101 research outputs found

    A iniciação a docência a partir da abordagem CTS

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014No contexto educacional, percebe-se o distanciamento entre a Universidade e a Escola, ou seja, o distanciamento entre a teoria acadêmica e a prática escolar, que se torna um obstáculo na formação de futuros professores. Á vista disso, o Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação a Docência (Pibid) possibilita um contato com o espaço escolar, proporcionando maior convívio do acadêmico com esse espaço. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar as experiências de alguns bolsistas de um subprojeto Pibid ao utilizar a abordagem Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade (CTS) em sua prática pedagógica. A partir dos relatos dessas bolsistas percebeu-se que a abordagem CTS possibilitou uma aula mais atrativa, o que permite ao aluno se posicionar perante a sociedade e compreender sua relação com a ciência e tecnologia, ao mesmo tempo em que se torna um fator importante na prática de ensino de futuros professore

    A ordem econômica constitucional e as bases para um desenvolvimento sustentável / El orden económico constitucional y las bases del desarrollo sostenible

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    O artigo objetiva analisar a ordem econômica constitucional, de modo a abranger a defesa do meio ambiente e a do consumidor. Ainda, pretende estabelecer a relação entre economia, meio ambiente e consumo sustentável, bem como demonstrar outros pontos de intersecção entre esses três pilares, a fim de que se possa alcançar um desenvolvimento sustentável a englobar, também, a qualidade de vida, sob uma perspectiva interdisciplinar. Para subsidiar esta pesquisa, foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico e estudo de legislações. A pesquisa obteve como resultado a contribuição da economia, como atividade, e da Economia, como ciência, na formatação da ordem econômica constitucional. Ainda, destacou-se que a atuação do Estado, intervindo na ordem econômica, repercutiu na concepção do autointeresse dos agentes econômicos, o qual não era mais adequado para o enfrentamento desses novos desafios, como aqueles representados pelos direitos metaindividuais. Constatou-se ser a ordem econômica uma matriz comum entre a defesa do meio ambiente e a defesa do consumidor, tratando-se de segmentos que estão profundamente ligados. Outrossim, verificou-se que o crescimento estritamente econômico associado a um consumo desenfreado, desvinculados de uma concepção de sustentabilidade, causam sérios impactos ambientais. Além disso, concluiu-se que um meio ambiente equilibrado, pautado, também, no consumo sustentável, é a chave para o desenvolvimento sustentável, atingindo-se a qualidade de vida e a existência digna

    Breeding Program Design Principles for Royal Jelly

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    This research was carried out to infer the genetic value to produce royal jelly in Africanized Apis mellifera L. honeybees with the compilation of data collected from 2006 to 2011. Genetic information of the selected and accessed colonies was obtained using the total DNA extraction techniques of nurse honeybees’ thorax with molecular markers for MRJP3 protein and characterized in Apis mellifera L. From the information on the colonies and genealogical structure were predicted genetic values of the colonies and queens for the larvae acceptance trait (%), royal jelly per colony (g), and royal jelly per cup (mg). Animal model with Bayesian Inference was used from Multiple Trait Gibbs Sampling software in Animal Models, Gibbs chains 58,500 cycles resulting from 650,000 cycles with intervals and disposal of 65,000 and 10 withdraw, respectively. From the predicted values, the colonies were classified into upper and lower. To compare the average of the genetic values according to the genotypes, the average multiple comparison tests were proceeded and implemented in routine PROC GENMOD from the Statistical Analysis System. Environmental effects were considered, time and hive type (standard Langstroth) as having flat distribution and collection as chi-square distribution. The studies presented an increase in the alleles C and D and the alleles D and E—referring to MRJPs—found in the highest genetic value for royal jelly production. Alleles D, E, and C are important when evaluating the parameters larvae acceptance, royal jelly per colony, and royal jelly per cup and, occasionally, it was the DE genotype that stood out royal jelly production. Genotypes DE, DC, and EC are those that should be kept in this evaluation system for royal jelly production, and the other genotypes should be discarded because they had the worst performance for the parameters evaluated

    Avaliação de atividades de controle para enteroparasitos em uma aldeia Kaingáng do Paraná

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the parasitological state of families in an indigenous community after institution of enteroparasite control measures. METHODS: A longitudinal study was conducted between 2004 and 2006 among 447 individuals of the Kaingáng ethnic group, in the municipality of Cândido de Abreu, Southern Brazil. The enteroparasite control measures were: sanitation improvements in 2003, antiparasite treatments that were administered during the study period, and health education activities that were started in 2005. Parasitological health indicators were obtained through three coproparasitological surveys (in 2004, 2005 and 2006), in which 250, 147 and 126 stool samples, respectively, were collected. These were evaluated using the spontaneous sedimentation, centrifugation-flotation and Kato-Katz methods. Housing and hygiene conditions were assessed by means of a questionnaire applied to 69 (2004), 57 (2005) and 38 (2006) of the 90 families. RESULTS: The overall prevalences of enteroparasites were 91.6% (2004), 94.6% (2005) and 87.3% (2006) and did not show any significant reduction. The prevalence of some species decreased, while the prevalence of others increased significantly. High-intensity infections due to geohelminths presented rates of less than 2% over the study period. The proportion of the interviewees who reported using a toilet increased from 38.8% to 71.1% (p< 0.005) and the proportion taking antiparasite agents increased from 70.2% to 100% (p= 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: There were significant improvements in the parasitological health indicators, such as reductions in the prevalence of some species of enteroparasites and maintenance of a low parasite load, thus showing the importance of combining antiparasite treatment with sanitation improvements.OBJETIVO: Analizar el estado parasicológico de familias de comunidad indígena posterior a la institución de medidas de control para enteroparásitos. MÉTODOS: Estudio longitudinal realizado entre 2004 y 2006 con 447 personas de la etnia Kaingáng, en el municipio Cândido de Abreu, Sur de Brasil. Las medidas de control de enteroparásitos fueron: mejorías sanitarias iniciadas en 2003, tratamientos antiparasitarios realizados durante el período de estudio y actividades de educación en salud iniciadas en 2005. Fueron obtenidos indicadores parasicológicos de salud en tres pesquisas coproparasitológicas en 2004, 2005 y 2006 cuando fueron colectadas 250, 147 y 126 muestras de heces, respectivamente. Fueron utilizados los métodos de sedimentación espontánea, centrífugo-fluctuación y Kato/Katz. Las condiciones de vivienda e higiene fueron determinadas utilizándose cuestionario aplicado a 69 (2004), 57 (2005) y 38 (2006) de las 90 familias. RESULTADOS: Las prevalencias totales de enteroparásitos de 2004-06 fueron, respectivamente, 91,6%, 94,6% y 87,3%, sin reducción significativa. La prevalencia de algunas especies disminuyó, mientras que la de otras aumentó significativamente. Las infecciones de alta intensidad por geohelmintos presentaron tasas menores de 2% en el período de estudio. Hubo aumento en las tasas de entrevistados que relataron usar el baño (pOBJETIVO: Analisar o estado parasitológico de famílias de comunidade indígena após instituição de medidas de controle para enteroparasitos. MÉTODOS: Estudo longitudinal realizado entre 2004 e 2006 com 447 pessoas da etnia Kaingáng, no município de Cândido de Abreu, PR. As medidas de controle de enteroparasitos foram: melhorias sanitárias em 2003, tratamentos antiparasitários realizados durante o período de estudo e atividades de educação em saúde iniciadas em 2005. Foram obtidos indicadores parasitológicos de saúde em três inquéritos coproparasitológicos em 2004, 2005 e 2006 quando foram coletadas 250, 147 e 126 amostras de fezes, respectivamente. Foram utilizados os métodos de sedimentação espontânea, centrífugo-flutuação e Kato/Katz. As condições de moradia e higiene foram determinadas utilizando-se questionário aplicado a 69 (2004), 57 (2005) e 38 (2006) das 90 famílias. RESULTADOS: As prevalências totais de enteroparasitos de 2004-06 foram, respectivamente: 91,6%, 94,6% e 87,3%, sem redução significativa. A prevalência de algumas espécies reduziu enquanto que a de outras aumentou significativamente. As infecções de alta intensidade por geoelmintos apresentaram taxas menores de 2% no período do estudo. Houve aumento nas taxas de entrevistados que relataram usar o banheiro (

    Improvement and Selection of Honeybees Assisted by Molecular Markers

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    Royal jelly is an important apiarian product for honeybees and has been used as an important ingredient to human health and healthy life style. Because of its wide use, there is great demand in their production. As royal jelly is a secretion of the cephalic glands of bees and it is produced at a certain age of the workers, it is necessary to perform the selection of producing queens to increase the amount produced. The employment of molecular markers is a tool that can be used to identify the genotypes of the best producers. Among the molecular markers, one of them called MRJP3 (Major Royal Jelly Protein 3) has been used in the Program of Improvement of Apis mellifera Royal Jelly Producing (PIAMRJP), State University of Maringá, Brazil. This molecular marker has been efficient in genotyping queens’ royal jelly producers. Combined with classical breeding studies, the selection of queens assisted by MRJP3 marker has allowed to keep the selected genotypes for royal jelly production since 2006 (10 years). In this chapter, we present the main aspects of royal jelly, the hypopharyngeal glands, the major proteins of royal jelly and how it can be used as molecular markers

    Biological activities and phytochemical screening of leaf extracts from Zanthoxylum caribaeum L. (Rutaceae)

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    The Brazilian flora is known for its vast biodiversity; however, many species have been still little studied regarding to their chemical composition and biological potential. Thus, this study aimed to determine the antimicrobial, antioxidant and acaricidal activity of the extracts of leaves of Zanthoxylum caribaeum L. In addition, phytochemical screening of these extracts was carried out to determine the main classes of secondary metabolites present in Z. caribaeum.  Using the Z. caribaeum leaves, the aqueous extract and extracts were obtained in organic solvents (ethanol, methanol, hexane, acetone, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate). The antimicrobial activity of extracts was determined by broth microdilution method, and to detect antioxidant activity the method of capturing the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) was used. The acaricidal activity of the extracts was tested on Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer) (Acari: Dermanissidae). Ethanolic and methanolic extracts presented antimicrobial activity for most of the bacterial strains tested, as well as for yeast Candida albicans. The ethanolic extract presented high free radical sequestration potential (71.2%) and antioxidant capacity (the lowest IC50 value - 24.39 μg mL-1). The extracts obtained with methanol and acetone were the most promising. In general, phytochemical screening indicated the presence of steroids, flavanones, flavones, flavonols, saponins, tannins, triterpenoids and xanthones

    Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of the essential oil of leaves of Eugenia involucrata DC.

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    In the Myrtaceae family, the species Eugenia involucrata DC., popularly known as "cerejeira-do-mato", is traditionally used for the antidiarrheal and digestive action of its leaves. However, no studies were found in the literature regarding its antimicrobial and antioxidant potential. In this context, the objective of the present study was to determine the chemical composition by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to evaluate the antimicrobial activity by the broth microdilution technique and the antioxidant activity by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazila (DPPH) method of the essential oil of E. involucrata leaves. GC-MS identified 28 compounds, all sesquiterpenes, corresponding to 89.41% of the essential oil. The antimicrobial activity of the essential oil was observed for all Gram-positive bacteria tested (Staplylococcus epidermidis, Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus subtilis and Staplylococcus aureus) and for yeast Candida albicans. The essential oil presented a reduction capacity of DPPH up to 66.81%, evidencing its antioxidant potential. It is suggested that the antimicrobial and antioxidant action of E. involucrata essential oil is related to the presence of the major compounds, elixene (26.53%), β-caryophyllene (13.16%), α-copaene (8.41%) and germacrene D (7.17%)

    Candida albicans isolated from buccal cavity of children with Down's syndrome: occurrence and growth inhibition by Streptomyces sp

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    Comparação entre a presença de leveduras de Candida na cavidade bucal de crianças sem e com síndrome de Down mostrou-se estatisticamente significante no caso de crianças afetadas por esta cromossomopatia, tornando-as mais predispostas à candidíase bucal, provavelmente favorecida pelas alterações anátomo-fisiológicas da boca em decorrência da trissomia do cromossomo 21. Recidivas constantes de candidíase bucal em crianças portadoras desta alteração cromossômica levou a busca de prováveis alternativas terapêuticas. Visando determinar a atividade antifúngica de Streptomyces sp isolados de diferentes solos brasileiros, 5 cepas foram testadas frente a Candida albicans, oriundas da cavidade bucal de crianças com síndrome de Down. Observou-se que os isolados apresentaram uma diversidade de tamanho dos halos (9-31mm de diâmetro) de inibição de crescimento das leveduras, sugerindo uma possível utilização em terapêutica antifúngica.Comparison of the presence of Candida yeasts in the buccal cavity of children without and with Down's syndrome showed a statistically significant difference in the case of children that were affected by this chromosomopathy, rendering them more predisposed to buccal candidiasis, probably due to anatomicophysiologic alterations of the mouth resulting from trisomy of chromosome 21. Constant recurrence of buccal candidiasis in children with this chromosomal alteration lead to the search for a possible therapeutic alternative. Seeking to determine the antifungal activity of Streptomyces sp isolated from various Brazilian soils, 5 strains have been tested for Candida albicans isolated from the buccal cavity of children with Down's syndrome. It was observed that the isolate presented a diversity in the size of the halos (9-31mm in diameter) of growth inhibition of the yeasts, suggesting a possible use as a therapeutic antifungal

    Genomic epidemiology unveils the dynamics and spatial corridor behind the Yellow Fever virus outbreak in Southern Brazil

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    Despite the considerable morbidity and mortality of yellow fever virus (YFV) infections in Brazil, our understanding of disease outbreaks is hampered by limited viral genomic data. Here, through a combination of phylogenetic and epidemiological models, we reconstructed the recent transmission history of YFV within different epidemic seasons in Brazil. A suitability index based on the highly domesticated Aedes aegypti was able to capture the seasonality of reported human infections. Spatial modeling revealed spatial hotspots with both past reporting and low vaccination coverage, which coincided with many of the largest urban centers in the Southeast. Phylodynamic analysis unraveled the circulation of three distinct lineages and provided proof of the directionality of a known spatial corridor that connects the endemic North with the extra-Amazonian basin. This study illustrates that genomics linked with eco-epidemiology can provide new insights into the landscape of YFV transmission, augmenting traditional approaches to infectious disease surveillance and control