19 research outputs found

    Il teatro come bene relazionale: un contributo dalla scienza economica

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    The difference between theatre and other art forms is revealed by one basic aspect: Theatre arises from an unreproducible relationship between individuals. The fundamental qualities of the theatrical experience – physicality and the copresence of others – reveal some important aspects of theatre, making it an interesting object of any economic analysis considering this art form as a relational good. From this perspective, theatrical events seem to be a cultural phenomenon that can't be thought merely as a “public service”, but instead as a desirable resource which benefits society. Studied as a relational good, the theatrical experience brings a richness to human relationships and has a significant influence on human happiness, quality of life and global growth without neglecting the importance of the wellbeing of the individual in realising the wellbeing of society as a whole.La differenza tra la maggior parte delle forme d’arte e il teatro viene alla luce in un aspetto elementare: il teatro nasce come relazione non riproducibile tra individui. Le qualità costitutive dell’esperienza teatrale, corporeità e compresenza di alterità, portano alla luce alcuni tratti essenziali di questo bene, e lo rendono interessante ai fini di un’analisi economica che consideri quest’arte come bene relazionale. Secondo questo approccio, il bene teatro si configura come fenomeno culturale che non può essere concepito come semplice “servizio pubblico”, ma piuttosto come risorsa desiderabile, bene nel senso etico del termine, qualcosa di buono per la civiltà. Visto come bene relazionale il teatro è un’esperienza che porta ricchezza al tessuto umano e a quello sociale con un’influenza sempre più nota sulla felicità delle persone, sulla qualità della vita, sulla crescita globale, che non dimentichi l’importanza del benessere dei singoli per realizzare il benessere dell’intera società

    L'\ue9criture des moniales. R\ue9pertoire des textes personnels en langue fran\ue7aise \ue0 l'\ue9poque de la Contre-R\ue9forme

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    Il volume contiene un repertorio ragionato di testi a stampa e manoscritti di religiose di vari ordini e di devote del XVII\ub0 secolo francese, legate al contesto della Contro-Riforma. Sono stati recensiti, gli scritti personali - lettere, relazioni spirituali, discorsi, meditazioni, ecc. - di devote e di suore di vari ordini, reperiti in archivi e in biblioteche, spesso all'interno di agiografie composte da prelati, confessori e direttori di coscienza; gli scritti femminili venivano qui riportati quali testimonianze della santit\ue0 o dell'ortodossia del percorso della donna

    Histology of pediatric classic Hodgkin lymphoma: From diagnosis to prognostic stratification

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    Aims Classic Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) is a common malignancy of the pediatric age. Although clinical-radiological features are routinely used for disease risk stratification, the role of tumor histology has yet to be defined. This study aimed to characterize the clinical-pathological features of a large cohort of pediatric cHL specifically investigating the relevance of tumor histology for the prognostic stratification of patients.Methods and results The study considered 96 clinically annotated cases of pediatric cHL treated according to the AIEOP-LH2004 protocol. The following histological parameters were considered: (i) cHL variant; (ii) grade of nodular sclerosis (NS); (iii) staining for Bcl2 and p53, and expression of B-cell (BCA) and T-cell antigens (TCA) by Hodgkin/Reed-Sternberg cells. The study population consisted of 51 males and 45 females (median age: 13.6 years) with five-year overall and progression-free survival of 94% and 81%, respectively. Most cases featured NS morphology (96%) with a prevalence of NS1 over NS2 grades. Two NS2 variants were recognized (sarcomatous/syncytial and fibrohistiocytic). A consistent subset of cases disclosed positivity for BCA (34%), TCA (26%), p53 (13%), and Bcl2 (19%). Clinical-pathological correlations showed a more aggressive clinical course for NS2 over NS1 cases. The NS2 fibrohistiocytic variant was associated with the worst outcome. No other histological features correlated with prognosis.Conclusions Pediatric cHL is a clinically and histologically heterogeneous neoplasm. The majority of cases disclose NS morphology and aberrant phenotypes are frequently encountered. In the pediatric population, NS grading and NS2 subtyping bear significant prognostic impact

    Chronic Hepatitis E in a Heart Transplant Patient: Sofosbuvir and Ribavirin Regimen Not Fully Effective

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    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) can induce chronic infections in the case of immunosuppression, which are sometimes not cured with ribavirin. Furthermore, sofosbuvir is a highly potent inhibitor of HCV polymerase and was shown to inhibit HEV genotype-3 replication in vitro. We report here the outcome of sofosbuvir/ribavirin therapy on a chronic HEV infection in a heart transplant recipient non-responder to ribavirin. After 24 weeks, the regimen failed to cure the persistent HEV infection, highlighting the need of therapeutic options for HEV-infected immunosuppressed patients

    Long-term results of the AIEOP MH'96 childhood Hodgkin's lymphoma trial and focus on significance of response to chemotherapy and its implication in low risk patients to avoid radiotherapy

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    Identify a subset of early-stage HL children (GR1) curable with limited chemotherapy+/-radiotherapy; improve outcome of intermediate (GR2) and high-risk (GR3) patients; establish impact of response to chemotherapy evaluated with conventional imaging (CI). One hundred and sixty GR1-patients received 3ABVD\u2009+\u2009involved-field (IF) low-dose (LD) (20\u2009Gy) irradiation if mediastinal mass or partial response (PR) after chemotherapy. Eighty-five GR2- and 315 GR3-patients received 4 and 6 COPP/ABV\u2009+\u2009IFRT, respectively. The 63 GR1 patients spared from radiotherapy had 15-year survival and EFS of 100 and 84.5%, respectively. The GR2 and GR3 15-year FFP were 84.7 and 78.6%, respectively. No different prognosis for patients in CR or PR evaluated during and after chemotherapy was observed. In conclusion, low-risk patients in CR may be successfully treated with radiation-free, low-intensity chemotherapy. Good, but less satisfactory, results were registered in GR2 and GR3. Response evaluated with CI is not a prognostic factor, but permits identification of low-risk patients who can avoid radiotherapy