4,059 research outputs found

    Usability Engineering and PPGIS - Towards a Learning-improving Cycle

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    July 21 - 2

    Spatial dependence and heterogeneity in patterns of urban deprivation

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    Developments in the provision and quality of digital data are creating possibilities for finer resolution spatial and temporal measurement of the properties of socio-economic systems. We suggest that the ?lifestyles? datasets collected by private sector organisations provide one such prospect for better inferring the structure, composition and heterogeneity of urban areas. Clearly, deprivation and hardship are inextricably linked to incomes from earnings and transfer payments. In many countries (e.g. the UK) no small area income measures are collected at all, and this forces reliance upon commercial sources. Yet, the use of such data in academic research is not without considerable problems. In the same spirit as Gordon and Pantazis (1995) we thus think it necessary to retain some linkage to population census data ? but in a way which is much more sensitive to spatial context. A critical issue is thus to understand the scales at which both income, and the variables that are used to predict it, vary (see also Rees, 1998; Harris and Longley, 2002). We address some of these issues in the context of the debate about the intra-urban geography of hardship and social exclusion. Low income fundamentally restricts the abilities of people to participate actively in society (Harris and Longley, 2002), yet reliable, up-to-date income measures at fine spatial scales are rarely available from conventional sources. As a consequence, many indicators of deprivation are reliant upon data sources that are out of date and/or entail use of crude surrogate measures. Some measures bear little clear correspondence with hardship at all. Other widely-used indicators are spatially variable in their operation. The broader issue concerns the scale and extent of ?pockets? of hardship and the scale ranges at which difference is deemed manifests. The problems are further compounded if each of the range of surrogate measures used to specify a concept operates at different scales. Taken together, it remains unclear whether meaningful indicators of social conditions can ever be adequately specified, or whether generalised representations can be sufficiently sensitive to place. Using a case study of Bristol, UK, we compare the patterns of spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity observed for a small area (?lifestyles?) income measure with those of the census indicators that are commonly used as surrogates for it. This leads to specification of spatial dependence using a spatially autoregressive model, and accommodation of local heterogeneity using geographically weighted regression (GWR). This analysis begins to extend our understanding of the determinants of hardship and poverty in urban areas: urban policy has hitherto used aggregate, outdated or proxy measures of income in a less critical manner; and techniques for measuring spatial dependence and heterogeneity have usually been applied at the regional, rather than intra urban, scales. The consequence is a limited understanding of the geography and dynamics of income variations within urban areas. The advantages and limitations of the data used here are explored in the light of the results of our statistical analysis, and we discuss our results as part of a research agenda for exploring dependence and heterogeneity in spatial distributions.

    Three-Part Tariffs and Short-Run Rationality in the Local Fixed Telephone Consumption: Empirical Evidence from Medellín

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    In this paper we are interested in investigating the effects of the threepart tariffs system on consumers´ behavior in the local fixed telephone service provided by the incumbent Telecommunications Company une in Medellín, which was authorized by the TelecommunicationsRegulatory Commission (crt, for its Spanish name). In order to study consumer behavior and the effect of this tariff system we specify a sort of Engel Curve, which relates expenditure in fixed telephone service and expenditure in public utilities. Endogeneity problems could well arise from this specification, so the empirical strategy for studying households´ consumption is based on a panel data analysis by performing instrumental variables and gmm procedures. Our results supports the hypothesis that consumers surpass expected consumption levels and therefore the total payment for the service is greater than planned, showing a sort of short-run irrationality in consumption.three-part tariffs, consumers´ behavior, rationality, endogeneity,gmm estimators.

    Cantar en la Parva: Autoridades Rituales en el Mingaco de Trilla en Chile Central

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    Este artículo propone una respuesta a la pregunta por el rol de las cantoras en la festividad agrícola de la trilla de trigo en Chile central, entre 1860 y 1980 aproximadamente. El problema que se aborda es si esta ocasión era un ritual esencial para la sociedad participante -y su cultura-, cuyo ritmo y conducción estaba en manos de las cantoras, quienes, en cuanto autoridades rituales, permitían que sucedieran los comportamientos y actitudes adecuados a los propósitos del ritual. Papel esencial se da a la práctica músical como mediadora de esta autoridad. Para solucionarlo se analizan posibles significados de la ocasión a partir de tramas simbólicas conformadas por los sentimientos que genera el tiempo en el que sucede (la temposensitividad); se describen algunos elementos que sirven para pensar a la ocasión como un ritual; se estudia la relación entre las características contextuales del oficio-ejercicio de cantora y el festejo de trilla; finalmente, se examinan las acciones de éstas mujeres en el proceso ritual

    Impacto de la conciliación en equidad como mecanismo de resolución alternativa de conflictos. Estudio aplicado en el municipio de La Ceja entre el año 2009 hasta el año 2014

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    En virtud de este trabajo de investigación surgió entre otros cuestionamientos, el interrogante del ¿por qué sólo existen cuatro (4) Conciliadores en Equidad en la actualidad, de los veintiséis (26) conciliadores nombrados inicialmente en el Municipio de La Ceja?. De igual manera, se abordaron entre otros aspectos, las causas de esta deserción por parte de los Conciliadores, por cuanto, se realizó un análisis exhaustivo para determinar las razones o motivos de la no continuidad de los líderes o representantes de las comunidades activas en el proceso de conciliadores en equidad, en búsqueda de posibles soluciones para promover un buen funcionamiento de la figura de la conciliación lo que implicaría fuertes impactos en materia de costos, calidad y efectividad de la justicia

    The Rational Expectations Hypothesis: An assessment on its real world application

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    The Rational Expectations Hypothesis was first developed as a theoretical technique aimed at explaining agents’ behavior in a given environment -- In particular, it describes how the outcome of a given economic phenomenon depends to a certain degree on what agents expect to happen -- Subsequently, it was introduced into macroeconomic models as a way to explain the ineffectiveness of monetary policy -- Since then, most of these models have been based on the rational expectations assumption -- This paper assesses the real life application of this feature based on two arguments: the determination of an objective reality through beliefs and subjective expectations; and the exclusion of the evolution of human knowledge and innovation in macroeconomic model

    Arcillas caoliniticas de bajo grado: una alternativa como material cementante suplementario

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    La adición de metacaolín al cemento portland ha sido una alternativa en la industria cementera frente a los problemas ambientales y energéticos derivados de la producción de éste, además de lograr mejorar sus propiedades mecánicas y de durabilidad en pastas, morteros y hormigones. Sin embargo, el caolín es muy demandado por una gran cantidad de industrias como la papelera, cerámica, cosmética, etc, por lo que se está investigando sobre las arcillas misceláneas (pobres o caoliníticas de bajo grado) buscando potencializarlas como adiciones activas del cemento después de ser sometidas a tratamientos de activación. En este conferencia se presenta el potencial de estas arcillas de bajo grado de pureza para ser usadas como material cementante suplementario, sus posibles fuentes, tratamientos a los que deben ser sometidos para adquirir propiedades puzolánicas y los efectos tanto positivos como negativos que se han reportado hasta el momento al ser adicionadas al cemento portland.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Te