325 research outputs found

    Sucrose phosphorylase and related enzymes in glycoside hydrolase family 13 : discovery, application and engineering

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    Sucrose phosphorylases are carbohydrate-active enzymes with outstanding potential for the biocatalytic conversion of common table sugar into products with attractive properties. They belong to the glycoside hydrolase family GH13, where they are found in subfamily 18. In bacteria, these enzymes catalyse the phosphorolysis of sucrose to yield alpha-glucose 1-phosphate and fructose. However, sucrose phosphorylases can also be applied as versatile transglucosylases for the synthesis of valuable glycosides and sugars because their broad promiscuity allows them to transfer the glucosyl group of sucrose to a diverse collection of compounds other than phosphate. Numerous process and enzyme engineering studies have expanded the range of possible applications of sucrose phosphorylases ever further. Moreover, it has recently been discovered that family GH13 also contains a few novel phosphorylases that are specialised in the phosphorolysis of sucrose 6(F)-phosphate, glucosylglycerol or glucosylglycerate. In this review, we provide an overview of the progress that has been made in our understanding and exploitation of sucrose phosphorylases and related enzymes over the past ten years

    The effectiveness of asking behaviors among 9-11 year-old children in increasing home availability and children's intake of fruit and vegetables : results from the Squire's Quest II self-regulation game intervention

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    Background: Home environment has an important influence on children's fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption, but children may in turn also impact their home FV environment, e.g. by asking for FV. The Squire's Quest II serious game intervention aimed to increase asking behaviors to improve home FV availability and children's FV intake. This study's aims were to assess: 1) did asking behaviors at baseline predict home FV availability at baseline (T0) (RQ1); 2) were asking behaviors and home FV availability influenced by the intervention (RQ2); 3) did increases in asking behaviors predict increased home FV availability (RQ3); and 4) did increases in asking behaviors and increases in home FV availability mediate increases in FV intake among children (RQ4)? Methods: This is a secondary analysis of a study using a randomized controlled trial, with 4 groups (each n = 100 child-parent dyads). All groups were analyzed together for this paper since groups did not vary on components relevant to our analysis. All children and parents (n = 400 dyads) received a self-regulation serious game intervention and parent material. The intervention ran for three months. Measurements were taken at baseline, immediately after intervention and at 3-month follow-up. Asking behavior and home FV availability were measured using questionnaires; child FV intake was measured using 24-h dietary recalls. ANCOVA methods (research question 1), linear mixed-effect models (research question 2), and Structural Equation Modeling (research questions 3 and 4) were used. Results: Baseline child asking behaviors predicted baseline home FV availability. The intervention increased child asking behaviors and home FV availability. Increases in child asking behaviors, however, did not predict increased home FV availability. Increased child asking behaviors and home FV availability also did not mediate the increases in child FV intake. Conclusions: Children influence their home FV environment through their asking behaviors, which can be enhanced via a serious game intervention. The obtained increases in asking behavior were, however, insufficient to affect home FV availability or intake. Other factors, such as child preferences, sample characteristics, intervention duration and parental direct involvement may play a role and warrant examination in future research

    Is participatory design associated with the effectiveness of serious digital games for healthy lifestyle promotion? : a meta-analysis

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    Background: Serious digital games can be effective at changing healthy lifestyles, but large differences in their effectiveness exist. The extent of user involvement in game design may contribute to game effectiveness by creating a better fit with user preferences. Participatory design (PD), which represents active user involvement as informant (ie, users are asked for input and feedback) or codesigner (ie, users as equal partners in the design) early on and throughout the game development, may be associated with higher game effectiveness, as opposed to no user involvement or limited user involvement. Objective: This paper reports the results of a meta-analysis examining the moderating role of PD in the effectiveness of serious digital games for healthy lifestyle promotion. Methods: Four databases were searched for peer-reviewed papers in English that were published or in press before October 2014, using a (group-) randomized controlled trial design. Effectiveness data were derived from another meta-analysis assessing the role of behavior change techniques and game features in serious game effectiveness. Results: A total of 58 games evaluated in 61 studies were included. As previously reported, serious digital games had positive effects on healthy lifestyles and their determinants. Unexpectedly, PD (g=0.075, 95% CI 0.017 to 0.133) throughout game development was related to lower game effectiveness on behavior (Q=6.74, P<.05) than when users were only involved as testers (g=0.520, 95% CI 0.150 to 0.890, P<.01). Games developed with PD (g=0.171, 95% CI 0.061 to 0.281, P<.01) were also related to lower game effectiveness on self-efficacy (Q=7.83, P<.05) than when users were not involved in game design (g=0.384, 95% CI 0.283 to 0.485, P<.001). Some differences were noted depending on age group, publication year of the study, and on the specific role in PD (ie, informant or codesigner), and depending on the game design element. Games developed with PD were more effective in changing behavioral determinants when they included users in design elements on game dynamics (beta=.215, 95% CI .075 to .356, P<.01) and, more specifically, as an informant (beta=.235, 95% CI .079 to .329, P<.01). Involving users as informants in PD to create game levels was also related to higher game effectiveness (Q=7.02, P<.01). Codesign was related to higher effectiveness when used to create the game challenge (Q=11.23, P<.01), but to lower game effectiveness when used to create characters (Q=4.36, P<.05) and the game world (Q=3.99, P<.05). Conclusions: The findings do not support higher effectiveness of games developed with PD. However, significant differences existed among PD games. More support was found for informant roles than for codesign roles. When PD was applied to game dynamics, levels, and game challenge, this was associated with higher effectiveness than when it was applied to game aesthetics. Since user involvement may have an important influence on reach, adoption, and implementation of the intervention, further research and design efforts are needed to enhance effectiveness of serious games developed with PD

    Trehalose analogues: latest insights in properties and biocatalytic production

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    Trehalose (alpha-d-glucopyranosyl alpha-d-glucopyranoside) is a non-reducing sugar with unique stabilizing properties due to its symmetrical, low energy structure consisting of two 1,1-anomerically bound glucose moieties. Many applications of this beneficial sugar have been reported in the novel food (nutricals), medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Trehalose analogues, like lactotrehalose (alpha-d-glucopyranosyl alpha-d-galactopyranoside) or galactotrehalose (alpha-d-galactopyranosyl alpha-d-galactopyranoside), offer similar benefits as trehalose, but show additional features such as prebiotic or low-calorie sweetener due to their resistance against hydrolysis during digestion. Unfortunately, large-scale chemical production processes for trehalose analogues are not readily available at the moment due to the lack of efficient synthesis methods. Most of the procedures reported in literature suffer from low yields, elevated costs and are far from environmentally friendly. "Greener" alternatives found in the biocatalysis field, including galactosidases, trehalose phosphorylases and TreT-type trehalose synthases are suggested as primary candidates for trehalose analogue production instead. Significant progress has been made in the last decade to turn these into highly efficient biocatalysts and to broaden the variety of useful donor and acceptor sugars. In this review, we aim to provide an overview of the latest insights and future perspectives in trehalose analogue chemistry, applications and production pathways with emphasis on biocatalysis

    Fate of thymol and its monoglucosides in the gastrointestinal tract of piglets

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    The monoterpene thymol has been proposed as a valuable alternative to in-feed antibiotics in animal production. However, the effectiveness of the antimicrobial is comprised by its fast absorption in the upper gastrointestinal tract. In this work, two glucoconjugates, thymol a-D-glucopyranoside (T alpha G) and thymol beta-D-glucopyranoside (T beta G), were compared with free thymol for their potential to deliver higher concentrations of the active compound to the distal small intestine of supplemented piglets. Additionally, an analytical method was developed and validated for the simultaneous quantification of thymol and its glucoconjugates in different matrices. In stomach contents of pigs fed with 3333 mu mol kg(-1) thymol, T alpha G, or T beta G, total thymol concentrations amounted to 3048, 2357, and 1820 mu mol kg(-1 )dry matter, respectively. In glucoconjugate-fed pigs, over 30% of this concentration was present in the unconjugated form, suggesting partial hydrolysis in the stomach. No quantifiable levels of thymol or glucoconjugates were detected in the small intestine or cecum for any treatment, indicating that conjugation with one glucose unit did not sufficiently protect thymol from early absorption

    A quantitative indicator diagram for lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases reveals the role of aromatic surface residues in HjLPMO9A regioselectivity

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    Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases ( LPMOs) have changed our understanding of lignocellulosic degradation dramatically over the last years. These metalloproteins catalyze oxidative cleavage of recalcitrant polysaccharides and can act on the C1 and/or C4 position of glycosidic bonds. Structural data have led to several hypotheses, but we are still a long way from reaching complete understanding of the factors that determine their divergent regioselectivity. Site-directed mutagenesis enables the investigation of structure-function relationship in enzymes and will be of major importance in unraveling this intriguing matter. In this context, it is crucial to have an enzyme assay or screening approach with a direct correlation with the desired functionality. LPMOs render this search extra challenging due to their insoluble substrates, complex pattern of reaction products and lack of synthetic standards of most oxidized products. Here, we describe a regioselectivity indicator diagram based on the time-course of only 2 HPAEC-PAD signals. The diagram was successfully used to confirm the hypothesis that aromatic surface residues influence the C1/C4 oxidation ratio in Hypocrea jecorina LPMO9A. Consequently, the diagram should become a valuable tool in the search towards better understanding and engineering of regioselectivity in LPMOs