1,620 research outputs found

    Evolution de la mangrove en Guyane au cours de l'HolocĂšne : Ă©tude palynologique

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    L'analyse palynologique d'une carotte prélevée sur la zone littorale de la Guyane Française (Région de Mana) a permis de reconstituer l'évolution de l'écosystÚme cÎtier de cette région au cours de l'HolocÚn

    Perioperative Bluttransfusion: Nutzen, Risiken und Richtlinien

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    Zusammenfassung: Chirurgisch und traumatisch bedingte Blutverluste sind die hĂ€ufigsten Ursachen von allogenen Bluttransfusionen, welche nach wie vor mit betrĂ€chtlichen Risiken verbunden sind. Nach Korrektur der HypovolĂ€mie ist der AnĂ€sthesist hĂ€ufig mit einer normovolĂ€mischen AnĂ€mie konfrontiert. Die klinische Relevanz dieses isolierten HĂ€moglobinabfalls besteht darin, dass die globale und/oder regionale Sauerstoffversorgung ĂŒber eine kritische Schwelle hinaus beeintrĂ€chtigt sein kann, wonach sich eine Gewebshypoxie einstellt. Diese kritische Schwelle ist von Patient zu Patient verschieden und abhĂ€ngig von dessen KapazitĂ€t, den Abfall des Sauerstoffgehaltes zu kompensieren. Aus diesem Grunde sollten primĂ€r physiologische Transfusionskriterien angewandt werden und nicht rigide nummerische Transfusionskriterien wie die HĂ€moglobinkonzentration, welche die individuelle Reserve eines Patienten weitgehend außer Acht lasse

    Fisher behavior influences catch productivity and selectivity in West Hawaii’s aquarium fishery

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    In 1999, marine protected areas (MPAs) were implemented along the west coast of the Big Island of Hawaii, closing ~35% of the coastline to aquarium fishing. Catch per unit effort and total catch of the most commonly targeted fish, yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens), have increased since the implementation of the MPAs, yet its abundance has declined by 45% in areas open to aquarium fishing between 1999 and 2007. How effort allocation, harvesting efficiencies, and job satisfaction influence catch productivity and selectivity in West Hawaii’s aquarium fishery are investigated, and how these dynamics explain the discrepancy between catch rates and relative abundance for yellow tang is discussed. Cross-sectional fisher questionnaires, semi-structured fisher interviews, and in situ and ex situ catch analyses were performed. The results indicate that fishers dive deeper when reef fish recruitment is perceived as weak, increase harvest efficiency with larger fishing teams, and intensively harvest “coral-friendly” reef fish to supply the global aquarium fish trade. Experienced fishers were less likely to exit the fishery, and job satisfaction was high despite declining fish stocks. These findings may help explain harvesting efficiencies and fleet investment, underscore the importance for evaluating fisher behaviours, and have potential management implications for other aquarium fisheries

    A general moment NRIXS approach to the determination of equilibrium Fe isotopic fractionation factors: application to goethite and jarosite

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    We measured the reduced partition function ratios for iron isotopes in goethite FeO(OH), potassium-jarosite KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6, and hydronium-jarosite (H3O)Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6, by Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (NRIXS, also known as Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopy -NRVS- or Nuclear Inelastic Scattering -NIS) at the Advanced Photon Source. These measurements were made on synthetic minerals enriched in 57Fe. A new method (i.e., the general moment approach) is presented to calculate {\beta}-factors from the moments of the NRIXS spectrum S(E). The first term in the moment expansion controls iron isotopic fractionation at high temperature and corresponds to the mean force constant of the iron bonds, a quantity that is readily measured and often reported in NRIXS studies.Comment: 38 pages, 2 tables, 8 figures. In press at Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Appendix C contains new derivations relating the moments of the iron PDOS to the moments of the excitation probability function measured in Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scatterin

    Partial left pulmonary artery sling associated with multiple ventricular septal defects: A rare congenital anomaly

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    The influence of the COVID-19 lockdown on infants' physiological regulation during mother-father-infant interactions in Switzerland.

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    In this study, we investigated the physiological regulation of vagal tone during dyadic and triadic parent-infant interactions in infants born before or around the COVID-19 lockdown in Switzerland. We hypothesized that there would be a decrease in vagal tone in triadic interactions compared with dyadic interactions, as triadic interactions are more complex and therefore more resource demanding. However, we expected this difference to be smaller for infants who experienced the period of confinement, as the lockdown led parents to spend more time at home. We also hypothesized that parents would have less stressful interactional events in the triadic interaction because they would be used to interacting with the child together. This study included 36 parents with their 3 month-old infants. Eighteen families met the study authors before the onset of the pandemic (pre-COVID) and 18 met them after its onset, having experienced a period of confinement during the infants' first 3 months of life (COVID). Results showed that the COVID group had no decrease in vagal tone during triadic interactions, whereas the pre-COVID group did. This difference could not, however, be explained by less stressful interactional events in triadic interactions, as the COVID group showed more stressful interactional events in mother-father-infant interactions

    Total hip arthroplasty through the direct anterior approach with and without the use of a traction table: a matched-control, retrospective, single-surgeon study.

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    Hip surgeons performing total hip arthroplasty (THA) through the direct anterior approach (DAA) commonly use a traction table to facilitate exposure. Even though performing THA through DAA without a traction table could be technically more demanding, this technique offers the advantage of intraoperative leg length comparison. Therefore, this study aimed to compare clinical outcomes, complication rates, component positioning, and leg length discrepancy (LLD) after THA through the DAA performed with or without a traction table. A single-surgeon continuous series of 75 patients who underwent DAA THA performed with a traction table was matched for gender, age, and BMI with 75 patients who underwent DAA THA performed without a traction table (male, 62; female, 88, with an average age of 68 years old). Clinical and radiological outcomes, intra- and postoperative complications, and LLD were retrospectively assessed. No statistically significant difference was detected in surgical time, hospital stay, Harris Hip Score (HHS), complication rates, and implant positioning between the two groups. Leg length restoration was significantly more accurate in the group performed without a traction table (2.4 ± 2 mm vs. 3.7 ± 3.1 mm; p value ≀ 0.05). No LLD > 10 mm was reported in the group performed without a traction table, whereas two cases (2.7%) were reported in those performed with a traction table. Performing THA through DAA without a traction table was associated with a significantly more accurate leg length restoration without a significant increase in the rates of intra- and postoperative complications

    HIV-Infektion : Update 2009 fĂŒr HausĂ€rzte. Teil 1

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    Quintessenz: In der Schweiz werden jĂ€hrlich >750 HIV-Infektionen neu diagnostiziert. Die Ansteckung geschieht via Blut oder Sex, und nicht bei alltĂ€glichen sozialen Kontakten. Die CD4-Lymphozytenzahl ist bestens etabliert zur Messung der Immunsuppression. Die grösste Gefahr opportunistischer Infekte droht bei CD4-Werten <200/ÎŒl. Dank antiretroviraler Therapie (ART) sollten viele HIV-infizierte Patienten in der Schweiz eine quasi normale Lebenserwartung haben. Momentan ist eine ART bei CD4-Werten <350/ÎŒl indiziert. Die HIV-Diagnose wird auch in der Schweiz hĂ€ufig zu spĂ€t gestellt. HausĂ€rzte spielen bei der frĂŒhzeitigen Diagnosestellung (grosszĂŒgiges Anbieten von HIV-Tests) und bei der PrĂ€vention von Immundefizienz und opportunistischen Komplikationen eine entscheidende Rolle. P Bei HIV-Neudiagnose soll der Patient einem HIV-Spezialisten zugewiesen werden, um weitere AbklĂ€rungen durchzufĂŒhren und die Indikation zum ART-Beginn zu stellen

    When gold stops glittering: corrosion mechanisms of René Lalique's Art Nouveau jewellery

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    ABSTRACT: Art Nouveau jewellery created by RenĂ© Lalique is presently corroded. To identify the corrosion processes, Au-Ag-Cu alloys with compositions comparable to those used in the RenĂ© Lalique’s jewellery were fabricated to be exposed to sulphide-containing environments. Using SEM-EDS, XRD, UV-Vis spectroscopy and ellipsometry, it was for the first time demon-strated that at the surface of tarnished Au alloys forms a corrosion film with a layer-by-layer structure. Considering the complex refractive indices of bulk Cu and Ag oxides and sulphides, a two-step corrosion mechanism was proposed. The formation of Cu-based compounds during the early corrosion stages is followed by the formation of Ag-based compounds. The thinness of the formed film, shown for one of the gold alloys to be of 80 nm, is due to a corrosion kinetics controlled by the presence of Au and by the formation of an Au-S self-assembled monolayer. The corrosion mechanism of gold alloys raises a new conservation challenge concerning the removal of nanometric layers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
