1,197 research outputs found

    Ultrasonic in-situ determination of the regression rate of the melting interface in burning metal rods

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    Results of tests in which metallic rods are burned in oxygen enriched atmospheres often include the determination of the regression rate of the melting interface for the burning test specimen. This regression rate is used as an indication of a metallic material's relative flammability and its general ability to sustain burning under the test conditions. This paper reports on the development and first application of an ultrasonic measurement system that enables in situ measurement of the regression rate of the melting interface in burning metal rods. All other methods currently used for determining this parameter are based on posttest, visual interrogation, which is costly and often inaccurate. The transducer and associated equipment used to drive and record the transducer's output signal are described and typical results for iron rods burning in pure oxygen at different gauge pressures are given along with a comparison of these results with regression gates obtained from visual interrogation. The excellent sensitivity, accuracy and reliability of the new ultrasonic transducer are demonstrated, thus indicating the transducer's great potential. (C) 1999 Acoustical Society of America. [S0001-4966(99)00702-X]

    A Systematic Review of Methodologies Used in Models of the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic and complex disease, increasing in prevalence and consequent health expenditure. Cost-effectiveness models with long time horizons are commonly used to perform economic evaluations of diabetesā€™ treatments. As such, prediction accuracy and structural uncertainty are important features in cost-effectiveness models of chronic conditions. Objectives: The aim of this systematic review is to identify and review published cost-effectiveness models of diabetes treatments developed between 2011 and 2022 regarding their methodological characteristics. Further, it also appraises the quality of the methods used, and discusses opportunities for further methodological research. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted in MEDLINE and Embase to identify peer-reviewed papers reporting cost-effectiveness models of diabetes treatments, with time horizons of more than 5 years, published in English between 1 January 2011 and 31 of December 2022. Screening, full-text inclusion, data extraction, quality assessment and data synthesis using narrative synthesis were performed. The Philips checklist was used for quality assessment of the included studies. The study was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42021248999). Results: The literature search identified 30 studies presenting 29 unique cost-effectiveness models of type 1 and/or type 2 diabetes treatments. The review identified 26 type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) models, 3 type 1 DM (T1DM) models and one model for both types of diabetes. Fifteen models were patient-level models, whereas 14 were at cohort level. Parameter uncertainty was assessed thoroughly in most of the models, whereas structural uncertainty was seldom addressed. All the models where validation was conducted performed well. The methodological quality of the models with respect to structure was high, whereas with respect to data modelling it was moderate. Conclusions: Models developed in the past 12 years for health economic evaluations of diabetes treatments are of high-quality and make use of advanced methods. However, further developments are needed to improve the statistical modelling component of cost-effectiveness models and to provide better assessment of structural uncertainty

    Quality of life in children with primary antibody deficiency.

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    Primary antibody deficiency disorders (PADs) can have an excellent outlook if diagnosed early and treated appropriately, but require lifelong treatment with immunoglobulin replacement. Some carry risks of inflammatory complications even with optimal treatment. Quality of life (QoL) and the psychological impact of PADs has been relatively little studied, particularly in children. The purpose of this study was to evaluate QoL and psychological impact in a large group of children affected by a range of PADs, as well as a group with transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy (THI). Both parental and, where appropriate, child ratings, were collected using standardised questionnaires (PedsQL and SDQ). Higher rates of psychological difficulties, particularly emotional and peer-relationship difficulties were found in children with PAD when compared with healthy controls. Quality of life was poorer than in healthy controls, and also worse than in children affected by diabetes mellitus. Variations in QoL and the degree of psychological difficulties were found between specific diagnostic groups, with children affected by THI being amongst those with the lowest scores for QoL. Further studies are needed to corroborate and extend these findings, but this study confirms previous findings that primary antibody deficiency has a significant impact on quality of life and psychological well-being, and additionally suggests that the impact varies according to severity of the underlying condition. For those with significant difficulties psychological intervention at an early stage may be beneficial

    Ļ‰-3 oil intake during weight loss in obese women results in remodelling of plasma triglyceride and fatty acids

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    Previous studies have shown that a combination of weight loss and fish oil supplementation reduce cardiovascular disease and diabetes risks by increasing adiponectin and reducing triacylglyceride concentrations, while weight loss alone significantly improves insulin sensitivity and reduces inflammation. Here, a metabolomic approach, using a combination of 1H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy, and gas and liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, was employed to elucidate the metabolic changes in blood plasma following weight loss and fish oil supplementation. The intervention study was conducted over 24Ā weeks, with 93 female subjects randomised to one of three groups. Two groups followed a 12-week weight loss program, followed by a 12-week weight maintenance period and were randomised to fish or placebo oil capsules; a control group did not follow the weight loss program and were given placebo oil capsules. Lipid profiles changed dramatically upon fish oil intake and subtly across the two weight loss groups. While the fish oil supplementation increased the proportion of various phospholipid species, previously reported reductions in total triacylglycerides (TAGs) upon fish oil intake were shown to be driven by a reduction in a specific subset of the measured TAGs. This remodelling of triglycerides may represent further beneficial effects of fish oil supplementation

    Sinking properties of some phytoplankton shapes and the relation of form resistance to morphological diversity of plankton ā€“ an experimental study

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    Form resistance (Phi) is a dimensionless number expressing how much slower or faster a particle of any form sinks in a fluid medium than the sphere of equivalent volume. Form resistance factors of PVC models of phytoplankton sinking in glycerin were measured in a large aquarium (0.6 x 0.6 x 0.95 m). For cylindrical forms, a positive relationship was found between Phi and length/ width ratio. Coiling decreased Phi in filamentous forms. Form resistance of Asterionella colonies increased from single cells up to 6-celled colonies than remained nearly constant. For Fragilaria crotonensis chains, no such upper limit to Phi was observed in chains of up to 20 cells ( longer ones were not measured). The effect of symmetry on Phi was tested in 1 - 6-celled Asterionella colonies, having variable angles between the cells, and in Tetrastrum staurogeniaeforme coenobia, having different spine arrangements. In all cases, symmetric forms had considerably higher form resistance than asymmetric ones. However, for Pediastrum coenobia with symmetric/asymmetric fenestration, no difference was observed with respect to symmetry. Increasing number and length of spines on Tetrastrum coenobia substantially increased Phi. For a series of Staurastrum forms, a significant positive correlation was found between arm-length/cell-width ratio and Phi: protuberances increased form resistance. Flagellates (Rhodomonas, Gymnodinium) had a Phi 1. The highest value ( Phi = 8.1) was established for a 20-celled Fragilaria crotonensis chain. Possible origin of the so-called 'vital component' ( a factor that shows how much slower viable populations sink than morphologically similar senescent or dead ones) is discussed, as is the role of form resistance in evolution of high diversity of plankton morphologies

    Instrumental variable estimation in semi-parametric additive hazards models

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    Instrumental variable methods allow unbiased estimation in the presence of unmeasured confounders when an appropriate instrumental variable is available. Two-stage least-squares and residual inclusion methods have recently been adapted to additive hazard models for censored survival data. The semi-parametric additive hazard model which can include time-independent and time-dependent covariate effects is particularly suited for the two-stage residual inclusion method, since it allows direct estimation of time-independent covariate effects without restricting the effect of the residual on the hazard. In this article we prove asymptotic normality of two-stage residual inclusion estimators of regression coefficients in a semi-parametric additive hazard model with time-independent and time-dependent covariate effects. We consider the cases of continuous and binary exposure. Estimation of the conditional survival function given observed covariates is discussed and a resampling scheme is proposed to obtain simultaneous confidence bands. The new methods are compared to existing ones in a simulation study and are applied to a real data set. The proposed methods perform favourably especially in cases with exposure-dependent censoring

    A Hedged Monte Carlo Approach to Real Option Pricing

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    In this work we are concerned with valuing optionalities associated to invest or to delay investment in a project when the available information provided to the manager comes from simulated data of cash flows under historical (or subjective) measure in a possibly incomplete market. Our approach is suitable also to incorporating subjective views from management or market experts and to stochastic investment costs. It is based on the Hedged Monte Carlo strategy proposed by Potters et al (2001) where options are priced simultaneously with the determination of the corresponding hedging. The approach is particularly well-suited to the evaluation of commodity related projects whereby the availability of pricing formulae is very rare, the scenario simulations are usually available only in the historical measure, and the cash flows can be highly nonlinear functions of the prices.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figure

    A general piecewise multi-state survival model: Application to breast cancer

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    Multi-state models are considered in the field of survival analysis for modelling illnesses that evolve through several stages over time. Multi-state models can be developed by applying several techniques, such as non-parametric, semi-parametric and stochastic processes, particularly Markov processes. When the development of an illness is being analysed, its progression is tracked periodically. Medical reviews take place at discrete times, and a panel data analysis can be formed. In this paper, a discrete-time piecewise non-homogeneous Markov process is constructed for modelling and analysing a multi-state illness with a general number of states. The model is built, and relevant measures, such as survival function, transition probabilities, mean total times spent in a group of states and the conditional probability of state change, are determined. A likelihood function is built to estimate the parameters and the general number of cut-points included in the model. Time-dependent covariates are introduced, the results are obtained in a matrix algebraic form and the algorithms are shown. The model is applied to analyse the behaviour of breast cancer. A study of the relapse and survival times of 300 breast cancer patients who have undergone mastectomy is developed. The results of this paper are implemented computationally with MATLAB and R.Ministerio de EconomĆ­a y Competitividad FQM-307European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) MTM2017-88708-PUniversity of Milano-Bicocca 2014-ATE-022

    Yttrium doped phosphate-based glasses: structural and degradation analyses

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    This study investigates the role of yttrium in phosphate-based glasses in the system 45(P 2 O 5)-25(CaO)-(30-x)(Na 2 O)-x(Y 2 O 3) (0ā‰¤ xā‰¤ 5) prepared via melt quenching and focuses on their structural characterisation and degradation properties. The structural analyses were performed using a combination of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Fourier transform infrared spec-troscopy (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). 31 P NMR analysis showed that depolymerisation of the phosphate network occurred which increased with Y 2 O 3 content as metaphosphate units (Q 2) decreased with subsequent increase in pyrophosphate species (Q 1). The NMR results correlated well with structural changes observed via FTIR and XPS analyses. XRD analysis of crys-tallised glass samples revealed the presence of calcium pyrophosphate (Ca 2 P 2 O 7) and sodium metaphosphate (NaPO 3) phases for all the glass formulations explored. Yttrium-containing phases were found for the formulations containing 3 and 5 mol% Y 2 O 3. Degradation analyses performed in Phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and Milli-Q water revealed significantly reduced rates with addition of Y 2 O 3 content. This decrease was attributed to the formation of Y-O-P bonds where the octahedral structure of yt-trium (YO 6) cross-linked phosphate chains, subsequently leading to an increase in chemical durability of the glasses. The ion release studies also showed good correlation with the degradation profiles

    Measuring proton shift tensors with ultrafast MAS NMR

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    A new proton anisotropic-isotropic shift correlation experiment is described which operates with ultrafast MAS, resulting in good resolution of isotropic proton shifts in the detection dimension. The new experiment makes use of a recoupling sequence designed using symmetry principles which reintroduces the proton chemical shift anisotropy in the indirect dimension. The experiment has been used to measure the proton shift tensor parameters for the OH hydrogen-bonded protons in tyrosine.HCl and citric acid at Larmor frequencies of up to 850 MHz
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