177 research outputs found

    Safety concepts to enable autonomous train operations in semi-restricted industrial areas

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    The work performed has been enabled by Business Finland, which provided funding for a research project ‘Autonominen juna -kehityshanke’ - VTT (45715/31/2020), which included collaboration with Proxion Oy, Electric Power Finland Oy, and Steel Wheel Oy for the development of autonomous train in industrial sites. Typically, these sites have small internal rail network forlow-speed transportation of raw materials, semifinished goods, and final products. Since most of the traffic within these sites is caused by the trucks and trains of the industrial site itself, and since the vehicles and persons from outside would need permission to enter, many of such sites can be described as semi-restricted.The study considers other (manual) train traffic in semi-restricted industrial areas but does not consider the driving of an autonomous train on the public main line. The study had two main research objectives. The first objective was to identify and analyse safety risks related to the daily operation of the autonomous train on its route in a semi-restricted industrial area: charging / refuelling station, loading / unloading places, railway switches and level crossings. The second objective was to define concepts to secure the path of an autonomous train and principles to control level crossings and their safety-related systems in three different train traffic control concepts:− An autonomous train has a static local permit in a semi-restricted industrial area− The autonomous train has a dynamic local permit in a semi-restricted industrial area− The rail yard traffic control sets the access permit for the autonomous train in a semi-restricted industrial areaThis report summaries the analysis of new safety risk related to autonomous train operations in semi-restricted industrial areas, including the concepts for safe pathways and safe level crossing controls for autonomous train operations

    Safety concepts to enable autonomous train operations in semi-restricted industrial areas

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    The work performed has been enabled by Business Finland, which provided funding for a research project ‘Autonominen juna -kehityshanke’ - VTT (45715/31/2020), which included collaboration with Proxion Oy, Electric Power Finland Oy, and Steel Wheel Oy for the development of autonomous train in industrial sites. Typically, these sites have small internal rail network forlow-speed transportation of raw materials, semifinished goods, and final products. Since most of the traffic within these sites is caused by the trucks and trains of the industrial site itself, and since the vehicles and persons from outside would need permission to enter, many of such sites can be described as semi-restricted.The study considers other (manual) train traffic in semi-restricted industrial areas but does not consider the driving of an autonomous train on the public main line. The study had two main research objectives. The first objective was to identify and analyse safety risks related to the daily operation of the autonomous train on its route in a semi-restricted industrial area: charging / refuelling station, loading / unloading places, railway switches and level crossings. The second objective was to define concepts to secure the path of an autonomous train and principles to control level crossings and their safety-related systems in three different train traffic control concepts:− An autonomous train has a static local permit in a semi-restricted industrial area− The autonomous train has a dynamic local permit in a semi-restricted industrial area− The rail yard traffic control sets the access permit for the autonomous train in a semi-restricted industrial areaThis report summaries the analysis of new safety risk related to autonomous train operations in semi-restricted industrial areas, including the concepts for safe pathways and safe level crossing controls for autonomous train operations

    An approach for the assessment of safety risks in automated mobile work-machine systems

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    Needs to improve productivity and cost efficiency are driving the development in industrial sectors using mobile work-machines towards automated work-machine systems and production process control.The shift from manually operated mobile work machines toward automated mobile work-machine systems takes machinery-safety considerations to a new, system safety, level. New safety concerns are associated with automation-related threats and possible unexpected hazardous events. Regardless of the extensive international standardisation efforts in machinery safety, there are not yet safety-engineering or risk-assessment guidelines specific to complex automated mobile work-machine systems.The aim of this study has been to provide new information on how the risk-analysis methods in current use can be utilised for reaching the system-safety objectives and to increase the quality and effectiveness of safety-engineering work. The main goal of this study was a practical approach for system-level safety-risk assessment in automated mobile work-machine systems. Constructive research approach has been applied for the construction of the risk assessment approach. Evaluation of the usefulness of the overall approach and risk analysis methods has been done following the qualitative case-study research methods. The empirical research material consists of four case project documentation, interview results and observations.The result of the study is a new three-level approach for the assessment of safety risks. The results of the study show that the three-level approach to risk assessment is applicable for automated mobile work-machine systems and the selected methods are applicable for system-level hazard identification and risk analysis. The approach and the methods have been adopted in case companies. The developed approach integrates key elements from system safety, machinery safety and industrial safety engineering practices. The case-study research results provide new valuable information and experiences in how the risk-identification and risk-estimation methods were utilised in the case projects in various phases of the system life cycle. The results can be utilised among mobile work-machine manufacturers, system suppliers, end users of the machinery systems, and safety experts.Työkoneita käytetään laajalti eri teollisuudenaloilla ja hyvin erilaisissa teollisissa ympäristöissä. Työn tuottavuutta ja kustannustehokkuutta pyritään parantamaan nostamalla työkoneiden automaatiotasoa ja automatisoimalla työprosessien ohjausta. Muutos manuaalisesti ohjatuista työkoneista kohti automatisoituja työkonejärjestelmiä siirtää koneiden turvallisuustarkastelun uudelle järjestelmäturvallisuustasolle. Turvallisuuden näkökulmasta huolta tässä muutoksessa aiheuttavat erityisesti uudenlaiset automatisointiin liittyvät uhat ja mahdolliset odottamattomat vaaratilanteet. Huolimatta turvallisuussuunnittelun laaja-alaisesta kansainvälisestä standardointityöstä vielä toistaiseksi ei ole käytettävissä turvallisuussuunnittelun tai riskien arvioinnin ohjeita kompleksisia automatisoituja työkonejärjestelmiä varten.Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on ollut tuottaa uutta tietoa siitä, miten riskianalyysimenetelmiä nykymuodossaan tulisi käyttää järjestelmäturvallisuustavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi ja kuinka parantaa turvallisuussuunnittelun laatua ja tehokkuutta. Tutkimuksen keskeinen tavoite oli käytännöllinen järjestelmätason lähestymistapa automatisoitujen työkonejärjestelmien turvallisuusriskien arviointiin. Tutkimustyö on edennyt konstruktiivisen tutkimusotteen mukaisesti. Riskin arvioinnin lähestymistavan ja valittujen riskianalyysimenetelmien käyttökelpoisuutta on evaluoitu kvalitatiivisen tapaustutkimuksen menetelmin. Empiirinen tutkimusaineisto koostuu neljän case-projektin dokumentaatiosta, haastatteluista ja havainnoista.Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi uusi kolmitasoinen lähestymistapa turvallisuusriskien arviointiin. Tulokset osoittavat, että kolmitasoinen lähestymistapa soveltuu käytettäväksi automatisoitujen työkonejärjestelmien turvallisuusriskin arviointiin ja valitut menetelmät soveltuvat järjestelmätason vaaratekijöiden tunnistamiseen ja niiden analysointiin. Lähestymistapa ja menetelmät on otettu käyttöön soveltuvin osin case-yrityksissä. Kehitetty lähestymistapa yhdistää keskeisiä elementtejä järjestelmäturvallisuuden, koneturvallisuuden ja työturvallisuuden käytännöistä. Case-tutkimusten tulokset antavat uutta arvokasta tietoa siitä, kuinka riskin tunnistamisen ja arvioinnin menetelmiä käytettiin case-projekteissa kohdejärjestelmien eri elinkaaren vaiheissa. Tuloksia voivat hyödyntää liikkuvien työkoneiden valmistajat, järjestelmätoimittajat, konejärjestelmien loppukäyttäjät ja järjestelmäturvallisuuden asiantuntijat

    Development of an Organisational Certification Process for Specific Category Drone Operations

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    To govern and ensure the safety of increasing drone operations, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has defined three risk-based categories of unmanned aircraft system (UAS) operations. A large part of commercial UAS operations fall into the Specific category, which includes operations with medium risk that require an authority approval. One possible way to gain approval for these operations is the light UAS operator certificate (LUC) awarded by a national aviation authority. It offers organisations the privilege to assess and approve operations without applying for authorisation from an authority. However, only general information regarding the LUC is available in the European regulatory publications. Thus, there is currently a lack of detailed guidelines and practical information about the process and requirements for acquiring LUC status. This paper describes the development of a LUC application process model following a design science research approach. The model supports organisations to assess their LUC capabilities, develop their organisation, create the documentation to fulfil relevant requirements, and to apply for the certificate. Finally, the results of a case study where the process model was applied are presented

    Safety risk sources of autonomous mobile machines

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    Autonomous mobile machines are applied increasingly often in outdoor applications, but only in places, where logistic problems and safety issues are resolvable. Solving safety issues require good hazard identification and risk estimation. The aim of this study is to show which new risks emerge in autonomous mobile machines compared to manual machines. There are new risks, which are valid only in autonomous mobile machines (e.g., related to sensors for situational awareness), and risks, which exist in both machine types, but human presence can make the difference in resolving the situation. Humans can take sophisticated protective measures during an unexpected hazardous situation. Another aim of this work is to give information to designers and assessors to consider risks of their own design. Autonomous mobile machines are complex, and their performance is not always easily predictable. A checklist of risks would help an assessor, but currently, it may be difficult to find a checklist for a specific autonomous mobile machine. The main result of this study is a checklist of new risk sources or hazards of autonomous mobile machines.<br/

    Safety analyses on the use of tram doors in GoA1 and GoA4 autonomy levels

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    Development towards higher grade of automation (GoA) levels has been a global trend in trains and metros, but so far not in trams due to their complex and highly dynamic operating environment. However, currently rail operators are also showing increasing interest on higher automation levels in tram systems to increase their efficiency and safety. Higher GoA levels in a tram system introduces changes in operating principles, new roles for personnel, and new types of safety risks in daily operations. In this report, we present two studies where risk analysis methods were applied in the conceptual level to identify new autonomy related safety risks in tram operations. The goal of this study was to identify and analyse the effects of increasing level of tram autonomy (from GoA1 to GoA4) on the use of automated tram door and its functionalities. The objectives were to identify the different operating situations of the automatic tram door system, analyse the related safety and availability risks, and define the necessary safety measures.The results of the PHA and STPA analyses show that parts of the door systems are already capable for GoA4 tram operations. There are safety systems ensuring that the doors do not open when the tram is in motion, and to detect obstacles between the doors. Solutions to ensure accessibility and safe entry and exit for all passengers must be developed for GoA4 operation considering especially passengers who move slowly, have reduced mobility, use wheelchair or are visually impaired. Managing of abnormal situations and emergencies needs to be carefully considered in GoA4 operation. For example, to ensure that the tram can be evacuated safely if needed, and that management of technical and human disturbances with the door systems could be managed remotely.The door system, however, is only one aspect of the tram operation and other parts are subject to significant changes. Thus, on the path towards automated tram operations, comprehensive safety analyses of all parts of the system and operations are still needed. Systemic methods, such as STPA, can be applied to support these analyses. The results of the analyses can be used to support development of the door systems by focusing the development actions into the areas where the major changes and improvement needs are expected

    Safety analyses on the use of tram doors in GoA1 and GoA4 autonomy levels

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    Development towards higher grade of automation (GoA) levels has been a global trend in trains and metros, but so far not in trams due to their complex and highly dynamic operating environment. However, currently rail operators are also showing increasing interest on higher automation levels in tram systems to increase their efficiency and safety. Higher GoA levels in a tram system introduces changes in operating principles, new roles for personnel, and new types of safety risks in daily operations. In this report, we present two studies where risk analysis methods were applied in the conceptual level to identify new autonomy related safety risks in tram operations. The goal of this study was to identify and analyse the effects of increasing level of tram autonomy (from GoA1 to GoA4) on the use of automated tram door and its functionalities. The objectives were to identify the different operating situations of the automatic tram door system, analyse the related safety and availability risks, and define the necessary safety measures.The results of the PHA and STPA analyses show that parts of the door systems are already capable for GoA4 tram operations. There are safety systems ensuring that the doors do not open when the tram is in motion, and to detect obstacles between the doors. Solutions to ensure accessibility and safe entry and exit for all passengers must be developed for GoA4 operation considering especially passengers who move slowly, have reduced mobility, use wheelchair or are visually impaired. Managing of abnormal situations and emergencies needs to be carefully considered in GoA4 operation. For example, to ensure that the tram can be evacuated safely if needed, and that management of technical and human disturbances with the door systems could be managed remotely.The door system, however, is only one aspect of the tram operation and other parts are subject to significant changes. Thus, on the path towards automated tram operations, comprehensive safety analyses of all parts of the system and operations are still needed. Systemic methods, such as STPA, can be applied to support these analyses. The results of the analyses can be used to support development of the door systems by focusing the development actions into the areas where the major changes and improvement needs are expected

    Reliability Modelling and Analysis of the Power Take-Off System of an Oscillating Wave Surge Converter

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    Wave power is a potential technology for generating sustainable renewable energy. Several types of wave energy converters (WECs) have been proposed for this purpose. WECs operate in a harsh maritime environment that sets strict limitations on how and when the device can be economically and safely reached for maintenance. Thus, to ensure profitable energy generation over the system life cycle, system reliability is a key aspect to be considered in WEC development. In this article, we describe a reliability analysis approach for WEC development, based on the use of reliability block diagram (RBD) modelling. We apply the approach in a case study involving a submerged oscillating wave surge converter device concept that utilizes hydraulics in its power take-off system. In addition to describing the modelling approach, we discuss the data sources that were used for gathering reliability data for the components used in a novel system concept with very limited historical or experimental data available. This includes considerations of the data quality from various sources. As a result, we present examples of applying the RBD modelling approach in the context of WEC development and discuss the applicability of the approach in supporting the development of new technologies


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) berbasis multimedia terhadap hasil belajar IPS. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Quasi Eksperiment Desaign. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas III SD di Kecamatan Sambit, pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara random, kelas III SDN Wilangan dijadikan kelas kontrol yang diberi perlakuan pembelajaran konvensional berbasis multimedia, sedangkan kelas III SDN Sambit 1 dijadikan kelas eksperimen yang diberi perlakuan pembelajaran STAD berbasis multimedia.. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata hasil belajar kelas kontrol sebesar 12,14 dan untuk kelas eksperimen sebesar 14.17. Melalui pengujian hipotesis diperoleh nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,037 yang tidak lebih besar dari 0.05 taraf kesalahan yang bisa diterima. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara hasil belajar kelas kontrol dengan hasil belajar kelas eksperimen dan hasil penelitian ini mendukung argumen atau teori pembelajaran kooperatif yang dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa