127 research outputs found

    Digitaalinen kirjallisuus lasten lukijuutta tukemassa: Valtteina tuttuus, toiminnallisuus ja monipuolisuus

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    Lastenkirjallisuus ja lukeminen ovat lapsille tärkeitä. Parhaimmillaan ne ovat sekä tiedonlähteitä että tukevat kaikkea kasvua ja oppimista. Kirjallisuuden parissa viihtyminen tuottaa iloa ja hyvinvointia monin tavoin: iloa tuottaa eläytyminen kirjan maailmaan niin, että kaikki muu unohtuu; uuden oppiminen; kirjan tarjoamat yllätykset ja tunteet sekä kirjan parissa yhdessä läheisten ja ystävien kanssa vietetty aika. Lastenkirjallisuus avaa portin lukijaksi kasvamiseen ja hyvään lukutaitoon. Positiiviset lukemiseen liittyvät tunteet ja muistot auttavat nauttimaan lukuhetkistä ja saavat kiinnostumaan kirjoista sekä lukemisesta koko elämän ajan. Kaikilla lapsilla ei ole positiivisia kokemuksia lukemisesta varhaislapsuudessa, ja he tarvitsevat enemmän tukea lukemisen ilon tavoittamisessa. Lukuhetkien elävöittämisen ja lukuhetkien sekä leikin yhdistämisen rinnalla monimuotoinen lastenkirjallisuus voi tukea lukemiseen kasvamisessa. Tässä tekstissä kuvaamme digitaalisen lastenkirjallisuuden positiivisia merkityksiä osana monimuotoisia ja toiminnallisia kirjoja

    The Role of a Restorative Resource in the Academic Context in Improving Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation and Flow within the Job Demands–Resources Model

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    The perceived quality of the learning environment may influence both motivation and concentration. Little is known about how perceived characteristics of the learning environment, and specifically sub-dimensions of Perceived Restorativeness (being away, fascination, compatibility, and extent), can promote these positive effects in an academic context. We addressed, through a correlational study, the possibility that the characteristics of learning environments may promote concentration and involvement in activity (i.e., flow) via intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for academic study within the job demands–resources model. A total of 165 Italian university psychology classes in a 3-year degree course from two different universities context completed an online questionnaire made up of the construct considered in this study. Results in the hierarchical multivariate regression analyses confirm that the restorative quality of learning environments (i.e., being away, compatibility, extent) is positively correlated with flow. However, there is a non-significant relationship between extent and flow. Regression analyses show a significant indirect effect of compatibility, both through intrinsic and extrinsic student motivation. Furthermore, the results confirm a significant indirect effect of extent through intrinsic motivation and being away, and fascination through Extrinsic motivation. Furthermore, intrinsic motivation is a full mediator between the extent and flow relationship. The results underline the importance of considering the restorative quality of the environment for improving place design, concentration, and student learning motivation

    First nucleotide sequence of a Carlavirus infecting caper

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    A carlavirus from asymptomatic caper plants (Capparis spinosa L.), that was provisionally considered a distinct isolate of the previously described Caper latent virus, was partially sequenced. The translated amino acid sequences of the RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene and coat protein (CP) gene were compared with the equivalent sequences of members of the genus Carlavirus. The isolate, named CapLV-L7, showed less than 78% and 72% amino acid identity in RdRp and CP regions, respectively, with the other carlaviruses tested. The closest sequence similarity was with Nerine latent virus and Potato virus M. The phylogenic trees showed a close relationship of CapLV-L7 with Nerine latent virus in both genes

    Systemic adipokines, hepatokines and interleukin-6 in HCV-monoinfected and HCV/HIV coinfected patients treated with direct antiviral agents (DAAs)

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    In this study, we demonstrated that that altered levels ofadipokines/hepatokines in HCV-infected patients, including HIV coinfected, can be restored by treatment with direct antiviral agents (DAAs), thus indicating the important metabolic changes occurring during the eradication of this viral infection

    Persistent high plasma levels of sCD163 and sCD14 in adult patients with measles virus infection

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    Background and aims: Measles is an infectious disease that represents a serious public health problem worldwide, being associated with increased susceptibility to secondary infections, especially in the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. The aim of this study was to evaluate sCD163 and sCD14 levels in measles virus (MV) infected patients, as markers of immune activation, in order to better understand their role in the pathogenesis of the disease. TNF-α plasma levels were also evaluated. Methods: sCD163, sCD14 and TNF-α were measured by ELISA in plasma samples of 27 MV infected patients and 27 healthy donors (HD) included as controls. Results: At the time of hospital admission, sCD163 and sCD14 levels were significantly higher in MV infected patients than in HD, while a decrease in TNF-α levels were found even if without statistical significance. sCD163 and sCD14 levels were significantly decreased after two months from acute infection compared to hospital admission although they remained significantly higher compared to HD. TNF-α levels increased significantly during the follow-up period. Considering clinical parameters, sCD163 levels positively correlated with aspartate aminotransferase, white blood cell count and neutrophils rate, while negatively correlated with the lymphocyte percentage. sCD14 levels positively correlated with the neutrophil and lymphocyte percentages. Conclusions. These results indicate that, despite the resolution of symptoms, an important macrophage/ monocyte activation persists in measles patients, even after two months from infection

    Changes in inflammatory biomarkers in HCV-infected patients undergoing direct acting antiviral-containing regimens with or without interferon

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    Background and aims Increased levels of chemokine interferon-gamma (IFN-Îł)-inducible protein-10 (CXCL10), soluble CD163 (sCD163) and soluble CD14 (sCD14) have been reported in HCV infection. The aim of this study was to compare, sCD163 and sCD14 levels in HCV-infected patients undergoing direct acting antiviral (DAA)-containing regimens with or without interferon (IFN). Methods sCD163, sCD14 and CXCL10 were longitudinally measured by ELISA in 159 plasma samples from 25 HCV-infected patients undergoing IFN-based treatment plus telaprevir or boceprevir and 28 HCV infected subjects treated with DAA IFN-free regimens. Twenty-five healthy donors (HD) were included as controls. Results At baseline CXCL10, sCD163 and sCD14 levels were higher in HCV-infected patients than in HD. CXCL10 and sCD163 levels were significantly decreased in responder (R) patients who achieved sustained virological response (SVR), with both IFN-based and IFN-free regimens, while they were persistently elevated in non-responders (NR) patients who stopped IFN-based treatments because of failure or adverse events. Conversely, sCD14 levels were apparently unchanged during therapy, but at the end of treatment the levels reached normal ranges. Comparing the two regimens, the extent of CXCL10 reduction was more pronounced in patients undergoing DAA IFN-free therapies, whereas sCD163 and sCD14 reduction was similar in the two groups. Interestingly, only in IFN-based regimens baseline sCD163 levels were significantly higher in NR than in R patients, while in the IFN-free treatment group also patients with highsCD163 plasma levels obtained SVR. At the end of therapy, even if the biomarkers were largely decreased, their levels remained significantly higher compared to HD. Only in the early fibrosis stages, sCD163 values tended to normalize. Conclusions These results indicate that IFN-free regimens including newer DAA induce an early and marked decrease in circulating inflammatory biomarkers. However, the full normalization of biomarkers was not obtained, especially in patients with advanced fibrosis, thus underlying the need for a treatment in the early stages of HCV infection

    Liver fibrosis in HCV monoinfected and HIV/HCV coinfected patients: dysregulation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors TIMPs and effect of HCV protease inhibitors

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    An imbalance between matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) may contribute to liver fibrosis in patients with hepatitis C (HCV) infection. We measured the circulating levels of different MMPs and TIMPs in HCV monoinfected and HIV/HCV coinfected patients and evaluated the potential for anti-HCV therapy to modulate MMP and TIMP levels in HCV subjects. We analyzed 83 plasma samples from 16 HCV monoinfected patients undergoing dual or triple anti-HCV therapy, 15 HIV/HCV coinfected patients with undetectable HIV load, and 10 healthy donors (HD). Levels of MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-8, MMP-9, MMP-10, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2 were measured by a SearchLight Multiplex Immunoassay Kit. MMP-2 and MMP-9 were the highest expressed MMPs among all the analyzed samples and their levels significantly increased in HCV monoinfected and HIV/HCV coinfected subjects compared to HD. TIMP-1 levels were significantly higher in HCV and HIV/HCV subjects compared to HD and were correlated with liver stiffness. These findings raise the possibility of using circulating TIMP-1 as a non-invasive marker of liver fibrosis in HCV infection. A longitudinal study demonstrated that MMP-9 levels significantly decreased (40% reduction from baseline) in patients receiving dual as well as triple direct-acting antivirals (DAA) anti-HCV therapy, which had no effect on MMP-2, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2. As the dysregulation of MMP-2 and MMP-9 may reflect inflammatory processes in the liver, the decrease of MMP-9 following HCV protease inhibitor treatment suggests a positive effect on the reduction of liver inflammation

    Efficacy and safety of niacin/laropiprant therapy in familial hypercholesterolemic patients with coronary artery disease

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease is the principal cause of premature mortality and morbidity in Europe. Patients with familial hypercholesterolemia are at particularly increased risk and, despite lipid-lowering therapy, continue to experience cardiovascular events. Currently, for these patients a new treatment option is represented by extended-release niacin/laropiprant (ERN/LRPN). Material and Methods: We followed-up for 16 weeks a group of 23 familial hypercholesterolemic patients (mean age 61?7 years, 74% male) with chronic coronary artery disease and ERN/LRPN added on top of maximally tolerated lipid-lowering therapy. ERN/LRPN was administered at the dose of 1 gr/day for the first 4 weeks and then at 2 gr/day for the remaining period. Clinical examination and blood sampling (including lipid profile, renal and hepatic function) were performed at baseline, after 4 weeks, at the end of follow-up, and in the case of eventual clinical manifestations. Results: During follow-up, 14 patients discontinued therapy due to side effects (headache, asthenia, and gastrointestinal disorders in 4 patients, muscle aches and CK increase in 3 patients, eruptive skin rash in 2 patients, onset of diabetes mellitus in 2 patients, dizziness associated with inability to drive in 1 patient, acute hepatitis in 1 patient and palpitations in 1 patient) and 2 patients voluntarily interrupted the therapy. In the remaining 7 patients, an improvement in lipid profile was observed (total cholesterol -14%, HDL cholesterol +7%, LDL cholesterol -16%, Triglycerides -53%, Apolipoprotein A1 +8%, Apolipoprotein B -21%, Apolipoprotein E -31%) in the absence of substantial changes in other laboratory analyses (with the exception of a non-significant increase in uric acid). Intolerable skin flushing was not observed in any patient. In addition, among patients who did report flushing, a reduction in the incidence of the episodes was observed after the first month of therapy

    Alteration of serotonin transporter density and activity in fibromyalgia

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the kinetic parameters of a specific serotonin transporter (SERT) and serotonin uptake in a mentally healthy subset of patients with fibromyalgia. Platelets were obtained from 40 patients and 38 healthy controls. SERT expression and functionality were evaluated through the measurement of [(3)H]paroxetine binding and the [(3)H]serotonin uptake itself. The values of maximal membrane binding capacity (B(max)) were statistically lower in the patients than in the healthy volunteers, whereas the dissociation constant (K(d)) did not show any statistically significant variations. Moreover, a decrease in the maximal uptake rate of SERT (V(max)) was demonstrated in the platelets of patients, whereas the Michaelis constant (K(m)) did not show any statistically significant variations. Symptom severity score (tiredness, tender points index and Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire) were negatively correlated with B(max )and with V(max), and positively correlated with K(m). A change in SERT seems to occur in fibromyalgic patients, and it seems to be related to the severity of fibromyalgic symptoms
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