18 research outputs found

    Det Flippade Klassrummet

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    Sociala medier Ă€r ett fenomen som har pĂ„verkat organisationers angreppsĂ€tt för att nĂ„ publiken, dĂ„ mediet Ă€r ett effektivt kommunikationsverktyg. Undervisningsinstitutioner berörs av frĂ„gan, dock finns det forskare inom fĂ€ltet som anser att undervisningsinstitutioner inte hĂ€nger med i den digitala utvecklingen, vilket Ă€r beklagligt, dĂ„ sociala medier tillhandahĂ„ller kommunikationsmöjligheter mellan pedagoger och elever. Studien presenterar tolkningar av elevers upplevelser av facebook som ett kommunikationsverktyg mellan elever och pedagoger. Som belĂ€gg för tolkningarna har följande underlag anvĂ€nts: IKT i undervisningssammanhang, blended learning samt traditionella och virtuella undervisningsstrategier. Genom kvalitativa gruppintervjuer och netnografiskt material har vi tolkat elevers upplevelser gĂ€llande kommunikationen mellan elever och pedagoger, dĂ€r gruppintervjuer och netnografiskt innehĂ„ll har haft ett samspel för att validera vĂ„r tolkning. En viktig upptĂ€ckt som har varit vĂ€sentlig för det flippade klassrummets har varit pedagogernas val av angreppssĂ€tt, vilket har influerat elevernas anvĂ€ndande av det virtuella klassrummet, upplevelser och motivation.Social media is a phenomenon that affects organizations’ approaches to reach the public, whereas the medium is an effective communication tool. Schools are also concerned by the issue, however they donÂŽt necessarily take part in the develop-ment, even though social media provides for communication opportunities between teachers and students. This study presents interpretations of students’ experiences regarding facebook as a communication tool between students and teachers. To ensure the reliability of the interpretations has following documents been used: ICT in edu-cation context, blended learning and traditional and virtual teaching strategies. Through a qualitative case study we have performed group interviews and col-lected netnografical material. We have interpreted the students’ experiences regarding communication between students and teachers, where interviews and netnografical content has had an interaction to validate our interpretation. An important discovery of the “det flippade klassrummet” has been the teacher’s choice of approach, in which has influenced the pupils using of the virtual classroom, experience and motivation

    Survival of dental implants in patients with oral cancer treated by surgery and radiotherapy: a retrospective study

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the survival of dental implants placed after ablative surgery, in patients affected by oral cancer treated with or without radiotherapy. METHODS: We collected data for 34 subjects (22 females, 12 males; mean age: 51 ± 19) with malignant oral tumors who had been treated with ablative surgery and received dental implant rehabilitation between 2007 and 2012. Postoperative radiation therapy (less than 50 Gy) was delivered before implant placement in 12 patients. A total of 144 titanium implants were placed, at a minimum interval of 12 months, in irradiated and non-irradiated residual bone. RESULTS: Implant loss was dependent on the position and location of the implants (P = 0.05-0.1). Moreover, implant survival was dependent on whether the patient had received radiotherapy. This result was highly statistically significant (P < 0.01). Whether the implant was loaded is another highly significant (P < 0.01) factor determinin

    Aberrant MNX1 expression associated with t(7;12)(q36;p13) pediatric acute myeloid leukemia induces the disease through altering histone methylation

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    Certain subtypes of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in children have inferior outcome, such as AML with translocation t(7;12)(q36;p13) leading to an MNX1::ETV6 fusion along with high expression of MNX1. We have identified the transforming event in this AML and possible ways of treatment. Retroviral expression of MNX1 was able to induce AML in mice, with similar gene expression and pathway enrichment to t(7;12) AML patient data. Importantly, this leukemia was only induced in immune incompetent mice using fetal but not adult hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. The restriction in transforming capacity to cells from fetal liver is in alignment with t(7;12)(q36;p13) AML being mostly seen in infants. Expression of MNX1 led to increased histone 3 lysine 4 mono-, di- and trimethylation, reduction in H3K27me3, accompanied with changes in genome-wide chromatin accessibility and genome expression, likely mediated through MNX1 interaction with the methionine cycle and methyltransferases. MNX1 expression increased DNA damage, depletion of the Lin-/Sca1+/c-Kit+ population and skewing toward the myeloid lineage. These effects, together with leukemia development, were prevented by pre-treatment with the S-adenosylmethionine analog Sinefungin. In conclusion, we have shown the importance of MNX1 in development of AML with t(7;12), supporting a rationale for targeting MNX1 and downstream pathways

    The balance of the professional role between relationship and labour law : A qualitative interview study within personal assistance, inspired by grounded theory

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    Yrkeskategorin personlig assistans uppkom 1994 genom assistansreformen. Yrketsyftar till att frĂ€mja jĂ€mlika levnadsvillkor och delaktighet i samhĂ€llslivet förmĂ€nniskor med funktionshinder. Yrket kan upplevas som svĂ„rt dĂ„ den personligaassistenten dras mellan tvĂ„ lagrum; brukarens sjĂ€lvbestĂ€mmande kontra den egnaarbetsmiljön. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur personliga assistenter,anstĂ€llda av Halmstad kommun, upplever sitt yrke dĂ„ yrkeskategorin Ă€r starktpĂ„verkad av brukarens lagstadgade rĂ€ttigheter. Studien genomfördes genomvĂ€gledning av följande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar: Hur beskriver assistenter sin relation till brukare ochvad har relationen för betydelse för assistentens upplevelse av arbetet? Hur upplever assistenter attderas arbetsrĂ€ttsliga behov tillgodoses? Hur upplever assistenterna att brukarnas socialrĂ€ttsligabehov tillgodoses? Denna studie var uppdragsbaserad och Ă€mnet valdes utifrĂ„n behovfrĂ„n socialförvaltningen i Halmstad kommun. Studien genomfördes med hjĂ€lp av enkvalitativ undersökning med inspiration av grundad teori som metod.Datainsamlingen utfördes genom sju stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer. UrvaletavgrĂ€nsades till personliga assistenter anstĂ€llda av socialförvaltningen i Halmstadkommun. Med inspiration av grundad teori togs en faktisk teori fram. Denna teorivisar att yrkeskategorin vilar pĂ„ ett trepartsförhĂ„llande dĂ€r brukare, arbetsgivare ochassistent deltar. Teorin kan ge förklaring pĂ„ vad arbetsgivaren kan göra för att skapabĂ€ttre arbetsförhĂ„llanden för assistenten och vidare förbĂ€ttra relationen mellanassistent och brukare. DĂ„ tidigare forskning indikerar att det finns en kunskapsluckainom denna yrkeskategori var valet av metod relevant för att synliggöra möjligamodeller och teorier för yrkeskategorin. Den framtagna teorin kan vara till nytta föratt bĂ€ttre förstĂ„ vad som pĂ„verkar medarbetarna inom denna yrkeskategori.The professional category of personal assistance arose in 1994 through the personalassistance reform. The profession aims to promote equal living conditions andparticipation in the social life, for people with disabilities. The profession can be perceivedas difficult, since the personal assistant is drawn between two law fields; the client’s selfdetermination versus their working environment. The purpose of the study was toinvestigate how personal assistant employees, at the municipality of Halmstad, experiencetheir profession. This is of interest since this professional category is strongly influencedby the client’s self-determination, integrity and freedom of choice. The study was carriedout with guidance of the following questions: How do assistants describe their relationship withclients and what does this relationship mean for how the assistants’ feel about their employments? How doassistants feel that their labour law needs are met? How do the assistants feel that the social law needs ofthe clients are met? This study was assignment-based and the subject was chosen based onneeds from the social administration in Halmstad municipality. The study was conductedusing a qualitative study and inspired by grounded theory as a method. The data collectionwas carried out through seven semi-structured interviews. The selection was limited topersonal assistant employees within the social services in Halmstad municipality. Withinspiration from a grounded theory as a tool of work, an actual theory was developed.This theory shows that the professional category is based on a tripartite relationship inwhich the client, employer and assistant participate. The theory can explain what theemployer can do to create better working conditions for the assistant and further improvethe relationship between the assistant and the client. Previous research indicates that thereis a knowledge gap in this professional category. Therefore, choosing method basedtheory as a working tool was relevant for visualizing possible models and theories withinthis professional category. The presented theory can be useful to better understand theaffects the employees can experience within this professional category

    "Hur gÄngbar Àr du lille vÀn?" : Unga vuxnas syn pÄ sin egen anstÀllningsbarhet

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    Det nya arbetslivet har blivit alltmer komplicerat och kravfyllt. Nya kunskapskrav har vĂ€xt fram i takt med arbetsmarknadens strukturomvandling och samhĂ€llets individualisering (Allvin, 2006). Individer förvĂ€ntas bli ’sin egen agent’ och stĂ€ndigt strĂ€va efter att hĂ„lla sig anstĂ€llningsbara och ’anstĂ€llningsbarhet’ har sĂ„ledes blivit ett policybegrepp som anvĂ€nds flitigt inom den politiska debatten kring utbildning och arbete (Berglund &amp; Fejes, 2009). Som blivande karriĂ€rvĂ€gledare Ă€r det relevant att förstĂ„ vad det innebĂ€r att vara anstĂ€llningsbar för att pĂ„ bĂ€sta sĂ€tt se till individens behov. UtifrĂ„n detta resonemang Ă€r syftet med studien att fĂ„ en ökad förstĂ„else för fenomenet anstĂ€llningsbarhet utifrĂ„n unga vuxnas upplevelser av att vara anstĂ€llningsbar. Med en kvalitativ ansats och semistrukturerade intervjuer intervjuades fem unga yrkesverksamma kvinnor mellan 25 och 29 Ă„r. Resultatet visar pĂ„ att anstĂ€llningsbarhet förutom utbildning, ocksĂ„ handlar om individens sociala och kognitiva förmĂ„gor. Slutsatsen Ă€r att individer idag Ă€r medvetna om arbetslivets nya kunskapskrav och att de har utvecklat förmĂ„gor, fĂ€rdigheter och egenskaper som stĂ„r i relation till arbetsmarknadens krav.The new working life has become increasingly complex and demands filled. New proficiency has grown in pace with social change and social individuation (Allvin, 2006). Individuals are expected to be ‘their own agents’ and constantly strive to remain employable and 'employability' has become a policy concept that is widely used in the political debate about education and work (Berglund &amp; Fejes, 2009). As a future career counselor, it is pertinent to understand what it means to be employable in order to best ensure the individual's needs. Based on this reasoning, the purpose of the study is to get a better understanding of the phenomenon on the basis of employability of young adults' experiences of being employable. With a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews, we interviewed five young working women between 25 and 29. The result shows that employability, beyond education, is also about the individual's social and cognitive abilities. The conclusion is that individuals today are aware of the new knowledge requirements of working life and that they have developed abilities, skills and characteristics that are related to social demands

    The Impact from Sustainable Responsible Investment

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    The Impact from Sustainable Responsible Investment

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