91 research outputs found

    Effect of cattle manure and zeolite applications on physiological and biochemical changes in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] grown under water deficit stress | Efecto de la aplicación de estiércol de ganado y zeolita sobre los cambios fisiológicos y bioquímicos en soya [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivada bajo estrés por déficit hídrico

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    In order to study the effects of cattle manure and zeolite applications on physiological and biochemical changes in soybean grown under conditions of water stress, an experiment was conducted at Varamin, Iran during 2011 growing season. The experimental design was carried out in a randomized complete blocks with a split factorial arrangement of treatments in three replications. Main factor was water stress (normal irrigation and irrigation withholding after 50% flowering) and sub factors were included cattle manure (0, 15 and 30 ton per hectare) and zeolite application (with and without). The results showed that water stress significantly decreased relative water content and electrolyte leakage while increased antioxidant enzyme activity. By contrast, zeolite and cattle manure application had positive effect on relative water content and improve of electrolyte leakage. These treatments alleviate enzyme activity and lipid or protein peroxidation. In general, we concluded that zeolite and manure application can ameliorate growth conditions for soybean plants grown under water deficit stress. Key words: Soybean, cattle manure, zeolite, water stress, enzyme activity RESUMEN Con el fin de estudiar los efectos de la aplicación de estiércol de ganado y zeolita sobre los cambios fisiológicos y bioquímicos de soya cultivada bajo condiciones de estrés hídrico se realizó un experimento de campo en Varamin, Irán durante la temporada de cultivo del 2011. El diseño experimental fue bloques completos al azar en parcelas divididas con tres repeticiones. El factor principal fue el estrés hídrico (riego normal y la supresión de riego después del 50% de floración) y los sub factores fueron estiércol de ganado (0, 15 y 30 t/ha) y la aplicación de zeolita (con y sin). Los resultados mostraron que el estrés hídrico disminuyó significativamente el contenido relativo de agua y la estabilidad de la membrana mientras que incrementó la actividad enzimática. Por el contrario, la aplicación de zeolita y estiércol de ganado tuvieron un efecto positivo sobre el contenido relativo de agua y mejoraron la estabilidad de la membrana. Estos tratamientos aliviaron la actividad enzimática y la peroxidación de lípidos o proteínas. En general, se concluye que la aplicación de zeolita y estiércol puede mejorar las condiciones de crecimiento de las plantas de soya cultivadas bajo estrés por déficit hídrico. Palabras clave: Soya, estiércol de ganado, zeolita, estrés hídrico, actividad enzimátic

    Periodic Fever, Aphthous Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and Cervical Adenitis (PFAPA) Misdiagnosed as Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection

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    Recurrent fever is common in children and specific infections account for the fever in most cases. PFAPA is not an uncommon cause of periodic fever during childhood. On the other hand, in patients with vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), urinary tract infection usually presents with fever.Here, we report two PFAPA cases in patients with VUR in whom recurrent episodes of fever were misdiagnosed as UTI. Keywords: PFAPA Syndrome; Periodic Fever Syndrome; Vesico-Ureteral Reflux; Urinary Tract Infections; Child

    Analysis of the Environmental Factors Affecting the Growth Traits of Iran-Black Sheep

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    A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of non-genetic factors on the growth behavior of Iran-Black sheep. The data of growth performances, birth weight (BW), weaning weight (W3), weight at 6, 9and 12 months of age (W6, W9 and W12, respectively), were taken from 1522 lambs belonging to data bank from Abbas Abad Sheep Breeding Station located at the North-east of Iran during a period of five years. Statistical analyses were performed using a general linear model including non-genetic factors: lamb sex, birth year and litter size as main effects, the lamb's age when weighed as covariate, and the interactions between these factors. Results showed that all traits were significantly (

    The Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Job Burnout: a study on staff of selected hospitals affiliated to Kerman University of Medical Sciences

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    The Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Job Burnout: a study on staff of selected hospitals affiliated to Kerman University of Medical Sciences Tohidi Mahya1, Pour Kiani Masoud2, Amiresmaili Mohammad Reza3, Khosravi Sajad4* 1. Ph.D. Student, School of Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran. 2. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran. 2. Associate Professor, School of Management and Medical Informatics, Department of Management, Health Policy and Health Economic, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran 3. Ph.D. Student, School of Public Health, Bam University of Medical Sciences, Bam, Iran. *Correspondence: School of Public Health, Campus of Bam, Khalij Fars Highway, Bam University of Medical Sciences. Tel: 034335229985 Email: [email protected] Abstract: Introduction: The presence of committed human resources improves organizational performance and achievement of individual and organizational goals. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational commitment and job burnout among staff of the selected hospitals affiliated to Kerman University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This cross-sectional, descriptive-analytic study was carried out in 2015. In this study, 278 employees were selected using quota sampling. In order to collect data, Maslach questionnaires on job burnout (22 questions) and Allen & Meyer organization commitment questionnaire (24 questions) were used. Data analysis was performed through SPSS 16 and using descriptive statistics as well as analytical statistics tests such as Pearson correlation, ANOVA and linear regression. Results: In whole, 74.8% of the participants were female and 40% had less than 10 years of work experience. Mean scores of organizational commitment (98.20) and job burnout (74.58) were in moderate level. Organization commitment and all its dimensions had significant inverse relationship with job burnout (P=0.000). In addition, the relationships of organization commitment with gender and age, and job burnout with employment status were significant (P=0.01). Conclusion: High organizational commitment represents the acceptance of organizational goals and values by the employees. Committed employees have better job performance in the organization and less job burnout. Therefore, managers must attempt to raise the level of organizational commitment and put it in their programs planning. Key¬words: Organizational Commitment, Job Burnout, Educational Hospital, Staff ¬Citation: Tohid M, Pour Kiani M, Amiresmaili MR, Khosravi S. The Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Job Burnout: a study on staff of selected hospitals affiliated to Kerman University of Medical Sciences. Journal of Health Based Research 2016; 2(3): 299-306

    Analysis of genetic variation of inducible nitric oxide synthase and natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 loci in Malaysian native chickens

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    The genetic diversity of 100 Malaysian native chickens was investigated using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) for two candidate genes: inducible nitric oxide synthase (INOS) and natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 (NRAMP1). The two genes were selected because of their important role in chicken's immune system. INOS and NRAMP1 PCR products were digested by AluI and SacI restriction enzymes, respectively. The restriction digests produced fragment sizes of 322 and 173 bp for INOS and 722 and 79 bp for NRAMP1 as one allele and an undigested PCR product as the other allele. Both loci were polymorph, however only INOS gene showed Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Average heterozygosity and the Shannon information index (I) was 0.43 and 0.62 for INOS and 0.48 and 0.68 for NRAMP1 genes, respectively. The observed polymorphism in this study shows the ability of these candidate genes in marker assisted selection and introgression programs to increase resistance to diseases in both Malaysian native and commercial chickens

    Residual Information of Previous Decision Affects Evidence Accumulation in Current Decision

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    Bias in perceptual decisions can be generally defined as an effect which is controlled by factors other than the decision-relevant information (e.g., perceptual information in a perceptual task, when trials are independent). The literature on decision-making suggests two main hypotheses to account for this kind of bias: internal bias signals are derived from (a) the residual of motor signals generated to report a decision in the past, and (b) the residual of sensory information extracted from the stimulus in the past. Beside these hypotheses, this study suggests that making a decision in the past per se may bias the next decision. We demonstrate the validity of this assumption, first, by performing behavioral experiments based on the two-alternative forced-choice (TAFC) discrimination of motion direction paradigms and, then, we modified the pure drift-diffusion model (DDM) based on the accumulation-to-bound mechanism to account for the sequential effect. In both cases, the trace of the previous trial influences the current decision. Results indicate that the probability of being correct in the current decision increases if it is in line with the previously made decision even in the presence of feedback. Moreover, a modified model that keeps the previous decision information in the starting point of evidence accumulation provides a better fit to the behavioral data. Our findings suggest that the accumulated evidence in the decision-making process after crossing the bound in the previous decision can affect the parameters of information accumulation for the current decision in consecutive trials

    On fatigue life prediction of Al-alloy 2024 plates in riveted joints

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    The purpose of this paper is to numerically investigate the fatigue life and the fatigue crack growth path of 2024 aluminum plate riveted joints. For this purpose, according to field observations, the parameters affecting fatigue life are obtained. Relevant geometric parameters such as rivet shank length, hole diameter and dimensional tolerances, as well as the location pattern of the rivets and the material of the rivet joints are studied. In this study, modeling is performed to calculate the equivalent plastic strain using the finite element method. For this purpose, a three-dimensional elastoplastic model is used for simulation. The information obtained from the finite element method in this study made it possible to place the rivets in this type of joint for use in high safety structures such as the aerospace industry. Given the importance of the problem of crack growth in 2024 aluminum plates, having the geometrical and physical parameters of the problem, the goal is to achieve the exact path of crack growth and fatigue life of riveted joints. Fatigue crack growth simulation is performed on the samples using the boundary element method. The stress intensity factor for different loading modes is determined using the boundary element method. The results showed that the geometric parameters and the rivet material have a significant effect on fatigue cracking in aluminum plates

    Maxillofacial fracture epidemiology and treatment plans in the Northeast of Iran: A retrospective study

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    Background: The epidemiology of facial injuries varies based on lifestyle, cultural background and socioeconomic status in different countries and geographic zones. This study evaluated the epidemiology of maxillofacial fractures and treatment plans in hospitalized patients in Northeast of Iran (2015-2016). Material and Methods: In this retrospective study, the medical records of 502 hospitalized patients were evaluated in the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery in Kamyab Hospital in Mashhad, Iran. The type and cause of fractures and treatment plans were recorded in a checklist. Data were analyzed with Mann–Whitney test, chi-squared test and Fisher’s exact test, using SPSS 21. Results: The majority of patients were male (80.3%). Most subjects were in 20-30-year age range (43.2%). The fractures were mostly caused by accidents, particularly motorcycle accidents (MCAs), and the most common site of involvement was the body of the mandible. There was a significant association between the type of treatment and age. In fact, the age range of 16-59 years underwent open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) more than other age ranges (P=0.001). Also, there was a significant association between gender and fractures (P=0.002). Conclusions: It was concluded that patient age and gender and trauma significantly affected the prevalence of maxillofacial traumas, fracture types and treatment plans. This information would be useful for making better health policy strategies. Key words:Epidemiology, treatment, facial injuries, maxillofacial fractures, trauma