74 research outputs found

    Comparison of organic and conventional dairy farm economic and environmental performances throughout North West Europe

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    From an environmental point of view, organic farming (OF) systems have been identified as beneficial thanks to a system allowing fewer losses of nitrogen (N) per ha and lower green house gases (GHG) emissions per ha and per ton of milk (TM). From an economic point of view, milk coming from these OF systems is sold at a higher prize. However, incomes provided by both systems are similar (for similar amount of milk produced). This may be explained by higher input costs per unit of product for OF systems and by more incomes coming from sold crops for conventional farming (CF) systems. Therefore, on the one hand CF systems may improve their environmental performances by reducing the amount of inputs brought into the system, for example through a better forage and fertilisation management. On the other hand, the valorisation of milk through a differentiated production or market (price premium due to a label and/or on-farm transformation and/or sale) may bring them higher incomes. OF system may increase their incomes by selling one cash crop destined for human consumption and by finding the good balance between intensivity and extensivity in order to better valorise the inputs brought into the system

    Characterizing the differential distribution and targets of Sumo paralogs in the mouse brain

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    SUMOylation is an evolutionarily conserved and essential mechanism whereby Small Ubiquitin Like Modifiers, or SUMO proteins (Sumo in mice), are covalently bound to protein substrates in a highly dynamic and reversible manner. SUMOylation is involved in a variety of basic neurological processes including learning and memory, and central nervous system development, but is also linked with neurological disorders. However, studying SUMOylation in vivo remains challenging due to limited tools to study Sumo proteins and their targets in their native context. More complexity arises from the fact that Sumo1 and Sumo2 are ∼50% homologous, whereas Sumo2 and Sumo3 are nearly identical and indistinguishable with antibodies. While Sumo paralogues can compensate for one another’s loss, Sumo2 is highest expressed and only paralog essential for embryonic development making it critical to uncover roles specific to Sumo2 in vivo. To further examine the roles of Sumo2, and to begin to tease apart the redundancy and similarity between key Sumo paralogs, we generated (His6-)HA epitope-tagged Sumo2 knock-in mouse alleles, expanding the current Sumo knock-in mouse tool-kit comprising of the previously generated His6-HA-Sumo1 knock-in model. Using these HA-Sumo mouse lines, we performed whole brain imaging and mapping to the Allen Brain Atlas to analyze the relative distribution of the Sumo1 and Sumo2 paralogues in the adult mouse brain. We observed differential staining patterns between Sumo1 and Sumo2, including a partial localization of Sumo2 in nerve cell synapses of the hippocampus. Combining immunoprecipitation with mass spectrometry, we identified native substrates targeted by Sumo1 or Sumo2 in the mouse brain. We validated select hits using proximity ligation assays, further providing insight into the subcellular distribution of neuronal Sumo2-conjugates. These mouse models thus serve as valuable tools to study the cellular and biochemical roles of SUMOylation in the central nervous system

    Cellular and Transcriptional Responses of Crassostrea gigas Hemocytes Exposed in Vitro to Brevetoxin (PbTx-2)

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    Hemocytes mediate a series of immune reactions essential for bivalve survival in the environment, however, the impact of harmful algal species and their associated phycotoxins upon bivalve immune system is under debate. To better understand the possible toxic effects of these toxins, Crassostrea gigas hemocytes were exposed to brevetoxin (PbTx-2). Hemocyte viability, monitored through the neutral red retention and MTT reduction assays, and apoptosis (Hoechst staining) remained unchanged during 12 h of exposure to PbTx-2 in concentrations up to 1000 µg/L. Despite cell viability and apoptosis remained stable, hemocytes incubated for 4 h with 1000 µg/L of PbTx-2 revealed higher expression levels of Hsp70 (p < 0.01) and CYP356A1 (p < 0.05) transcripts and a tendency to increase FABP expression, as evaluated by Real-Time quantitative PCR. The expression of other studied genes (BPI, IL-17, GSTO, EcSOD, Prx6, SOD and GPx) remained unchanged. The results suggest that the absence of cytotoxic effects of PbTx-2 in Crassostrea gigas hemocytes, even at high concentrations, allow early defense responses to be produced by activating protective mechanisms associated to detoxification (CYP356A1 and possibly FABP) and stress (Hsp70), but not to immune or to antioxidant (BPI, IL-17, EcSOD, Prx6, GPx and SOD) related genes

    CDK5 Is Essential for Soluble Amyloid β-Induced Degradation of GKAP and Remodeling of the Synaptic Actin Cytoskeleton

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    The early stages of Alzheimer's disease are marked by synaptic dysfunction and loss. This process results from the disassembly and degradation of synaptic components, in particular of scaffolding proteins that compose the post-synaptic density (PSD), namely PSD95, Homer and Shank. Here we investigated in rat frontal cortex dissociated culture the mechanisms involved in the downregulation of GKAP (SAPAP1), which links the PSD95 complex to the Shank complex and cytoskeletal structures within the PSD. We show that Aβ causes the rapid loss of GKAP from synapses through a pathway that critically requires cdk5 activity, and is set in motion by NMDAR activity and Ca2+ influx. We show that GKAP is a direct substrate of cdk5 and that its phosphorylation results in polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of GKAP and remodeling (collapse) of the synaptic actin cytoskeleton; the latter effect is abolished in neurons expressing GKAP mutants that are resistant to phosphorylation by cdk5. Given that cdk5 also regulates degradation of PSD95, these results underscore the central position of cdk5 in mediating Aβ-induced PSD disassembly and synapse loss

    Direct targeting of hippocampal neurons for apoptosis by glucocorticoids is reversible by mineralocorticoid receptor activation

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    Prova tipográfica (In Press)An important question arising from previous observations in vivo is whether glucocorticoids can directly influence neuronal survival in the hippocampus. To this end, a primary postnatal hippocampal culture system containing mature neurons and expressing both glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid (MR) receptors was developed. Results show that the GR agonist dexamethasone (DEX) targets neurons (microtubule-associated protein 2-positive cells) for death through apoptosis. GR-mediated cell death was counteracted by the MR agonist aldosterone (ALDO). Antagonism of MR with spironolactone ([7a-(acetylthio)-3-oxo-17a-pregn- 4-ene,21 carbolactone] (SPIRO)) causes a dose-dependent increase in neuronal apoptosis in the absence of DEX, indicating that nanomolar levels of corticosterone present in the culture medium, which are sufficient to activate MR, can mask the apoptotic response to DEX. Indeed, both SPIRO and another MR antagonist, oxprenoate potassium ((7a,17a)-17-Hydroxy-3-oxo-7- propylpregn-4-ene-21-carboxylic acid, potassium salt (RU28318)), accentuated DEX-induced apoptosis. These results demonstrate that GRs can act directly to induce hippocampal neuronal death and that demonstration of their full apoptotic potency depends on abolition of survival-promoting actions mediated by MR

    Aldo Keto Reductase 1B7 and Prostaglandin F2α Are Regulators of Adrenal Endocrine Functions

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    Prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α), represses ovarian steroidogenesis and initiates parturition in mammals but its impact on adrenal gland is unknown. Prostaglandins biosynthesis depends on the sequential action of upstream cyclooxygenases (COX) and terminal synthases but no PGF2α synthases (PGFS) were functionally identified in mammalian cells. In vitro, the most efficient mammalian PGFS belong to aldo-keto reductase 1B (AKR1B) family. The adrenal gland is a major site of AKR1B expression in both human (AKR1B1) and mouse (AKR1B3, AKR1B7). Thus, we examined the PGF2α biosynthetic pathway and its functional impact on both cortical and medullary zones. Both compartments produced PGF2α but expressed different biosynthetic isozymes. In chromaffin cells, PGF2α secretion appeared constitutive and correlated to continuous expression of COX1 and AKR1B3. In steroidogenic cells, PGF2α secretion was stimulated by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and correlated to ACTH-responsiveness of both COX2 and AKR1B7/B1. The pivotal role of AKR1B7 in ACTH-induced PGF2α release and functional coupling with COX2 was demonstrated using over- and down-expression in cell lines. PGF2α receptor was only detected in chromaffin cells, making medulla the primary target of PGF2α action. By comparing PGF2α-responsiveness of isolated cells and whole adrenal cultures, we demonstrated that PGF2α repressed glucocorticoid secretion by an indirect mechanism involving a decrease in catecholamine release which in turn decreased adrenal steroidogenesis. PGF2α may be regarded as a negative autocrine/paracrine regulator within a novel intra-adrenal feedback loop. The coordinated cell-specific regulation of COX2 and AKR1B7 ensures the generation of this stress-induced corticostatic signal

    Investigating trophic ecology and dietary niche overlap among morphs of Lake Trout in Lake Superior

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    Four morphs of Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush, Walbaum 1792) have been identified in Lake Superior: leans, siscowets, humpers, and redfins. In this comprehensive study, the trophic ecology of Lake Trout morphs were characterized using stomach content, fatty acid, and stable isotope data. Stomach content results indicated a predominately piscivorous diet for leans, siscowets, and redfins, whereas humper diets were comprised of 50% fish and 50% Mysis by mass. Humper and siscowets were most similar in their dietary fatty acid profiles, whereas redfins had the most distinct dietary fatty acid profile. Results from stable isotope analysis revealed some among-morph differences along a pelagic-profundal consumption gradient (34S), but there were no significant differences in trophic position (15N) or basal carbon sources among morphs (13C). Using the recently developed nicheROVER software package, 4-dimensional trophic niches for each morph were quantified using stable isotope ratios (δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S) and fatty acid profiles (30 dietary fatty acids, condensed to one axis). Humpers had the largest 4-dimensional niche regions of all four morphs, and redfins had the smallest. Pairwise probability of overlap among morphs in these four-dimensional niche regions was determined to be < 50% in most cases. Overall, stomach content results indicate that humpers diets were more planktivorous than the other morphs, consistent with previous research. Results of the niche overlap analysis suggests some degree of generalist feeding for all morphs. Better characterization of seasonal variation in diet using tracers that reflect more recent feeding (e.g., fatty acids, stomach contents, and/or stable isotope analyses performed on tissues that turnover more quickly than muscle) are needed to further elucidate among-morph differences and similarities in diet and trophic ecology

    Some Aspects of Protozoan Infections in Immunocompromised Patients: A Review

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    Les transformateurs rapides pour LEIR et LINAC III

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    L’electronique des transformateurs rapides destines a mesurer les ions est assez classique. La difficulte principale provient de la ligne ETL dans laquelle il nous a ete demande [Ch] de pouvoir mesurer avec le meme transformateur un faisceau injecte de faible intensite (environ 40 10E-6A) et de longue durée (de 250 à 500 10E-6s) et d’un faisceau ejecte de plus forte intensite (environ 160 mA) et de courte duree (environ 100 à 200 ns). Cette note presente globalement le systeme et decrit l’electronique utilisee

    Un transformateur semi-lent pour LEIR

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