248 research outputs found

    Simulation and Implementation Model of Productivity Measurement Internet Bandwidth Usage

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    The Internet is used by a very large number of users, from the ordinary  user community, through special users, like people with high intellectual level. The growth in the number of users is increasing very fast. Internet has also been used by multi-sector businesses with multi profession. It makes information the internet usage something very strategic, one of which information productivity internet bandwidth usage. This paper describes a model implementation and simulation of productivity measurement internet bandwidth usage, which describes all possible measurement values obtained, and is a continuation of previous research, which is the basic concept of productivity in the use of internet bandwidth and how to measure it, so that the measuring results can be used as a guide in determine the direction of policy and the provision of productive Internet bandwidth usage

    Decision Support System to Select the Best Customers Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Methods, Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Methods, Weight Aggregated Sum Product Assessment Methods (WASPAS) at the Kebaya Shop

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    Style Queen Kebaya Store (SQ Kebaya) is a store that is engaged in apparel, its product sales focus includes adult and children's kebaya. The negative impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic has proven that the Store (SQ Kebaya) has experienced a decline in sales turnover in 2020, therefore the SQ Kebaya Store's efforts to restore its sales activities are by giving gifts for customer appreciation during the COVID 19 season through selecting the best customers for the 2020 period. However, the problem faced by SQ Kebaya Stores in the process of evaluating the best customer selection is that there is no criterion weight so that the decision making is not right on target, making the best customer decisions less efficient because they have to look for customer sales records manually in the sales record book. This study produces a web-based decision support system for selecting the best customers at SQ Kebaya Stores using the AHP (criteria weight), SAW and WASPAS (best customer ranking) methods, this study produces priority weights and importance levels of each criterion, namely status (0.37 ), method of payment (0.23), total spending (0.14), quantity (0.13), intensity of visits (0.07), length of subscription (0.07) and the result of ranking the percentage of the largest alternative value is the alternative SAW method with an average of 0.6952 , while the WASPAS method is 0.6405. It can be concluded that the right method used to obtain the best alternative value is the SAW method. 

    Analisis Perbandingan Optimasi berbasis Evolutionary pada Algoritma Klasifikasi Penentuan Profile Resiko Nasabah

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    Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bagaimana pentingnya penanganan deteksi profile nasabah untuk meminimalisir terjadinya penyalahgunaan akun nasabah. Kebutuhan akan nasabah baru dengan berbagai macam produk perbankan membuat layanan screening awal begitu penting dilakukan oleh pihak perbankan agar mendapatkan informasi profile resiko nasabah sejak dini. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan model terbaik dari klasifikasi data profile nasabah dengan cara membandingkan model klasifikasi data mining Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest, KNN, SVM. Model dengan akurasi terbaik inilah yang nantinya akan direkomedasikan sebagai model aternatif untuk melakukan prediksi profile resiko nasabah. Pada penelitian ini juga dilakukan proses optimasi dengan menggunakan Optimize Selection (Evolutionary) pada setiap teknik klasifikasi yang digunakan. Dimana dihasilkan bahwa model algoritma Random Forest mendapatkan hasil total akurasi paling baik yaitu sebesar 82.55% dengan angka kenaikan optimasi sebesar 2.51%. Proses training dan testing pada penelitian ini menggunakan komposisi 80% dataset training dan 20% dataset untuk testing sedangkan metodologi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan CRISP-DM


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    Masa anak-anak usia dini belum adanya ketertarikan untuk belajar secara fokus, dunianya masih dipenuhi dengan bermain. Anak-anak di usia dini memiliki keaktifan dan kreatifitas yang tinggi sehingga membutuhkan cara untuk dapat memberikan pengetahuan dasar dalam pengembangan kemampuan seni, emosi, disiplin, kognitif, konsep diri, nilai-nilai agama, dan moral. Media pembelajaran harus disesuaikan dengan usianya yaitu menggunakan media aplikasi animasi berbasis web. Aplikasi ini diharapkan memberikan anak-anak bermain sambal belajar, dimana dunia anak-anak  lebih cenderung dunianya dipenuhi dengan bermain. Aplikasi ini diterapkan pada Tk Lily Pre School Meruyung Depok, dikuti oleh 20 orang siswa TK khusus kelas B yang berusia diantara 5 tahun dan 6 tahun. Pada Tk Lily Pre School Meruyung Depok sudah pernah menampilkan pembelajaran melalui video tapi belum diterapkan dalam bentuk animasi interaktif bagi siswanya, sehingga dengan tampilan tampilan materi pembelajaran perhitungan metematika, mengenal huruf dalam membaca, mengenal warna dalam bentuk geometri dan mengenal Binatang serta suaranya. Semua itu dilakukan dengan menggunakan animasi serta terdapat suatu cerita dengan memberikan animasi gambaran dari cerita tersebut. Target Tim pengabdian Masyarakat dalam memberikan Pelatihan untuk meningkatkan metode belajar bagi murid TK, khususnya pada Tk Lily Pre School Meruyung Depo

    Comparison of Saline Infusion Sonohisterography (SIS) and Histeroscopy Examination in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

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    Introduction: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is bleeding from the uterus that is longer than usual or that occurs at an irregular time, affecting 20% of the adolescent age group, and 50% of women aged 40-50 years in Indonesia. The causes of AUB are pregnancy, anovulatory dysfunction, uterine leiomyoma, endometrial polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, or endometrial carcinoma. This study aims to compare the accuracy of Saline Infusion Sonohysterography (SIS), hysteroscopy and endometrial histopathology in determining pathological abnormalities in women with AUB.Material and Method: This cross sectional diagnostic study was conducted at General Hospital dr. Kariadi Semarang and its network hospitals in June 2020. Samples were determined by consecutive sampling, including married women, not pregnant, had no genital infection and did not present with any malignancy. Histopathological examination of the endometrium is the gold standard for AUB diagnosis. Research data were obtained from secondary data from patient's medical records including demographic characteristics, clinical history, pregnancy history, SIS examination data, hysteroscopy and endometrial histopathology.Result: There were 51 subjects with a mean age of 31.67 ± 5.21 years. The most common complaints were intermenstrual bleeding (37.3%), followed by irregular menstrual bleeding (21.6%), heavy menstrual bleeding (13.7%), and amenorrhea (5.9%). Sensitivity value of SIS examination ranged from 81.5-100% and specificity ranged from 30.77-100%. Hysteroscopy has a sensitivity value range of 87.5-98% and a specificity value of 62.5-100%.Conclusion: SIS examination could be an alternative for endometrial structural abnormalities diagnosis in AUB if hysteroscopy is unavailable

    Perancangan Database IoT Berbasis Cloud dengan Restful API

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    Internet of Things (IoT) memiliki potensi besar di era industry 4.0, saat mulai muncul beberapa produk elektronik rumah tangga berbasis IoT seperti lampu, saklar, stop-kontak dan lainnya, dengan IoT perangkat rumah tangga tersebut bisa dikendalikan dan dipantau dari jarak jauh sehingga lebih memudahkan penggunanya. Penyimpanan data IoT berbasis cloud menimbulkan permsalahan keamanan data dan performa throughput pada server. Dalam paper ini dibahas mengenai rancangan database berbasis cloud dengan restful API untuk IoT agar data IoT aman dan memiliki throughput yang bagus dengan struktur data yang diatur pada database

    Thianthrene and Related Heterocycles : Metal Complexes, Radical Cation Salts and Semiconductors

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    Liquid SO2 was used as a solvent for complexation as well as redox reactions based on thianthrene and related heterocyclic molecules. With silver salt, AgX (X = BF4-, SbF6-), the complexes [Ag2(TA)2][BF4]2 · 3 SO2 (1) and [Ag2(TA)3][SbF6 ]2 · 5 SO2 (2), and with gold(III) chloride, the complex [AuCl2(TA)2][AuCl4] (3) were obtained. The oxidation products contain radical cations of thianthrene, TA·+, as found in the structure of (TA·)(HSO4) · H2SO4 (5) and (TA·)[FeCl4] (6), radical cation of selenanthrene in the structure of (SA·)[AlCl4] (8) and (SA·)2[SO4(BF3)2] (10), and a structure with a bridging oxygen of µ-oxy-selenanthrene(2+), SAO(HSO4)2 (9). The reaction between thianthrene and aluminum chloride was also performed without solvent, resulting in an adduct [AlCl3(TA)] (4) and a unique thianthrene "triple decker", (TA3)[Al2Cl7]2 (7). An unexpected phenazine salt, (H2PAz)(HSO4)2 (11) was obtained from phenazine in an oxidative environment. All compounds were examined by single crystal X-ray diffractometry. The gold and aluminum complexes were additionally characterized by UV-Vis, IR and Raman spectra, calorimetry and conductivity measurements. Cyclic voltammetry measurements of thianthrene in SO2 at room temperature were performed using a self-made pressure-tight electrochemical cell and electrodes with the result that liquid SO2 does not reduce the oxidation potential of thianthrene. The influence of SO3, which is often present in liquid SO2 as impurity, was also studied, confirming its role in the oxidation of thianthrene. The use of liquid SO2 combined with weak coordinating anions allows complexation of silver ion with higher coordination number, bonded to thianthene via S atoms. SO3 as an impurity in liquid SO2 is the most probable source for oxidation reaction leading to the compounds containing radical cations. Thianthrene undergoes self-oxidation processes in the presence of AlCl3, both with or without solvent. Close TA · · · TA arrangements in the crystal structures should be an indication of the electrical semiconductivity

    Analisis Penyebab Terjadinya Kecelakaan Kerja Di Atas Kapal Mv. Cs Brave

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    Peranan dalam penggunaan alat-alat keselamatan kerja merupakan salah satu USAha untuk mencegah atau mengurangi adanya kecelakaan pada saat kerja. Oleh karena itu diharapkan seluruh awak kapal atau ABK yang bekerja di kapal agar selalu menggunakan alat-alat keselamatan pada saat kerja di dek maupun di kamar mesin guna menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan terjadi seperti kecelakaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan kerja di atas kapal. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di MV. CS Brave Perusahaan Chang Myung Shipping. Sumber data yang diperoleh adalah data primer yang diperoleh langsung dari tempat penelitian dengan cara melakukan pengamatan dan tanya jawab langsung dengan perwira dan anak buah kapal khususnya bagian dek, dan tinjauan pustaka serta literatur-literatur yang berkaitan dengan penelitian. Metode pengolahan data yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif, penulis mencoba mengamati kasus yang sering terjadi di atas kapal sehubungan dengan kurangnya kedisiplinan Anak Buah Kapal, kemudian membuat catatan penting tentang penyebab dan solusi yang akan digunakan untuk meningkatkan kedisiplinan Anak Buah Kapal pada saat melakukan pekerjaan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya kecelakaan kerja di kapal karena diakibatkan oleh kurangnya kedisiplinan awak kapal tentang pentingnya penggunaan alat-alat keselamatan saat melakukan suatu pekerjaan


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    The purpose of this Community Service activity is to improve the basic knowledge of accounting, as well as the preparation of simple financial statements by utilizing the accounting information technology. Based on survey results to 11 cooperatives in Klaten it can be identified problems as follows: 1) Not well-organized bookkeeping. 2) Recording is still done manually and not yet supported by computer-based information system technology. Based on the problems faced by the cooperative, the solutions offered to cooperatives are debriefing of accounting knowledge as the basis for preparation of financial statements of cooperatives, as well as the creation of cooperative accounting programs, demonstrations, and training. Currently the first phase of the activity has been going well and smoothly. Where in this stage the cooperative began to run the preparation of financial statements by using the accounting information system technology, using TJFinanceprogram.Assistance in the utilization of cooperative accounting system that has been made, among others in the form of mentoring preparation, as well as assistance in the use of cooperative accounting system. So that the existing system can be utilized more optimally and can be developed in accordance with the needs of the cooperative management as a partner of dedication and other cooperative management members in Klaten. In addition there is an increased role of stakeholder better associated with the creation and development of cooperative applications so that in the future will be the application development process when running in accordance with what is expected by the cooperative