181 research outputs found

    Alters- und geschlechtsspezifische Belastungsverarbeitung und LebensqualitÀt im stationÀren Hospiz und im Krankenhaus

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    Einleitung: Diese Studie untersucht die alters- und geschlechtsabhĂ€ngige Belastungsverarbeitung bei Tumorpatienten im fortgeschrittenen Erkrankungsstadium. Dabei interessieren v. a. die Fragen nach den Copingstrategien, der LebensqualitĂ€t, Lebenszufriedenheit und der sozialen UnterstĂŒtzung. In Deutschland werden ĂŒber 4,4% der terminalen Tumorpatienten in einem stationĂ€ren Hospiz betreut. Um diesem Aspekt Rechnung zu tragen, wurden neben Tumorpatienten, die auf traditionellen Krankenhausstationen betreut wurden, zudem die Bewohner von stationĂ€ren Hospizen befragt und miteinander verglichen. Methoden: Die Befragung fand ĂŒber Fragebögen statt. Die RĂŒcklaufquote der Fragebögen der Klinikpatienten lag bei 55 %, die der Hospizbewohner bei 44 %. Ergebnisse: Zusammenfassend lĂ€sst sich sagen, dass die Hospizbewohner im Vergleich zu den Klinikpatienten ĂŒber eine geringere LebensqualitĂ€t und Lebenszufriedenheit verfĂŒgten sowie ein geringeres Maß an sozialer UnterstĂŒtzung erhielten. WĂ€hrend die Klinikpatienten vermehrt die Copingstrategien „aktive problemorientierte BewĂ€ltigung“, „Ablenkung und Selbstaufbau“, „ReligiositĂ€t und Sinnsuche“ verwendeten, wurden von den Hospizbewohnern vermehrt die Strategien „depressive Verarbeitung“, Bagatellisieren“ genutzt.Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede wurden kaum nachgewiesen. Konsequenzen: Da bislang Untersuchungen mit grĂ¶ĂŸeren Fallzahlen fehlen, die sich explizit mit den psychologischen Belastungen von Tumorerkrankten im fortgeschrittenem Stadium beschĂ€ftigen und da die hier gewonnenen Ergebnissen in der Hospizforschung explorativer Natur sind, wĂ€ren weitere Untersuchungen diesbezĂŒglich wĂŒnschenswert

    Modeling dynamic personality theories in a continuous‐time framework: An illustration

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    Objective Personality psychology has traditionally focused on stable between-person differences. Yet, recent theoretical developments and empirical insights have led to a new conceptualization of personality as a dynamic system (e.g., Cybernetic Big Five Theory). Such dynamic systems comprise several components that need to be conceptually distinguished and mapped to a statistical model for estimation. Method In the current work, we illustrate how common components from these new dynamic personality theories may be implemented in a continuous time-modeling framework. Results As an empirical example, we reanalyze experience sampling data with N = 180 persons (with on average T = 40 [SD = 8] measurement occasions) to investigate four different effects between momentary happiness, momentary extraverted behavior, and the perception of a situation as social: (1) between-person effects, (2) contemporaneous effects, (3) autoregressive effects, and (4) cross-lagged effects. Conclusion We highlight that these four effects must not necessarily point in the same direction, which is in line with assumptions from dynamic personality theories.Peer Reviewe

    Single versus double field rate: Do different rates of fenoxycarb in chronic Oomen bee brood feeding tests cause different effects sizes?

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    Background: EFSA (2013) recommends to modify the Oomen bee brood feeding test (Oomen et al., 19922) from an acute to a chronic feeding test, but proposals regarding the concentration of the reference item fenoxycarb in such trials are missing. For the chronic Oomen bee brood feeding ring-test (see LĂŒckmann & Schmitzer 2014) the double field rate was used. Due to the lack of information about the effect size of the single field rate two separate bee brood feeding tests (following the method given by the ring-test protocol) were conducted: one in July 2013 (study 1) and one in April 2014 (study 2). The single and the double field rate of fenoxycarb were applied each at both times. As endpoints effects on brood termination rate (BTR) of marked eggs, young and old larvae, pupal mortality and colony development (i.e. number of brood cells and colony strength) were recorded and evaluated.Results: The chronic administration of the double field rate caused reproducible results whereas those of the single field rate were more variable. Distinct (i.e. ≄ 50%) and statistically significant increased BTRs of eggs were observed for the single rate in study 2 only, and for the double rate in both studies. Pupal mortality was statistically significantly increased at both rates in both studies and also bee brood and colony strength development was affected at both rates in both studies. Distinct dose-related differences between the two test rates were present for the BTRs of eggs in study 1 and for pupal mortality and colony development in study 2.Conclusion: The chronic feeding of the single rate of fenoxycarb did not cause reproducible, doserelated effects. Therefore it is recommend using the double field rate of fenoxycarb as the toxic reference item dose in chronic Oomen bee brood feeding studies as long as no further data are available on the effect size of the single rate.Keywords: honeybees, chronic Oomen bee brood feeding test, fenoxycarb, single rate, double rat

    Clinical management and outcome of adult patients with extracorporeal life support device–associated intracerebral hemorrhage—a neurocritical perspective and grading

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    Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a devastating complication in patients treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) due to respiratory or cardiac issues. Neurosurgical evaluation and management of such cases has only insufficiently been studied. We conducted a retrospective, cohort study of adult patients treated with ECMO between January 2007 and January 2017 in a tertiary healthcare center. Demographics, clinical data, coagulation status, ICH characteristics, and treatment modalities were analyzed. The primary outcome parameter was defined as mortality caused by ICH during ECMO. 525 patients with ECMO therapy were eligible for analysis. An overall incidence for any type of intracranial bleeding of 12.3% was found. Small hemorrhages accounted for 6.4% and acute subdural and epidural hematoma for 1.2%. Twenty-four (4.6%) patients developed ICH, and 11 patients (46%) died due to the ICH. Mortality was significantly higher in patients with larger ICH volumes (86.8 +/- 34.8 ml vs 9.9 +/- 20.3 ml, p < 0.001), intraventricular hemorrhage (83% vs 8%, p = 0.01), and a fluid level inside the ICH (75% vs 31%, p = 0.04). All patients were classified according to the bleeding pattern on the initial CT scan into 3 types. Patients with type 1 bleeding were statistically more likely to die (p < 0.001). In 15 out of 24 patients (63%), correction of the coagulation status was possible within 12 h after ICH onset. Seven out of 9 patients (78%) without early coagulation correction died compared to 2 out of 15 patients (13%), in whom early coagulation correction was successful (p = 0.01). This is the first study evaluating the course and management of patients experiencing an ICH under ECMO therapy and establishing an ICH classification based on the bleeding patterns. Early correction of the coagulation is of paramount importance in the treatment of these patients

    Bundesweites Monitoring von Innenentwicklungspotenzialen – Ausgangslage und Perspektive

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    Der Beitrag zeigt mögliche Wege eines bundesweiten Monitorings von Innenentwicklungspotenzialen auf. Die Erfassung und das Monitoring von Innenentwicklungspotenzialen, das heißt von BaulĂŒcken, BrachflĂ€chen und LeerstĂ€nden, bilden eine wichtige Grundlage fĂŒr eine flĂ€chensparende Siedlungsentwicklung, einen besseren Schutz von Außenbereichen sowie Planungs- und Entscheidungsprozesse im Sinne einer „Innen-vor-Außen“-Politik. Ausgehend von einem Überblick der aktuellen ErfassungsaktivitĂ€ten in Deutschland, werden verschiedene Varianten einer bundesweiten Erfassung vorgestellt, diskutiert und ein Ansatz entwickelt, der perspektivisch ein kontinuierliches Monitoring der Innenentwicklung ermöglichen könnte. Damit wĂŒrde ein entscheidendes informatorisches Instrument zur dauerhaften nachhaltigen FlĂ€chenentwicklung geschaffen

    Does a Confidence Level for Automated Driving Time Estimations Improve the Subjective Evaluation of an Automation HMI?

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    Current research in human factors and automated driving is increasingly focusing on predictable transitions instead of urgent and critical take-overs. Predictive human–machine interface (HMI) elements displaying the remaining time until the next request to intervene were identified as a user need, especially when the user is engaging in non-driving related activities (NDRA). However, these estimations are prone to errors due to changing traffic conditions and updated map-based information. Thus, we investigated a confidence display for Level 3 automated driving time estimations. Based on a preliminary study, a confidence display resembling a mobile phone connectivity symbol was developed. In a mixed-design driving simulator study with 32 participants, we assessed the impact of the confidence display concept (within factor) on usability, frustration, trust and acceptance during city and highway automated driving (between factor). During automated driving sections, participants engaged in a naturalistic visual NDRA to create a realistic scenario. Significant effects were found for the scenario: participants in the city experienced higher levels of frustration. However, the confidence display has no significant impact on the subjective evaluation and most participants preferred the baseline HMI without a confidence symbol. Document type: Articl

    Spectral-interference microscopy for characterization of functional plasmonic elements

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    Plasmonic modes supported by noble-metal nanostructures offer strong subwavelength electric-field confinement and promise the realization of nanometer-scale integrated optical circuits with well-defined functionality. In order to measure the spectral and spatial response functions of such plasmonic elements, we combine a confocal microscope setup with spectral interferometry detection. The setup, data acquisition, and data evaluation are discussed in detail by means of exemplary experiments involving propagating plasmons transmitted through silver nanowires. By considering and experimentally calibrating any setup-inherent signal delay with an accuracy of 1 fs, we are able to extract correct timing information of propagating plasmons. The method can be applied, e.g., to determine the dispersion and group velocity of propagating plasmons in nanostructures, and can be extended towards the investigation of nonlinear phenomena
