〈共同研究プロジェクト紹介〉基幹型 : 日本語レキシコン―連濁事典の編纂 連濁とオノマトペの畳語


国立国語研究所理論・構造研究系連濁の全体的な不規則性は一般に知られているが,オノマトペの畳語は一切連濁しない。一方で,オノマトペ以外の和語畳語は,たとえ意味および文法的振る舞いがオノマトペに類似しても,連濁しやすい。そこで,新しく作り出された"準オノマトペ"の畳語が連濁に抵抗することは興味深い。Nishimura(2013)は,"複数・強調の重畳"と"オノマトペ的重畳"を区別し,後者だけが連濁不可と主張する。しかし,その2種類の重畳の意味的対照が必ずしも明瞭であるとは限らない。Rendaku is notoriously irregular, but it never occurs in reduplicated words that are uncontroversially mimetic. On the other hand, rendaku is the norm in most other kinds of reduplicated words involving native Japanese bases, even though many such words are semantically and grammatically very similar to reduplicated mimetic words. Interestingly, we see a conspicuous resistance to rendaku in recently coined quasi-mimetic reduplicated words. Nishimura (2013) suggests that there are two kinds of reduplication: intensive/plural reduplication, which allows rendaku, and mimetic reduplication, which prevents rendaku. However, the semantic distinction between the two types is not as clear-cut as one would hope

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