165 research outputs found

    Evolution of drop size distribution in natural rain

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    Both numerical modeling and laboratory experiments document the possibility of a raindrop size distribution (DSD) to evolve to an equilibrium stage (EDSD), where all the principal processes occur at steady rates. The aim of this work is to observe the temporal behavior of the DSD and to directly investigate the conditions favorable to the onset of the EDSD in natural rain. We exploited a large disdrometer dataset collected in the framework of the Ground Validation activities related to the NASA Global Precipitation Measurement mission. More than 200,000 one-minute data of two-dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD) are collected over USA to represent a wide range of precipitation types. The original data are averaged over 2 min and an automatic algorithm is used on a selected subset to identify samples with EDSD. Results show that the EDSD occurs mainly in convective events and lasts for very short time intervals (2 to 4 min). It is more frequent for rain rate between 20 and 40 mm h−1 and it mostly occurs during sharp increase of precipitation rates

    Evaluation of the New Version of the Laser-Optical Disdrometer, OTT Parsivel2

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    A comparative study of raindrop size distribution measurements has been conducted at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center where the focus was to evaluate the performance of the upgraded laser-optical OTT Particle Size Velocity (Parsivel2; P2) disdrometer. The experimental setup included a collocated pair of tipping-bucket rain gauges, OTT Parsivel (P1) and P2 disdrometers, and Joss-Waldvogel (JW) disdrometers. Excellent agreement between the two collocated rain gauges enabled their use as a relative reference for event rain totals. A comparison of event total showed that the P2 had a 6%absolute bias with respect to the reference gauges, considerably lower than the P1 and JW disdrometers. Good agreement was also evident between the JW and P2 in hourly raindrop spectra for drop diameters between 0.5 and 4 mm. The P2 drop concentrations mostly increased toward small sizes, and the peak concentrations were mostly observed in the first three measurable size bins. The P1, on the other hand, underestimated small drops and overestimated the large drops, particularly in heavy rain rates. From the analysis performed, it appears that the P2 is an improvement over the P1 model for both drop size and rainfall measurements. P2 mean fall velocities follow accepted terminal fall speed relationships at drop sizes less than 1 mm. As a caveat, the P2 had approximately 1ms21 slower mean fall speed with respect to the terminal fall speed near 1 mm, and the difference between the mean measured and terminal fall speeds reduced with increasing drop size. This caveat was recognized as a software bug by the manufacturer and is currently being investigated

    Infrared luminescence of annealed germanosilicate layers

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In the light of growing importance of semiconductor nanocrystals for photonics, we report on the growth and characterization of annealed germanosilicate layers used for Ge nanocrystal formation. The films are grown using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) and post-annealed in nitrogen at temperatures between 600 and 1200 degrees C for as long as 2 h. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman scattering and photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL) has been used to characterize the samples both structurally and optically. Formation of Ge precipitates in the germanosilicate layers have been observed using Raman spectroscopy for a variety of PECVD growth parameters, annealing temperatures and times. Ge-Ge mode at similar to 300 cm(-1) is clearly observed at temperatures as low as 700 degrees C for annealing durations for 45 min. Raman results indicate that upon annealing for extended periods of time at temperatures above 900 degrees C; nanocrystals of few tens of nanometers in diameter inside the oxide matrix and precipitation and interdiffusion of Ge, forming SiGe alloy at the silicon and oxide interface take place. Low temperature PL spectroscopy has been used to observe luminescence from these samples in the vicinity of 1550 nm, an important wavelength for telecommunications. Observed luminescence quenches at 140 K. The photoluminescence data displays three peaks closely interrelated at approximately 1490,, 1530 and 1610 nm. PL spectra persist even after removing the oxide layer indicating that the origin of the infrared luminescent centers are not related to the Ge nanocrystals in the oxide layer. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The universal non-neuronal nature of parkinson's disease: a theory

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    Various recent developments of relevance to Parkinson's disease (PD) are discussed and integrated into a comprehensive hypothesis on the nature, origin and inter-cellular mode of propagation of late-onset sporadic PD. We propose to define sporadic PD as a characteristic pathological deviation in the global gene expression program of a cell: the PD expression-state, or PD-state for short. Although a universal cell-generic state, the PD-state deviation would be particularly damaging in a neuronal context, ultimately leading to neuron death and the ensuing observed clinical signs. We review why age accumulated damage caused by oxidative stress in mitochondria could be the trigger for a primordial cell to shift to the PD-state. We put forward hematopoietic cells could be the first to acquire the PD-state, at hematopoiesis, from the disruption in reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis that arises with age in the hematopoietic stem-cell niche. We argue why, nonetheless, such a process is unlikely to explain the shift to the PD-state of all the subsequently affected cells in a patient, thus indicating the existence of a distinct mechanism of propagation of the PD-state. We highlight recent findings on the intercellular exchange of mitochondrial DNA and the ability of mitochondrial DNA to modulate the cellular global gene expression state and propose this could form the basis for the intercellular propagation of the PD-state

    Drop size distribution comparisons between Parsivel and 2-D video disdrometers

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    Measurements from a 2-D video disdrometer (2DVD) have been used for drop size distribution (DSD) comparisons with co-located Parsivel measurements in Huntsville, Alabama. The comparisons were made in terms of the mass-weighted mean diameter, <i>D</i><sub>m</sub>, the standard deviation of the mass-spectrum, <i>&sigma;</i><sub>m</sub>, and the rainfall rate, <i>R</i>, all based on 1-min DSD from the two instruments. Time series comparisons show close agreement in all three parameters for cases where <i>R</i> was less than 20 mm h<sup>−1</sup>. In four cases, discrepancies in all three parameters were seen for "heavy" events, with the Parsivel showing higher <i>D</i><sub>m</sub>, <i>&sigma;</i><sub>m</sub> and <i>R</i>, when <i>R</i> reached high values (particularly above 30 mm h<sup>−1</sup>). Possible causes for the discrepancies include the presence of a small percentage of non-fully melted hydrometers, with higher than expected fall velocity and with very different axis ratios as compared with rain, indicating small hail or ice pellets or graupel. We also present here Parsivel-to-Parsivel comparisons as well as comparisons between two 2DVD instruments, namely a low-profile unit and the latest generation, "compact unit" which was installed at the same site in November 2009. The comparisons are included to assess the variability between the same types of instrument. Correlation coefficients and the fractional standard errors are compared

    Quality Control and Calibration of the Dual-Polarization Radar at Kwajalein, RMI

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    Weather radars, recording information about precipitation around the globe, will soon be significantly upgraded. Most of today s weather radars transmit and receive microwave energy with horizontal orientation only, but upgraded systems have the capability to send and receive both horizontally and vertically oriented waves. These enhanced "dual-polarimetric" (DP) radars peer into precipitation and provide information on the size, shape, phase (liquid / frozen), and concentration of the falling particles (termed hydrometeors). This information is valuable for improved rain rate estimates, and for providing data on the release and absorption of heat in the atmosphere from condensation and evaporation (phase changes). The heating profiles in the atmosphere influence global circulation, and are a vital component in studies of Earth s changing climate. However, to provide the most accurate interpretation of radar data, the radar must be properly calibrated and data must be quality controlled (cleaned) to remove non-precipitation artifacts; both of which are challenging tasks for today s weather radar. The DP capability maximizes performance of these procedures using properties of the observed precipitation. In a notable paper published in 2005, scientists from the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS) at the University of Oklahoma developed a method to calibrate radars using statistically averaged DP measurements within light rain. An additional publication by one of the same scientists at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) in Norman, Oklahoma introduced several techniques to perform quality control of radar data using DP measurements. Following their lead, the Topical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Satellite Validation Office at NASA s Goddard Space Flight Center has fine-tuned these methods for specific application to the weather radar at Kwajalein Island in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, approximately 2100 miles southwest of Hawaii and 1400 miles east of Guam in the tropical North Pacific Ocean. This tropical oceanic location is important because the majority of rain, and therefore the majority of atmospheric heating, occurs in the tropics where limited ground-based radar data are available

    Evaluation of Functional Electrical Stimulation to Assist Cycling in Four Adolescents with Spastic Cerebral Palsy

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    Introduction. Adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP) often have difficulty participating in exercise at intensities necessary to improve cardiovascular fitness. Functional electrical stimulation- (FES-) assisted cycling is proposed as a form of exercise for adolescents with CP. The aims of this paper were to adapt methods and assess the feasibility of applying FES cycling technology in adolescents with CP, determine methods of performing cycling tests in adolescents with CP, and evaluate the immediate effects of FES assistance on cycling performance. Materials/Methods. Four participants (12–14 years old; GMFCS levels III-IV) participated in a case-based pilot study of FES-assisted cycling in which bilateral quadriceps muscles were activated using surface electrodes. Cycling cadence, power output, and heart rate were collected. Results. FES-assisted cycling was well tolerated (n = 4) and cases are presented demonstrating increased cadence (2–43 rpm), power output (19–70%), and heart rates (4-5%) and decreased variability (8–13%) in cycling performance when FES was applied, compared to volitional cycling without FES assistance. Some participants (n = 2) required the use of an auxiliary hub motor for assistance. Conclusions. FES-assisted cycling is feasible for individuals with CP and may lead to immediate improvements in cycling performance. Future work will examine the potential for long-term fitness gains using this intervention

    Comparison of Raindrop Size Distribution Measurements by Collocated Disdrometers

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    An impact-type Joss-Waldvogel disdrometer (JWD), a two-dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD), and a laser optical OTT Particle Size and Velocity (PARSIVEL) disdrometer (PD) were used to measure the raindrop size distribution (DSD) over a 6-month period in Huntsville, Alabama. Comparisons indicate event rain totals for all three disdrometers that were in reasonable agreement with a reference rain gauge. In a relative sense, hourly composite DSDs revealed that the JWD was more sensitive to small drops (,1 mm), while the PD appeared to severely underestimate small drops less than 0.76mm in diameter. The JWD and 2DVD measured comparable number concentrations of midsize drops (1-3mm) and large drops (3-5 mm), while the PD tended to measure relatively higher drop concentrations at sizes larger than 2.44mm in diameter. This concentration disparity tended to occur when hourly rain rates and drop counts exceeded 2.5mm/h and 400/min, respectively. Based on interactions with the PD manufacturer, the partially inhomogeneous laser beam is considered the cause of the PD drop count overestimation. PD drop fall speeds followed the expected terminal fall speed relationship quite well, while the 2DVD occasionally measured slower drops for diameters larger than 2.4mm, coinciding with events where wind speeds were greater than 4m/s. The underestimation of small drops by the PD had a pronounced effect on the intercept and shape of parameters of gamma-fitted DSDs, while the overestimation of midsize and larger drops resulted in higher mean values for PD integral rain parameter

    Evaluation of the New Version of the Laser-Optical Disdrometer, Parsivel

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    Disdrometer based hydrometeor size distribution measurements have a wide range of application in radar meteorology among other disciplines. The low-cost laser optical disdrometer which became commercially available in 2005 opened a new era to study the variability of the hydrometeor size distribution. The pixel and footprint scale variability of the ground and spaceborne radar remote sensing of precipitation, respectively, has been investigated through a network of Parsivel disdrometers. At the same timE, the cross comparison of impact-type, two-dimensional video and laser-optical disdrometers highlighted the relative strengths and weaknesses of each type of disdrometer. The Parsivel instrument tended to underestimate the number of small drops less than 0.8 mm in diameter quite severely, while the size of drops larger than 2.0 mm in diameter were overestimated at heavy rain quite frequently. Through a close collaboration with the manufacturer, these shortcomings were attributed to the inexpensive laser device. The manufacturer has just released a beta version of Parsivel2. The preliminary comparisons with old and new versions of Parsivel, impact type disdrometer and rain gauges showed a noticeable improvement of the Parsivel at both small and large drop end. This presentation will demonstrate the evaluation of the new unit and its potential impact on radar rainfall relations, including polarimetric and high frequency radar rainfall

    Drop Shapes Versus Fall Velocities in Rain: 2 Contrasting Examples

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    Rainfall retrievals from polarimetric radar measurements require the knowledge of four fundamental rain microstructure parameters, namely, drop size distribution, drop shape distribution, canting angles and drop fall velocities. Some recent measurements of all four parameters in natural rain are summarized in [1]. In this paper, we perform an in-depth analysis of two events, using two co-located 2D video disdrometers (2DVD; see [2]) both with high calibration accuracy, and a C-band polarimetric radar [3], located 15 km away. The two events, which occurred 7 days apart (on the 18th and the 25th of Dec 2009), had moderate-to-intense rainfall rates, but the second event had an embedded convection line within the storm. The line had passed over the 2DVD site, thus enabling the shapes and fall velocities to be determined as the line crossed the site. The first event was also captured in a similar manner by both the 2DVDs as well as the C-band radar. Drop fall velocity measurements for, say, the 3 mm drops show noticeable differences between the two events. Whereas for the first event, the velocity distribution showed a narrow and symmetric distribution, with a mode at the expected value (7.95 m/s, as given by the formula in [4]), the second event produced a wider distribution with a significant skewness towards lower velocities (although its mode too was close to the expected value). Moreover, the slower 3 mm drops in the second event occurred when the convection line was directly over the 2DVD site (03:35-03:45 utc), and not before nor after. A similar trend was observed in terms of the horizontal dimensions of the 3 mm drops, i.e. large fluctuations during the same time period, but not outside the period. Vertical dimensions of the drops also fluctuated but not to the same extent. Interestingly, the horizontal dimensions tended towards larger values during the 10-minute period, implying an increase in drop oblateness, which in turn indicates the possibility of the horizontal mode oscillation, one of the three fundamental modes of drop oscillations [5], albeit the most difficult one to excite