181 research outputs found

    〈共同研究プロジェクト紹介〉基幹型 : 日本語レキシコン―連濁事典の編纂 連濁とオノマトペの畳語

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    国立国語研究所理論・構造研究系連濁の全体的な不規則性は一般に知られているが,オノマトペの畳語は一切連濁しない。一方で,オノマトペ以外の和語畳語は,たとえ意味および文法的振る舞いがオノマトペに類似しても,連濁しやすい。そこで,新しく作り出された"準オノマトペ"の畳語が連濁に抵抗することは興味深い。Nishimura(2013)は,"複数・強調の重畳"と"オノマトペ的重畳"を区別し,後者だけが連濁不可と主張する。しかし,その2種類の重畳の意味的対照が必ずしも明瞭であるとは限らない。Rendaku is notoriously irregular, but it never occurs in reduplicated words that are uncontroversially mimetic. On the other hand, rendaku is the norm in most other kinds of reduplicated words involving native Japanese bases, even though many such words are semantically and grammatically very similar to reduplicated mimetic words. Interestingly, we see a conspicuous resistance to rendaku in recently coined quasi-mimetic reduplicated words. Nishimura (2013) suggests that there are two kinds of reduplication: intensive/plural reduplication, which allows rendaku, and mimetic reduplication, which prevents rendaku. However, the semantic distinction between the two types is not as clear-cut as one would hope


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    国立国語研究所 理論・構造研究系Department of Linguistic Theory and Structure, NINJAL長年にわたる日本語の連濁研究の結果,制約は色々見出されているが,すべて傾向に過ぎず,包括的な規則はないということが明らかになっている。しかし,21世紀に入り,ローゼンが連濁現象を新鮮な目で見て,独創的な成果を上げた(Rosen 2001, 2003)。「ローゼンの法則」とは,複合語の前部要素と後部要素が両方とも和語名詞の単一形態素であれば,どちらか(または両方)が3モーラ以上の場合は,連濁の有無が予測できるという旨の仮説である。具体的に言うと,これらの条件を満たす連濁可能な複合語は,後部要素が連濁に免疫がない限り,必ず連濁するという主張である。反例がまったくないわけではないが,きわめて強い傾向であることは否定できない。本稿の目的は,以下の三つである。まず,第1~2節でローゼンの研究を簡潔に紹介する。次に,第3~5節で和語名詞単一形態素以外の要素を含む複合語に考察を広げ,要素の制限を緩和しても,ローゼンの法則がある程度当てはまることを示す。最後に,第6節でローゼンが提案した理論的説明に着目し,残念ながらこの説明は説得力が乏しく,法則の根本原因は依然として謎であることを指摘する。Phonologists all over the world are familiar with a set of Japanese consonant alternations called rendaku \u27sequential voicing\u27. In many cases, a morpheme that begins with a voiceless obstruent word-initially has an allomorph beginning with a voiced obstruent that appears (at least sometimes) when that morpheme is a non-initial element in a compound. For example, /tako/ \u27callus\u27 appears with initial /d/ in /peN+dako/ \u27writing callus\u27, and the appearance of /dako/ is an instance of rendaku. Although rendaku is fundamentally irregular, more than a century of intensive research, beginning with Lyman (1894), has shown that several factors influence how likely rendaku is to occur. By the end of the twentieth century, it seemed unlikely that there was much left to discover, but Eric Rosen, in his University of British Columbia doctoral dissertation (Rosen 2001) and an article based on it (Rosen 2003), made a strikingly original contribution to rendaku research. Rosen\u27s most important claim is that in non-coordinate, two-element compounds in which both elements are native Japanese nouns and at least one of the two is three moras or longer, rendaku is predictable. To state the claim more explicitly, in a compound A+B that meets these criteria, as long as B begins with a voiceless obstruent as a word on its own and is not immune to rendaku, A+B will have rendaku. There are exceptions to Rosen\u27s Rule, but it is a very strong tendency, even if elements that are not native Japanese nouns are taken into consideration. This paper has three goals. First, it offers a brief introduction to Rosen\u27s work. Next, it looks at compounds containing a wider range of element types than those that Rosen considered and shows that many such compounds conform to his predictions. Finally, the paper examines the theoretical explanation that Rosen proposes. This explanation is dubious, since it rests on the idea that voicing is marked in the environment V-([j])V or N-([j])V

    Frontoparietal function in young people with dysthymic disorder (DSM-5: Persistent depressive disorder) during spatial working memory

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    Background Dysthymic disorder (DD) is a depressive disorder characterised by persistent low and/or irritable mood and has been identified as a major risk factor for developing major depressive disorder (MDD). MDD and DD have been associated with executive function difficulties of working memory and attention. Little is known about how executive function networks in the brain are affected in children and adolescents with MDD and even less in DD. This study used fMRI and two spatial working memory paradigms to investigate associated brain function in young people with DD and an age-, gender- and IQ- matched typically developing group. Methods Nineteen male patients with DD (mean age 11.2±1.5 years) diagnosed according to DSM-IV criteria and 16 typically developing boys (mean age 10.5±1.1 years) performed a mental rotation and a delay-match to sample (DMTS) task while undergoing fMRI. All participants were medication-naïve at the time of testing. Results Compared to typically developing young people, the DD group showed less activation in left frontal regions including left ventro- and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices (PFC) during mental rotation. Medial frontal regions including dorsomedial PFC, anterior cingulate cortex and frontal pole also showed relatively reduced activation. During the DMTS task patients showed significantly more activation in the right precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex. Limitations This was a cross-sectional study with a small sample limiting the generalizability of the results. Conclusions The results complement previous findings in adults with MDD that have shown differential activation of left PFC regions during working memory tasks. Additionally, altered function of cortical midline structures in young patients with DD was identified. This supports findings in children, adolescents and adults with MDD suggesting that the pathophysiology of depressive disorders extends to DD as a risk factor for MDD and exhibits continuity over the lifespan

    Rendaku, Phrasing, and Cohesion

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    国立国語研究所 名誉教授Professor Emeritus, NINJAL連濁は複合語の結合度の印であるとしばしば主張されている。つまり,日本語の複合語の後部要素が連濁すれば,その複合語の結合度が高いという相関関係が唱えられている。しかし,結合度の高い複合語が必ずしも連濁するとは限らない。一方では,アクセント型が典型的な複合語に現れる型(以下「複合的アクセント」)であれば,結合度が高いと確信できる。言い換えれば,複合的アクセントは連濁の必要条件ではあるが,十分条件ではない。この見方の背景にあるのは,句境界削除(dephrasing)という概念である。複合的アクセントの場合は,2要素からなる列が1つのアクセント句を形成する。アクセント核の有無と位置は後部要素によって決まる事例が圧倒的に多い(例えば,ヤマ ˥+オトコ ˥ → ヤマオ ˥ トコ「山男」)。 対照的に,句的アクセントの場合は,各要素が自立語としてのアクセント型を保ち,その組み合わせが2つのアクセント句になる(例えば,エ ˥ キ+マ ˥ デ → エ ˥ キ・マ ˥ デ「駅まで」)。同じイントネーション句に含まれているので,後部のアクセント句にダウンステップが起こる。その2つのアクセント句の間にある境界を削除して組み合わせ全体を1つのアクセント句にしてもいい事例もある(例えば,エ ˥ キマデ)。このような境界削除の場合は,前部要素のアクセント型が優先して保たれる。2つのアクセント句として発音される韻律上不統一複合語(prosodically non-unified compound)もあるが,単なる境界削除はほとんど許されない。1つのアクセント句になると,たいてい複合的アクセントが現れる(例えば,サ ˥ イム+ヘンサイ → サ ˥ イム・ヘンサイ~サイムヘ ˥ ンサイ)。本稿で提案されるのは,「句境界削除アクセント」(dephrasal accent)というもう 1 つの可能性である。句境界削除アクセントの場合は,句的アクセントと同様に前部要素のアクセント型が保たれるが,句的アクセントと異なり2つのアクセント句として発音する選択肢はない(例えば, ハ ˥ ル+ア ˥ キ → ハ ˥ ルアキ「春秋」)。要するに,句境界削除アクセントは複合的アクセントと句的アクセントの中間にある。組み合わせの後部要素は,句的アクセントの場合に連濁しないことは当然であるが,句境界削除アクセントの場合にも連濁しないようである。Although rendaku is sometimes described as a signal of tight cohesion in a compound, it is not a consistent signal; a compound with tight cohesion does not necessarily have rendaku. Compound accent, on the other hand, is a consistent signal of tight cohesion, and this paper proposes that rendaku does not occur in the absence of compound accent. The argument involves "dephrasal accent," which is intermediate between compound accent and phrasal accent. When a combination of two elements has compound accent, it is pronounced as a single accent phrase, and in most cases its accent pattern depends on the second element. When a combination has phrasal accent, it allows each element to be pronounced as a separate accent phrase within a single major phrase, with each element preserving the accent pattern it has as an independent word. In many cases, phrasal accent allows optional dephrasing of the second element, that is, pronouncing the entire combination as a single accent phrase with the accent pattern of the first element preserved. In dephrasal accent, the accent pattern of the first element is preserved, but the combination must be pronounced as a single accent phrase; a pronunciation with two accent phrases within a single major phrase is not possible. It appears that rendaku immediately following the boundary between elements is blocked not only by phrasal accent but also by dephrasal accent, although compound accent and dephrasal accent cannot always be distinguished with certainty

    A discovery in the history of research on Japanese kana orthography: Ishizuka Tatsumaro\u27s Kanazukai oku no yamamichi

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    ORIGINAL PAPER橋本進吉, 1949, 「国語仮名遣研究史上の一発見―石塚龍麿の仮名遣奥山路について―」, 『文字及び仮名遣の研究』, pp. 123-163, 東京: 岩波書店. (『帝国文学』, pp. 23-11, 1922より再録)HASHIMOTO, Shinkichi, 1949, Kokugo kana-zukai kenkyū-shi-jo-no ichi hakken: Ishizuka Tatsumaro-no kana-zukai oku-no yama-michi-ni tsuite, In Moji oyobi kana-zukai-no kenkyū, pp. 123-163, Tokyo: Iwanami. (Reprinted from Teikoku Bungaku, pp. 23-11, 1922)Translated by Timothy J. Vance (Komatsu University)Proofed by Wayne Lawrence (The University of Auckland

    Upper limits on the extent of seafloor anoxia during the PETM from uranium isotopes.

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    The Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) represents a major carbon cycle and climate perturbation that was associated with ocean de-oxygenation, in a qualitatively similar manner to the more extensive Mesozoic Oceanic Anoxic Events. Although indicators of ocean de-oxygenation are common for the PETM, and linked to biotic turnover, the global extent and temporal progression of de-oxygenation is poorly constrained. Here we present carbonate associated uranium isotope data for the PETM. A lack of resolvable perturbation to the U-cycle during the event suggests a limited expansion of seafloor anoxia on a global scale. We use this result, in conjunction with a biogeochemical model, to set an upper limit on the extent of global seafloor de-oxygenation. The model suggests that the new U isotope data, whilst also being consistent with plausible carbon emission scenarios and observations of carbon cycle recovery, permit a maximum ~10-fold expansion of anoxia, covering <2% of seafloor area

    Conference on Best Practices for Managing \u3cem\u3eDaubert\u3c/em\u3e Questions

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    This article is a transcript of the Philip D. Reed Lecture Series Conference on Best Practices for Managing Daubert Questions, held on October 25, 2019, at Vanderbilt Law School under the sponsorship of the Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Evidence Rules. The transcript has been lightly edited and represents the panelists’ individual views only and in no way reflects those of their affiliated firms, organizations, law schools, or the judiciary

    Linguistic Factors Affecting Moraic Duration in Spontaneous Japanese

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    Japanese is often referred to as a mora-timed language (Ladefoged 1975): the mora has been described as the psychological prosodic unit in the spoken language, and it is the metric unit of traditional poetry (Bloch 1950). However, it is clear that mo- rae are not strictly isochronous units (Beckman 1982). Thus, experimental studies have focused on detecting compensation effects that make average mora durations more equal through the modulation of the inherent duration of the segments involved (Han 1962; Port, Al-Ani, Maeda 1980; Homma 1981; Hoequist 1983a; 1983b; Warner, Arai 2001). Kawahara (2017) used the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese to verify whether the dura- tional compensation effect within a /CV/ mora occurs in natural speech, in addition to read speech in the lab. He observed a statistically significant compensation effect of /CV/ morae, in which vowel duration tends to vary in response to the duration of the preced- ing consonant. However, as the same author has pointed out, the compensation is not absolute because there are several linguistic factors that potentially affect segments’ duration profiles. This study will support the idea that moraic isochrony does not occur in spontaneous Japanese by presenting empirical data on how linguistic factors can considerably affect variation in the average duration of morae

    Effect of Algorithm-Based Therapy vs Usual Care on Clinical Success and Serious Adverse Events in Patients with Staphylococcal Bacteremia: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Importance: The appropriate duration of antibiotics for staphylococcal bacteremia is unknown. Objective: To test whether an algorithm that defines treatment duration for staphylococcal bacteremia vs standard of care provides noninferior efficacy without increasing severe adverse events. Design, Setting, and Participants: A randomized trial involving adults with staphylococcal bacteremia was conducted at 16 academic medical centers in the United States (n = 15) and Spain (n = 1) from April 2011 to March 2017. Patients were followed up for 42 days beyond end of therapy for those with Staphylococcus aureus and 28 days for those with coagulase-negative staphylococcal bacteremia. Eligible patients were 18 years or older and had 1 or more blood cultures positive for S aureus or coagulase-negative staphylococci. Patients were excluded if they had known or suspected complicated infection at the time of randomization. Interventions: Patients were randomized to algorithm-based therapy (n = 255) or usual practice (n = 254). Diagnostic evaluation, antibiotic selection, and duration of therapy were predefined for the algorithm group, whereas clinicians caring for patients in the usual practice group had unrestricted choice of antibiotics, duration, and other aspects of clinical care. Main Outcomes and Measures: Coprimary outcomes were (1) clinical success, as determined by a blinded adjudication committee and tested for noninferiority within a 15% margin; and (2) serious adverse event rates in the intention-to-treat population, tested for superiority. The prespecified secondary outcome measure, tested for superiority, was antibiotic days among per-protocol patients with simple or uncomplicated bacteremia. Results: Among the 509 patients randomized (mean age, 56.6 [SD, 16.8] years; 226 [44.4%] women), 480 (94.3%) completed the trial. Clinical success was documented in 209 of 255 patients assigned to algorithm-based therapy and 207 of 254 randomized to usual practice (82.0% vs 81.5%; difference, 0.5% [1-sided 97.5% CI, -6.2% to ∞]). Serious adverse events were reported in 32.5% of algorithm-based therapy patients and 28.3% of usual practice patients (difference, 4.2% [95% CI, -3.8% to 12.2%]). Among per-protocol patients with simple or uncomplicated bacteremia, mean duration of therapy was 4.4 days for algorithm-based therapy vs 6.2 days for usual practice (difference, -1.8 days [95% CI, -3.1 to -0.6]). Conclusions and Relevance: Among patients with staphylococcal bacteremia, the use of an algorithm to guide testing and treatment compared with usual care resulted in a noninferior rate of clinical success. Rates of serious adverse events were not significantly different, but interpretation is limited by wide confidence intervals. Further research is needed to assess the utility of the algorithm. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01191840