55 research outputs found

    An Overview on the Conservation Status of Mersawa (Anisoptera Costata Korth.) in Java

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    Anisoptera costata Korth., which has a commercial name of mersawa grows and proliferates naturally, often gregarious, in semi-evergreen dipterocarp forest and evergreen forest in areas with seasonal climate and rare but widespread in lowland everwet forest from sea level up to 700 m in continental S.E. Asia, Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sumatra, and Java (Ashton, 1982). In Java, it has been recorded to occur only in Banten (Backer & Bakhuizen van den Brink,1963) and in Leuweung Sancang Nature Reserve (LSNR) (Kalima, 2006

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Dan Toksisitas Ekstrak Kulit Kayu Raru (Cotylelobium SP.)

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    Penelitian tumbuhan obat terus berkembang seiring dengan minat masyarakat pada bahan obat yang berasal dari alam yang berhubungan dengan keamanannya dibanding dengan obat sintetik. Salah satu kulit kayu yang berasal dari Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah dan Tapanuli Utara yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan raru diidentifikasi sebagai Cotylelobium sp, sudah sangat luas dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat di Sumatera Utara. Kulit kayu ini biasanya digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai campuran minuman tuak (minuman tradisional Batak). Masyarakat juga meyakini kulit kayu raru dapat digunakan sebagai obat penurun kadar gula darah (anti diabetes). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data potensi antioksidan dari kulit kayu raru dengan metoda DPPH dan mengetahui toksisitas ekstrak menggunakan metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen ekstrak Cotylelobium melanoxylon Pierre adalah 30,11% dan Cotylelobium lanceolatum Craib sebesar 14,50%. Uji fitokimia menunjukkan kedua jenis ekstrak mengandung flavonoid, tanin, saponin, triterpenoid dan hidrokuinon. Ekstrak Cotylelobium melanoxylon Pierre memiliki aktivitas antioksidan terhadap radikal DPPH dengan nilai IC50sebesar 108,487 ppm dan Cotylelobium lanceolatum Craib memiliki nilai IC50sebesar 77,909 ppm. Selanjutnya, toksisitas Cotylelobium melanoxylon Pierre memiliki nilai LC50sebesar 643,550 ppm and Cotylelobium lanceolatum memiliki LC50sebesar 767,191 ppm

    Perilaku Harian Tarsius Dalam Kandang di Patunuang, Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung

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    Tarsius is one of the protected and endegered species. This study aims to examine the behavior of Tarsius fuscus in captivity in Patunuang, Batimurung Bulusaraung National Park, South Sulawesi Province. The observations were made from March until October of 2011, with 6 periods of observation and each the observations made during of three days from 15:00 pm until 8:00 am. The observations were not done during the day because Tarsius don't present any activity during daylight. The observed behaviors were ingestive, allelomimetic, agonistic, shelter-seeking, grooming, eliminative, playing, and resting behaviors. Observations indicated that the behavior of Tarsius which has the highest proportion was playing, followed by allelomimetic and rest behavior

    Pemphigus Vulgaris: Pentingnya Diagnosis Dini, Penatalaksanaan yang Komprehensif dan Adekuat (Laporan Kasus)

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    Pemphigus vulgaris is an autoimmune–mediated disease of skin and mucous membran leading to progressive blistering and chronic erosions. It often begins with blister formations which easily rupture. The characteristic feature is positive nikolsky sign which may or not be presented simultaneously. Establishment of early definite diagnosis is critical and requires correlation of clinical and histopathological findings. Because of this conditon is a potentially life-threatening, the risk of complications and mortality rate increases if initial management is non comprehensive and inadequate. Treatment is directed at supression of autoimmune process, typically administration of corticosteroids. This article report a case in a 51 years old woman who had painful chronic oral ulcer and poor general health condition. Prior to the visit to Oral Medicine clinic, patient was treated by her general practitioners for several months, without either established diagnosis nor comprehensive and adequate management, so that she had no clinical improvement. Clinical examination at the first visit in Oral Medicine clinic Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, revealed bula in the skin, conjunctivitis, easily bleed oral mucosae, widespread erosions and ulcerations of the lips, gingiva, tongue, and buccal mucosae. Biopsy of one of skin erosions demonstarting suprabasal intraepithelial acantholysis. Multi divisions in Hospital, such as Oral Medicine, Dermatology, Internal Medicine, Ophtalmology, ENT, were involved in treating this case. Patient received high dose methylprednisolone sistemically and prednisone topically for the lips. General remission achieved in several days. Thus, establishment of early definite diagnosis and adequate management are important in management of Pemphigus vulgaris.DOI: 10.14693/jdi.v16i1.2


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    Until recently the etiology and pathogenesis of oral lichenoid reaction remain unclear. Usually lichenoid reaction is associated with systemic disease or particular drugs such as ACE inhibitor anti hypertension and several dental materials. Amalagam restorations have been reported as the most frequent cause of oral lichenoid reaction induced by dental materials. Mercury hypersensitivity is predicted to be responsible in inducing the reaction. The aim of this review was to describe oral lichenoid reaction associated with hypersensitivity to dental amalgam, so the clinician can manage the cases properly. In conclusion, replacement the amalgam filling which contact to the oral mucosa with other inert dental materials would be useful for hypersensitive patient

    Allelopathy Potential of Alpinia Malaccensis (Burm. F.) Roxb. Due to Seeds Germination and Growth of Merremia Peltata (L.) Merril

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    Allelopathy is a natural strategy for the protection or inhibition toward other vegetation through the release of chemicals into the environment. Alpinia malaccensis is thought to be capable of carrying out allelopathic mechanisms, as this species is found to grow well on land invaded by Merremia peltata. Invasive type control with alleopathic mechanism is an alternative to consider as it does not leave a potential residue as a contaminant of soil as it is chemically controlled. The study attempt to investigate the content of A. malaccensis allelochemicals and analyzed the alelopathy potential of A. malaccensis on seed germination and seedling growth of M. peltata. Research method used completely randomized design with 6 replicates for seed treatment and three replicates for seedling treatment. Seeds which have relatively similar size and weight were obtained from the field. Seeds were germinated in petri dishes that have been coated by filter paper, each petri dish contained 6 seeds of M. peltata. The treatment of the seeds germination was performed by giving 3 ml of rhizomes and leaves extracts of A. malaccensis (control, 30 g/L, 60 g/L, 90 g/L, 120 g/L, and 150 g/L). The treatment of the seedlings was performed by giving 30 ml of rhizomes and leaves extracts of A. malaccensis (control, 50 g/L, 100 g/L, 150 g/L, and 200 g/L). The analysis of chemical compounds of fresh rhizomes and leaves showed that A. malaccensis contains alcohol, amide, fatty acid, phenol, ketones, and terpenoids. Rhizomes and leaves extracts 150 g/L of A. malaccensis showed the highest inhibition in germination, dry weight, plumule and radicle length of M. peltata sprout parameters. Rhizomes and leaves extract 200 g/L of A. malaccensis showed the highest inhibition in tendril length, amount of leaves, length and width of M. peltata leaves parameters. To be more efficient, application in the field should use low concentration of extracts that can inhibit the M. peltata. Results of this study are expected to provide information about alternative solutions to suppress the invasion of M. peltata to preserve ecosystems of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (BBSNP) in Lampung

    Manifestasi Behçet Disease yang Parah dan Komplikasi Perawatannya dalam Rongga Mulut

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    Behçet’s Disease (BD) is a multisystem inflammatory disorder characterized by recurrent oral-genital ulcers, ocular inflammation and frequently involves the joints, skin, central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. We reported a case of severe BD in 30 years old male patient with oral-genital ulcerations and ocular involvement. He had suffered from the disease since twelve years ago and ocular involvement has lead to blindness of the right eye. Eye drop treatment for eight years, was suspected to cause lichenoid lesion on the buccal mucosa. Management of this patient included the application of topical steroid, 1 % povidone iodine and oral hygiene promotion. We concluded that disease condition, poor oral hygiene, disability and less compliance of the patient could slowed the acceleration of lesions healing. Elimination local exacerbating factors and a good coordination between dentist-patient and among medical team work are required to achieve the optimal recovery and to minimize complication of its treatment in the oral cavity.DOI: 10.14693/jdi.v15i2.6

    Efektifitas Triklopir dan Fluroksipir dalam Pengendalian Gulma Berdaun Lebar di Savana Bekol Taman Nasional Baluran

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    Invasion of broadleved weeds cause competition with local grasses which are the main feed for herbivores. Chemical control should use selective herbicides that only kill the broadleaved weeds without harming the grass. The research was conducted in the savanna Bekol - Baluran National Park, East Java, from January 2015 until March 2015 to find the best rate of herbicide to control broadleaved weeds in the savanna and to estimate the soil residue of herbicide used. The experimental design was a randomized block with six treatments and four replications. The treatments were herbicide applications consisted of (1) the rate of triclopyr at 670 g a.i ha-1 (TA), (2) rate of triclopyr at  1340 a.i ha-1 (TB), (3) the rate of  fluroxypyr at 200 g a.i ha-1 (FA), (4) rate of fluroxypir at 400 g a.i ha-1 (FB), (5) Weeding Manual (PM) and (6) Control (K).The result showed that there was a change in the composition of the vegetation after herbicide applied. The dominance of broadleaed weeds was replaced by the dominance of Brachiaria reptans and Sclerechnae punctata. The application of triclopyr at 1340 g ai ha-1 was able to reduce weed infestation to 0.48 g 0.25 m-2 compared to 12.66 g 0.25 m-2 before the herbicide application. It facilitated the growth of grasses up to 6.87 g 0.25 m-2 which was among the best of treatments applied because it has shown maximum effectieness for controlling broadleaved weeds.Invasi gulma berdaun lebar menyebabkan kompetisi dengan rumput lokal yang merupakan pakan utama bagi herbivor. Pengendalian secara kimiawi harus menggunakan herbisida selektif yang hanya mematikan gulma berdaun lebar tanpa membahayakan rumput. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kawasan savana Bekol Taman Nasional Baluran, Jawa Timur, pada Januari hingga Maret 2015 untuk mengetahui dosis herbisida yang paling baik dalam mengendalikan gulma berdaun lebar di savana dan mengestimasi residu herbisida di tanah. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok dengan enam perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari (1) Triklopir 670 g b.a Ha-1 (TA), (2) Triklopir 1340 g b.a Ha-1 (TB), (3) Fluroksipir 200 g b.a Ha-1 (FA), (4) Fluroksipir 400 g b.a Ha-1 (FB), (5) Penyiangan Manual (PM) dan (6) Kontrol (K). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi perubahan komposisi penyusun vegetasi setelah perlakuan herbisida. Dominansi gulma berdaun lebar digantikan oleh dominansi rumput dari jenis Brachiaria reptans dan Sclerechnae punctata. Aplikasi triklopir dengan dosis 1340 g b.a Ha-1 menurunkan bobot kering gulma total hingga 0.48 g 0.25 m-2 dari bobot awal 12.66 g 0.25 m-2, diiringi pertumbuhan rumput total dengan peningkatan bobot kering hingga 6.87 g 0.25 m-2 dan merupakan perlakuan terbaik diantara perlakuan lainnya karena menunjukkan efektifitas maksimal dalam mengendalikan gulma berdaun lebar

    Tantangan dalam Perawatan Oral Lichen Planus pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus (Laporan Kasus)

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    Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory condition that effects oral mucous membranes with a variety of clinical presentations including reticular, atrophic, plaque and ulcerative lesions. Corticosteroid is one of the effective therapy for OLP in reducing the sign and symptoms of this disease, but this therapy have a serious side effect, therefore to administering one must consider the patient’s systemic condition. We reported a case of OLP in 52 years old female patient who has no history of diabetes mellitus and unknown glucose level. Management of this patient included application of corticosteroid swish, topical 0.05% clobetasol propionate and 0,1% triamcinolone acetonide, antimycotics, improvement the oral hygiene status and referral to internal medicine specialist. The next treatments plan challenging because unstable blood glucose level which in turn effects the drug choice and teeth extraction plan. We concluded that the treatment of OLP requires a complete assessment of medical status and lab studies specially on the first visit so the drug selection with corticosteroid therapy and the treatment planning of predisposing factor are effective in reducing the sign and symptoms of OLP with minimum systemic side effect.DOI: 10.14693/jdi.v16i1.1


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    Oral squamous cell carcinoma represents more than 90% of all oral cancers. Ten percent of the cases are found on the buccal mucosa and the gingiva. The World Health Organization defines a premalignant or precancerous lesion as a morphologically altered tissue in which cancer is most likely to occur and includes oral leukoplakia, oral erythroplakia, and possibly oral lichen planus (OLP). The purpose of this study was to discuss the possibility of malignant transformation of OLP. The potency of OLP as a premalignant lesion is still an ongoing controversial discussion in literature. The report a case of oral squamous cell carcinoma located on the left buccal mucosa accompanied by oral lichenoid lesions on the right buccal mucosa, lower labial mucosa, and left buccal mucosa. These findings led to a possibility of malignant transformation of the oral lichenoid lesion. Unfortunately, biopsy on the lichenoid lesions was not performed. Therefore, a definitive diagnosis of OLP could not be established and the possibility of the lesions being dysplastic remained unclear. This study concluded that biopsy is mandatory to establish a definitive diagnosis of OLP and to investigate the possibility of dysplasia. It is necessary to perform examination of genetic alteration in dysplastic OLP in order to assess loss of heterzygosity (LOH), which may help to consider the risk of malignant transformation
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