultural problems that civilization is currently facing. In Republic of Moldova 50% of people over the age of 18 are overweight or obese, with a larger proportion in the urban area, increasing proportionally to the age, from 1% (18-24 years) to 25% (45-65 years), and patients with obesity present a major risk for developing the cardiovascular diseases, depression, respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders, type 2 diabetes. Conclusion. Obesity has a multifactorial affection, and effective monitoring of the health of the overweight and weight population will improve their quality of life. Introducere. Obezitatea, o problemă de sănătate publică globală majoră, considerată boala secolului XXI, conform OMS, prezintă o afecțiune cronică multifactorială complexă ce se dezvoltă prin interacțiunea dintre genotip și mediu. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea corelației dintre obezitate și patologiile asociate acesteia asupra populației Republicii Moldova. Material și Metode. Au fost evaluate statisticile naționale și internaționale, sondajele, strategiile naționale de prevenție și control al bolilor netransmisibile, cât și sursele științifice. Rezultate. Pandemia globală a obezității este o reflectare a problemelor sociale, economice și culturale, cu care se confruntă în prezent civilizația. În Republica Moldova 50% dintre persoanele cu vârsta peste 18 ani sunt supraponderale sau obeze, cu o proporție mai mare în mediul urban, crescând proporțional cu vârsta, de la 1% (18-24 ani) la 25% (45- 65 ani), iar pacienții cu obezitate prezintă un risc major de a dezvolta maladii cardiovasculare, depresie, tulburări respiratorii și gastrointestinale, diabet de tip 2. Concluzii. Obezitatea prezintă o afecțiune multifactorială, iar monitorizarea eficientă a stării de sănătate a populației supraponderale și ponderale va îmbunătăți indicii de calitate a vieții lor

    Sleep disorder as a predisposing factor to obesity

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    Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Republic of Moldova, University Clinic of Primary Health CareIntroduction. The modern humans today are loaded with many activities such as traffic congestion, stressful jobs, time spent on social networks and other activities that take up time and energy, so that sleep and rational nutrition have come to be considered a waste of time. The modern humans can no longer afford to "waste time" sleeping or preparing healthy food. Some studies have shown that those who sleep little, less than 5-6 hours a night are 45% more likely to become obese. Fatigue caused by insomnia has a major impact on metabolism, affecting the production of leptin, which is responsible for the feeling of satiety. Thus, the craving for carbohydrates will increase due to the low level of leptin, according to research, respectively increases the risk of obesity. People who sleep little tend to skip main meals and tend to eat between meals, select high-calorie foods, which promotes weight gain. Material and methods. The study was performed at the University Clinic of Primary Health Care of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, based on the addressability of patients diagnosed with obesity, during 2020. The research was outlined in a cross-sectional descriptive study, which included interviewing based on the questionnaire about sleep disorders and publications from specialized sources. This present study used bibliographical, observational, description, statistical, nutritional methods etc. Based on the informed consent for the study, 112 females participated, diagnosed with obesity in association with sleep disorders, aged between 50 and 59 years, which served as criteria for inclusion in the study. Results. The assessment of body mass index (BMI) values showed that out of 112 participants, 81 (72.32%) cases had BMI ≥30 kg/m2, 26 (23.21%) BMI ≥35 kg/m2 and BMI ≥40 kg/m2 was determined in 5 (4.46%) people. The mean body weight increase at the time of the patient's determination of the phenomenon was 6.0±0.20 kilograms per year. Out of 112 people included in the study, 74 (66.07%) people complained of sleep disorders before becoming obese, stress being the common cause. Of which 25 (33.78%) persons reported intermittent sleep with periodic awakenings from 3-5 times a night, 17 (22.97%) of respondents had difficulty with falling a sleep, shallow sleep – 12 (16.22%) and other trubules of sleep the 20 (27.03%). From participants 59 (79.72%) complained of multiple sleep disorders. 20 (27.02%) respondents with sleep disorders reported eating during the night. Conclusions. Reduced sleep duration and stressful conditions are common problems of modern societies, which along with unhealthy consumption of high-calorie foods at inappropriate times have led to weight gain. To reduce obesity, a sleep duration


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    Some of the most important priorities of the 2030 Agenda are employment and education. These are seen as key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly in relation to poverty and social inequalities. Education and training can ensure better job opportunities and higher wages, as well as improved quality of life and well-being. In this article we aim to carry out a statistical analysis of employment and education using appropriate research methods. The aim of this analysis is to identify current trends and assess progress towards achieving the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda in employment and education. To carry out this analysis, we will use available national and international statistical data and appropriate research methods, which will help us to identify the factors influencing employment and education and to assess the effectiveness of existing policies. We will analyse labour force participation rates in different sectors of the economy, as well as differences in employment, unemployment and other elements of employment. We will use this data to identify current needs and trends and to develop policies and programs that support decent employment and quality education. At the same time, we will conduct a statistical analysis of education, access to education and also identify gender or age differences in access to education

    Interesarea nervilor pudendali la femeile în postmenopauză cu prolaps genital asociat sau nu cu incontinenţă urinară de stres

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    Prolapsul organelor pelvine este rezultatul deteriorării structurale a ţesuturilor pelviperineale, leziuni ce pot fi localizate la nivelul fi brelor musculare, ţesutului conjunctiv, vaselor de sânge şi la nivelul fi brelor nervoase, interesarea acestora modelând tabloul complex al prolapsului pelviperineal. Cercetarea de faţă s-a axat pe studiul anomaliilor nervoase periferice la femei cu prolaps pelviperineal asociat sau nu cu incontinenţă urinară de stress. În timpul intervenţiilor chirurgicale pentru rezolvarea prolapsului şi/sau a incontinenţei urinare la 50 femei, comparativ cu un lot martor de 25 femei, care au suferit intervenţii chirurgicale pelvine pentru alte afecţiuni, s-au obţinut fragmente tisulare din sistemele de susţinere care au fost prelucrate prin tehnici histologice. Examenul microscopic efectuat a relevat aspecte diferite, în funcţie de localizarea fi letelor nervoase, mai afectate fi ind cele din regiunea periuretrală, în toate aceste cazuri existând un grad de incontinenţă urinară de stress, concomitent cu alterări ale ţesutului muscular şi conjunctiv. Modifi cările fi brelor nervoase remarcate la bolnavele cu prolaps al organelor pelvine constau în reducerea numărului fi brelor nervoase, reducerea numărului fi brelor mielinice, dezorganizarea nervilor prin incluziuni fi broase care „ştrangulează” fi brele nervoase, dar şi degenerare moderată a fi brelor nervoase. În concluzie, leziunile microscopice observate susţin existenţa neuropatiei pudendale care este implicată în etiologia relaxării planşeului pelvin, a incontinenţei urinare de stres şi a incontinenţei fecale la femeile în postmenopauză. Afectarea nervilor muşchiului levator anal poate apare ca urmare a traumatismelor din timpul naşterii, ajungându- se la mişcarea paradoxală a muşchiului ia punct fi x pe sacrum şi coccige şi alungeşte fanta urogenitală, lăsând organele pelvine fără susţinere, în loc să ia punct fi x pe pubis şi să micşoreze această fantă


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    Currently, endometriosis is an important public health issue due to the increasing number of cases and the risk of developing ovarian and endometrial tumours(10% of ovarian endometrial carcinomas are associated with uterine endometrioid carcinomas), which has led to increased research into the mechanisms of appearance and progression of this condition.Although endometriosis is considered a benign chronic disease, it can show an invasive character causing severe symptoms. Endometriosis has an increasing incidence, affecting 2% of the general population, being the third gynecological cause of infertility, chronic pelvic pain, dyspareunia and dysmenorrhea. Endometriosis affects 7-15% of women of childbearing age, with 25-30% of sterility cases having a significant social impact. Endometriomas are difficult to excise due to vascularization and increased adhesion of the cyst wall. Surgical treatment of endometriosis is effective in the short term. Surgery most often reduces ovarian reserve. The rate of recurrence after surgery can be reduced with the help of menstrual suppression medications such as hormonal contraceptives. Desogestrel treatment improves intraoperative conditions mainly by reducing bleeding and increasing laxity between cyst coat and normal ovarian tissue