2,419 research outputs found


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    The classification of hydrotechnical buildings of hydromeliorationsystems according to capital construction classes and classes ofconsequences (liability) is analyzed. It is established that moderndesign rules for hydro-amelioration systems as a whole do not offerquantitative indicators of the reliability of objects and all design methods are based on deterministic models. In accordance with theclass of consequences (liability) of the buildings , the categories ofresponsibility of the buildings and its elements and the group ofboundary states, the values of the coefficients of reliability are set,which are the coefficients of the stock and does not change during theoperation time of the buildings . Since the intensity of decreasing thereliability of the objects of hydro-amelioration systems depends onmany random factors, performing the assessment of the reliability ofhydro-ameliorative buildings requires switching from deterministicmodels to probabilistic ones. Therefore, the proposed values ofpermissible levels of reliability for hydro-amelioration structuresdepending on the class of capital and classes of consequences(liability), which allows the design of structures with the designatedlevel of failure, to evaluate the work of the building without a refusalduring the time of the calculated loads, to avoid unreasonable costsfor construction of buildings and possible damages caused by failuresof buildings.Проанализирована классификация гидротехнических сооруженийгидромелиоративных систем по классам капитальности и классамипоследствий (ответственности). Предложено значения допустимыхуровней надежности для гидромелиоративных сооружений в зависимости от класса капитальности и классов последствий (ответственности).Проаналізовано класифікацію гідротехнічних споруд гідромеліоративних систем за класами капітальності та класами наслідків (відповідальності). Запропоновано значення допустимих рівнів надійності для гідромеліоративних споруд залежно від класу капітальності та класів наслідків (відповідальності)


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    The deterministic dependencies are analyzed for determining themain parameters of the channels, by which, their size and throughputare determined. The importance of the influence of the components of the Chezi equation on the magnitude of the trapezoidal channelthroughput is established. On the basis of the theoretical analysis ofregulatory tolerances on parameters in the construction ofhydromeliorative channels using probability theory and statisticalsimulation methods, analytical dependencies have been developed todetermine the confidence intervals of the throughput in channels anddepths. To determine the probable limits of changing the depths ofwater in the channels when passing the calculated costs Qr proposedto use graphs Qmin=f(hр); Qр=f(hр) та Qmax=f(hр). The obtainedmathematical model for estimating probabilistic limits of changes incosts and depths of water in channels of trapezoidal cross-sectionalshape allows to estimate the risk of flow of water from the channelbed and flooding part of the drainage system.Проанализированы детерминистические зависимости, которые дополнены вероятностными зависимостями для определения пропускной способности каналов гидромелиоративных систем. Предложена математическая модель для оценивания вероятностных границ изменения расходов в каналах трапецеидальной формы поперечного сечения.Проаналізовано детерміністичні залежності, які доповнені імовірнісними залежностями для визначення пропускної здатності каналівгідромеліоративних систем. Запропонована математична модельдля оцінювання імовірнісних меж зміни витрат у каналах трапецеїдальної форми поперечного перерізу


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    The necessity of measures for purification and preparation of irrigation water which comes to the pressure pipeline of the irrigation machine from suspended particles of different origin were substantiated.The scientific-methodical approaches to the estimation of the influence of irrigation water pollution on the hydraulic parameters of the SMF «Frigate» were considered, namely the throughput of sprinkler nozzles and the irrigation norm of agricultural crops. The results of the machine experiment on determining the influence of the level of pollution of irrigation water on the throughput of the SMF «Frigate» for conditions that are similar to the conditions of irrigation in Kherson region were given.Обоснована необходимость осуществления мероприятий по очистке и подготовке оросительной воды, поступающей в напорный трубопровод поливной машины от взвешенных частиц различного происхождения. Рассмотрены научно-методические подходы к оценке влияния загрязнения поливной воды на гидравлические параметры ДМФ «Фрегат», а именно пропускную способность дождевальных насадок и поливную норму сельскохозяйственных культур. Приведены результаты машинного эксперимента по определению влияния уровня загрязненности оросительной воды на пропускную способность ДМФ «Фрегат» для условий, которые аналогичны условиям орошения в Херсонской области.Обґрунтовано необхідність здійснення заходів з очищення та підготовки зрошувальної води, що надходить до напірного трубопроводу поливної машини від завислих часток різного походження. Розглянуто науково-методичні підходи до оцінювання впливу забруднення поливної води на гідравлічні параметри ДМФ «Фрегат», а саме пропускну здатність дощувальних насадок та поливну норму сільськогосподарських культур. Приведено результати машинного експерименту з визначення впливу рівня забрудненості зрошувальної води на пропускну здатність ДМФ «Фрегат» для умов, які аналогічні умовам зрошення в Херсонській області

    Design and construction of new central and forward muon counters for CDF II

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    New scintillation counters have been designed and constructed for the CDF upgrade in order to complete the muon coverage of the central CDF detector, and to extend this coverage to larger pseudorapidity. A novel light collection technique using wavelength shifting fibers, together with high quality polystyrene-based scintillator resulted in compact counters with good and stable light collection efficiency over lengths extending up to 320 cm. Their design and construction is described and results of their initial performance are reported.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of AISi 304l austenitic stainless steel processed by various schedules of rolling

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    The paper studies various rolling schedules implemented at 500°С (incl. direct, reverse, and cross rolling) and their effect on the structure formation and mechanical properties in AISI 304L stainless steel samples. Both TEM and SEM research techniques were applied. An ultrafine grain-subgrain microstructure was found to be formed inside elongated original grains. Rolling-processed microstructural elements were close in their size with the minimum value observed after a reverse rolling (240 nm

    Information as an object of legal regulation in Ukraine

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    Information as an object of legal regulation in Ukraine / Svitlana Iasechko, Alla Ivanovska, Tetyana Gudz and etc. // International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. – 2021. – Vol. 21, No 5 (May). – P. 237-242.У статті розглядаються проблемні питання визначення інформації як об’єкта приватних відносин. Визначення того, що вони є нематеріальними та неспоживаними за своєю природою, нерозривно пов’язані з конкретним матеріальним носієм, закріплені суб’єктом, який їх передає, повідомленнями та інформацією, які мають кількісні та якісні характеристики та можуть мати вантаж або іншої цінності, а в разі її незаконного використання заподіяння шкоди та моральної шкоди.The article deals with the problematic issues of defining information as an object of private relations. Definitions that they are intangible and non-consumable by nature, are inextricably linked to a specific material carrier are/or secured by the subject that transmits them, messages, and information that have quantitative and qualitative characteristics, and are capable of having a freight or another value, and in case of its illegal usage causing damage and moral harm.В статье рассматриваются проблемные вопросы определения информации как объекта частных отношений. Определения, что они нематериальные и непотребляемые по своей природе, неразрывно связаны с конкретным материальным носителем, / или закрепляются за субъектом, который передает их, сообщения и информацию, которые имеют количественные и качественные характеристики и могут перевозить или иное значение, а в случае его незаконного использования с причинением ущерба и морального вреда

    Measurement of the Dipion Mass Spectrum in X(3872) -> J/Psi Pi+ Pi- Decays

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    We measure the dipion mass spectrum in X(3872)--> J/Psi Pi+ Pi- decays using 360 pb-1 of pbar-p collisions at 1.96 TeV collected with the CDF II detector. The spectrum is fit with predictions for odd C-parity (3S1, 1P1, and 3DJ) charmonia decaying to J/Psi Pi+ Pi-, as well as even C-parity states in which the pions are from Rho0 decay. The latter case also encompasses exotic interpretations, such as a D0-D*0Bar molecule. Only the 3S1 and J/Psi Rho hypotheses are compatible with our data. Since 3S1 is untenable on other grounds, decay via J/Psi Rho is favored, which implies C=+1 for the X(3872). Models for different J/Psi-Rho angular momenta L are considered. Flexibility in the models, especially the introduction of Rho-Omega interference, enable good descriptions of our data for both L=0 and 1.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures -- Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Search for Higgs Boson Decaying to b-bbar and Produced in Association with W Bosons in p-pbar Collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV

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    We present a search for Higgs bosons decaying into b-bbar and produced in association with W bosons in p-pbar collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV. This search uses 320 pb-1 of the dataset accumulated by the upgraded Collider Detector at Fermilab. Events are selected that have a high-transverse momentum electron or muon, missing transverse energy, and two jets, one of which is consistent with a hadronization of a b quark. Both the number of events and the dijet mass distribution are consistent with standard model background expectations, and we set 95% confidence level upper limits on the production cross section times branching ratio for the Higgs boson or any new particle with similar decay kinematics. These upper limits range from 10 pb for mH=110 GeV/c2 to 3 pb for mH=150 GeV/c2.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; updated title to published versio

    Search for anomalous semileptonic decay of heavy flavor hadrons produced in association with a W boson at CDF II

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    We present a search for anomalous semileptonic decays of heavy flavor hadrons produced in association with a WW boson, in proton-antiproton collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV. We use 162 pb-1 of data collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We select events with one W boson and at least one jet with an identified secondary vertex. In the jets with a secondary vertex we look for a semileptonic decay to a muon. We compare the number of jets with both a secondary vertex and a semileptonic decay, and the kinematic properties of these jets, with the standard model expectation of W plus heavy flavor production and decay. No discrepancy is seen between the observation and the expectation, and we set limits on the production cross section of a B-like hadron with an anomalously high semileptonic branching ratio.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PRD-RC; replaced to adjust the page forma

    Search for Second-Generation Scalar Leptoquarks in ppˉ\bm{p \bar{p}} Collisions at s\sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV

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    Results on a search for pair production of second generation scalar leptoquark in ppˉp \bar{p} collisions at s\sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV are reported. The data analyzed were collected by the CDF detector during the 2002-2003 Tevatron Run II and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 198 pb1^{-1}. Leptoquarks (LQ) are sought through their decay into (charged) leptons and quarks, with final state signatures represented by two muons and jets and one muon, large transverse missing energy and jets. We observe no evidence for LQLQ production and derive 95% C.L. upper limits on the LQLQ production cross sections as well as lower limits on their mass as a function of β\beta, where β\beta is the branching fraction for LQμqLQ \to \mu q.Comment: 9 pages (3 author list) 5 figure