26 research outputs found

    69. Variants of preoperative thermoradiotherapy in locally advanced breast cancer patients

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    To improve treatment results of locally advanced breast cancer 60 patients with T3-4N1-2M0 TNM stage were undergone complex treatment at the Dept. of Radiotherapy of the CRC. The treatment complex included: radio- or thermoradiotherapy and polychemiohormone-therapy. All patients were subdivided into 3 groups. The first group of 20 patients received radiotherapy only, the second one (18 patients) – thermoradiotherapy, and the third group of 22 patients – thermoradoitherapy plus additional local irradiation of the primary and/or big lymphnode metastases. Radiotherapy was with 2 Gy fractions 5 times per week to the primary tumor and lymphcollectors. Total dose was 40–50 Gy. Results of the therapy were evaluated after 3–4 weeks and the patients were received a surgery. The second group of the patients received local hypertherima after 2 weeks of conventional treatment. Primary tumor and big metastatic nodes were heated. Hyperthermia was performed 2 times per week, with duration of 60 minutes, 3 hours after irradiation. Temperature in tumor was 43–45 C. In the third group of patients additional boost to tumor and/or big metastatic nodes was performed with 2 Gy fractions. Total doses were the same as in first and second group, local tumor dose was 64–72 Gy. Complete or partial regression was more frequently registered in first and second group (39%, 62% respectively). In first group rate was 2%. Rate of postirradiation pathomorphosis of 3–4 grade was 35% in first group, 50% in second, 66% in third group. This data shows improvement of nearest treatment results

    43. Neoadjuvant radiotherapy of epidermiod lung carcinoma patients under short term hypoxia condition

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    Main method of treating the epidermoid lung carcinoma patients is a surgery which gives a 5-year survival of 53–70% of patients with 1 and 2 stage of disease. However, if metastases in lymphatic nodes of mediastinum are present then number of patients surviving this period considerably decreases. To increase surgery effectiveness one seeks the combined therapy methods using, in particular, neoadjuvant radiotherapy. We have studied such a therapy method which is to be applied during the pre-operative period of hypoxiradiotherapy. Date of 237 epidermoid lung carcinoma patients has been analyzed, mainly for the 3-d stage of disease: 1-st group of 123 patients was given a surgery treatment, the second one, of 114 patients, received an additional intensive pre-surgery radiation (5 Gy daily, 20 Gy) under condition of a short term hypoxya of a short term hypoxya caused by a gas mixture of 10% of oxygen and 90% of nitrogen. Surgeries were carried out during the first 3 days after the completing the radiation treatment. Mechanical conditions of the surgery procedure, blood losses and after surgery complications were similar in both cases. The number of cases of general radiation reactions decreased 3 times, all the cases being limited to the 1 and 2 degrees on the RTOG scale. After analysis of deferent factors, which define the result of treatment, significance the most reliable were the size of primary lesion and presence of mediastinum lymphatic nodes metastasis. Was shown rising of 3-year survival rate after combined treatment vs. operative treatment only

    How strong can the coupling of leptonic photons be?

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    Consequences of possible existence of leptonic photon are considered for a range of values of leptonic charge. In the case of a strong Coulomb-like leptonic repulsion between electrons the existence of ordinary condensed matter is impossible: antineutrinos cannot neutralize this destructive repulsion. The upper limit of leptonic charge is inferred from the E\"{o}tv\"os type experiments. If however there exist light stable scalar bosons with leptonic charge (e.g. singlet antisneutrinos) they may neutralize the electron repulsion. Possible experimental manifestations of such leptonic bosons in gases and condensed matter are briefly discussed.Comment: 13 pages in standard LaTe

    Facility development for a combined cancer therapy

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    The system for local hyperthermia of cancers was simulated. This system is based on independently phased dipoles with frequency 150 MHz. The electromagnetic field distributions are calculated in cut of tissue-equivalent phantom. It was shown that the electromagnetic field can be focused in desirable volume by means of independent vary of amplitude and phase of each dipole. The advantages of combined therapy are discussed for common using of hyperthermia with chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery.Проведено моделирование работы системы для локальной гипертермии онкологических заболеваний на основе системы независимо фазируемых дипольных излучателей, работающих на частоте 150 МГц. Получены картины распределения электрических полей в сечении облучаемого образца (тканеэквивалентного фантома). Показана возможность фокусировки электромагнитного поля в необходимом объеме за счет независимого изменения фазы и амплитуды излучения каждого из диполей. Рассмотрены перспективы комбинированного использования гипертермии и химической или лучевой терапии и хирургии.Проведено моделювання роботи системи для локальної гіпертермії онкологічних захворювань на основі системи незалежно фазіруємих дипольних випромінювачів, що працюють на частоті 150 МГц. Отримано картини розподілу електричних полів у перерізі опромінюваного зразка (тканееквівалентного фантома). Показана можливість фокусування електромагнітного поля в необхідному об’ємі за рахунок незалежної зміни фази і амплітуди випромінювання кожного з диполів. Розглянуто перспективи комбінованого використання гіпертермії та хімічної або променевої терапії та хірургії

    The surface detector array of the Telescope Array experiment

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    The Telescope Array (TA) experiment, located in the western desert of Utah,USA, is designed for observation of extensive air showers from extremely high energy cosmic rays. The experiment has a surface detector array surrounded by three fluorescence detectors to enable simultaneous detection of shower particles at ground level and fluorescence photons along the shower track. The TA surface detectors and fluorescence detectors started full hybrid observation in March, 2008. In this article we describe the design and technical features of the TA surface detector.Comment: 32 pages, 17 figure

    New air fluorescence detectors employed in the Telescope Array experiment

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    Since 2007, the Telescope Array (TA) experiment, based in Utah, USA, has been observing ultra high energy cosmic rays to understand their origins. The experiment involves a surface detector (SD) array and three fluorescence detector (FD) stations. FD stations, installed surrounding the SD array, measure the air fluorescence light emitted from extensive air showers (EASs) for precise determination of their energies and species. The detectors employed at one of the three FD stations were relocated from the High Resolution Fly's Eye experiment. At the other two stations, newly designed detectors were constructed for the TA experiment. An FD consists of a primary mirror and a camera equipped with photomultiplier tubes. To obtain the EAS parameters with high accuracies, understanding the FD optical characteristics is important. In this paper, we report the characteristics and installation of new FDs and the performances of the FD components. The results of the monitored mirror reflectance during the observation time are also described in this report.Comment: 44 pages, 23 figures, submitted to NIM-

    Case Report: Education and training of RTTs for radiation oncology departments in Russia

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    Modern radiotherapy is performed with sophisticated equipment that requires highly qualified professionals. In the Russian Federation the responsibilities of Radiation Therapy Technologists (RTTs) are carried out by medical nurses who receive on-the-job training. The article discusses the problems of RTT education and training, describes our own teaching experience and suggests further development for the national RTT education system in Russia. Keywords: Radiation Therapy Technologist (RTT), Education programme, Oncolog