48 research outputs found

    Noise rectification in quasigeostrophic forced turbulence

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    We study the appearance of large scale mean motion sustained by stochastic forcing on a rotating fluid (in the quasigeostrophic approximation) flowing over topography. As in other noise rectification phenomena, the effect requires nonlinearity and absence of detailed balance to occur. By application of an analytical coarse graining procedure we identify the physical mechanism producing such effect: It is a forcing coming from the small scales that manifests in a change in the effective viscosity operator and in the effective noise statistical properties.Comment: 4 pages revtex, including 5 figures. Related material at http://www.imedea.uib.es/Nonlinear and http://www.imedea.uib.es/Oceanography Figure 4 replaced by a slightly better on

    DMP: Data Management Plan

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    Fueling Plankton Production By a Meandering Frontal Jet: A Case Study For The Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean)

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    A three dimensional biophysical model is employed to investigate the biological impacts of a meandering frontal jet for which the Alboran Sea of the Western Mediterranean is considered as a case study. The jet is characterized by relatively low density Atlantic water mass issuing from the Gibraltar Strait within the upper 100 m. It flows eastward as a highly nonlinear meandering current around the western and the eastern anticyclonic gyres prior to its attachment to the North African shelf/slope topography of the Algerian basin. Its inherent nonlinearity leads to the development of strong ageostrophic cross-frontal circulation that supplies nutrients into the nutrient-starved euphotic layer and stimulates an effective phytoplankton growth along the jet. The production intensity is strongest in the western basin and decreases eastwards with the gradual weakening of the jet. The stronger production intensity at the subsurface levels suggests the Alboran Sea is likely more productive than envisaged by the satellite chlorophyll data. The Mediterranean water mass away from the jet as well as the interior of the western and eastern anticyclonic gyres remain poorly productive.JRC.H.1-Water Resource

    Coupled atmosphere-ocean-wave simulations of a storm event over the Gulf of Lion and Balearic Sea

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 117 (2012): C09019, doi:10.1029/2012JC007924.The coastal areas of the North-Western Mediterranean Sea are one of the most challenging places for ocean forecasting. This region is exposed to severe storms events that are of short duration. During these events, significant air-sea interactions, strong winds and large sea-state can have catastrophic consequences in the coastal areas. To investigate these air-sea interactions and the oceanic response to such events, we implemented the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport Modeling System simulating a severe storm in the Mediterranean Sea that occurred in May 2010. During this event, wind speed reached up to 25 m.s−1 inducing significant sea surface cooling (up to 2°C) over the Gulf of Lion (GoL) and along the storm track, and generating surface waves with a significant height of 6 m. It is shown that the event, associated with a cyclogenesis between the Balearic Islands and the GoL, is relatively well reproduced by the coupled system. A surface heat budget analysis showed that ocean vertical mixing was a major contributor to the cooling tendency along the storm track and in the GoL where turbulent heat fluxes also played an important role. Sensitivity experiments on the ocean-atmosphere coupling suggested that the coupled system is sensitive to the momentum flux parameterization as well as air-sea and air-wave coupling. Comparisons with available atmospheric and oceanic observations showed that the use of the fully coupled system provides the most skillful simulation, illustrating the benefit of using a fully coupled ocean-atmosphere–wave model for the assessment of these storm events.This work has been partially supported by MyOcean2 EU funded project 283367 whose support is gratefully acknowledged.2013-03-1

    Updated Dissemination and Exploitation Plan

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    Dissemination of project’s results and engagement with stakeholders towards a sustained results’ exploitation are intrinsically evolving. The vision of the project’s dissemination at the start of it should evolve as the activities progress. This plan presents an update on the EuroSea dissemination plans as seen a year after the kick-off

    Communication Plan

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    This document outlines the main communication objectives, messages, audiences, and tools of the EuroSea projec

    Oral contraceptives do not modify the risk of a second attack and disability accrual in a prospective cohort of women with a clinically isolated syndrome and early multiple sclerosis

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    Cohort study; Oral contraceptives; Second relapseEstudio de cohorte; Anticonceptivos orales; Segunda recaídaEstudi de cohorts; Anticonceptius orals; Segona recaigudaObjective: To evaluate whether oral contraceptive (OC) use is associated with the risk of a second attack and disability accrual in women with a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) and early multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods: Reproductive information from women included in the Barcelona CIS prospective cohort was collected through a self-reported cross-sectional survey. We examined the relationship of OC exposure with the risk of a second attack and confirmed Expanded Disability Status Scale of 3.0 using multivariate Cox regression models, adjusted by age, topography of CIS, oligoclonal bands, baseline brain T2 lesions, body size at menarche, smoking, and disease-modifying treatment (DMT). OC and DMT exposures were considered as time-varying variables. Findings were confirmed with sensitivity analyses using propensity score models. Results: A total of 495 women were included, 389 (78.6%) referred to ever use OC and 341 (68.9%) started OC before the CIS. Exposure to OC was not associated with a second attack (adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) = 0.73, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.33–1.61) or disability accrual (aHR = 0.81, 95% CI = 0.17–3.76). Sensitivity analyses confirmed these results. Conclusion: OC use does not modify the risk of second attack or disability accrual in patients with CIS and early MS, once considered as a time-dependent exposure and adjusted by other potential confounders.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This project was supported by FIS PI15/0070 from Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain

    Evaluation of different bowel preparations for small bowel capsule endoscopy: a prospective, randomized, controlled study

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    To obtain an adequate view of the whole small intestine during capsule endoscopy (CE) a clear liquid diet and overnight fasting is recommended. However, intestinal content can hamper vision in spite of these measures. Our aim was to evaluate tolerance and degree of intestinal cleanliness during CE following three types of bowel preparation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This was a prospective, multicenter, randomized, controlled study. Two-hundred ninety-one patients underwent one of the following preparations: 4 L of clear liquids (CL) (group A; 92 patients); 90 mL of aqueous sodium phosphate (group B; 89 patients); or 4 L of a polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution (group C; 92 patients). The degree of cleanliness of the small bowel was classified by blinded examiners according to four categories (excellent, good, fair or poor). The degree of patient satisfaction, gastric and small bowel transit times, and diagnostic yield were measured. RESULTS: The degree of cleanliness did not differ significantly between the groups (P = 0.496). Interobserver concordance was fair (k = 0.38). No significant differences were detected between the diagnostic yields of the CE (P = 0.601). Gastric transit time was 35.7 +/- 3.7 min (group A), 46.1 +/- 8.6 min (group B) and 34.6 +/- 5.0 min (group C) (P = 0.417). Small-intestinal transit time was 276.9 +/- 10.7 min (group A), 249.7 +/- 13.1 min (group B) and 245.6 +/- 11.6 min (group C) (P = 0.120). CL was the best tolerated preparation. Compliance with the bowel preparation regimen was lowest in group C (P = 0.008). CONCLUSIONS: A clear liquid diet and overnight fasting is sufficient to achieve an adequate level of cleanliness and is better tolerated by patients than other forms of preparation

    A single-dose strategy for immunization with live attenuated vaccines is an effective option before treatment initiation in multiple sclerosis patients

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    Multiple sclerosis; Infections; VaccinationEsclerosi mĂșltiple; Infeccions; VacunaciĂłEsclerosis mĂșltiple; Infecciones; VacunaciĂłnBackground: Mumps-Measles-Rubella (MMR) and Varicella zoster vaccines (VAR) are live attenuated vaccines, usually administered in a two-dose scheme at least 4 weeks apart. However, single-dose immunization schemes may also be effective and can reduce delays in immunosuppressive treatment initiation in patients with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) who need to be immunized. Objectives: To evaluate the immunogenicity of a single-dose attempt (SDA) versus the standard immunization scheme (SIS) with VAR and/or MMR in pwMS. Methods: Retrospective observational study in pwMS vaccinated against VAR and/or MMR. We compared seroprotection rates and antibody geometric mean titers (GMTs) between the two strategies. Results: Ninety-six patients were included. Thirty-one patients received VAR and 67 MMR. In the SDA group, the seroprotection rate was 66.7% (95% confidence interval (CI): 53.3–78.3) versus 97.2% (95% CI: 85.5–99.9) in the SIS (p < 0.001). For the seroprotected patients, GMTs were similar for both schemes. Conclusion: An SDA of VAR and/or MMR vaccines could be sufficient to protect almost two-thirds of patients. Testing immunogenicity after a single dose of VZ and/or MMR could be included in routine clinical practice to achieve rapid immunization.This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the project PI19/01606 and co-funded by the European Union and ECTRIMS clinical fellowship awarded to RenĂ© Carvajal from 2021 to 2022

    Deciphering multiple sclerosis disability with deep learning attention maps on clinical MRI

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    Deep learning; Disability; Structural MRIAprendizaje profundo; Discapacidad; Resonancia magnĂ©tica estructuralAprenentatge profund; Discapacitat; RessonĂ ncia magnĂštica estructuralThe application of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to MRI data has emerged as a promising approach to achieving unprecedented levels of accuracy when predicting the course of neurological conditions, including multiple sclerosis, by means of extracting image features not detectable through conventional methods. Additionally, the study of CNN-derived attention maps, which indicate the most relevant anatomical features for CNN-based decisions, has the potential to uncover key disease mechanisms leading to disability accumulation. From a cohort of patients prospectively followed up after a first demyelinating attack, we selected those with T1-weighted and T2-FLAIR brain MRI sequences available for image analysis and a clinical assessment performed within the following six months (N = 319). Patients were divided into two groups according to expanded disability status scale (EDSS) score: ≄3.0 and < 3.0. A 3D-CNN model predicted the class using whole-brain MRI scans as input. A comparison with a logistic regression (LR) model using volumetric measurements as explanatory variables and a validation of the CNN model on an independent dataset with similar characteristics (N = 440) were also performed. The layer-wise relevance propagation method was used to obtain individual attention maps. The CNN model achieved a mean accuracy of 79% and proved to be superior to the equivalent LR-model (77%). Additionally, the model was successfully validated in the independent external cohort without any re-training (accuracy = 71%). Attention-map analyses revealed the predominant role of frontotemporal cortex and cerebellum for CNN decisions, suggesting that the mechanisms leading to disability accrual exceed the mere presence of brain lesions or atrophy and probably involve how damage is distributed in the central nervous system.MS PATHS is funded by Biogen. This study has been possible thanks to a Junior Leader La Caixa Fellowship awarded to C. Tur (fellowship code is LCF/BQ/PI20/11760008) by “la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434). The salaries of C. Tur and Ll. Coll are covered by this award