86 research outputs found

    Differential expression of the heat shock protein Hsp70 in natural populations of the tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron, acclimatised to a range of environmental salinities

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The relationship between environmental variation and induction of heat shock proteins <it>(Hsps) </it>has been much documented under experimental conditions. However, very little is known about such induction in natural populations acclimatised to prevailing environmental conditions. Furthermore, while induction of stress proteins has been well documented in response to environmental contaminants and thermal stressors, little is known about whether factors, such as extreme salinity, are also potential inductors. The black-chinned tilapia <it>Sarotherodon melanotheron </it>is unusual for its ability to colonise estuarine environments in West Africa that are characterised by extremely high salinities. The relationships between mRNA levels of the 70 kDa heat shock protein (<it>Hsp70</it>) and Na<sup>+</sup>, K<sup>+</sup>-ATPase1α (<it>Naka</it>) in the gills, environmental salinity, and a life-history trait (condition factor) were investigated in wild populations of this species sampled from three locations in the Saloum estuary, at salinities ranging from 40 to 100 psu.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The highest <it>Hsp70 </it>and <it>Naka </it>mRNA levels, and the poorest condition factors were recorded in the most saline sampling site (100 psu). The <it>Hsp70 </it>and <it>Naka </it>mRNA were correlated amongst themselves and showed a direct positive correlation with environmental salinity, and a negative correlation with fish condition factor. Thus, the <it>Hsp70 </it>is constitutively overexpressed by <it>S. melanotheron </it>acclimatised to extreme hypersalinity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results indicate that, although <it>S. melanotheron </it>can colonise extremely saline environments, the overexpression of <it>Hsp70 </it>combined with the higher <it>Naka </it>mRNA expression reveals that this represents a chronic stress. The induction of <it>Hsp70 </it>was, therefore, a biomarker of chronic hyper-osmotic stress which presumably can be linked to the impaired growth performance and precocious reproduction that have been demonstrated in the populations at the extremely saline sites.</p

    Directed sequencing and annotation of three Dicentrarchus labrax L. chromosomes by applying Sanger- and pyrosequencing technologies on pooled DNA of comparatively mapped BAC clones

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    AbstractDicentrarchus labrax is one of the major marine aquaculture species in the European Union. In this study, we have developed a directed-sequencing strategy to sequence three sea bass chromosomes and compared results with other teleosts.Three BAC DNA pools were created from sea bass BAC clones that mapped to stickleback chromosomes/groups V, XVII and XXI. The pools were sequenced to 17–39x coverage by pyrosequencing. Data assembly was supported by Sanger reads and mate pair data and resulted in superscaffolds of 13.2Mb, 17.5Mb and 13.7Mb respectively. Annotation features of the superscaffolds include 1477 genes. We analyzed size change of exon, intron and intergenic sequence between teleost species and deduced a simple model for the evolution of genome composition in teleost lineage.Combination of second generation sequencing technologies, Sanger sequencing and genome partitioning strategies allows “high-quality draft assemblies” of chromosome-sized superscaffolds, which are crucial for the prediction and annotation of complete genes

    Impact de la salinité sur la diversité floristique dans la vallée de Bakhala (Fatick, Sénégal)

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    La salinité fait peser de graves menaces sur l’équilibre des écosystèmes de toutes les zones agroécologiques du Sénégal, principalement dans le bassin arachidier et en Casamance. La déposition de sel dans le sol est un processus naturel, bien que les activités anthropiques et la sécheresse aient accéléré le processus de salinisation des terres. Ainsi, la restauration des terres est devenue un défi majeur pour le bien-être des populations et la durabilité de leurs activités socio-économiques. C’est dans cette optique que cette étude a été menée pour évaluer l’effet des ouvrages de réhabilitation des terres salées sur les paramètres physico-chimiques du sol et la structure de la flore et de la végétation dans la vallée de Bakhala. Ainsi, pour se faire, des échantillons composites de sol ont été prélevés dans la vallée de Bakhala suivant des transects puis acheminés au laboratoire Sols-Eaux-Plantes du CNRA/ISRA de Bambey où ils ont subi une analyse des paramètres physico-chimiques et l’inventaire de la flore et de la végétation selon la méthode de Braun-Blanquet a été réalisé. Les résultats révèlent que les sols de la vallée de Bakhala sont extrêmement acides (pH = 3,88 à 4,84) avec des niveaux de salinité faible en amont de digue 1 (150 à 328,7 μS/cm) et très élevé au niveau des autres transects (766 à 6486 μS/cm). Des textures sableuses, limono-sablo-argileuses et limono-sableuses ont été déterminées. L’étude de flore a permis de recenser 66 espèces appartenant à 55 genres et 20 familles avec une dominance des dicotylédones (71,21%). Les Fabaceae et les Poaceae regroupent près de la moitié des espèces de cette flore avec une nette dominance des thérophytes. Cette étude montre un effet répressif de la salinité sur la diversité floristique. Ainsi une dissemblance de la diversité floristique en fonction du gradient de salinité est notée. Les espèces telles que Blumea aurita et Enteropogon prieurii sont communes à tous les transects alors que l’espèce Cyperus longus a été uniquement rencontrée en aval de la digue intermédiaire. Ainsi cette étude reflète une distribution de la diversité floristique en fonction du gradient de salinité

    Characterization and refinement of growth related quantitative trait loci in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) using a comparative approach

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    The identification of genetic markers for traits of interest for aquaculture, such as growth, is an important step for the establishment of breeding programmes. As more genomic information becomes available the possibility of applying comparative genomics to identify and refine quantitative trait locus (QTLs) and potentially identify candidate genes responsible for the QTL effect may accelerate genetic improvement in established and new aquaculture species. Here we report such an approach on growth related traits in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), an important species for European aquaculture. A genetic map was generated with markers targeted to previously identified QTL for growth which reduced distance and improved resolution in these regions. A total of 36 significant QTLs were identified when morphometric traits were considered individually in maternal half sibs, paternal half sibs and sib-pair analysis. Twenty seven new markers targeted to the growth QTLs, obtained by comparative mapping, reduced the average distance between markers from 23.4, 9.1, and 5.8 cM in the previous map to 3.4, 2.2, and 5.2 cM, on linkage group (LG) LG4, LG6 and LG15 respectively. Lists of genes embedded in the QTL - 591 genes in LG4, 234 genes in LG6 and 450 genes in LG15 - were obtained from the European sea bass genome. Comparative mapping revealed conserved gene synteny across teleost fishes. Functional protein association network analysis with the gene products of the 3 linkage groups revealed a large global association network including 42 gene products. Strikingly the association network was populated with genes of known biological importance for growth and body weight in terrestrial farm animals, such as elements of the signaling pathways for Jak-STAT, MAPK, adipocytokine and insulin, growth hormone, IGFI and II. This study demonstrates the feasibility of a comparative genomics combined with functional gene annotation to refine the resolution of QTL and the establishment of hypothesis to accelerate discovery of putative responsible genes.Statement of relevance: This study demonstrates the feasibility of a comparative genomics approach, combined with functional annotation to refine the resolution of QTL and establishment of hypothesis to accelerate discovery of candidate genes. As production of genomic data is becoming more accessible, the implementation of this strategy will rapidly and efficiently provide the tools required for genetic selection in new candidate aquaculture species. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The transcriptome of metamorphosing flatfish

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    Background Flatfish metamorphosis denotes the extraordinary transformation of a symmetric pelagic larva into an asymmetric benthic juvenile. Metamorphosis in vertebrates is driven by thyroid hormones (THs), but how they orchestrate the cellular, morphological and functional modifications associated with maturation to juvenile/adult states in flatfish is an enigma. Since THs act via thyroid receptors that are ligand activated transcription factors, we hypothesized that the maturation of tissues during metamorphosis should be preceded by significant modifications in the transcriptome. Targeting the unique metamorphosis of flatfish and taking advantage of the large size of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) larvae, we determined the molecular basis of TH action using RNA sequencing. Results De novo assembly of sequences for larval head, skin and gastrointestinal tract (GI-tract) yielded 90,676, 65,530 and 38,426 contigs, respectively. More than 57 % of the assembled sequences were successfully annotated using a multi-step Blast approach. A unique set of biological processes and candidate genes were identified specifically associated with changes in morphology and function of the head, skin and GI-tract. Transcriptome dynamics during metamorphosis were mapped with SOLiD sequencing of whole larvae and revealed greater than 8,000 differentially expressed (DE) genes significantly (p < 0.05) up- or down-regulated in comparison with the juvenile stage. Candidate transcripts quantified by SOLiD and qPCR analysis were significantly (r = 0.843; p < 0.05) correlated. The majority (98 %) of DE genes during metamorphosis were not TH-responsive. TH-responsive transcripts clustered into 6 groups based on their expression pattern during metamorphosis and the majority of the 145 DE TH-responsive genes were down-regulated. Conclusions A transcriptome resource has been generated for metamorphosing Atlantic halibut and over 8,000 DE transcripts per stage were identified. Unique sets of biological processes and candidate genes were associated with changes in the head, skin and GI-tract during metamorphosis. A small proportion of DE transcripts were TH-responsive, suggesting that they trigger gene networks, signalling cascades and transcription factors, leading to the overt changes in tissue occurring during metamorphosis

    Effets des pratiques biopesticides sur l’entomofaune et la production de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) dans la station expérimentale de l’ISAE (Dakar-Sénégal)

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    In Senegal, the tomato represents 22.5% of the overall vegetable production estimated at 70,000 tons and is the second most important vegetable crop. However, its production is exposed to many constraints, including the threat of insects. To face the problems posed by these pests, it is necessary to implement effective control methods, capable of reducing the pest population to a tolerable economic threshold. For this reason, this study was conducted in the experimental field of application and incubator of ISAE at UCAD in 2021 in order to test the effectiveness of biological controls on insect pests and tomato yield. A Fisher experimental set-up consisting of three (3) blocks divided into nine (9) plots was installed. The results of this study show that the number of insects is significantly higher (14.7) in untreated plants. On the other hand, the incidence of insects is significantly lower (8.08) with plants treated with Capscicum annum than with plants treated with Azadirachta indica (8.5). Key words: Azadirachta indica, Capscicum annum, incidence, Production, pest, TomatoAu Sénégal, la tomate représente 22,5 % de la production globale de légumes estimée à 710 000 tonnes et occupe la deuxième place des cultures maraichères. Cependant, sa production est exposée à de nombreuses contraintes dont la menace des insectes. Pour faire face aux problèmes posés par ces déprédateurs, il est nécessaire de mettre en œuvre des méthodes de lutte efficaces, capables de réduire la population des ravageurs à un seuil économique tolérable. C’est pour cela que cette étude a été réalisée dans le champ d’expérimentation d’application et incubateur de l’ISAE à l’UCAD en 2021 dans le but de tester l’efficacité des luttes biologiques sur les insectes ravageurs et sur le rendement de la tomate. Un dispositif expérimental de Fisher constitué en trois (3) blocs repartis en neuf (9) placettes a été installé. Les résultats de cette étude montrent que le nombre d’insectes est significativement plus élevé (14,7) sur les plantes non traitées. Par contre, l’incidence des insectes est significativement plus faible (8,08) avec les plantes traitées avec le Capscicum annum qu’avec les plantes traitées à l’Azadirachta indica (8,5). Mots clés&nbsp;: Azadirachta indica, Capscicum annum, incidence, Production, ravageur, Tomat

    Etude physico-chimique et minéralogique comparative des attapulgites de Mbodiène (Sénégal) et de Mormoiron (France)

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    La valorisation des ressources locales constitue un impératif afin d’atteindre des objectifs de développement durable. Cette étude a consisté à évaluer les caractéristiques physiques, chimiques et minéralogiques d’une argile provenant de Mbodiène (Sénégal), l’attapulgite, comparativement avec un médicament antidiarrhéique, constitué d’attapulgite, dénommé Actapulgite®. L’échantillon d’attapulgite brute a été purifié avec une solution de HNO3 1M. Une étude morphologique effectuée par visualisation à la Microscopie Electronique à Balayage a montré pour les deux argiles étudiées, une structure fibreuse caractéristique de la palygorskite, représentant le minéral dominant. L’analyse chimique par la spectrométrie à fluorescence X a donné pour l’attapulgite purifiée : 65,69% Si, 7,89% Al, 5,92% Fe, 17,90% Mg, 0,43% Ca et 0,93% K contre respectivement 63,98 % Si, 12,92% Al, 10,32% Fe, 6,20% Mg, 2,48% Ca et 2,25% K pour l’Actapulgite®. La diffraction aux rayons X a montré une présence de palygorskite, quartz et carbonates dans les échantillons étudiés. L’étude des isothermes d’adsorption a montré une surface spécifique nettement plus élevée pour l’attapulgite purifiée, 138,96 m2.g-1 contre 98,72 m2.g-1 pour l’Actapulgite®. Ces résultats ont montré que l’attapulgite de Mbodiène pourrait être utilisée comme antidiarrhéique orale après lavage à l’eau et séchage.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reservedMots clés: Argile, attapulgite, antidiarrhéique, SénégalEnglish Title: Physico-chemical and mineralogical comparative study of attapulgites Mbodiène (Senegal) and Mormoiron (France)English AbstractThe development of local resources is imperative to achieve sustainable development goals. This study was to assess physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of a clay from Mbodiène (Senegal), named attapulgite, compared with Actapulgite® (antidiarrheal drug), composed of attapulgite. A sample of attapulgite from Mbodiène was purified with a 1M HNO3 solution to remove impurities including carbonates. A morphological study using Scanning Electron Microscopy showed for both types of clay studied, a fibrous structure characteristic of palygorskite which represent major mineral. Chemical analysis by XRF spectrometry gave for purified attapulgite: 65.69% Si, 7.89% Al, 5.92% Fe, 17.90% Mg, 0.43% Ca and 0.93% K against respectively 63.98% Si, 12.92% Al, 10.32% Fe, 6.20% Mg, 2.48% Ca and 2.25% K for Actapulgite®. X-ray diffraction showed the presence of palygorskite, quartz and carbonates for both samples studied. The study of adsorption isotherms showed a significantly higher surface area for purified attapulgite, 138.96 m2.g-1 versus 98.72 m2.g-1 for Actapulgite®. These results have shown that Mbodiène attapulgite compared to Actapulgite®, could be used as an oral antidiarrheal after washing with water and drying.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Clay, attapulgite, antidiarrheal, Senega


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    研究科: 千葉大学大学院医学研究科千大院医博甲第1061号修了年: 2000年博士(医学)千葉大


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    In house GI-tract-specific database enriched with genes involved in GI-tract development, morphogenesis and acid secretion. Protein name, Symbol, Accession number (no.), Organism and Biological role (when associated) are shown. (XLSX 24 kb