625 research outputs found

    Fisher behavior influences catch productivity and selectivity in West Hawaii’s aquarium fishery

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    In 1999, marine protected areas (MPAs) were implemented along the west coast of the Big Island of Hawaii, closing ~35% of the coastline to aquarium fishing. Catch per unit effort and total catch of the most commonly targeted fish, yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens), have increased since the implementation of the MPAs, yet its abundance has declined by 45% in areas open to aquarium fishing between 1999 and 2007. How effort allocation, harvesting efficiencies, and job satisfaction influence catch productivity and selectivity in West Hawaii’s aquarium fishery are investigated, and how these dynamics explain the discrepancy between catch rates and relative abundance for yellow tang is discussed. Cross-sectional fisher questionnaires, semi-structured fisher interviews, and in situ and ex situ catch analyses were performed. The results indicate that fishers dive deeper when reef fish recruitment is perceived as weak, increase harvest efficiency with larger fishing teams, and intensively harvest “coral-friendly” reef fish to supply the global aquarium fish trade. Experienced fishers were less likely to exit the fishery, and job satisfaction was high despite declining fish stocks. These findings may help explain harvesting efficiencies and fleet investment, underscore the importance for evaluating fisher behaviours, and have potential management implications for other aquarium fisheries

    Strontium Stable Isotope Composition of Allende Fine-Grained Inclusions

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    Isotopic anomalies are departures from the laws of mass-dependent fractionation that cannot be explained by radioactive decay, cosmogenic effects, or exotic isotopic fractionation processes such as nuclear field shift or magnetic effects [1 and references therein]. These anomalies often have a nucleosynthetic origin and provide clues on the stellar origin and solar system processing of presolar dust. Anomalies are most often found in refractory elements of relatively low mass, so Sr is a prime target for study. The four stable isotopes of strontium are useful for discerning the various nucleosynthetic origins of early solar system building blocks and the timing of accretion processes. Strontium-84 is the least abundant (0.56%) of these isotopes, but is particularly significant in being a p-process only nuclide that is produced in core-collapse or type Ia supernovae [2,3]. The more abundant isotopes ^(86)Sr (9.86%), ^(87)Sr (7.00%) and ^(88)Sr (82.58%) are produced in s- and r-processes in asymptotic giant branch stars and other stellar types [4]. Additionally, ^(87)Sr is produced by ^(87)Rb decay in proportions that dominate over possible nucleosynthetic variations but provide timings of early solar system processes, most notably volatile element depletion [5-7]. Furthermore, variations in strontium isotopic ratios caused by high-temperature massdependent fractionation [8] are also important [9-12], as they provide insights into nebular and accretionary processes

    Erythroferrone as a sensitive biomarker to detect stimulation of erythropoiesis.

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    Erythroferrone (ERFE) is a glycoprotein hormone secreted by erythroblasts in response to erythropoietin stimulation. ERFE suppresses the hepatic synthesis of the master iron-regulatory hormone, hepcidin. The impact of erythropoiesis stimulation on ERFE secretion in humans is poorly understood. This paucity of information is due in part to the lack of available means for ERFE quantification in serum samples. The present study tested a new sensitive sandwich immunoassay for human ERFE. This assay was used to demonstrate that injection of various erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESAs) increased the blood ERFE levels in healthy volunteers. After exogenous stimulation of erythropoiesis, ERFE increased up to 8-fold with a detection window of 13 days. The impact of one unit of blood withdrawal on erythropoiesis stimulation of ERFE was also tested. ERFE significantly increased after blood withdrawal in subjects injected with both iron and saline solution, suggesting that iron supplementation did not mask the ERFE increase after blood withdrawal. The effects of exercise-induced muscle damage on ERFE was assessed by comparing ERFE levels with creatine kinase levels in samples from subjects with heavy exercise loads, and determined that this was not a confounder. The ERFE assay is a sensitive means to investigate the connection between iron metabolism and erythropoiesis in humans, and to detect ESA abuse in the antidoping field

    Strontium Stable Isotope Composition of Allende Fine-Grained Inclusions

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    Isotopic anomalies are departures from the laws of mass-dependent fractionation that cannot be explained by radioactive decay, cosmogenic effects, or exotic isotopic fractionation processes such as nuclear field shift or magnetic effects [1 and references therein]. These anomalies often have a nucleosynthetic origin and provide clues on the stellar origin and solar system processing of presolar dust. Anomalies are most often found in refractory elements of relatively low mass, so Sr is a prime target for study. The four stable isotopes of strontium are useful for discerning the various nucleosynthetic origins of early solar system building blocks and the timing of accretion processes. Strontium-84 is the least abundant (0.56%) of these isotopes, but is particularly significant in being a p-process only nuclide that is produced in core-collapse or type Ia supernovae [2,3]. The more abundant isotopes ^(86)Sr (9.86%), ^(87)Sr (7.00%) and ^(88)Sr (82.58%) are produced in s- and r-processes in asymptotic giant branch stars and other stellar types [4]. Additionally, ^(87)Sr is produced by ^(87)Rb decay in proportions that dominate over possible nucleosynthetic variations but provide timings of early solar system processes, most notably volatile element depletion [5-7]. Furthermore, variations in strontium isotopic ratios caused by high-temperature massdependent fractionation [8] are also important [9-12], as they provide insights into nebular and accretionary processes

    Nucleosynthetic, radiogenic and stable strontium isotopic variations in fine- and coarse-grained refractory inclusions from Allende

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    We present new nucleosynthetic, radiogenic and stable Sr isotopic data from fifteen previously studied CAIs from the Allende CV3 meteorite, including the highly altered Curious Marie inclusion. We use double-spike TIMS techniques to determine the degrees of isotopic mass fractionation, and also present internally normalised data for the same sample digestions to permit comparisons with previous studies and couple these isotopic data with Rb, Sr, Eu and Th abundance data to consider the origins and relationships of the isotopic variations documented here. Analysed CAIs display elevated ÎŒ^(84)Sr anomalies of +58 ppm to +287 ppm, with variability far outside of analytical uncertainties (13 ppm 2 s.d.). We cannot tell at present whether these variations arise from heterogeneities in p-process ^(84)Sr or in the other non-radiogenic isotopes of Sr (^(86)Sr, ^(88)Sr) that are produced by the main s-process, weak s-process, and r-process. All inclusions fall on an offset mass-dependent fractionation line in three-isotope space (ÎŽ^(88/86)Sr vs ÎŽ^(84/86)Sr) identical within error to that previously defined by bulk undifferentiated meteorites, and have a total range of ÎŽ^(88/86)Sr of ∌5.3 ‰ (+1.67 ‰ to -3.67 ‰), reflecting kinetic isotope effects during partial condensation/evaporation and/or low-temperature alteration processes. CI-normalized Sr/Th ratios in our CAIs correlate with normalized Eu/Th ratios with a ∌1:1 relationship, regardless of texture or Sr-isotopic values. This indicates that Sr and Eu had similar condensation behaviors with Eu condensing as Eu^(2+) and having the same chemical behavior in minerals as Sr^(2+) under conditions relevant to CAI formation in the solar nebula. Rb/Th ratios are highly variable: fine-grained CAIs display elevated Rb/Th ratios, consistent with the introduction of Rb into the CAIs by alkali-rich secondary alteration fluids. The ÎŒ ^(84)Sr anomalies measured in our CAIs are similar (in magnitude) to those found in carbonaceous chondrites that formed in the outer part of the solar system. A way to reconcile this observation with the formation of CAIs near the Sun would be if the inventories of Sr and other refractory elements in carbonaceous chondrites are dominated by a cryptic refractory dust component (CRD) that was formed early and near the Sun, and was subsequently transported outwards to the carbonaceous chondrite-forming region

    Epidemiology of Coxiella burnetii infection in Africa: a OneHealth systematic review

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    Background: Q fever is a common cause of febrile illness and community-acquired pneumonia in resource-limited settings. Coxiella burnetii, the causative pathogen, is transmitted among varied host species, but the epidemiology of the organism in Africa is poorly understood. We conducted a systematic review of C. burnetii epidemiology in Africa from a “One Health” perspective to synthesize the published data and identify knowledge gaps.<p></p> Methods/Principal Findings: We searched nine databases to identify articles relevant to four key aspects of C. burnetii epidemiology in human and animal populations in Africa: infection prevalence; disease incidence; transmission risk factors; and infection control efforts. We identified 929 unique articles, 100 of which remained after full-text review. Of these, 41 articles describing 51 studies qualified for data extraction. Animal seroprevalence studies revealed infection by C. burnetii (≤13%) among cattle except for studies in Western and Middle Africa (18–55%). Small ruminant seroprevalence ranged from 11–33%. Human seroprevalence was <8% with the exception of studies among children and in Egypt (10–32%). Close contact with camels and rural residence were associated with increased seropositivity among humans. C. burnetii infection has been associated with livestock abortion. In human cohort studies, Q fever accounted for 2–9% of febrile illness hospitalizations and 1–3% of infective endocarditis cases. We found no studies of disease incidence estimates or disease control efforts.<p></p> Conclusions/Significance: C. burnetii infection is detected in humans and in a wide range of animal species across Africa, but seroprevalence varies widely by species and location. Risk factors underlying this variability are poorly understood as is the role of C. burnetii in livestock abortion. Q fever consistently accounts for a notable proportion of undifferentiated human febrile illness and infective endocarditis in cohort studies, but incidence estimates are lacking. C. burnetii presents a real yet underappreciated threat to human and animal health throughout Africa.<p></p&gt

    “'Subaltern Victims’ or ‘Useful Resources”? Migrant Women in the Lega Nord Ideology and Politics"

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    Since the mid-2000s we have witnessed the emergence of a new phenomenon in several European countries: the mobilisation of issues of women’s rights and gender equality by populist radical right parties (PRR)1 in anti-immigration campaigns. Recent contributions have illustrated some aspects and contradictions of these phenomena, for instance in relation to the PRR parties’ embrace not only of women’s but also gay rights (Bracke 2011). Others have described the double standard applied to migrant men and women in the context of raising hostility towards the Muslim population, not only by PRR parties, but within the mainstream more generally; whereas Muslim men have been mostly described as representing a social and cultural danger to European societies as well as being inherently misogynist, Muslim women have been portrayed prevalently as victims to be rescued (Abu-Lughod 2013). Little however has been written on the gendered ideology and strategies of these parties, particularly when it comes to addressing the issue of migrant women. This chapter aims to address these gaps in the scholarly literature by focusing on the gendered dimensions of anti-immigration ideology, policy and politics in the case of the LN. In particular, we draw on the empirical findings of two research projects to analyse the instrumental mobilisation of women’s rights by the LN to stigmatise migrant, particularly Muslim, communities

    Predictors of outcome in infant and toddlers functional or behavioral disorders after a brief parent–infant psychotherapy

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    The efficacy of parent–child psychotherapies is widely recognized today. There are, however, less data on predictive factors for outcome in infants and toddlers and their parents. The aim of this study was to highlight predictive factors for outcome after a brief psychotherapy in a population of 49 infants and toddlers aged 3–30 months presenting functional or behavioral disorders. Two assessments were performed, the first before treatment and the second a month after the end of the therapy. These assessments included an evaluation of the child’s symptoms, and of depressive or anxiety symptoms in the parents. The assessments after therapy show complete or partial improvement in the child’s symptoms for nearly three quarters, and a decrease in the number of anxious and depressive mothers, and also in the number of depressive fathers. Three independent factors appear as predictive of unfavorable outcome for the child: frequency and intensity of behavioral problems and fears, and the absence of the father at more than two-thirds of consultations. The outcome for the mother is associated solely with her anxiety score at the start of the therapy. This study underlines the particular difficulties involved in the treatment of infants and toddlers presenting behavioral disturbances and emotional difficulties, and the value of involving the father in treatment

    ^(238)U/^(235)U Ratio in Carbonates as a Global Paleoredox Proxy

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    Uranium has two main oxidation states: 4+ and 6+. In the modern ocean, U is present in its most oxidized, highly soluble form, U^(6+) [1]. In the Archean, however, when the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere was low, U was likely present in its reduced 4+ state, which has low solubility. This contrast in solubility behavior depending on the redox conditions makes U a very useful proxy of the global oxygenation state of the Earth. Indeed, one of the most important indicators that the pO_2 was low in the Archean is the survival of detrital uraninite [2], which is unstable under the modern oxic conditions
