19 research outputs found

    Contribution to the standardization of the quality of apartment space organization in Serbia based on contemporary housing construction principles in the Netherlands

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    Пад квалитета новоизграђеног стана српске станоградње евидентан је од распада Југославије деведесетих година прошлог века...The reduction in the quality of newly built apartment units within the Serbian housing market has been evident ever since the dissolution of Yougoslavia in the 1990s..

    The quality of life of lumbar radiculopathy patients under conservative treatment

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    Background/Aim. The quality of life of lumbar radiculopathy patients conditioned by their health status is a result of both their subjective perception of the disease and their objective health status. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of life of lumbar radiculopathy patients under conservative treatment by means of generic and another lumbar syndrome specific questionnaires. Methods. A total of 50 patients (33 males, 17 females average age 46.1 years,) under conservative treatment in a hospital over four weeks were included in the study. They were interviewed using two questionnaires: the SF36 (Short form (36) Health Survey) generic questionnaire measuring eight domains of their quality of life summarized into two main ones (i.e. overall physical and overall mental health), and the lumbar syndrome specific North American Spine Society - Low Back Pain Outcome Instrument (NASS LBP), a questionnaire measuring four domains (functional limitations, motor and sensitive neurological symptoms, expectations from the treatment and satisfaction with it). Results. The values of physical health domain was low as 31.1 at the beginning of the treatment, were rising over the following six months and dropped insignificantly after four years (42.1/48.7 /47.0) The mental health values (47.2) did not alter as compared to that of the general population. A values of the quality of life stabilized within six months. The neurological symptoms domain did not correlate with other value scales and domains. Conclusion. The quality of life of lumbar radiculopathy patients was impaired only from its physical aspect, but after conservative treatment it improved over the following six months. After four years there is an insignificant drop of all quality of life values, indicating a need for a longer term monitoring of there patients

    Analiza distribucije opterećenja kod mešovito nošenih mostova primenom rezilijentnih abatmenata

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    Introduction Differences between the tooth and implant response to load can lead to many biological and technical implications in the conditions of occlusal forces. Objective The objective of this study was to analyze load distribution in tooth/implant-supported fixed partial dentures with the use of resilient TSA (Titan Shock Absorber, BoneCare GmbH, Augsburg, Germany) abutment and conventional non-resilient abutment using finite element method. Methods This study presents two basic 3D models. For one model a standard non-resilient abutment is used, and on the implant of the second model a resilient TSA abutment is applied. The virtual model contains drawn contours of tooth, mucous membranes, implant, cortical bones and spongiosa, abutment and suprastructure. The experiment used 500 N of vertical force, applied in three different cases of axial load. Calculations of von Mises equivalent stresses of the tooth root and periodontium, implants and peri-implant tissue were made. Results For the model to which a non-resilient abutment is applied, maximum stress values in all three cases are observed in the cortical part of the bone (maximum stress value of 49.7 MPa). Measurements of stress and deformation in the bone tissue in the model with application of the resilient TSA abutment demonstrated similar distribution; however, these values are many times lower than in the model with non-resilient TSA abutment (maximum stress value of 28.9 MPa). Conclusion Application of the resilient TSA abutment results in more equal distribution of stress and deformations in the bone tissue under vertical forces. These values are many times lower than in the model with the non-resilient abutment.Uvod Razlike u odgovoru zuba i implantata na opterećenje mogu imati za posledicu niz bioloških i tehničkih komplikacija u uslovima delovanja okluzalnih sila. Cilj rada Cilj ovog rada je da se analizira distribucija opterećenja kod mešovito nošenih mostova sa primenom rezilijentnog TSA abatmenta (Titan Shock Absorber, BoneCare GmbH Germany), kao i konvencionalnog nerezilijentnog abatmenta primenom metode konačnih elemenata (MKE). Metode rada U ovom radu napravljena su dva osnovna 3D modela. Na jednom implantatu i modelu korišćen je standardni nerezilijentni abatment, a na implantatu drugog modela korišćen je rezilijentni TSA abatment. Na virtuelnom modelu su modelirane konture zuba, PDL-a, sluzokože, implantata, kortikalne i spongiozne kosti, abatmenta i suprastrukture. U eksperimentu je korišćena vertikalna sila od 500 N, koja je primenjena u tri različita slučaja aksijalnog opterećenja. Metodom konačnih elemenata izračunavani su potom Fon Mizesovi ekvivalentni naponi u korenu zuba i parodoncijumu, implantatu i periimplantatnom tkivu. Rezultati Na modelu kod koga je primenjen nerezilijentni abatment, maksimalne vrednosti napona i deformacije u sva tri slučaja su registrovane u kortikalnom delu kosti oko zuba i implantata u zavisnosti od napadne tačke sile (maksimalan napon 49,7 MPa). Vrednosti napona i deformacija na modelu sa primenom rezilijentnog TSA abatmenta pokazale su sličnu raspodelu u kosti, međutim ove vrednosti su višestruko manje nego kod modela sa nerezilijentnim abatmentom (maksimalan napon 28,9 MPa). Zaključak Primena rezilijentnog TSA abatmenta dovodi do ravnomernije raspodele napona i deformacije u koštanom tkivu oko zuba i implantata pod dejstvom vertikalnih sila. Izmerene vrednosti su višestruko manje nego na modelu sa nerezilijentnim abatmentom

    Heat generation during plunge stage in friction stir welding

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    This paper deals with the heat generation in the Al alloy Al2024-T3 plate under different rotating speeds and plunge speeds during the plunge stage of friction stir welding (FSW). A three-dimensional finite element model (FEM) is developed in the commercial code ABAQUS/Explicit using the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation, the Johnson-Cook material law and Coulomb’s Law of friction. The heat generation in FSW can be divided into two parts: frictional heat generated by the tool and heat generated by material deformation near the pin and the tool shoulder region. Numerical results obtained in this work indicate a more prominent influence from the friction-generated heat. The slip rate of the tool relative to the workpiece material is related to this portion of heat. The material velocity, on the other hand, is related to the heat generated by plastic deformation. Increasing the plunging speed of the tool decreases the friction-generated heat and increases the amount of deformation-generated heat, while increasing the tool rotating speed has the opposite influence on both heat portions. Numerical results are compared with the experimental ones, in order to validate the numerical model, and a good agreement is obtained

    The effect of silver addition on microstructure and thermal properties of the Cu–10%Al–8%Mn shape memory alloy

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    The influence of Ag addition on microstructure and thermal properties of the Cu-10%Al–8%Mn alloy was investigated in this work. Two alloys with designed compositions Cu-10%Al–8%Mn and Cu-10%Al–8%Mn-4%Ag (in wt.%) were prepared by induction melting of pure metals. Microstructures of the prepared samples were investigated in the as-cast state, after homogenization annealing and after quenching. The effects of different methods of heat treatment on the microstructure and transformation temperatures of the investigated Cu-10%Al–8%Mn and Cu-10%Al–8%Mn-4%Ag alloys were investigated using SEM-EDS and DSC techniques.It was determined that after induction melting microstructure of the both investigated alloys are primarily composed of martensite and a small amount of α-phase precipitates.Fully martensitic structure in both investigated alloys was obtained after direct quenching from the 850 °C into the ice water. Based on the DSC cooling curves it was determined that two-step martensite transformation for the both investigated alloys occur in the temperature interval from about 30 to -40 °C

    Contribution to the standardization of the quality of apartment space organization in Serbia based on contemporary housing construction principles in the Netherlands

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    Пад квалитета новоизграђеног стана српске станоградње евидентан је од распада Југославије деведесетих година прошлог века...The reduction in the quality of newly built apartment units within the Serbian housing market has been evident ever since the dissolution of Yougoslavia in the 1990s..


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    U radu je prezentovan uticaj mera za poboljšanje energetske efikasnosti na specifičnu mesečnu potrebnu energiju za grejanje i hlađenje, na primeru predškolske ustanove, ukupne korisne površine 515 m2, koja se nalazi u Beogradu. Razmatran je uticaj termičke zaštite izolacijom različitih debljina na toplotni fluks kroz zidove, podove i tavanicu. Zatim je sprovedena analiza zbirnog uticaja debljine izolacije i termičkih karakteristika različite stolarije na transmisione gubitke toplote zgrade, za četiri modela. Posmatrani su modeli za neizolovanu zgradu, kao i za zgradu sa debljinama izolacije 5, 10 i 20 cm i sa različitim koeficijentima prolaženja toplote za stolariju. Izračunata je godišnja potrebna energija za grejanje i hlađenje prema SRPS EN ISO 13790, u skladu sa „Pravilnikom o energetskoj efikasnosti zgrada“, Službeni glasnik RS, br. 061/2011, za četiri modela, sa različitim termičkim karakteristikama omotača zgrade. Za postavljene modele je najpre razmatran postojeći sistem toplovodnog radijatorskog grejanja, sa kotlom na lož ulje kao toplotnim izvorom i lokalnim klimatizacionim uređajima za režim hlađenja. Izvršen je proračun mogućih ušteda primarne energije zamenom postojećeg izvora toplote, kotla na lož ulje, toplotnom pumpom voda-voda za četiri modela


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    U radu je prezentovan uticaj mera za poboljšanje energetske efikasnosti na specifičnu mesečnu potrebnu energiju za grejanje i hlađenje, na primeru predškolske ustanove, ukupne korisne površine 515 m2, koja se nalazi u Beogradu. Razmatran je uticaj termičke zaštite izolacijom različitih debljina na toplotni fluks kroz zidove, podove i tavanicu. Zatim je sprovedena analiza zbirnog uticaja debljine izolacije i termičkih karakteristika različite stolarije na transmisione gubitke toplote zgrade, za četiri modela. Posmatrani su modeli za neizolovanu zgradu, kao i za zgradu sa debljinama izolacije 5, 10 i 20 cm i sa različitim koeficijentima prolaženja toplote za stolariju. Izračunata je godišnja potrebna energija za grejanje i hlađenje prema SRPS EN ISO 13790, u skladu sa „Pravilnikom o energetskoj efikasnosti zgrada“, Službeni glasnik RS, br. 061/2011, za četiri modela, sa različitim termičkim karakteristikama omotača zgrade. Za postavljene modele je najpre razmatran postojeći sistem toplovodnog radijatorskog grejanja, sa kotlom na lož ulje kao toplotnim izvorom i lokalnim klimatizacionim uređajima za režim hlađenja. Izvršen je proračun mogućih ušteda primarne energije zamenom postojećeg izvora toplote, kotla na lož ulje, toplotnom pumpom voda-voda za četiri modela

    Impact of climate change on olive growth suitability, water requirements and yield in Montenegro

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    This study investigated the possible impact of climate change on the olive cultivation in Montenegro in terms of growth suitability, crop phenology, water requirements and yield. The elaborations were performed in GIS through the integration of climate, soil and crop data and successive application of the agro-ecological zoning methodology and a soil-water balance model. The analysis included the baseline climate (1961-1990) and the climate data projections from the coupled regional climate model EBU-POM corresponding to the three scenarios: i) A1B (2001-2030), ii) A1B (2071-2100) and iii) A2 (2071-2100). Preference evapotranspiration was calculated using a modified Penman-Monteith approach from the air temperature data, while crop evapotranspiration and irrigation requirements were estimated following the standard FAO methodology. The results revealed that the foreseen increase of air temperature would extend the potentially cultivable areas from the present 17% of the total land surface to 30.2% in the A2 scenario. The areas suitable for olive cultivation are expected to shift northwards, and to the higher altitudes. Global warming would anticipate the flowering period of olives up to 17 days under the A2 scenario. Crop water requirements would likely increase in the future up to 3%, while the crop evapotranspiration under rainfed is foreseen to decrease from 5.5% to 21.7%. Net irrigation requirements would increase from 29.5 mm in the A1B scenario to 103.4 mm in the A2 scenario. The highest relative yield loss of 16.2 +/- 7.6% is expected under the A2 scenario which does not preclude the rainfed cultivation of olives in the future

    Impact of climate change on water requirements and growth of potato in different climatic zones of Montenegro

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    The impact of climate change on potato cultivation in Montenegro was assessed. Three scenarios (A1B, A1Bs and A2) for 2001-2030, 2071-2100 and 2071-2100, respectively, were generated by a regional climate model and compared with the baseline period 1961-1990. The results indicated an increase of temperature during the summer season from 1.3 to 4.8 degrees C in the mountain region and from 1 to 3.4 degrees C in the coastal zone. The precipitation decreased between 5 and 50% depending on the scenario, region and season. The changes in temperature and precipitation influenced phenology, yield and water needs. The impact was more pronounced in the coastal areas than in the mountain regions. The growing season was shortened 13.6, 22.9 and 29.7 days for A1B, A1Bs and A2, respectively. The increase of irrigation requirement was 4.0, 19.5 and 7.3 mm for A1B, A1Bs and A2, respectively. For the baseline conditions, yield reduction under rainfed cultivation was lower than 30%. For A1B, A1Bs and A2 scenarios, yield reductions were 31.0 +/- 8.2, 36.3 +/- 11.6 and 34.1 +/- 10.9%, respectively. Possible adaptation measures include shifting of production to the mountain (colder) areas and irrigation application. Rainfed cultivation remains a viable solution when the anticipation of sowing is adopted