2,800 research outputs found

    A revised inventory of Antarctic subglacial lakes

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    The locations and details of 145 Antarctic subglacial lakes are presented. The inventory is based on a former catalogue of lake-type features, which has been subsequently reanalysed, and on the results from three additional datasets. The first is from Italian radio-echo sounding (RES) of the Dome C region of East Antarctica, from which 14 new lakes are identified. These data also show that, in a number of occasions, multiple take-type reflectors thought previously to be individual lakes are in fact reflections from the same relatively large take. This reduces the former total of lake-type reflectors by six, but also adds a significant level of information to these particular lakes. The second dataset is from a Russian survey of the Dome A and Dome F regions of East Antarctica, which provides evidence of 18 new lakes and extends the coverage of the inventory considerably. The third dataset comprises three airborne RES surveys under-taken by the US in East Antarctica over the last five years, from which forty three new lakes have been identified. Reference to information on Lake Vostok, from Italian and US surveys taken in the last few years, is now included

    Tobacco Inspection Certificate

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    Shaping a Corporate Identity From Below; the Role of the BAT Bulletin.

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    Existing studies that have explored the use of company journals as a mode of corporate communication during the early 20th century have invariably adopted an instrumentalist view of these publications. Company journals have been seen as a means of projecting to employees a top-down view of organisations. This article identifies a counter-example in which the origins of a company journal, the 'Bat Bulletin', are seen to arise as the result of an initiative stemming from the employees themselves. These antecedents gave the 'Bat Bulletin' a high degree of legitimacy amongst staff and provided the company with an important means of establishing a unified corporate culture across a disparate group international operating companies. Over time, however, the contents of the journal gradually became more conventional, and it was eventually closed down when the strategy of international integration ceased to be a desirable corporate objective during the 1930's

    Characterising the Exposure of Prison Staff to Second-Hand Tobacco Smoke

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    Acknowledgements This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research Public Health Research Programme (project number 15/55/44). We are grateful to all the staff at the Scottish Prison Service and in HMP Kilmarnock and HMP Addiewell who assisted with this study. We are also extremely grateful to David Walker, Ruaraidh Dobson and Mrs Flora Buthlay for their help with data collection and retrieval of instruments from prisons, and to Dr Steve Turner for helpful comments on an earlier draft. KH, HS, GL, ED gratefully acknowledge core funding from UK MRC and Chief Scientist Office (MC_UU_12017/12; SPHSU12; MC/PC/13027 partnership grant) for their work within prison settings. We acknowledge the contribution of our co-investigators in the TIPs research team to the overall design of the TIPs study (Professor Linda Bauld, Dr Kathleen Boyd, Dr Philip Conaglen, Dr Peter Craig, Douglas Eadie, Professor Alastair Leyland, Professor Jill Pell).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Effects of Stage of Growth and Inoculation on Fermentation Quality of Field Pea Silage

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    Field peas (Pisum sativum L.) are a short-term catch crop with a high crude protein content, which provides a high forage yield in a short growing period. Since field peas are a succulent crop and are difficult to field cure, it is preferable to directly ensile them to prevent weather damage and excessive grain losses. The onset of lodging is delayed in field pea varieties, since the crop is supported by the tendrils in a more erect manner, and this allows easy harvesting without soil contamination even at advanced stages of maturity (Koivisto et al., 2003). To our knowledge, no information is available on the ensiling of peas in Southern Europe. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of the stage of maturity and inoculant application on the quality of silage produced from directly-cut field peas in the Po Valley, NW Italy


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    ABSTRACT The uptake and utilization of nitrogen during the growing season and changes in chemical composition of dry tobacco depending on the rate of nitrogen fertilizer were investigated in stationary field trial with tobacco as a long-term monoculture. The investigation included four rates of N fertilization: 0, 25, 50 and 100 kg N/ha. The increasing rates of nitrogen fertilizer increased the uptake and utilization of nitrogen during the growing season and its concentration in the leaves from the lower, middle and upper stalk position. In oriental tobacco, nitrogen uptake for creation of 1 g dry above-ground biomass over a 24-hour period is the highest in the period from transplanting to the stage of rapid growth. In the check and in the variant treated with 25 kg N/ha, daily nitrogen requirements were the highest from the stage of rapid growth to maturation of leaves from the lower stalk position. With fertilization rates of 50 kg and 100 kg N/ha, the nitrogen requirements were the highest from the stage of maturation of leaves from the lower stalk position to butonization. In soil and climate conditions in which the trial was set up, the rate of 50 kg N/ha can be considered as optimal for obtaining tobacco with chemical composition that will meet the requirements of cigarette industry. Key words: Oriental tobacco, nitrogen fertilizer, uptake of nitrogen, utilization of nitrogen ИНТЕНЗИТЕТОТ НА УСВОЈУВАЊЕ И ИСКОРИСТУВАЊЕ НА АЗОТОТ И ХЕМИСКИТЕ КАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ НА ОРИЕНТАЛСКИОТ ТУТУН ВО ЗАВИСНОСТ ОД ДОЗИТЕ НА АЗОТНИТЕ ЃУБРИЊА Во ова истражување е проучувана спецификата на усвојувањето и искористувањето на азотот во текот на вегетацијата и промените во хемискиот состав на тутунот во зависност од дозите на азотно ѓуриво, во услови на стациониран, долгогодишен опит на тутунот во монокултура и континуирано ѓубрење со одредени дози на ѓубриња. За таа цел се поставени черири варијанти, ѓубрени само со азотно ѓубре, со дози од: 0, 25, 50 и 100 kg N/ha. Испитувањата покажаа дека со зголемување на дозите на азотно ѓубре се зголемува интензитетот на усвојувањео и искористување на азотот во текот на вегетацијата, и неговата концентрација во листовите од долниот, средниот и горниот појас. Интензитетот на усвојување на азотот, изразен во mg, за создавање на 1 g сува надземна биомаса во едно деноноќие е најголемо во периодот од расадување до фазата на буен пораст на ориенталскиот тутун. Кај контролата и варијантата ѓубрена со 25 kg N/ha, најголемата дневна потреба за азот за создавање на надземната маса се јавува од периодот на буен пораст до созревањето на листовите од долниот бербен појас. При внесување на 50 и 100 kg N/ha, UDC 633.7

    Smoking cessation

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    "Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update, a Public Health Service- sponsored Clinical Practice Guideline, is a product of the Tobacco Use and Dependence Guideline Panel ("the Panel"), consortium representatives, consultants, and staff. These 37 individuals were charged with the responsibility of identifying effective, experimentally validated tobacco dependence treatments and practices. The updated Guideline was sponsored by a consortium of eight Federal Government and nonprofit organizations: the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); National Cancer Institute (NCI); National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI); National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA); American Legacy Foundation; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF); and University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health's Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention (UW-CTRI). This Guideline is an updated version of the 2000 Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: Clinical Practice Guideline that was sponsored by the U.S. Public Health Service, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. An impetus for this Guideline update was the expanding literature on tobacco dependence and its treatment. The original 1996 Guideline was based on some 3,000 articles on tobacco treatment published between 1975 and 1994. The 2000 Guideline entailed the collection and screening of an additional 3,000 articles published between 1995 and 1999. The 2008 Guideline update screened an additional 2,700 articles; thus, the present Guideline update reflects the distillation of a literature base of more than 8,700 research articles. Of course, this body of research was further reviewed to identify a much smaller group of articles."- p. v1. Overview and methods. -- 2. Assessment of tobacco use -- 3. Clinical interventions for tobacco use and dependence.. -- 4. Intensive interventions for tobacco use and dependence. -- 5. Systems interventions--mportance to health care administrators, insurers, and purchasers. -- 6. Evidence and recommendations.. -- 7. Specific populations and other topics. -- Appendix A. Financial disclosure for panel members, liaisons, and peer reviewers -- Appendix B. Helpful Web site addresses -- Appendix C. Coding information regarding the diagnosis of and billing for tobacco dependence treatment -- Appendix D. Key recommendation changes From the 2000 PHS-sponsored clinical practice guideline: treating tobacco use and dependenceMichael C. Fiore (panel chair) ... [et al.]."May 2008."Available on the Internet as an Acrobat .pdf file (2.04 MB, 276 p.).Mode of access: Internet from the Office of the Surgeon General web site. Address as of 5/16/08: http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/tobacco/.Bibliographical references listed at www.surgeongeneral.gov/tobacco/gdlnrefs.ht