109 research outputs found

    Human NKp44+IL-22+ cells and LTi-like cells constitute a stable RORC+ lineage distinct from conventional natural killer cells

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    Lymphoid tissue inducer (LTi) cells are required for lymph node formation during fetal development, and recent evidence implies a role in mucosal immunity in the adult. LTi cells share some phenotypic features of conventional natural killer (NK; cNK) cells; however, little is known to date about the relationship between these two cell types. We show that lineage− (Lin−) CD127+RORC+ LTi-like cells in human tonsil are precursors to CD56+CD127+RORC+NKp46+ cells, which together comprise a stable RORC+ lineage. We find that LTi-like cells and their CD56+ progeny can be expanded and cloned ex vivo without loss of function and without conversion into cNK cells. Clonal analysis reveals heterogeneity of cytokine production within the CD127+ LTi-like population. Furthermore, we identify within the tonsil a cNK precursor population that is characterized as Lin−CD117+CD161+CD127− cells. Overall, we propose that CD127+RORC+ cells, although they share some characteristics with cNK cells, represent a functionally and developmentally distinct lineage

    Yap1-Driven Intestinal Repair Is Controlled by Group 3 Innate Lymphoid Cells

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    Intestinal repair is driven by epithelial stem cells, but how these stem cells are instructed to initiate repair was unknown. Here, Romera-Hernández et al. report that epithelial proliferation after damage is independent of the stem cell-protective signal IL-22 but requires ILC3-dependent amplification of regenerative YAP1 signaling in stem cells.Tissue repair requires temporal control of progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation to replenish damaged cells. In response to acute insult, group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3s) regulate intestinal stem cell maintenance and subsequent tissue repair. ILC3-derived IL-22 is important for stem cell protection, but the mechanisms of ILC3-driven tissue regeneration remain incompletely defined. Here we report that ILC3-driven epithelial proliferation and tissue regeneration are independent of IL-22. In contrast, ILC3s amplify the magnitude of Hippo-Yap1 signaling in intestinal crypt cells, ensuring adequate initiation of tissue repair and preventing excessive pathology. Mechanistically, ILC3-driven tissue repair is Stat3 indepe

    Decreased IL7Rα and TdT expression underlie the skewed immunoglobulin repertoire of human B-cell precursors from fetal origin

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    Newborns are unable to mount antibody responses towards certain antigens. This has been related to the restricted repertoire of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes of their B cells. The mechanisms underlying the restricted fetal Ig gene repertoire are currently unresolved. We here addressed this with detailed molecular and cellular analysis of human precursor-B cells from fetal liver, fetal bone marrow (BM), and pediatric BM. In the absence of selection processes, fetal B-cell progenitors more frequently used proximal V, D and J genes in complete IGH gene rearrangements, despite normal Ig locus contraction. Fewer N-nucleotides were added in IGH gene rearrangements in the context of low TdT and XRCC4 expression. Moreover, fetal progenitor-B cells expressed lower levels of IL7Rα than their pediatric counterparts. Analysis of progenitor-B cells from IL7Rα-deficient patients revealed that TdT expression and N-nucleotides additions in Dh-Jh junctions were dependent on functional IL7Rα. Thus, IL7Rα affects TdT expression, and decreased expression of this receptor underlies at least in part the skewed Ig repertoire formation in fetal B-cell precursors. These new insights provide a better understanding of the formation of adaptive immunity in the developing fetus

    A Single-Cell Taxonomy Predicts Inflammatory Niche Remodeling to Drive Tissue Failure and Outcome in Human AML

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    Cancer initiation is orchestrated by an interplay between tumor-initiating cells and their stromal/immune environment. Here, by adapted single-cell RNA sequencing, we decipher the predicted signaling between tissue-resident hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPC) and their neoplastic counterparts with their native niches in the human bone marrow. LEPR + stromal cells are identified as central regulators of hematopoiesis through predicted interactions with all cells in the marrow. Inflammatory niche remodeling and the resulting deprivation of critical HSPC regulatory factors are predicted to repress high-output hematopoietic stem cell subsets in NPM1-mutated acute myeloid leukemia (AML), with relative resistance of clonal cells. Stromal gene signatures reflective of niche remodeling are associated with reduced relapse rates and favorable outcomes after chemotherapy across all genetic risk categories. Elucidation of the intercellular signaling defining human AML, thus, predicts that inflammatory remodeling of stem cell niches drives tissue repression and clonal selection but may pose a vulnerability for relapse-initiating cells in the context of chemotherapeutic treatment.</p

    Characterization of Endothelial Cells Associated with Hematopoietic Niche Formation in Humans Identifies IL-33 As an Anabolic Factor

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    Bone marrow formation requires an orchestrated interplay between osteogenesis, angiogenesis, and hematopoiesis that is thought to be mediated by endothelial cells. The nature of the endothelial cells and the molecular mechanisms underlying these events remain unclear in humans. Here, we identify a subset of endoglin-expressing endothelial cells enriched in human bone marrow during fetal ontogeny and upon regeneration after chemotherapeutic injury. Comprehensive transcriptional characterization by massive parallel RNA sequencing of these cells reveals a phenotypic and molecular similarity to murine type H endothelium and activation of angiocrine factors implicated in hematopoiesis, osteogenesis, and angiogenesis. Interleukin-33 (IL-33) was significantly overexpressed in these endothelial cells and promoted the expansion of distinct subsets of h

    Functional differences between human NKp44- and NKp44+ RORC+ innate lymphoid cells

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    Human RORC+ lymphoid tissue inducer cells are part of a rapidly expanding family of innate lymphoid cells (ILC) that participate in innate and adaptive immune responses as well as in lymphoid tissue (re) modeling. The assessment of a potential role for innate lymphocyte-derived cytokines in human homeostasis and disease is hampered by a poor characterization of RORC+ innate cell subsets and a lack of knowledge on the distribution of these cells in adults. Here we show that functionally distinct subsets of human RORC+ innate lymphoid cells are enriched for secretion of IL-17a or IL-22. Both subsets have an activated phenotype and can be distinguished based on the presence or absence of the natural cytotoxicity receptor NKp44. NKp44+ IL-22 producing cells are present in tonsils while NKp44- IL-17a producing cells are present in fetal developing lymph nodes. Development of human intestinal NKp44+ ILC is a programmed event that is independent of bacterial colonization and these cells colonize the fetal intestine during the first trimester. In the adult intestine, NKp44+ ILC are the main ILC subset producing IL-22. NKp44- ILC remain present throughout adulthood in peripheral non-inflamed lymph nodes as resting, non-cytokine producing cells. However, upon stimulation lymph node ILC can swiftly initiate cytokine transcription suggesting that secondary human lymphoid organs may function as a reservoir for innate lymphoid cells capable of participating in inflammatory responses

    Endothelium-derived stromal cells contribute to hematopoietic bone marrow niche formation

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    Bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) play pivotal roles in tissue maintenance and regeneration. Their origins, however, remain incompletely understood. Here we identify rare LNGFR+ cells in human fetal and regenerative bone marrow that co-express endothelial and stromal markers. This endothelial subpopulation displays transcriptional reprogramming consistent with endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndoMT) and can generate multipotent stromal cells that reconstitute the bone marrow (BM) niche upon transplantation. Single-cell transcriptomics and lineage tracing in mice confirm robust and sustained contributions of EndoMT to bone precursor and hematopoietic niche pools. Interleukin-33 (IL-33) is overexpressed in subsets of EndoMT cells and drives this conversion process through ST2 receptor signaling. These data reveal generation of tissue-forming BMSCs from mouse and human endothelial cells and may be instructive for approaches to human tissue regeneration

    Intestinal-derived ILCs migrating in lymph increase IFNγ production in response to Salmonella Typhimurium infection

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    Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are enriched in mucosae and have been described as tissue-resident. Interestingly, ILCs are also present within lymph nodes (LNs), in the interfollicular regions, the destination for lymph-migratory cells. We have previously shown that LN ILCs are supplemented by peripheral tissue-derived ILCs. Using thoracic duct cannulations, we here enumerate the intestinal lymph ILCs that traffic from the intestine to the mesenteric LNs (MLNs). We provide, for the first time, a detailed characterisation of these lymph-migratory ILCs. We show that all ILC subsets migrate in lymph, and while global transcriptional analysis reveals a shared signature with tissue-resident ILCs, lymph ILCs express migration-associated genes including S1PRs, SELL (CD62L) and CCR7. Interestingly, we discovered that while Salmonella Typhimurium infections do not increase the numbers of migrating ILCs, infection changes their composition and cytokine profile. Infection increases the proportions of RORyt+ T-bet+ ILCs, levels of IFNγ, and IFNγ/GM-CSF co-expression. Infection-induced changes in migratory ILCs are reflected in colon-draining MLN ILCs, where RORyt+ T-bet+ ILCs accumulate and display corresponding increased cytokine expression. Thus, we reveal that ILCs respond rapidly to intestinal infection and can migrate to the MLN where they produce cytokines

    B-cell Zone Reticular Cell Microenvironments Shape CXCL13 Gradient Formation

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    Through the formation of concentration gradients, morphogens drive graded responses to extracellular signals, thereby fine-tuning cell behaviors in complex tissues. Here we show that the chemokine CXCL13 forms both soluble and immobilized gradients. Specifically, CXCL13+ follicular reticular cells form a small-world network of guidance structures, with computer simulations and optimization analysis predicting that immobilized gradients created by this network promote B-cell trafficking. Consistent with this prediction, imaging analysis show that CXCL13 binds to extracellular matrix components in situ, constraining its diffusion. CXCL13 solubilization requires the protease cathepsin B that cleaves CXCL13 into a stable product. Mice lacking cathepsin B display aberrant follicular architecture, a phenotype associated with effective B cell homing to but not within lymph nodes. Our data thus suggest that reticular cells of the B cell zone generate microenvironments that shape both immobilized and soluble CXCL13 gradient