53 research outputs found

    Does the microbiome and virome contribute to myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome?

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    Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)/chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) (ME/CFS) is a disabling and debilitating disease of unknown aetiology. It is a heterogeneous disease characterized by various inflammatory, immune, viral, neurological and endocrine symptoms. Several microbiome studies have described alterations in the bacterial component of the microbiome (dysbiosis) consistent with a possible role in disease development. However, in focusing on the bacterial components of the microbiome, these studies have neglected the viral constituent known as the virome. Viruses, particularly those infecting bacteria (bacteriophages), have the potential to alter the function and structure of the microbiome via gene transfer and host lysis. Viral-induced microbiome changes can directly and indirectly influence host health and disease. The contribution of viruses towards disease pathogenesis is therefore an important area for research in ME/CFS. Recent advancements in sequencing technology and bioinformatics now allow more comprehensive and inclusive investigations of human microbiomes. However, as the number of microbiome studies increases, the need for greater consistency in study design and analysis also increases. Comparisons between different ME/CFS microbiome studies are difficult because of differences in patient selection and diagnosis criteria, sample processing, genome sequencing and downstream bioinformatics analysis. It is therefore important that microbiome studies adopt robust, reproducible and consistent study design to enable more reliable and valid comparisons and conclusions to be made between studies. This article provides a comprehensive review of the current evidence supporting microbiome alterations in ME/CFS patients. Additionally, the pitfalls and challenges associated with microbiome studies are discussed

    Immuno-fluorescent Labeling of Microtubules and Centrosomal Proteins in Ex Vivo Intestinal Tissue and 3D In Vitro Intestinal Organoids.

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    The advent of 3D in vitro organoids that mimic the in vivo tissue architecture and morphogenesis has greatly advanced the ability to study key biological questions in cell and developmental biology. In addition, organoids together with recent technical advances in gene editing and viral gene delivery promises to advance medical research and development of new drugs for treatment of diseases. Organoids grown in vitro in basement matrix provide powerful model systems for studying the behavior and function of various proteins and are well suited for live-imaging of fluorescent-tagged proteins. However, establishing the expression and localization of the endogenous proteins in ex vivo tissue and in in vitro organoids is important to verify the behavior of the tagged proteins. To this end we have developed and modified tissue isolation, fixation, and immuno-labeling protocols for localization of microtubules, centrosomal, and associated proteins in ex vivo intestinal tissue and in in vitro intestinal organoids. The aim was for the fixative to preserve the 3D architecture of the organoids/tissue while also preserving antibody antigenicity and enabling good penetration and clearance of fixative and antibodies. Exposure to cold depolymerizes all but stable microtubules and this was a key factor when modifying the various protocols. We found that increasing the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) concentration from 3 mM to 30 mM gave efficient detachment of villi and crypts in the small intestine while 3 mM EDTA was sufficient for colonic crypts. The developed formaldehyde/methanol fixation protocol gave very good structural preservation while also preserving antigenicity for effective labeling of microtubules, actin, and the end-binding (EB) proteins. It also worked for the centrosomal protein ninein although the methanol protocol worked more consistently. We further established that fixation and immuno-labeling of microtubules and associated proteins could be achieved with organoids isolated from or remaining within the basement matrix

    Ninein is essential for apico-basal microtubule formation and CLIP-170 facilitates its redeployment to non-centrosomal microtubule organizing centres.

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    Differentiation of columnar epithelial cells involves a dramatic reorganization of the microtubules (MTs) and centrosomal components into an apico-basal array no longer anchored at the centrosome. Instead, the minus-ends of the MTs become anchored at apical non-centrosomal microtubule organizing centres (n-MTOCs). Formation of n-MTOCs is critical as they determine the spatial organization of MTs, which in turn influences cell shape and function. However, how they are formed is poorly understood. We have previously shown that the centrosomal anchoring protein ninein is released from the centrosome, moves in a microtubule-dependent manner and accumulates at n-MTOCs during epithelial differentiation. Here, we report using depletion and knockout (KO) approaches that ninein expression is essential for apico-basal array formation and epithelial elongation and that CLIP-170 is required for its redeployment to n-MTOCs. Functional inhibition also revealed that IQGAP1 and active Rac1 coordinate with CLIP-170 to facilitate microtubule plus-end cortical targeting and ninein redeployment. Intestinal tissue and in vitro organoids from the Clip1/Clip2 double KO mouse with deletions in the genes encoding CLIP-170 and CLIP-115, respectively, confirmed requirement of CLIP-170 for ninein recruitment to n-MTOCs, with possible compensation by other anchoring factors such as p150Glued and CAMSAP2 ensuring apico-basal microtubule formation despite loss of ninein at n-MTOCs

    The Uptake, Trafficking, and Biodistribution of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron Generated Outer Membrane Vesicles

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    Gram-negative bacteria ubiquitously produce and release nano-size, non-replicative outer membrane vesicles (OMVs). In the gastrointestinal (GI-) tract, OMVs generated by members of the intestinal microbiota are believed to contribute to maintaining the intestinal microbial ecosystem and mediating bacteria–host interactions, including the delivery of bacterial effector molecules to host cells to modulate their physiology. Bacterial OMVs have also been found in the bloodstream although their origin and fate are unclear. Here we have investigated the interactions between OMVs produced by the major human gut commensal bacterium, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (Bt), with cells of the GI-tract. Using a combination of in vitro culture systems including intestinal epithelial organoids and in vivo imaging we show that intestinal epithelial cells principally acquire Bt OMVs via dynamin-dependent endocytosis followed by intracellular trafficking to LAMP-1 expressing endo-lysosomal vesicles and co-localization with the perinuclear membrane. We observed that Bt OMVs can also transmigrate through epithelial cells via a paracellular route with in vivo imaging demonstrating that within hours of oral administration Bt OMVs can be detected in systemic tissues and in particular, the liver. Our findings raise the intriguing possibility that OMVs may act as a long-distance microbiota–host communication system

    Autophagy, Acute Pancreatitis and the Metamorphoses of a Trypsinogen-Activating Organelle

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    Recent studies have highlighted the importance of autophagy and particularly non-canonical autophagy in the development and progression of acute pancreatitis (a frequent disease with considerable morbidity and significant mortality). An important early event in the development of acute pancreatitis is the intrapancreatic activation of trypsinogen, (i.e., formation of trypsin) leading to the autodigestion of the organ. Another prominent phenomenon associated with the initiation of this disease is vacuolisation and specifically the formation of giant endocytic vacuoles in pancreatic acinar cells. These organelles develop in acinar cells exposed to several inducers of acute pancreatitis (including taurolithocholic acid and high concentrations of secretagogues cholecystokinin and acetylcholine). Notably, early trypsinogen activation occurs in the endocytic vacuoles. These trypsinogen-activating organelles undergo activation, long-distance trafficking, and non-canonical autophagy. In this review, we will discuss the role of autophagy in acute pancreatitis and particularly focus on the recently discovered LAP-like non-canonical autophagy (LNCA) of endocytic vacuoles

    Exploring Endotypes in Chronic Rhinosinusitis (ExpRess): Protocol for a cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic Rhinosinusitis (CRS) affects approximately 1 in 10 UK adults and impacts quality of life quality of life significantly. Response to treatment may be driven by individual CRS endotypes and therefore work to delineate biomarker clusters that may separate responders from non-responders is needed. The ongoing MACRO three-arm parallel-group trial randomises adult CRS patients to endoscopic sinus surgery, macrolide therapy or placebo. AIM: This study aims to correlate CRS endotypes with clinical parameters from the ongoing MACRO trial, including olfactory function and outcomes in terms of response to treatment using core biomarkers sets. METHODS: Adult CRS patients enrolled into the MACRO trial will be recruited from participating UK otorhinolaryngology departments. Nasal tissue samples and swabs will be obtained in theatre or clinic from patients randomised to all three trial arms. Nasal tissue will be analysed with multiplex electrochemiluminescence for 32 cytokines including IL-5, IL-13, IgE and periostin. Bacterial swabs will be analysed using illumina miSeq 16S amplicon sequencing. Mean expression for each biomarker will be reported for treatment responder and non-responder groups. Correlation of biomarkers with MACRO trial outcome data such as endoscopic evaluation scores and quality-of-life improvement scores will be reported. DISCUSSION: Defining clear endotypes in CRS will contribute to refining patient pathways for the efficient use of clinical resources. This work may lay the groundwork for future studies to predict which patients might respond to medical or surgical therapy

    LAP-like non-canonical autophagy and evolution of endocytic vacuoles in pancreatic acinar cells

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    Activation of trypsinogen (formation of trypsin) inside the pancreas is an early pathological event in the development of acute pancreatitis. In our previous studies we identified the activation of trypsinogen within endocytic vacuoles (EVs), cellular organelles that appear in pancreatic acinar cells treated with the inducers of acute pancreatitis. EVs are formed as a result of aberrant compound exocytosis and subsequent internalization of post-exocytic structures. These organelles can be up to 12 μm in diameter and can be actinated (i.e. coated with F-actin). Notably, EVs can undergo intracellular rupture and fusion with the plasma membrane, providing trypsin with access to cytoplasmic and extracellular targets. Unraveling the mechanisms involved in cellular processing of EVs is an interesting cell biological challenge with potential benefits for understanding acute pancreatitis. In this study we have investigated autophagy of EVs and discovered that it involves a non-canonical LC3-conjugation mechanism, reminiscent in its properties to LC3-associated phagocytosis (LAP); in both processes LC3 was recruited to single, outer organellar membranes. Trypsinogen activation peptide was observed in approximately 55% of LC3-coated EVs indicating the relevance of the described process to the early cellular events of acute pancreatitis. We also investigated relationships between actination and non-canonical autophagy of EVs and concluded that these processes represent sequential steps in the evolution of EVs. Our study expands the known roles of LAP and indicates that, in addition to its well-established functions in phagocytosis and macropinocytosis, LAP is also involved in the processing of post-exocytic organelles in exocrine secretory cells. Abbreviations: AP: acute pancreatitis; CCK: cholecystokinin; CLEM: correlative light and electron microscopy; DPI: diphenyleneiodonium; EV: endocytic vacuole; LAP: LC3-associate phagocytosis; MAP1LC3/LC3: microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3; PACs: pancreatic acinar cells; PFA: paraformaldehyde; PtdIns3K: phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase; PtdIns3P: phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate; Res: resveratrol; TAP: trypsinogen activation peptide; TEM: transmission electron microscopy; TLC-S: taurolithocholic acid 3-sulfate; TRD: Dextran Texas Red 3000 MW Neutral; ZGs: zymogen granules

    Systematic Review of Protein Biomarkers in Adult Patients With Chronic Rhinosinusitis

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    Background: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a heterogeneous condition characterized by differing inflammatory endotypes. The identification of suitable biomarkers could enable personalized approaches to treatment selection. Objective: This study aimed to identify and summarize clinical studies of biomarkers in adults with CRS in order to inform future research into CRS endotypes. Methods: We conducted systematic searches of MEDLINE and Web of Science from inception to January 30, 2022 and included all clinical studies of adult CRS patients and healthy controls measuring biomarkers using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays or Luminex immunoassays. Outcomes included the name and tissue type of identified biomarkers and expression patterns within CRS phenotypes. Study quality was assessed using the National Institutes of Health quality assessment tool for observational cohort and cross-sectional studies. A narrative synthesis was performed. Results: We identified 78 relevant studies involving up to 9394 patients, predominantly with CRS with nasal polyposis. Studies identified 80 biomarkers from nasal tissue, 25 from nasal secretions, 14 from nasal lavage fluid, 24 from serum, and one from urine. The majority of biomarkers found to distinguish CRS phenotypes were identified in nasal tissue, especially in nasal polyps. Serum biomarkers were more commonly found to differentiate CRS from controls. The most frequently measured biomarker was IL-5, followed by IL-13 and IL-4. Serum IgE, IL-17, pentraxin-3 and nasal phospho-janus kinase 2, IL-5, IL-6, IL-17A, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, and interferon gamma were identified as correlated with disease severity. Conclusion: We have identified numerous potential biomarkers to differentiate a range of CRS phenotypes. Future studies should focus on the prognostic role of nasal tissue biomarkers or expand on the more limited studies of nasal secretions and nasal lavage fluid. We registered this study in PROSPERO (CRD42022302787)

    Extracts of Feijoa Inhibit Toll-Like Receptor 2 Signaling and Activate Autophagy Implicating a Role in Dietary Control of IBD

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a heterogeneous chronic inflammatory disease affecting the gut with limited treatment success for its sufferers. This suggests the need for better understanding of the different subtypes of the disease as well as nutritional interventions to compliment current treatments. In this study we assess the ability of a hydrophilic feijoa fraction (F3) to modulate autophagy a process known to regulate inflammation, via TLR2 using IBD cell lines
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