183 research outputs found

    Imaging Alzheimer's disease pathology in vivo: towards an early diagnosis

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    Scheltens, P. [Promotor]Lammertsma, A.A. [Promotor]Berckel, B.N.M. van [Copromotor]Flier, W.M. van der [Copromotor

    Optimal timing of interictal FDG-PET for epilepsy surgery: A systematic review on time since last seizure

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    Interictal 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) is used in the workup for epilepsy surgery when MRI and EEG video monitoring are not conclusive. Timing of FDG-PET is crucial to avoid the metabolically dynamic (post)ictal state that complicates interpretation, but the exact time window is unclear. We performed a systematic review to provide an evidence-based recommendation for the minimal time interval between last seizure and FDG-PET acquisition. We searched PubMed and Embase for articles on the effect of time since last seizure on FDG-PET outcome. Quality assessment was conducted with the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme Cohort Study Checklist. We identified five studies. Three studies were classified as of low to moderate quality, mainly due to undocumented data or insufficient statistical measurements. Two high-quality studies included only adults with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE). The metabolic interictal phase is 24 or 48 hours after the last seizure, depending on seizure type. The recommendation is based on the best available evidence from two small study populations for TLE. If clinically possible, interictal FDG-PET in adults should be performed at least 24 hours after focal aware seizures and 48 hours after focal impaired awareness and focal to bilateral tonic–clonic seizures

    Does cultural background influence the intellectual performance of children from immigrant groups?

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    This paper addresses both the construct validity and the criterion-related validity of the "Revisie Amsterdamse Kinder Intelligentie Test" (RAKIT), which is a cognitive ability test developed for primary school children. The present study compared immigrant primary school children (N = 559) and Dutch children (N = 604). The mean scores of Surinamese/Netherlands Antillean, Moroccan, and Turkish children differed from each other and were lower than those of the Dutch children. Comparison of the test dimensions showed that group differences with respect to the construct validity were small. We found some item bias, but the combined effects on the sum score were not large. The estimate of general intelligence (g) as computed with the RAKIT showed strong predictive validity for most school subjects and standardized achievement tests. Although some criteria revealed significant prediction bias, the effects were very small. Most of the analyses we performed on differences in test scores and differences in criterion scores supported Spearman's hypothesis that g is the predominant factor determining the size of the differences between two groups. The conclusion that the RAKIT can be used for the assessment of groups from various backgrounds seems warranted

    Strategies to reduce sample sizes in Alzheimer’s disease primary and secondary prevention trials using longitudinal amyloid PET imaging

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    BACKGROUND: Detecting subtle-to-moderate biomarker changes such as those in amyloid PET imaging becomes increasingly relevant in the context of primary and secondary prevention of Alzheimer's disease (AD). This work aimed to determine if and when distribution volume ratio (DVR; derived from dynamic imaging) and regional quantitative values could improve statistical power in AD prevention trials. METHODS: Baseline and annualized % change in [11C]PIB SUVR and DVR were computed for a global (cortical) and regional (early) composite from scans of 237 cognitively unimpaired subjects from the OASIS-3 database ( www.oasis-brains.org ). Bland-Altman and correlation analyses were used to assess the relationship between SUVR and DVR. General linear models and linear mixed effects models were used to determine effects of age, sex, and APOE-ε4 carriership on baseline and longitudinal amyloid burden. Finally, differences in statistical power of SUVR and DVR (cortical or early composite) were assessed considering three anti-amyloid trial scenarios: secondary prevention trials including subjects with (1) intermediate-to-high (Centiloid > 20.1), or (2) intermediate (20.1 < Centiloid ≤ 49.4) amyloid burden, and (3) a primary prevention trial focusing on subjects with low amyloid burden (Centiloid ≤ 20.1). Trial scenarios were set to detect 20% reduction in accumulation rates across the whole population and in APOE-ε4 carriers only. RESULTS: Although highly correlated to DVR (ρ = .96), cortical SUVR overestimated DVR cross-sectionally and in annual % change. In secondary prevention trials, DVR required 143 subjects per arm, compared with 176 for SUVR. Both restricting inclusion to individuals with intermediate amyloid burden levels or to APOE-ε4 carriers alone further reduced sample sizes. For primary prevention, SUVR required less subjects per arm (n = 855) compared with DVR (n = 1508) and the early composite also provided considerable sample size reductions (n = 855 to n = 509 for SUVR, n = 1508 to n = 734 for DVR). CONCLUSION: Sample sizes in AD secondary prevention trials can be reduced by the acquisition of dynamic PET scans and/or by restricting inclusion to subjects with intermediate amyloid burden or to APOE-ε4 carriers only. Using a targeted early composite only leads to reductions of sample size requirements in primary prevention trials. These findings support strategies to enable smaller Proof-of-Concept Phase II clinical trials to better streamline drug development

    Strategies to reduce sample sizes in Alzheimer’s disease primary and secondary prevention trials using longitudinal amyloid PET imaging

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    BACKGROUND: Detecting subtle-to-moderate biomarker changes such as those in amyloid PET imaging becomes increasingly relevant in the context of primary and secondary prevention of Alzheimer's disease (AD). This work aimed to determine if and when distribution volume ratio (DVR; derived from dynamic imaging) and regional quantitative values could improve statistical power in AD prevention trials. METHODS: Baseline and annualized % change in [11C]PIB SUVR and DVR were computed for a global (cortical) and regional (early) composite from scans of 237 cognitively unimpaired subjects from the OASIS-3 database ( www.oasis-brains.org ). Bland-Altman and correlation analyses were used to assess the relationship between SUVR and DVR. General linear models and linear mixed effects models were used to determine effects of age, sex, and APOE-ε4 carriership on baseline and longitudinal amyloid burden. Finally, differences in statistical power of SUVR and DVR (cortical or early composite) were assessed considering three anti-amyloid trial scenarios: secondary prevention trials including subjects with (1) intermediate-to-high (Centiloid > 20.1), or (2) intermediate (20.1 < Centiloid ≤ 49.4) amyloid burden, and (3) a primary prevention trial focusing on subjects with low amyloid burden (Centiloid ≤ 20.1). Trial scenarios were set to detect 20% reduction in accumulation rates across the whole population and in APOE-ε4 carriers only. RESULTS: Although highly correlated to DVR (ρ = .96), cortical SUVR overestimated DVR cross-sectionally and in annual % change. In secondary prevention trials, DVR required 143 subjects per arm, compared with 176 for SUVR. Both restricting inclusion to individuals with intermediate amyloid burden levels or to APOE-ε4 carriers alone further reduced sample sizes. For primary prevention, SUVR required less subjects per arm (n = 855) compared with DVR (n = 1508) and the early composite also provided considerable sample size reductions (n = 855 to n = 509 for SUVR, n = 1508 to n = 734 for DVR). CONCLUSION: Sample sizes in AD secondary prevention trials can be reduced by the acquisition of dynamic PET scans and/or by restricting inclusion to subjects with intermediate amyloid burden or to APOE-ε4 carriers only. Using a targeted early composite only leads to reductions of sample size requirements in primary prevention trials. These findings support strategies to enable smaller Proof-of-Concept Phase II clinical trials to better streamline drug development

    Achtergronddocument vergunningenbeleid voor lozingen van afvalwater uit mestverwerkingsinstallaties

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    Waterbeheerders in Nederland krijgen de laatste jaren steeds vaker te maken met vergunningaanvragen voor het lozen van afvalwater afkomstig uit mestverwerkingsinstallaties (MVI’s). Dit achtergronddocument biedt inzicht in het beleidskader voor en de technieken van mestverwerking, de afvalwaterstromen die daarbij vrij komen en technieken om dat afvalwater te behandelen. Daarnaast beschrijft het document het beleidskader voor lozingen van afvalwater, ervaringen uit de praktijk en uiteindelijk een eenduidig afwegingskader voor vergunningverleners. Het rapport eindigt met een aantal aanbevelingen voor het gebruik van dit rapport door vergunningverleners, voor het vervolgtraject dat onder regie van het Ministerie van I&M en bevat een aantal aanbevelingen om resterende kennisleemten te vullen. Het doel van dit achtergronddocument is inzicht te geven in de stand der techniek bij de behandeling van vrijkomende afvalwaterstromen uit mestverwerkingsinstallaties (MVI’s). Bij voldoende behandeling kan het afvalwater geloosd worden op de riolering (rioolwaterzuivering) of direct op oppervlaktewater. Het document heeft als nevendoel om de vergunningverlening te harmoniseren en het lozingenbeleid te onderbouwen

    The effect of amyloid pathology and glucose metabolism on cortical volume loss over time in Alzheimer’s disease

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    Purpose: The present multimodal neuroimaging study examined whether amyloid pathology and glucose metabolism are related to cortical volume loss over time in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and healthy elderly controls. Methods: Structural MRI scans of eleven AD patients and ten controls were available at baseline and follow-up (mean interval 2.5 years). Change in brain structure over time was defined as percent change of cortical volume within seven a-priori defined regions that typically show the strongest structural loss in AD. In addition, two PET scans were performed at baseline: [[superscript 11]C]PIB to assess amyloid-β plaque load and [[superscript 18]F]FDG to assess glucose metabolism. [[superscript 11]C]PIB binding and [[superscript 18]F]FDG uptake were measured in the precuneus, a region in which both amyloid deposition and glucose hypometabolism occur early in the course of AD. Results: While amyloid-β plaque load at baseline was not related to cortical volume loss over time in either group, glucose metabolism within the group of AD patients was significantly related to volume loss over time (rho=0.56, p<0.05). Conclusion:The present study shows that in a group of AD patients amyloid-β plaque load as measured by [[superscript 11]C]PIB behaves as a trait marker (i.e., all AD patients showed elevated levels of amyloid, not related to subsequent disease course), whilst hypometabolism as measured by [[superscript 18]F]FDG changed over time indicating that it could serve as a state marker that is predictive of neurodegeneration.Hersenstichting Nederland (KS2011(1)-24)Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical ImagingInternationale Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek (Project Number 11539