79 research outputs found

    On a zero speed sensitive cellular automaton

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    Using an unusual, yet natural invariant measure we show that there exists a sensitive cellular automaton whose perturbations propagate at asymptotically null speed for almost all configurations. More specifically, we prove that Lyapunov Exponents measuring pointwise or average linear speeds of the faster perturbations are equal to zero. We show that this implies the nullity of the measurable entropy. The measure m we consider gives the m-expansiveness property to the automaton. It is constructed with respect to a factor dynamical system based on simple "counter dynamics". As a counterpart, we prove that in the case of positively expansive automata, the perturbations move at positive linear speed over all the configurations

    Cellular automata and Lyapunov exponents

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    In this article we give a new definition of some analog of Lyapunov exponents for cellular automata . Then for a shift ergodic and cellular automaton invariant probability measure we establish an inequality between the entropy of the automaton, the entropy of the shift and the Lyapunov exponent

    Space-time directional Lyapunov exponents for cellular automata

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    Space-time directional Lyapunov exponents are introduced. They describe the maximal velocity of propagation to the right or to the left of fronts of perturbations in a frame moving with a given velocity. The continuity of these exponents as function of the velocity and an inequality relating them to the directional entropy is proved

    Invariant Measures and Decay of Correlations for a Class of Ergodic Probabilistic Cellular Automata

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    We give new sufficient ergodicity conditions for two-state probabilistic cellular automata (PCA) of any dimension and any radius. The proof of this result is based on an extended version of the duality concept. Under these assumptions, in the one dimensional case, we study some properties of the unique invariant measure and show that it is shift-mixing. Also, the decay of correlation is studied in detail. In this sense, the extended concept of duality gives exponential decay of correlation and allows to compute explicitily all the constants involved

    On the Convergence of Ritz Pairs and Refined Ritz Vectors for Quadratic Eigenvalue Problems

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    For a given subspace, the Rayleigh-Ritz method projects the large quadratic eigenvalue problem (QEP) onto it and produces a small sized dense QEP. Similar to the Rayleigh-Ritz method for the linear eigenvalue problem, the Rayleigh-Ritz method defines the Ritz values and the Ritz vectors of the QEP with respect to the projection subspace. We analyze the convergence of the method when the angle between the subspace and the desired eigenvector converges to zero. We prove that there is a Ritz value that converges to the desired eigenvalue unconditionally but the Ritz vector converges conditionally and may fail to converge. To remedy the drawback of possible non-convergence of the Ritz vector, we propose a refined Ritz vector that is mathematically different from the Ritz vector and is proved to converge unconditionally. We construct examples to illustrate our theory.Comment: 20 page

    Restarted Q-Arnoldi-type methods exploiting symmetry in quadratic eigenvalue problems

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1007/s10543-016-0601-5.We investigate how to adapt the Q-Arnoldi method for the case of symmetric quadratic eigenvalue problems, that is, we are interested in computing a few eigenpairs of with M, C, K symmetric matrices. This problem has no particular structure, in the sense that eigenvalues can be complex or even defective. Still, symmetry of the matrices can be exploited to some extent. For this, we perform a symmetric linearization , where A, B are symmetric matrices but the pair (A, B) is indefinite and hence standard Lanczos methods are not applicable. We implement a symmetric-indefinite Lanczos method and enrich it with a thick-restart technique. This method uses pseudo inner products induced by matrix B for the orthogonalization of vectors (indefinite Gram-Schmidt). The projected problem is also an indefinite matrix pair. The next step is to write a specialized, memory-efficient version that exploits the block structure of A and B, referring only to the original problem matrices M, C, K as in the Q-Arnoldi method. This results in what we have called the Q-Lanczos method. Furthermore, we define a stabilized variant analog of the TOAR method. We show results obtained with parallel implementations in SLEPc.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grant TIN2013-41049-P. Carmen Campos was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport through an FPU Grant with reference AP2012-0608.Campos, C.; Román Moltó, JE. (2016). Restarted Q-Arnoldi-type methods exploiting symmetry in quadratic eigenvalue problems. BIT Numerical Mathematics. 56(4):1213-1236. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10543-016-0601-5S12131236564Bai, Z., Su, Y.: SOAR: a second-order Arnoldi method for the solution of the quadratic eigenvalue problem. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. 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Math. 17(1), 259–274 (2013)Kressner, D., Roman, J.E.: Memory-efficient Arnoldi algorithms for linearizations of matrix polynomials in Chebyshev basis. Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 21(4), 569–588 (2014)Kressner, D., Pandur, M.M., Shao, M.: An indefinite variant of LOBPCG for definite matrix pencils. Numer. Algorithms 66(4), 681–703 (2014)Lancaster, P.: Linearization of regular matrix polynomials. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 17, 21–27 (2008)Lancaster, P., Ye, Q.: Rayleigh-Ritz and Lanczos methods for symmetric matrix pencils. Linear Algebra Appl. 185, 173–201 (1993)Lu, D., Su, Y.: Two-level orthogonal Arnoldi process for the solution of quadratic eigenvalue problems (2012, manuscript)Meerbergen, K.: The Lanczos method with semi-definite inner product. BIT 41(5), 1069–1078 (2001)Meerbergen, K.: The Quadratic Arnoldi method for the solution of the quadratic eigenvalue problem. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. 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    Towards generalized measures grasping CA dynamics

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    In this paper we conceive Lyapunov exponents, measuring the rate of separation between two initially close configurations, and Jacobians, expressing the sensitivity of a CA's transition function to its inputs, for cellular automata (CA) based upon irregular tessellations of the n-dimensional Euclidean space. Further, we establish a relationship between both that enables us to derive a mean-field approximation of the upper bound of an irregular CA's maximum Lyapunov exponent. The soundness and usability of these measures is illustrated for a family of 2-state irregular totalistic CA
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