1,149 research outputs found

    Regime dependence, common shocks and the inflation-relative price variability relation

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    Using frequency domain techniques to separate short and long run dynamics and decomposing inflation into its common and idiosyncratic components, we study the regime dependence of the inflation-RPV relation in Argentina and the USA. Under High inflation, strong long-run comovement between RPV and Inflation is found for both economies, that extends to the short run adding extra noise to that usually present at high frequencies. High inflation also leads to ideosyncratic movements in prices that do not cancel out, adding persistence to the process. When inflation is low, no long-run interaction between variables is expected. This is the case of the US, even though supply shocks are comparable to those of the seventies when trend inflation was high. Surprisingly, the findings for Argentina do not support the a-priori as both variables show significant long term comovement. Studying disaggregate price responses to common shocks helps to understand sectoral pattens behind these dynamics. Our results suggest that long run variablity in inflation can be induced, not only by a high trend inflation, but also by policy stabilization efforts based on relative price adjustments

    A organização narrativa em adultos

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    Tese de Mestrado em Psicologia - Área de Especialização em Psicologia ClínicaA linguagem e a narrativa têm sido alvo de um crescente interesse no estudo dos fenómenos psicológicos e no desenvolvimento de práticas terapêuticas. Baseando-nos no pressuposto de que significamos o mundo e a experiência discursivamente, a narrativa funciona como um organizador da dimensão caótica da experiência. Actualmente, conceptualiza-se que a riqueza narrativa está associada a níveis de bem-estar psicológico mais elevados e que, ao disfuncionamento psicológico, correspondem formas mais pobres ou rígidas de produção narrativa. Diversas investigações sobre o desenvolvimento narrativo têm vincado, ainda, a marcada evolução a que se assiste a este nível desde a infância até à idade adulta para formas cada vez mais ricas de organização e significação da experiência. Nesse sentido, acreditamos ser fundamental dar particular atenção à compreensão da organização narrativa, pelo que, com a presente investigação pretendemos contribuir para a compreensão da produção narrativa em adultos, como esta evolui desde a infância até à vida adulta e, ainda, de que forma se distingue das narrativas de sujeitos com perturbação psicológica. Assim, analisámos as narrativas de 126 adultos sem perturbação psicológica, com idades compreendidas entre os 20 e os 45 anos, do sexo feminino e masculino e com níveis sócio-culturais (NSC) distintos, quanto às suas três dimensões centrais, Estrutura, Processo e Conteúdo, através da metodologia desenvolvida por Gonçalves, Henriques e colaboradores. Os objectivos do presente estudo são: a) analisar a organização narrativa de adultos quanto à coerência Estrutural, complexidade de Processo e diversidade de Conteúdo, bem como a influência da idade, NSC e sexo; b) analisar de que forma as narrativas destes adultos diferem das narrativas de adultos com diagnóstico psicopatológico, nomeadamente de agorafobia e de dependência de opiáceos; c) traçar a tendência evolutiva do desenvolvimento narrativo ao nível da Estrutura, Processo e Conteúdo desde a infância até à idade adulta. Observámos que os adultos sem psicopatologia constroem narrativas com uma boa coerência Estrutural e uma boa diversidade de Conteúdo, embora apresentem uma complexidade de Processo mais pobre. Verificou-se, ainda, que o sexo e a idade não determinaram qualquer diferença na produção narrativa, embora o número de anos de estudo revele influenciar positivamente a riqueza narrativa. Quanto à comparação com os sujeitos com diagnóstico clínico, encontrámos, no geral, narrativas mais ricas para os adultos sem perturbação psicológica. Por fim, a observação da produção narrativa ao longo da vida sugere uma tendência evolutiva: da diversidade de Conteúdo sobretudo ao longo da infância, com um ligeiro aumento no final da adolescência; da complexidade de Processo desde a infância até ao final da adolescência e da coerência Estrutural ao longo dos 45 anos estudados, mais denunciada até ao início da idade adulta – 20-25 anos – altura a partir da qual parece haver uma estabilização até aos 45 anos de idade.Language and narrative have been used in the study of psychological phenomena and in the development of therapeutic practice with increasing interest. Bearing in mind the fact that we mean the world and experience discursively, narrative works as an organizer of the chaotic dimension of experience. Currently it is conceptualized that a rich narrative is associated with psychological well-being and that psychological dysfunction corresponds to poor or rigid forms of narrative production. Several researches about narrative development point out the marked evolution since infancy until adulthood into richer forms of experience organization and meaning. Recognising thus the importance of narrative organization, the present study intends to contribute for its understanding in adults, its development since childhood and still the distinction between the narratives of a healthy adult and of a psychological disturbed one. For these purposes, we analyzed the narratives of 126 adults without psychological disturbances, aged between 20 and 45, from both sexes and from distinctive layers of society in its three central dimensions: Structure, Process and Content using the methodology developed by Gonçalves, Henriques and collaborators. Our goals are: a) analyzing adult’s narrative organization as for its structural coherence, complexity of process and diversity of content as well as the influence of age, sex and social-cultural level; b) analyzing in which way the narratives of these adults differ from the ones of adults to whom agoraphobia and opiates dependence has been diagnosed; c) identifying the evolutional tendency of narrative development in terms of Structure, Process and Content since infancy until adulthood. We were able to observe that adults without psychological diagnosis construct narratives with good structural coherence and good diversity of content but weaker complexity of process. Data also shows that sex and age do not determine different narrative production, but the number of study years can positively influence narrative act. Compared to subjects with clinical diagnosis, healthy adults tend to show richer narratives. Finally, the observation of narrative production throughout the life course suggests: a tendency to improve Content diversity mostly during infancy, with a slight increase towards the end of adolescence; to improve Process complexity since infancy until the end of adolescence and to improve Structural coherence all along the 45 studied years, with stronger incidence until the beginning of adulthood – 20-25 years old – when it seems to stabilize until the age of 45

    Insights on the acting role of Martian atmosphere in the fragmentation pathways of organic and C-containing inorganic compounds using LIBS

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    In the present work, a preliminary fundamental study about the influence of background gas in Martian surface conditions (CO2, P=7 mbar) on the formation of emitting species in laser-induced plasmas of ablated C-containing compounds was performed. Results were compared with those obtained using ambient air as surrounding gas of irradiated samples. Energy thresholds were evaluated for excited atomic and molecular species of interest resulting in the plasma using a home-made LIBS system coupled to a pressure chamber for simulating Martian environment during the analysis of samples. Inorganic salts as calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate besides pyrene as organic reference compound were analyzed in order to discern the origin of C-containing species coexisting in the plasma plume (C, C2 and CN, mainly). Results from acquired emission spectra shed light on the different carbon sources of emitting species as a function of energetic and pressure conditions.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The Success Story of Gold-Based Catalysts for Gas- and Liquid-Phase Reactions: A Brief Perspective and Beyond

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    Gold has long held the fascination of mankind. For millennia it has found use in art, cosmetic metallurgy and architecture; this element is seen as the ultimate statement of prosperity and beauty. This myriad of uses is made possible by the characteristic inertness of bulk gold; allowing it to appear long lasting and above the tarnishing experienced by other metals, in part providing its status as the most noble meta

    Justificación de las reglas de derivación en libros de texto de cuatro editoriales desde LGE hasta LOE

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    En el presente trabajo se muestra un estudio descriptivo del tratamiento justificativo de las reglas y técnicas de derivación en los libros de texto de 3o de BUP, COU correspondientes a la LGE, y 1o y 2o de Bachillerato de LOGSE y LOE. En primer lugar presentamos una adaptación del marco teórico que hemos desarrollado para el estudio de los esquemas de prueba presentes en los libros de texto al objeto de estudio de este trabajo, las reglas y técnicas de derivación. A continuación se muestra el análisis realizado, indicando las peculiaridades encontradas en el estudio. Por último, se consideran algunas reflexiones sobre las implicaciones que la diversidad de presentación y tratamiento de estas reglas puede tener en la enseñanza, por un lado del concepto de derivada y, por otro lado, de la demostración

    How do firms in Argentina get financing to export?

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    This paper delves into the importance of access to .nancing for the performance of firms in export markets. Based on a unique microeconomic database that combines data on Argentine firms' characteristics and export performance with information on their domestic and external financing, we provide a rich insight into their financing patterns. Through the use of a descriptive and econometric analysis, we find that: i) having more access to bank credit facilitates firms' entry into export markets, ii) once they become exporters, it is the access to foreign financing what seems to matters for their success in foreign markets. Also, to study the duration of firms in export markets, we estimate survival functions by firm size, using the Kalpan-Meier estimator. We find that the probability of firms' survival in export mar kets increases with their size in the earlier years of exporting. Once firms become regular exporters, their permanece in export markets seems to less dependent on their size

    Análisis de las justificaciones de los teoremas de derivabilidad en los libros de texto desde la Ley General de Educación

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    En el presente artículo se realiza una descripción exhaustiva de un marco teórico desarrollado para el análisis de las justificaciones presentadas en los libros de texto. Este marco aglutina los conceptos de esquema de prueba, prueba preformal, funciones de la demostración y otros aspectos más generales de la demostración. Con este marco se analizan las justificaciones presentes en los teoremas de Rolle y del Valor Medio en seis libros de texto, dos de cada una de las leyes de educación siguientes: Ley General de Educación, Ley de Ordenación General del Sistema Educativo y Ley Orgánica de Educación. Se presentan los resultados en forma discusiva, se comenta la aplicabilidad y la utilidad del marco teórico. Finalmente, se presentan las conclusiones y los problemas abiertos que surgen de la esta investigación

    How do firms in Argentina get financing to export?

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    This paper, developed in the context of the CompNet initiative, delves into the importance of access to financing for the performance of firms in export markets. Using a unique microeconomic database that combines data on Argentine firms’ characteristics and export performance with information on their domestic and external financing, we provide a rich insight into their financing patterns. We find that: (i) Exporters have more access to bank credit than non-exporters, (ii) firms with more access to bank credit are more likely to start exporting, particularly the medium size ones and (iii) those firms with more access to foreign financing export a wider variety of products and serve more distant and developed markets. We also study the duration of firms in export markets using the Kaplan-Meier estimator. We find that the probability of firms’ survival in export markets increases with their size in the earlier years of exporting. Once firms become regular exporters, their permanence in export markets seems to be less dependent on their size

    ¿Cómo transcriben los alumnos en sus cuadernos las reglas y técnicas de derivación? un estudio en tres aulas de bachillerato

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    En este trabajo presentamos un estudio exploratorio de tipo descriptivo-interpretativo, llevado a cabo en tres aulas de 1o de Bachillerato. En él se hace un análisis de las transcripciones realizadas por los alumnos en sus cuadernos en la presentación del tópico de reglas y técnicas de derivación por parte de los docentes. El marco utilizado es el análisis de contenido (Bardin, 1996; Rico, Marín, Lupiáñez y Gómez, 2008). Hemos detectado diferentes comportamientos en el alumnado, destacando varios perfiles de alumnos selectivos al tomar las reglas de derivación y sus ejemplos ilustrativos. Además, los porcentajes de transcripción de estos elementos han sido mucho mayores cuando el enfoque del profesor se ha centrado, exclusivamente, en la aplicación práctica de reglas; siendo más variables cuando este enfoque se comparte con la fundamentación de las mismas