2,664 research outputs found

    Hidden IR structures in NGC 40: signpost of an ancient born-again event

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    We present the analysis of infrared (IR) observations of the planetary nebula NGC 40 together with spectral analysis of its [WC]-type central star HD 826. Spitzer IRS observations were used to produce spectral maps centred at polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) bands and ionic transitions to compare their spatial distribution. The ionic lines show a clumpy distribution of material around the main cavity of NGC 40, with the emission from [Ar II] being the most extended, whilst the PAHs show a rather smooth spatial distribution. Analysis of ratio maps shows the presence of a toroidal structure mainly seen in PAH emission, but also detected in a Herschel PACS 70 mic image. We argue that the toroidal structure absorbs the UV flux from HD 826, preventing the nebula to exhibit lines of high-excitation levels as suggested by previous authors. We discuss the origin of this structure and the results from the spectral analysis of HD 826 under the scenario of a late thermal pulse.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures; Accepted to MNRA

    Weak magnetic fields in central stars of planetary nebulae?

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    It is not yet clear whether magnetic fields play an essential role in shaping planetary nebulae (PNe), or whether stellar rotation alone and/or a close binary companion can account for the variety of the observed nebular morphologies. In a quest for empirical evidence verifying or disproving the role of magnetic fields in shaping PNe, we follow up on previous attempts to measure the magnetic field in a representative sample of PN central stars. We obtained low-resolution polarimetric spectra with FORS 2 at VLT for a sample of twelve bright central stars of PNe with different morphology, including two round nebulae, seven elliptical nebulae, and three bipolar nebulae. Two targets are Wolf-Rayet type central stars. For the majority of the observed central stars, we do not find any significant evidence for the existence of surface magnetic fields. However, our measurements may indicate the presence of weak mean longitudinal magnetic fields of the order of 100 Gauss in the central star of the young elliptical planetary nebula IC 418, as well as in the Wolf-Rayet type central star of the bipolar nebula Hen2-113 and the weak emission line central star of the elliptical nebula Hen2-131. A clear detection of a 250 G mean longitudinal field is achieved for the A-type companion of the central star of NGC 1514. Some of the central stars show a moderate night-to-night spectrum variability, which may be the signature of a variable stellar wind and/or rotational modulation due to magnetic features. We conclude that strong magnetic fields of the order of kG are not widespread among PNe central stars. Nevertheless, simple estimates based on a theoretical model of magnetized wind bubbles suggest that even weak magnetic fields below the current detection limit of the order of 100 G may well be sufficient to contribute to the shaping of PNe throughout their evolution.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A&A; References updated, minor correction

    On the Weak-Wind Problem in Massive Stars: X-ray Spectra Reveal a Massive Hot Wind in \mu\ Columbae

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    \mu\ Columbae is a prototypical weak-wind O-star for which we have obtained a high-resolution X-ray spectrum with the Chandra LETG/ACIS-S instrument and a low resolution spectrum with Suzaku. This allows us, for the first time, to investigate the role of X-rays on the wind structure in a bona fide weak-wind system and to determine whether there actually is a massive, hot wind. The X-ray emission measure indicates that the outflow is an order of magnitude greater than that derived from UV lines and is commensurate with the nominal wind-luminosity relationship for O-stars. Therefore, the ``weak-wind problem''---identified from cool wind UV/optical spectra---is largely resolved by accounting for the hot wind seen in X-rays. From X-ray line profiles, Doppler shifts, and relative strengths, we find that this weak-wind star is typical of other late O dwarfs. The X-ray spectra do not suggest a magnetically confined plasma---the spectrum is soft and lines are broadened; Suzaku spectra confirm the lack of emission above 2 keV. Nor do the relative line shifts and widths suggest any wind decoupling by ions. The He-like triplets indicate that the bulk of the X-ray emission is formed rather close to the star, within 5 stellar radii. Our results challenge the idea that some OB stars are ``weak-wind'' stars that deviate from the standard wind-luminosity relationship. The wind is not weak, but it is hot and its bulk is only detectable in X-rays.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    On X-ray pulsations in beta Cephei-type variables

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    Beta Cephei-type variables are early B-type stars that are characterized by oscillations observable in their optical light curves. At least one Beta Cep-variable also shows periodic variability in X-rays. Here we study the X-ray light curves in a sample of beta Cep-variables to investigate how common X-ray pulsations are for this type of stars. We searched the Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray archives and selected stars that were observed by these telescopes for at least three optical pulsational periods. We retrieved and analyzed the X-ray data for kappa Sco, beta Cru, and alpha Vir. The X-ray light curves of these objects were studied to test for their variability and periodicity. While there is a weak indication for X-ray variability in beta Cru, we find no statistically significant evidence of X-ray pulsations in any of our sample stars. This might be due either to the insufficient data quality or to the physical lack of modulations. New, more sensitive observations should settle this question.Comment: accepted in A&

    A new type of X-ray pulsar

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    X-ray emission from stars much more massive than the Sun was discovered only 35 years ago. Such stars drive fast stellar winds where shocks can develop, and it is commonly assumed that the X-rays emerge from the shock-heated plasma. Many massive stars additionally pulsate. However, hitherto it was neither theoretically predicted nor observed that these pulsations would affect their X-ray emission. Here we report the discovery of pulsating X-rays from the massive B-type star Xi1 Canis Majoris. This star is a variable of beta Cephei type and has a strong magnetic field. Our observations with the XMM-Newton telescope reveal X-ray pulsations with the same period as the fundamental stellar pulsation. This discovery challenges our understanding of stellar winds from massive stars, their X-ray emission, and their magnetism.Comment: manuscript draft. The revised paper is published in Nature Communication

    The rapid evolution of the exciting star of the Stingray Nebula

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    SAO244567, the exciting star of the Stingray nebula, is rapidly evolving. Previous analyses suggested that it has heated up from an effective temperature of about 21kK in 1971 to over 50kK in the 1990s. Canonical post-asymptotic giant branch evolution suggests a relatively high mass while previous analyses indicate a low-mass star. Fitting line profiles from static and expanding non-LTE model atmospheres to the observed UV and optical spectra, taken during 1988-2013, allowed us to study the temporal change of effective temperature, surface gravity, mass-loss rate, and terminal wind velocity. In addition, we determined the chemical composition of the atmosphere. We find that the central star has steadily increased its effective temperature from 38kK in 1988 to a peak value of 60kK in 2002. During the same time, the star was contracting, as concluded from an increase in surface gravity from log g = 4.8 to 6.0 and a drop in luminosity. Simultaneously, the mass-loss rate declined from log (dM/dt/Msun/yr)=-9.0 to -11.6 and the terminal wind velocity increased from 1800km/s to 2800km/s. Since around 2002, the star stopped heating and has cooled down again to 55kK by 2006. It has a largely solar surface composition with the exception of slightly subsolar carbon, phosphorus, and sulfur. By comparison with stellar-evolution calculations, we confirm that SAO244567 must be a low-mass star (M < 0.55 Msun). However, the slow evolution of the respective stellar evolutionary models is in strong contrast to the observed fast evolution and the young planetary nebula with a kinematical age of only about 1000 years. We speculate that the star could be a late He-shell flash object. Alternatively, it could be the outcome of close-binary evolution. Then SAO244567 would be a low-mass (0.354 Msun) helium prewhite dwarf after the common-envelope phase, during which the planetary nebula was ejected.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Coupling hydrodynamics with comoving frame radiative transfer: II. Stellar wind stratification in the high-mass X-ray binary Vela X-1

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    CONTEXT: Vela X-1, a prototypical high mass X-ray binary (HMXB), hosts a neutron star (NS) in a close orbit around an early-B supergiant donor star. Accretion of the donor star's wind onto the NS powers its strong X-ray luminosity. To understand the physics of HMXBs, detailed knowledge about the donor star winds is required. AIMS: To gain a realistic picture of the donor star in Vela X-1, we constructed a hydrodynamically consistent atmosphere model describing the wind stratification while properly reproducing the observed donor spectrum. To investigate how X-ray illumination affects the stellar wind, we calculated additional models for different X-ray luminosity regimes. METHODS: We use the recently updated version of the PoWR code to consistently solve the hydrodynamic equation together with the statistical equations and the radiative transfer. RESULTS: The wind flow in Vela X-1 is driven by ions from various elements with Fe III and S III leading in the outer wind. The model-predicted mass-loss rate is in line with earlier empirical studies. The mass-loss rate is almost unaffected by the presence of the accreting NS in the wind. The terminal wind velocity is confirmed at v∞≈600v_\infty \approx 600 km/s. On the other hand, the wind velocity in the inner region where the NS is located is only ≈100\approx 100 km/s, which is not expected on the basis of a standard β\beta-velocity law. In models with an enhanced level of X-rays, the velocity field in the outer wind can be altered. If the X-ray flux is too high, the acceleration breaks down because the ionization increases. CONCLUSIONS: Accounting for radiation hydrodynamics, our Vela X-1 donor atmosphere model reveals a low wind speed at the NS location, and it provides quantitative information on wind driving in this important HMXB.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    On the binary nature of massive blue hypergiants: high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy suggests that Cyg OB2 12 is a colliding wind binary

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    The blue hypergiant Cyg OB2-12 (B3Ia+) is a representative member of the class of very massive stars in a poorly understood evolutionary stage. We obtained its high-resolution X-ray spectrum using Chandra observatory. PoWR model atmospheres were calculated to provide realistic wind opacities and to establish the wind density structure. We find that collisional de-excitation is the dominant mechanism de-populating the metastable upper levels of the forbidden lines of the He-like ions SiXIV and MgXII. Comparison between the model and observations reveals that X-ray emission is produced in a dense plasma, which could reside only at the photosphere or in a colliding wind zone between binary components. The observed X-ray spectra are well fitted by thermal plasma models, with average temperatures in excess of 10 MK. The wind speed in Cyg OB2-12 is not high enough to power such high temperatures, but the collision of two winds in a binary system can be sufficient. We used archival data to investigate the X-ray properties of other blue hypergiants. In general, stars of this class are not detected as X-rays sources. We suggest that our new Chandra observations of Cyg OB2-12 can be best explained if Cyg OB2-12 is a colliding wind binary possessing a late O-type companion. This makes Cyg OB2-12 only the second binary system among the 16 known Galactic hypergiants. This low binary fraction indicates that the blue hypergiants are likely products of massive binary evolution during which they either accreted a significant amount of mass or already merged with their companion.Comment: accepted to Ap
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