1,972 research outputs found

    Supporting shop floor workers with a multimedia task-oriented information system

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    This paper reports the work carried out as part of an industrial research project sponsored by a major telecommunication industry based in the UK. The main aim of the research was to investigate the extent to which a multimedia- based information system, developed for shop floor workers, has contributed to the increased efficiency and productivity Of manufacturing operations. To achieve this, the work has focused on the design and execution of the evaluation of the system. Due to the fact that the direct impact of the implementation of the information system developed was difficult to demonstrate, it was decided to adopt the system usage as a surrogate of the system's Success and the User acceptance of the system was evaluated using both the Technology Acceptance Model and the Task-Technology Fit model. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Simulation modeling of tool delivery system in a machining line

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    This paper describes an industrial project aiming to enhance the existing simulation modeling suites used at a car engine factory in the UK. The company continues to enhance its simulation modeling capabilities towards so called the `total plant modeling' which not only covers the production facilities but also key ancillary facilities. Tool delivery is one such ancillary process. The existing modeling practices at the company are limited to modeling tool changes and assume that tools meet their expected life and the replacement is always available. In reality, the tools are not always reaching the expected life, the facilities in the tool crib are a limiting resource and the tool inventory has to be minimized. The tool delivery system developed in this project has specific features that model how the tool crib operates, how tools are supplied to the machining lines and various operating strategie

    Applying performance measures to support decision-making in supply chain operations: a case of beverage industry

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    Performance measurement systems (PMS) have commonly been applied to evaluate and reward performances at managerial levels, especially in the context of supply chain management. However, evidence suggests that the effective use of PMS can also positively influence the behaviour and improve performance at an operational level. The motivation is to accomplish organisational goals, namely to increase supply chain flexibility by responding to evermore-varying customer demands in a timely manner. The purpose of the study described in this paper was to develop a conceptual framework that adopts performance measures for ex-ante decision-making at an operational level within the supply chain. To guide the research, five questions were asked and subsequently key gaps have been identified. In an attempt to fill the gaps, a case study at a major global brand beverage company has been carried out, and as a result, a conceptual framework of the PMS has been developed. Overall, the research offers a foundation of the applicability and impact of PMS in the supply chain and provides a framework that attends to some of the potential uses of PMS that so far have not been practically applied. The outcomes from the testing indicate that the initial gaps identified in the literature have been addressed and that the framework is judicious with scope for practical applicability. The framework is deemed worthy of further testing in different operational contexts of the supply chain

    Website Application Security Scanner Using Local File Inclusion and Remote File Inclusion

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    Today many web-based applications developed to be accessible via the internet. The problem that often occurs is commonly found on web application vulnerabilities. Many application developers often ignore security issues when developing applications that can cause substantial losses if a hacker manages to gain access to the system. A hacker can replace web pages, obtain sensitive information, or even take over control of the website. For that reason there is a need for applications that can help developers to overcome these problems. This application is expected to detect the vulnerabilities that exist on a website. Existing processes include: The process of crawling to get the whole link from target websites, attacking process is useful for testing the attacks, and the last is the process of displaying a report about the security hole on the website. This application is developed using Microsoft Visual C # 2010. Based on the results of tests made on this application, it can be concluded that the application can detect vulnerabilities in the website and report any form of link that has a security hole on the website


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    Latar Belakang : Penyebab kematian maternal di Indonesia terkait persalinan adalah infeksi 11% berawal dari penatalaksanaan ruptur perineum yang kurang baik. Sekitar 85% wanita yang melahirkan spontan pervaginam mengalami trauma perineum, sebanyak 1% mengalami infeksi. Ruptur perineum perlu mendapatkan perhatian karena dapat menyebabkan disfungsi organ reproduksi wanita menyebabkan kematian karena perdarahan atau sepsis. Prosedur perawatan luka perineum saat ini masih menggunakan cairan desinfektan Povidon Iodin 10%, belum ada yang berbentuk obat herbal salep sebagai tambahan perlindungan luka dan mengurangi ketidaknyamanan luka perineum. Sehingga penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian efektivitas Salep Jintan Hitam 5 % dan 10 % dalam penyembuhan luka perineum rupture ibu nifas di RSUD Puruk Cahu, Kabupaten Murung Raya, Kalimantan Tengah. Metode : 21 ibu nifas dengan luka Perineum rupture derajat II, dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok secara random menggunakan Rancangan penelitian Randomised pre-post test control group design. Salep jintan hitam 5% dan 10% dioleskan pada luka Perineum rupture setiap hari, selama 7 hari postpartum sesuai kelompok perlakuan. Penilaian luka menggunakan skala REEDA dilakukan pada hari 1 (pre test), hari 3, 5 dan 7 (post test). Hasil : Salep jintan hitam efektif mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka Perineum rupture pada ibu nifas sejak hari ke-3 dilihat dari penurunan nilai Redness, Oedema, Ecchymosis secara signifikan dibanding kelompok kontrol (p0,05), tetapi secara deskriptif Salep jintan hitam 10% lebih efektif dalam proses penyembuhan luka Perineum rupture pada ibu nifas dibandingkan Salep jintan hitam 5%. Kesimpulan : Salep jintan hitam berperan pada fase inflamasi dengan menghambat pembentukkan kinin dan prostglandin secara tidak langsung, sedangkan pada fase proliferasi Salep jintan hitam berperan dalam angiogenesis, sintesis kolagen, dan kontraksi luka. Salep jintan hitam 10% lebih efektif dibandingkan Salep jintan hitam 5%. Kata kunci : Salep jintan hitam 5% dan 10%, Redness, Oedema, Ecchymosis Discharge, Aprroximation, Luka. Background: The main cause of maternal mortality in Indonesia in the bearing process is infection. Eleven per cent of the infection come from bad treatment of perineum rupturee. There are about 85% women bearing through spontaneuous pervaginam experience perineum trauma and 1% of them are infected. Perineum rupture needs serious attention since it can cause woman reproduction organ disfunction and dead as the consequence of bleeding or sepsis. The procedure of perineum treatment still uses desinfectant lotion Povidon Iodin 10%, herbal oinment as additional wound protector and perineum pain killer. Because of this, the researcher is interested in studying the effectiveness of nigella sativa 5% and 10% in curing perineum rupture of postpartum mothers at General Hospital RSUD Puruk Cahu, Murung Raya District, Central Kalimantan Method: Using Randomised pre-post test control group design, the 21 women suffering from perineum rupture stadium II are grouped into three. The black cumin (nigella sativa) oinment is rubbed on the wound Perineum rupture everyday during seven days of postpartum ranging from treatment group. The evaluation is done in the day 1 (pre test), the day 3, 5 and 7 (post test) by using REEDA scale. Result: The black cumin (nigella sativa) oinment is effective in fastening wound healing of perineum rupture since the day 3. This can be seen from the significantly downgrading score of redness, Oedema, and Ecchymosis compared to control group (p<0,05). The day 5 and 7 show significantly downgrading score of Discharge, Approximation and wound compared to control group (p<0,05). Descriptively, black cumin (nigella sativa) 10% is more effective than 5% in the process of healing perineum rupture on postpartum mothers. Conclusion: The black cumin oinment (nigella sativa) functions in the phase of inflamation by postponing kinin and postglandin forming indirectly, this functions in the phase of proliferation by angiogenesis, collagen, and wound contraction. The black cumin oinment 10% is more effective than 5%. Key words: black cumin (nigella sativa) 5% and 10%, Redness, Oedema, Ecchymosis Discharge, Approximation, and wound

    Applying performance measures to support informed decision making at an operational level

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    Performance Measurement Systems (PMS) have commonly been applied to evaluate and reward performances at managerial levels, especially in the context of supply chain management. However, evidence suggests that the effective use of PMS can also positively influence the behaviour and improve performance at an operational level. The purpose of the study described in this paper is to develop a conceptual framework that adopts performance measures for ex-ante decision-making at an operational level within the supply chain. A case study at Coca-Cola Enterprises has been carried out and as a result, a conceptual framework of the PMS has been developed


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    Postpartum blues (PPB) atau sering juga disebut Maternity blues atau Baby blues dimengerti sebagai suatu sindroma gangguan efek ringan yang sering tampak dalam minggu pertama setelah persalinan dan memuncak pada hari ke tiga sampai kelima dan menyerang dalam rentang waktu 14 hari terhitung setelah persalinan. Untuk mengantisipasi ibu postpartum yang mengalami post partum blues perlu diadakan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektifitas Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) terhadap kadar hormon kortisol pada ibu postpartum blues di Wilayah Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan Quasi Experimental atau eksperimental semu dengan rancangan penelitian Pre and post test with control group design. Lokasi penelitian dilaksanakan di wilayah Kota Semarang. Waktu penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Desember 2015- Juni 2016. Sampel penelitian ibu postpartum baik primipara maupun multipara yang mengalami postpartum blues berada di wilayah kerja kota Semarang yang terbagi menjadi 3 bagian, yaitu kelompok kontrol, kelompok musik alam, dan kelompok musik Kenny G dengan masing-masing terdiri atas 12 responden dengan total 36 responden. Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan uji one way anova dan analisis regresi linier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan paritas (p value = 0,441), pendidikan (p value = 0,586), pekerjaan (p value = 0,837), dan dukungan sosial (p value = 0,877) antara kelompok intervensi musik GIM (Guided Imagey and Music) di BPM Wilayah Kota Semarang. Terapi musik GIM Kenny G adalah yang paling efektif menurunkan hormon kortisol. kelompok GIM Kenny G dapat menurunkan skor EPDS sebesar 2,37 dan menurunkan skor post kortisol sebesar 28,95 dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Sedangkan setiap kenaikan 1 poin skor EPDS maka akan meningkatkan 0,53 skor post EPDS. Selain itu setiap kenaikan 1 skor pre kortisol maka akan meningkatkan 0,75 skor post kortisol. Untuk pre kortisol dan pre EPDS menjadi tidak bermakna terhadap post kortisol dan post EPDS. Kata kunci : paritas, pekerjaan, pendidikan, dukungan sosial, Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) Postpartum blues (PPB) or Maternity Baby blues known as a mild syndrome disorder effects that sometime appears in the first week after delivery and peaked on third or fifth day, and the symptom occur in the span of 14 days after delivery. Based on number of postpartum mothers who experienced post partum blues, there need a study to identify the effectiveness of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) toward cortisol hormone levels of postpartum blues mother in the city of Semarang. The study used Quasi Experimental or quasi-experimental research design with pre and post-test with control group design. the research conducted in the city of Semarang, on December 2015 to June 2016. The research samples are postpartum mothers both primiparous and multiparous who experienced postpartum blues in BPM Region Semarang and divided into 3 groups, namely a control group, a group of natural music, and music groups Kenny G. Each group consists of 12 respondents with 36 respondents totaly. The results of the study was analyzed using one-way anova test and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that there was no difference in parity (p value = 0.441), education (p value = 0.586), occupation (p value = 0.837), and social support (p value = 0.877) between the intervention group music GIM (Guided Imagey and Music ) in BPM Region Semarang. The GIM - Kenny G Music therapy was the most effective lowering cortisol hormone level. The GIM – Kenny G can lowered EPDS score of 2.37 and lowered cortisol post a score of 28.95 compared with the control group. While every increasing of 1 point EPDS score will increase post EPDS score of 0.53. Moreover, any increasing in of 1 point of pre cortisol will increase cortisol post score of 0.75. The pre cortisol and pre EPDS is meaningless towads post cortisol and post EPDS. Keywords : parity, employment, education, social support, Guided Imagery and Music (GIM

    Pencegahan Kecurangan (Fraud) sesuai dengan Permenkes No. 36 Tahun 2015 tentang Pencegahan Kecurangan (Fraud) dalam Pelaksanaan Program Jaminan Kesehatan pada Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional di Rumah Sakit X

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Studi Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan 2016 ABSTRAK Lina Umboro Styowati Pencegahan Kecurangan (Fraud) sesuai dengan Permenkes No. 36 Tahun 2015 tentang Pencegahan Kecurangan (Fraud) dalam Pelaksanaan Program Jaminan Kesehatan pada Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional di Rumah Sakit X xii + 143 halaman + 8 tabel + 9 gambar +7 lampiran Perubahan pola pembayaran menggunakan CBG menyebabkan perubahan proporsi penerimaan rumah sakit serta perubahan beban resiko keuangan, hal ini yang mendorong timbulnya potensi fraud. Tindakan readmisi di Rumah Sakit X berkisar 29,35% pasien rawat jalan dan 3,6% pasien rawat inap mendapatkan perawatan lebih dari 1 (satu) kali dalam periode 1 (satu) bulan serta belum terciptanya kebijakan pencegahan kecurangan di Rumah Sakit X sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam Permenkes RI No. 36/ 2015. Lima tahapan formulasi dilakukan untuk merumuskan kebijakan, pada penelitian ini hanya melakukan 2 (dua) tahap formulasi yaitu fase pertama berupaya untuk mengidentifikasi tujuan dan program pencegahan kecurangan di Rumah Sakit X dan fase kedua formulasi yaitu menganalisa kelengkapan informasi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan wawancara dan diskusi mendalam. Informan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah lima koder dan unsur pengambil keputusan. Teknik analisis data dengan analisis konten, meliputi wawancara dengan informan diolah kemudian dilakukan analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan masih lemahnya pemahaman petugas pelaksana tentang tindakan kecurangan, hal ini ditunjukkan melalui jawaban responden yang memiliki interpretasi berbeda maksud tindakan kecurangan JKN berdasarkan Permenkes No. 36/2015 serta belum adanya atensi dari pengambil keputusan terkait sistem pencegahan. Atensi dapat diketahui dari perhatian utama pengambil kebijakan hanya pada permasalahan pengkodean diagnosa yang memiliki over cost dan juga belum adanya pembaharuan SK Pengendali Asuransi sejak tahun 2013. Untuk mewujudkan sistem pengendalian efektif yang mampu mencegah, melaporkan dan memperbaiki potensi kecurangan di Rumah Sakit X dengan cara menciptakan program pencegahan dan deteksi dini berupa pendidikan anti fraud, investigasi internal melalui analisa data klaim dan program tindakan pelaporan dan pemberian sanksi. Diperlukan kelengkapan sistem berupa tim pencegahan kecurangan dan pedoman pencegahan yang berisi literature review, daftar tindakan yang dianggap potensi fraud, aspek pencegahan, deteksi dan penindakan serta petunjuk teknis pencegahan fraud, monitoring dan evaluasi serta pelaporan. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan untuk menerbitkan SK Tim Pencegahan Kecurangan , merumuskan draf final pencegahan kecurangan agar dapat disahkan menjadi pedoman pencegahan kecurangan, pengembangan sistem informasi untuk analisa data klaim. Kata kunci : Formulasi Kebijakan, Pedoman Pencegahan Kecurangan, Fraud Kepustakaan: 52 (2000-2015) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Study Program in Public Health Majoring in Administration and Health Policy 2016 ABSTRACT Lina Umboro Styowati Fraud Prevention based on the Health Minister Regulation Number 36 in 2015 about Fraud Prevention in the Implementation of the Health Insurance Program on the National Social Insurance System at X Hospital xii + 143 pages + 8 tables + 9 figures + 7 appendices The change of a payment pattern using CBG causes the change in the proportion of hospital income and the change in burden of financial risk that will lead to fraud. Readmission to X Hospital was approximately 29.35% of patients at outpatient unit and 3.6% of patients at inpatient unit who got treatment more than one in a month. In addition, there was no policy which referred to the Health Minister Regulation Number 36/2015 to prevent fraud at X Hospital. Five steps of formulation were conducted to arrange the policy. In this study, two of these five steps of formulation namely identifying objectives and a program of fraud prevention at X Hospital as the first step and analysing completeness of information as the second step were conducted. This was a qualitative study by conducting indepth interview. Main informants consisted of five coders and decision makers. Data were collected using a method of content analysis. The result of this study showed that the implementers did not really understand fraud activity. Each officer had different interpretation in defining fraud of JKN based on the regulation. In addition, decision makers did not pay attention to this problem. Attention could be identified from the main attention of policy makers that only focussed on a problem of coding diagnosis which had over cost. The Insurance Control Decree have not been renewed since 2013. To realise the effective control system that could prevent, report, and improve a potency of fraud at the X Hospital, it was conducted by creating a program of prevention and early detection like education of anti-fraud, internal investigation through analysing claim data, reporting, and punishing. There needed to complete system like a team of fraud prevention and a prevention guidance that consisted of a literature review, a list of actions categorised as fraud, aspects of prevention, detection, action, a technical guidance of fraud prevention, monitoring, evaluating, and reporting. The Decree of a fraud prevention team needs to be released. A final draft of fraud prevention needs to be arranged in order to be legalised to be a guidance of fraud prevention. In addition, information system needs to be developed to analyse claim data. Keywords : Policy Formulation; Guidance Of Fraud Prevention, Fraud Bibliography: 52 (2000-2015
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