157 research outputs found

    Conceptual design study for heat exhaust management in the ARC fusion pilot plant

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    The ARC pilot plant conceptual design study has been extended beyond its initial scope [B. N. Sorbom et al., FED 100 (2015) 378] to explore options for managing ~525 MW of fusion power generated in a compact, high field (B_0 = 9.2 T) tokamak that is approximately the size of JET (R_0 = 3.3 m). Taking advantage of ARC's novel design - demountable high temperature superconductor toroidal field (TF) magnets, poloidal magnetic field coils located inside the TF, and vacuum vessel (VV) immersed in molten salt FLiBe blanket - this follow-on study has identified innovative and potentially robust power exhaust management solutions.Comment: Accepted by Fusion Engineering and Desig

    A new diagnostic algorithm for Burkitt and diffuse large B-cell lymphomas based on the expression of CSE1L and STAT3 and on MYC rearrangement predicts outcome

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    Background Aggressive mature B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (BCL) sharing features of Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) (intermediate BL/DLBCL) but deviating with respect to one or more characteristics are increasingly recognized. The limited knowledge about these biologically heterogeneous lymphomas hampers their assignment to a known entity, raising incertitude about optimal treatment approaches. We therefore searched for discriminative, prognostic, and predictive factors for their better characterization. Patients and methods We analyzed 242 cytogenetically defined aggressive mature BCL for differential protein expression. Marker selection was based on recent gene-expression profile studies. Predictive models for diagnosis were established and validated by a different set of lymphomas. Results CSE1L- and inhibitor of DNA binding-3 (ID3)-overexpression was associated with the diagnosis of BL and signal transduction and transcription-3 (STAT3) with DLBCL (P<0.001 for all markers). All three markers were associated with patient outcome in DLBCL. A new algorithm discriminating BL from DLBCL emerged, including the expression of CSE1L, STAT3, and MYC translocation. This ‘new classifier' enabled the identification of patients with intermediate BL/DLBCL who benefited from intensive chemotherapy regimens. Conclusion The proposed algorithm, which is based on markers with reliable staining properties for routine diagnostics, represents a novel valid tool in separating BL from DLBCL. Most interestingly, it allows segregating intermediate BL/DLBCL into groups with different treatment requirement

    Characterization of a waveguide Mach-Zehnder interferometer using PDMS as a cover layer

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    A Mach-Zehnder interferometer made with shallow rib waveguides is studied experimentally and using simulations. The rib-height giving single-mode guidance is found as function of core thickness and polarization. Devices have been made using shallow rib waveguides (5 nm rib height) in silicon nitride. The sensitivity and the limit of detection (LOD) is studied experimentally regarding the length of the sensing window and for two cover media: water with hydrochloric acid (HCl) and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). For HCl-solution, which is the standard method for testing Mach-Zehnder interferometers, the measured sensitivity and LOD was 13000π rad/RIU and 1.1x10^-7π RIU, respectively, for a 2 cm long sensing window. This is comparable to the best results reported previously. With PDMS as the cover medium, the temperature of the device was increased in order to measure the sensitivity. This is a new approach that makes it possible to measure the sensitivity with a solid cover medium which has a relatively high temperature coefficient for the refractive index. Measured sensitivity and LOD was 15200π rad/RIU and 1.3x10^-7π RIU, respectively, again for a 2 cm long sensing window. Measured sensitivities agreed with simulations and increased linearly with sensing length as expected. However, the LOD showed a minimum for 2 cm sensing length. This was mainly due to increased noise for 3 cm sensing length, both for HCl-solution and PDMS. With higher sensitivity and similar LOD for PDMS compared to HCl-solution, it is concluded that using the temperature dependence of PDMS is a good alternative for testing Mach-Zehnder interferometers

    Destruction of Lymphoid Organ Architecture and Hepatitis Caused by CD4+ T Cells

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    Immune responses have the important function of host defense and protection against pathogens. However, the immune response also causes inflammation and host tissue injury, termed immunopathology. For example, hepatitis B and C virus infection in humans cause immunopathological sequel with destruction of liver cells by the host's own immune response. Similarly, after infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) in mice, the adaptive immune response causes liver cell damage, choriomeningitis and destruction of lymphoid organ architecture. The immunopathological sequel during LCMV infection has been attributed to cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. However, we now show that during LCMV infection CD4+ T cells selectively induced the destruction of splenic marginal zone and caused liver cell damage with elevated serum alanin-transferase (ALT) levels. The destruction of the splenic marginal zone by CD4+ T cells included the reduction of marginal zone B cells, marginal zone macrophages and marginal zone metallophilic macrophages. Functionally, this resulted in an impaired production of neutralizing antibodies against LCMV. Furthermore, CD4+ T cells reduced B cells with an IgMhighIgDlow phenotype (transitional stage 1 and 2, marginal zone B cells), whereas other B cell subtypes such as follicular type 1 and 2 and germinal center/memory B cells were not affected. Adoptive transfer of CD4+ T cells lacking different important effector cytokines and cytolytic pathways such as IFNγ, TNFα, perforin and Fas-FasL interaction did reveal that these cytolytic pathways are redundant in the induction of immunopathological sequel in spleen. In conclusion, our results define an important role of CD4+ T cells in the induction of immunopathology in liver and spleen. This includes the CD4+ T cell mediated destruction of the splenic marginal zone with consecutively impaired protective neutralizing antibody responses

    Overview of the SPARC tokamak

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    The SPARC tokamak is a critical next step towards commercial fusion energy. SPARC is designed as a high-field (T), compact (m, m), superconducting, D-T tokamak with the goal of producing fusion gain 2]]>fromamagneticallyconfinedfusionplasmaforthefirsttime.Currentlyunderdesign,SPARCwillcontinuethehighfieldpathoftheAlcatorseriesoftokamaks,utilizingnewmagnetsbasedonrareearthbariumcopperoxidehightemperaturesuperconductorstoachievehighperformanceinacompactdevice.Thegoalof2]]> from a magnetically confined fusion plasma for the first time. Currently under design, SPARC will continue the high-field path of the Alcator series of tokamaks, utilizing new magnets based on rare earth barium copper oxide high-temperature superconductors to achieve high performance in a compact device. The goal of 2]]> is achievable with conservative physics assumptions () and, with the nominal assumption of, SPARC is projected to attain and MW. SPARC will therefore constitute a unique platform for burning plasma physics research with high density (), high temperature (keV) and high power density () relevant to fusion power plants. SPARC's place in the path to commercial fusion energy, its parameters and the current status of SPARC design work are presented. This work also describes the basis for global performance projections and summarizes some of the physics analysis that is presented in greater detail in the companion articles of this collection

    Transcranial Electrical Currents to Probe EEG Brain Rhythms and Memory Consolidation during Sleep in Humans

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    Previously the application of a weak electric anodal current oscillating with a frequency of the sleep slow oscillation (∼0.75 Hz) during non-rapid eye movement sleep (NonREM) sleep boosted endogenous slow oscillation activity and enhanced sleep-associated memory consolidation. The slow oscillations occurring during NonREM sleep and theta oscillations present during REM sleep have been considered of critical relevance for memory formation. Here transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) oscillating at 5 Hz, i.e., within the theta frequency range (theta-tDCS) is applied during NonREM and REM sleep. Theta-tDCS during NonREM sleep produced a global decrease in slow oscillatory activity conjoint with a local reduction of frontal slow EEG spindle power (8–12 Hz) and a decrement in consolidation of declarative memory, underlining the relevance of these cortical oscillations for sleep-dependent memory consolidation. In contrast, during REM sleep theta-tDCS appears to increase global gamma (25–45 Hz) activity, indicating a clear brain state-dependency of theta-tDCS. More generally, results demonstrate the suitability of oscillating-tDCS as a tool to analyze functions of endogenous EEG rhythms and underlying endogenous electric fields as well as the interactions between EEG rhythms of different frequencies

    Tumor Cell Plasticity and Angiogenesis in Human Melanomas

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    Recent molecular studies provide evidence for a significant transcriptional plasticity of tumor cell subpopulations that facilitate an active contribution to tumor vasculature. This feature is accompanied by morphological changes both in vitro and in vivo. Herein, we investigated the morphological plasticity of tumor cells with special focus on vasculogenic mimicry and neovascularisation in human melanoma and mouse xenografts of human melanoma cell lines. In melanoma xenograft experiments, different vessel markers and green fluorescent protein expression were used to show how melanoma cells contribute to neovascularization. Additionally, we analyzed neovascularization in 49 primary melanomas and 175 melanoma metastases using immunostaining for blood (CD34) and lymphatic (D2–40) vessel-specific markers. We found significantly more lymphatic vessels in primary melanomas than in melanoma metastases (p<0.0001). In contrast to the near absence of lymphatic vessels within metastases, we found extensive blood micro-neovascularization. Blood micro-neovascularization was absent in micro metastases (less than 2 mm). A significant inverse correlation between Glut-1 expression (implying local hypoxia) and the presence of microvessels indicates their functional activity as blood vessels (p<0.0001). We suggest that the hypoxic microenvironment in metastases contributes to a phenotype switch allowing melanoma cells to physically contribute to blood vessel formation