540 research outputs found

    Goigs del gloriós, y benaventurat Sant Martì, bisbe, y confessor

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    El impresor trabaja entre 1764 y 1786 (según Gutiérrez del Caño)Hoja impresa por una sola caraTexto a tres columnas y con orla tipográficaGrabado xilográfico en cabecera con representación de San Martí

    La latinización de Hispania. Un análisis basado en las fuentes epigráficas y numismáticas

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    El presente trabajo se centra en uno de los factores de la latinización (la interacción continuada, intensa y estable de inmigrantes romanos-itálicos con los indígenas) con el fin de subrayar el potencial de las fuentes epigráficas y numismáticas producidas por cada núcleo urbano frente a aproximaciones más generalistas del proceso que abarcan territorios más extensos. Para ello se han seleccionado algunos de los núcleos urbanos con documentación más abundante ubicados en las franjas meridional y levantina de la península: Ampurias, Tarragona, Cástulo y Sagunto

    The epigraphy and civic identity of Saguntum: a historical and sociolinguistic study of a bilingual city in the roman west (2nd century bc to early 1st century ad)

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    The rich epigraphical record from Saguntum and the historical events that took place in the city during the Second Punic War make it a unique case study for understanding how the city’s inhabitants gradually adopted the Latin language and Roman epigraphical culture and how that same population readapted its own indigenous epigraphical habits in light of new incoming cultural stimuli. This paper seeks to explore this larger linguistic process through an exhaustive study of Saguntum’s epigraphic and numismatic records dating from the Late Republic to the beginning of the Empire

    Physico-Chemical Characterization of an Exocellular Sugares Tolerante B-Glucosidase from Grape Metschnikowia pulcherrima Isolates

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    A broad variety of microorganisms with useful characteristics in the field of biotechnology live on the surface of grapes; one of these microorganisms is Metschnikowia pulcherrima. This yeast secretes a β-glucosidase that can be used in fermentative processes to liberate aromatic compounds. In this work, the synthesis of an exocellular β-glucosidase has been demonstrated and the optimal conditions to maximize the enzyme's effectiveness were determined. There was a maximum enzymatic activity at 28 ◦C and pH 4.5. Furthermore, the enzyme presents a great glucose and fructose tolerance, and to a lesser extent, ethanol tolerance. In addition, its activity was stimulated by calcium ions and low concentrations of ethanol and methanol. The impact of terpene content in wine was also determined. Because of these characteristics, β-glucosidase is a good candidate for use in enology

    Migración de los colorantes dispersos en triacetato.

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    Entre toda la literatura técnica publicada sobre la tintura del triacetato, que nos ha sido posible examinar, no hemos encontrado ningún estudio referente a la migración de los colorantes dispersos en la tintura del triacetato de celulosa y por ello hemos creído que podría ser interesante, al menos desde un punto de vista teórico, el conocer dicho fenómeno y los factores que pueden tener influencia sobre él, ya que con ello se complementan los estudios efectuados por otros investigadores en el campo de la físico-química de este sistema tintóreo.Peer Reviewe

    Enzyme contribution of non-Saccharomyces yeasts to wine production

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    The fermentation of grape must to produce wine is a biologically complex process, carried on by yeasts and malolactic bacteria. The yeasts present in spontaneous fermentation may be divided into two groups, the Saccharomyces yeasts, particularly S. cerevisiae, and the non-Saccharomyces yeasts which include members of the genera Rhodotorula, Pichia, Candida, Debaryomyces, Metschtnikowia, Hansenula and Hanseniaspora. S. cerevisiae yeasts are able to convert sugar into ethanol and CO2 via fermentation. They have been used for thousands of years by mankind for the production of fermented beverages and foods, including wine. Their enzymes provide interesting wine organoleptic characteristics. β-Glucosidase activity is involved in the release of terpenes to wine, thus contributing to varietal aroma. β-Xylosidase enzyme is also interesting in industry due to its involvement in the degradation of hemicellulose by hydrolyzing its main heteroglycan (xylan). The ability of yeasts to release proteases has been observed by many researchers because of their potential to degrade haze proteins in wine and to generate nutrient sources for microorganisms. Moreover, these enzymes are interesting in biotechnology, for use in food processing such as cheese, pickles or sausage

    Epigrafía monetal paleohispánica. Las leyendas secundarias

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    Las leyendas monetales paleohispánicas han recibido escaso interés en comparación con el resto de epígrafes a lo largo de la historia de la disciplina, exceptuando contadas ocasiones, como por ejemplo la célebre obra de Gómez Moreno y el primer volumen de los Monumenta de Untermann. Los numerosos puntos de interés lingüístico, paleográfico y numismático que suscita este singular tipo de documentación muchas veces no se disciernen a causa de la enorme cantidad de material que hay sin sistematizar. Esta “dolencia” que sufren las leyendas monetales es más acuciante en el caso concreto de los rótulos que no contienen la información principal de la moneda precisamente por dicha causa, ya que —aparentemente— de ellos no se infiere ninguna información relevante, especialmente desde el punto de vista filológico (...

    La fórmula onomástica como fuente para el estudio del contacto lingüístico en la Antigüedad

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es establecer una relación entre la onomástica y la investigación del bilingüismo occidental en el Mediterráneo a través de algunos ejemplos significativos

    La pervivencia de las lenguas paleohispánicas en la epigrafía altoimperial

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    The well-known linguistic and cultural diversity of Hispania brought about a wide-ranging process of Latinisation by the end of the iii century BC that remarkably increased with the ascent of Augustus, to judge by the disappearance of the early Hispanic, and not the Latin, texts in the second half of the i century BC, except for the Punic legends about coinage in Ebusus and Abdera. Despite the disappearance of the written register, the local language lived on in the oral one. Latin inscriptions with vernacular influences are a case in point. Note, however, that such code-switching inscriptions are much less frequent in the Iberian-speaking region than in the rest of Hispania. While the Imperial Latin epigraphy of the Celtiberian, Celtic, Aquitaine and Lusitanian regions is imbued with lots of interesting examples in which the local languages are preserved (such as the survival of Celtiberian genitive plural) so it can be a precious way to trace the history of these languages, of which there is just fragmentary evidence, the Latin epigraphy of the Iberian region, the one richest in early Hispanic inscriptions, revealed just a few local personal names