496 research outputs found

    Výuka hodin anglické konverzace na 2.stupni ZŠ

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    Diplomová práce pojednává o současném stavu výuky hodin anglické konverzace na 2. stupni ZŠ v České republice. Zaměřuje se zejména na obsah a cíle hodin anglické konverzace a okrajově se také zabývá jejich organizací. V teoretické části je nejdříve detailně popsána konverzace, poté se práce zabývá možnými cíli výuky hodin konverzace. Dále je uvedeno, jakých konverzačních schopností by žáci 9. tříd měli dosáhnout podle Společného evropského referenčního rámce, a jaké jsou očekávané výstupy žáků podle Rámcového vzdělávacího programu pro základní vzdělávání. V praktické části práce jsou prezentovány výsledky výzkumu provedeného jak prostřednictvím vyplnění dotazníků učiteli anglické konverzace na školách po celé České republice, tak i osobním interview s vyučujícím hodin anglické konverzace na 14. ZŠ v Plzni. Výsledky průzkumu jsou rozděleny do třech základních celků, jež se zaměřují na organizaci, cíle a náplň hodin anglické konverzace. Na základě průzkumu se ukázalo, že hodiny konverzace poskytují jedinečnou možnost k procvičování všech čtyř základních řečových dovedností, rozvíjení celé řady kompetencí, a začleňování zajímavých aktivit, které dokonce mohou pozitivně ovlivnit vztah žáků k anglickému jazyku.Katedra anglického jazykaObhájenoThis thesis examines the current situation of English conversation lessons in the 8th and 9th grades of primary schools in the Czech Republic. It focuses on two main areas: the content and the goals of the English conversation lesson teaching and, marginally, it deals with the organization of the lessons in the 8th and 9th grades of Upper Primary Education. The theoretical part of this work provides a detailed description of conversation including its functions and its typical features. After this, the potential goals and possible content of English conversation lessons are outlined. Apart from that this thesis reveals how conversation is depicted by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and what are the expected outcomes of pupils at the end of the 9th grade according to the Framework Education Programme for Basic Education. The second part of this thesis presents the findings of a survey conducted in primary schools around the Czech Republic by means of questionnaires and an interview. Based on the survey results it is concluded that English conversation lessons provide a unique chance for practising all four language skills, the development of a variety of competences, extending pupils' vocabulary knowledge, and incorporating engaging activities which might positively influence pupils' attitude to learning English

    Marketing Communication of a Real Estate Agency

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou marketingové komunikace. Teoretická část vymezuje základní pojmy z marketingu a marketingové komunikace. Praktická část obsahuje základní informace o realitní kanceláři Lotos Reality a dále obsahuje analýzu marketingové komunikace firmy. Za pomoci dotazníkového šetření jsou v závěru práce shrnuty návrhy na zlepšení marketingové komunikace.The diploma thesis deals with analysis of marketing communication. The theoretical part presents basic marketing and marketing communication terms. The practical part contains basic information on the reality estate office Lotos Reality. Next, it analyses the marketing communication of this specific company. By the means of questionnaire survey the proposals to improve the marketing communication were worked out and they are summarized in the conclusion

    Market Analysis, Suggestion of Marketing Strategy and Marketing Mix for Purpose of Processing Feasibility Study of Projekt „Rekonstruction of Lokal Telecommunication Network“

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    Import 01/09/2009V této práci je provedena analýza trhu, navržena marketingová strategie a marketingový mix pro účely zpracování studie proveditelnosti projektu „Přestavby lokální telekomunikační sítě“. První část práce se zabývá charakteristikou společnosti PODA a.s. a plánovaného projektu přestavby lokální telekomunikační sítě, je zde porovnána stávající technologie a technologie optické sítě. V další části práce je provedena analýza trhu, analýza vnitřního a vnějšího prostředí firmy včetně SWOT analýzy a analýza kupního prostředí. Dále je navržena marketingová strategie a marketingový mix. V závěru práce je provedeno shrnutí výsledků a navržen marketingový postup společnosti PODA a.s. při realizaci přestavby telekomunikační sítě.At this work is carried out market analysis, suggested marketing strategy and marketing mix for purposes of processing feasibility study into the project „Reconstruction of local telecommunication network“. The first part of the work deal with characteristics of PODA Inc. and planned project of reconstruction of local telecommunication network, is here compared existing technology and optical network technology. In next part of the work is carried out market analysis, analysis of internal and external company enviroment, including SWOT analysis, and of purchasing enviroment. It is proposed marketing strategy and marketing mix. In conclusion, this work is carried out summary of the results and designed marketing procedure to PODA Inc. in the implementation of reconstruction of local telecommunication network.Prezenční545 - Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízenívýborn

    Approach to Strategy at Public Administration Organizations in the Czech Republic

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    AbstractThe paper is focused on strategy at public administration organizations. Public administration has to improve economic and social environment. From this reason, it is necessary to offer quality services. Strategy can help to improve activities of public administration organizations. The goal is to confirm or disprove two hypotheses, that strategy is significant for public administration organizations. Description, analysis, comparison and synthesis are the methods used to prepare this paper. A part of the questionnaire with 7-point Likert scale constituted by Kopfová (2012) was used for the research. The results from the research show that public administration organizations have some barriers in strategy development and implementation

    Trends in Customer Services and Interfunctional Coordination by Manufacturers

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    The purpose of the paper is to describe the most important trends by manufacturers producing electric equipment and electronic components in the Czech Republic. We focus on customer services and interfunctional coordination (IFC), part of market orientation. We prepared questionnaire in the form of the Likert scale. Sixty companies participated in our research. The crucial trends in customer services are: (1) New products are developed, tested and improved according to customer needs; (2) Respondents clearly understand strategic importance and benefits of providing customer services; (3) Provided products are both delivered in time and in very good technical conditions according to customer orders; (4) Respondents enable repeated using products by help of after-sale service, renovation or refurbishing items for their customers. The crucial trends in IFC are: some companies have gaps in (1) information coordination; (2) gaining and analysing information about external environment; (3) and attitude of their workers towards a company

    Identification of Interfunctional Coordination Items Important for Business Performance of SMEs

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    This paper provides a deeper analysis of the relationships between interfunctional coordination (IFC) and business performance (BP). IFC is studied in many fields such as marketing, management, logistics, informatics or human resources. The novelty lies in offering an original perspective on IFC and its impact on individual items of BP. The statistical analysis of the relationship between IFC and BP is based on a survey of small and medium-sized manufacturers. Sufficient models were identified by a stepwise backward procedure based on Akaike information criterion (AIC). The results show that it is possible to find a sufficient model for each item of BP. Sets of IFC items with exclusively positive or negative influence on at least two BP items were identified. These items of IFC are aimed on cooperative arrangement, expertise, leadership style, coordination activities and control. This research brings theoretical contributions and can be useful for managers

    The study of antioxidants in grapevine seeds

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    Grapevine seeds contain a large amount of antioxidant components, and are therefore recommended in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. For this research, we studied the antioxidant properties of grapevine seeds from the Marlen variety, as evidence suggests that these types have higher resistance against fungal diseases. Through high-performance liquid chromatography with UV/VIS detection, a total of 10 antioxidant components were selected for further investigation, specifically: catechin, epicatechin, rutin, quercitrin, quercetin, caftaric acid, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, and gallic acid. The antioxidant activity was determinated spectrophotometrically through the adoption of three fundamentally different methods (the DPPH assay, the ABTS method, and the FRAP method). Using the Folin-Ciocalteu method, it was possible to determine the content of all the polyphenolic compounds. The results of the assessment antioxidant activity and the content of polyphenolic compounds were recalculated to gallic acid equivalents (GAE). The values of the antioxidant activity as determinated by the DPPH test were 6643 (+-154) mg of GAE; 1984 (+-88) mg of GAE when using the FRAP method; and 812 (+-31) mg of GAE when the ABTS method was utilised. The content of the total polyphenolic compounds came to 6982 (+-221) mg of GAE. The most abundant antioxidant was catechin, with a content of 115 mg.L-1, whilst the least represented compound was ferulic acid (0.139 mg.L-1). Overall, this study showed a high antioxidant potential of grapevine seeds.O

    Characterization of lipids with four ester bonds in vernix caseosa by HPLC / MS

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    Diplomová práce se věnuje analýze triacylglycerolových estolidů (TG-est) pomocí HPLC/MS. Tyto lipidy obsahují čtyři esterové vazby. Vyskytují se v některých rostlinných olejích a u savců slouží jako zásobní forma metabolicky významných estolidů mastných kyselin. Cílem této práce bylo prokázat existenci TG-est v novorozeneckém mázku a prozkoumat možnosti jejich analýzy v tomto materiálu. S využitím vysokorozlišující a tandemové hmotnostní spektrometrie byla prostudována spektra standardů TG-est. Byla navržena a optimalizovaná metoda pro HPLC TG-est v reverzním nevodném systému s využitím kolony Kinetex C18 a gradientové eluce acetonitrilem a 2-propanolem. Tato metoda byla použita pro analýzu frakce lipidů novorozeneckého mázku, přičemž bylo prokázáno, že TG-est se ve zkoumaném vzorku skutečně vyskytují. Pokusy zjednodušit lipidový vzorek před HPLC/MS analýzou pomocí frakcionace na TLC nebyly příliš úspěšné.Diploma thesis is devoted to the analysis of triacylglycerol estolides (TG-est) by HPLC/MS. These lipids contain four ester bonds. TG-est are part of some vegetable oils and in mammals function as a storage form of metabolically important fatty acid estolides. The aim of this thesis was to prove the existence of TG-est in vernix caseosa and explore the possibilities of analysis in this material. Standards of TG-est were studied with using high-resolution and tandem mass spectrometry. Was suggested and optimized HPLC method for TG-est in a reverse nonaqueous system with the use of column Kinetex C18 and gradient elution with acetonitrile and 2-propanol. This method was used for analysis vernix caseosa fraction, and it was shown that TG-est are present in the sample. Attempts to simplify the lipid sample before analysis HPLC/MS by TLC fractionation were not very successful.Katedra analytické chemieDepartment of Analytical ChemistryPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    The loan products for the small and medium businesses on the czech market

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    katedra: KFÚ; rozsah: 86 s., 32 s. přílohThe diploma thesis deals with the loan products for the small and medium businesses on the czech market. At the beginning there are methods and the goals of the thesis. In the first chapter there are characterized the small and medium businesses, their positives and negatives and methods of their financing. In the second chapter the loan products for small and medium businesses at selected banks are characterized and compared. In the third chapter particular phases of credit process in the Komerční banka, a. s., are analyzed. In the fourth chapter on basis of analyzed credit process the case study is made. The final chapter sums up the main conclusions which result from the diploma thesis.Diplomová práce pojednává o úvěrových produktech pro malé a střední podniky na českém trhu. V úvodní části jsou uvedeny cíle a metody práce. V první kapitole jsou charakterizovány malé a střední podniky, popsány jejich výhody a nedostatky a metody jejich financování. Ve druhé kapitole jsou charakterizovány a porovnány úvěrové produkty pro malé a střední podniky u vybraných bank. Ve třetí kapitole jsou rozebrány jednotlivé fáze úvěrového procesu v Komerční bance, a. s. Ve čtvrté kapitole je na základě analýzy úvěrového procesu provedena případová studie. V závěrečné části jsou shrnuty hlavní poznatky, které z diplomové práce vyplývají