105 research outputs found

    Digitaalisen opetuksen kasvuyritysten kansainvälistymiseen vaikuttavat tekijät

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    As well as many other industries, education is currently being disrupted by new emerging digital solutions. Teachers all around the world are adopting new digital materials to their everyday teaching including digital books and educational games. This recent trend engenders opportunity for new companies to emerge with cutting-edge digital educational solutions. Furthermore, with a digital solution expansion to international markets without heavy investments is possible. However, for example in Finland only few companies have been able to successfully enter new markets with educational technology. Internationalization strategies have been widely studied during the past few decades. The early studies already identified a set of different market entry modes including export, licensing, franchising, joint ventures and wholly-owned subsidiaries. However, for small resource-limited companies, export is the most viable option. Export allows company to maintain the full control of the process and product without making heavy investments on the internationalization. The export performance framework shows that the export strategy is depending on both internal (company resources) and external factors (country and industry characteristics). More recent studies have also identified alternative entry modes such as cooperative strategies and innovative use of internet. However, the previous literature has not studied this topic purely in education industry and therefore does not provide detailed knowledge for startups planning international expansion in digital education industry. The aim of this study is to identify key determinants for market entry strategy selection for startups in digital education, and identify different strategies for addressing the major challenges in the digital education markets. To study this topic, 15 interviews were carried out to both experts of internationalization of digital education and companies that are pursuing international expansion with digital educational solutions. The data analysis followed Gioia methodology (Gioia, Corley, & Hamilton, 2012), in which 1st-order terms are identified first, and then the 2nd-order themes are established accordingly. The findings revealed several market-level factors that drive the market entry strategy selection. These factors were related to cultural and regulatory differences, trust and reliability, different customer types and customer needs. In addition, the findings showed several strategies how companies can address the challenges related to the above market-level factors. Therefore, this study provides managers of startups with insights of digital education markets as well as a toolkit for addressing the market-level challenges in digital education.Opetusala on kokemassa suuria muutoksia uusien digitaalisten ratkaisuiden myötä. Opettajat ympäri maailmaa ottavat opetuskäyttöön uusia digitaalisia ratkaisuja kuten digitaalisia oppikirjoja sekä oppimispelejä. Opetuksen digitalisaatio synnyttää uusia yrityksiä, jotka tuottavat innovatiivisia ja moderneja teknologiaratkaisuja opetuskäyttöön. Tämänlaisille digitaalisia ratkaisuja tuottaville yrityksille on mahdollista myös kasvaa kansainvälisesti ilman suuria alkuinvestointeja. Kuitenkin vain muutama suomalainen digitaalisia ratkaisuja tuottava yritys on kyennyt onnistuneesti laajentumaan uusille markkinoille. Kansainvälistymisstrategioita on tutkittu laajalti viimeisten vuosikymmenien aikana. Jo aikaiset tutkimukset määrittelivät erilaisia tapoja tunkeutua uusille markkinoille. Näitä tapoja ovat muun muassa vienti, lisensointi, franchise-periaate, yhteisyritys sekä tytäryhtiö. Useimmille pienille yrityksille suora vienti on kuitenkin parhaiten sopiva tapa kansainvälistyä. Suora vienti antaa yritykselle täyden kontrollin operaatiosta ja tuotteesta vaatimatta kuitenkaan suuria alkuinvestointeja. Viennin suorituskyky –malli osoittaa, että vientistrategia perustuu sekä sisäisiin (yrityksen resurssit) että ulkoisiin tekijöihin (markkina- ja toimiala kohtaisiin tekijöihin). Uudemmat tutkimukset ovat lisäksi esittäneet vaihtoehtoisia tapoja tunkeutua markkinoille kuten yhteistyöhön perustuvat strategiat ja internetin innovatiivinen hyödyntäminen. Kirjallisuus ei kuitenkaan ole tutkinut kansainvälistymistä pelkästään opetusalan näkökulmasta, eikä täten tarjoa yksityiskohtaista tietoa pienten digitaalisia ratkaisuja tuottavan yrityksen kansainvälistymisestä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tunnistaa keskeisimmät tekijät, jotka vaikuttavat pienten kasvuyritysten tapaan tunkeutua markkinoille, sekä tunnistaa erilaisia strategioita markkinoiden keskeisimpien haasteiden ylittämiseen. Tutkimuksessa suoritettiin 15 haastattelua sekä opetuksen kansainvälistämisen eksperteille että pienille kasvuyrityksille, jotka ovat kansainvälistyneet digitaalisen opetuksen alalla. Haastatteludata analysoitiin käyttämällä Gioia-metodia (Gioia et al., 2012), jossa tunnistetaan ensin ensimmäisen tason aiheet, joiden perusteella voidaan luoda laajempia toisen tason teemoja. Tutkimuksen tulokset toivat ilmi useita markkina-tason tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat yrityksen tapaan tunkeutua markkinoille. Nämä tekijät liittyivät kulttuuriin ja sääntelyyn, luotettavuuteen, erilaisiin asiakastyyppeihin, sekä asiakkaiden tarpeisiin. Tulokset toivat esiin myös useita tapoja, joilla yritykset voivat ylittää keskeiset haasteet liittyen edellä mainittuihin markkina-tason tekijöihin. Tutkimuksen tulokset tuovat esiin markkinoiden keskeisiä piirteitä sekä erilaisia tapoja vastata markkinoiden erityispiirteistä syntyviin haasteisiin

    Fossil evidence for low gas exchange capacities for Early Cretaceous angiosperm leaves

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    The photosynthetic gas exchange capacities of early angiosperms remain enigmatic. Nevertheless, many hypotheses about the causes of early angiosperm success and how angiosperms influenced Mesozoic ecosystem function hinge on understanding the maximum capacity for early angiosperm metabolism. We applied structure-functional analyses of leaf veins and stomatal pore geometry to determine the hydraulic and diffusive gas exchange capacities of Early Cretaceous fossil leaves. All of the late Aptian-early Albian angiosperms measured possessed low vein density and low maximal stomatal pore area, indicating low leaf gas exchange capacities in comparison to modern ecologically dominant angiosperms. Gas exchange capacities for Early Cretaceous angiosperms were equivalent or lower than ferns and gymnosperms. Fossil leaf taxa from Aptian to Paleocene sediments previously identified as putative stem-lineages to Austrobaileyales and Chloranthales had the same gas exchange capacities and possibly leaf water relations of their living relatives. Our results provide fossil evidence for the hypothesis that high leaf gas exchange capacity is a derived feature of later angiosperm evolution. In addition, the leaf gas exchange functions of austrobaileyoid and chloranthoid fossils support the hypothesis that comparative research on the biology of living basal angiosperm lineages reveals genuine signals of Early Cretaceous angiosperm ecophysiology

    Fossil evidence for Cretaceous escalation in angiosperm leaf vein evolution

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    The flowering plants that dominate modern vegetation possess leaf gas exchange potentials that far exceed those of all other living or extinct plants. The great divide in maximal ability to exchange CO 2 for water between leaves of nonangiosperms and angiosperms forms the mechanistic foundation for speculation about how angiosperms drove sweeping ecological and biogeochemical change during the Cretaceous. However, there is no empirical evidence that angiosperms evolved highly photosynthetically active leaves during the Cretaceous. Using vein density (D V ) measurements of fossil angiosperm leaves, we show that the leaf hydraulic capacities of angiosperms escalated severalfold during the Cretaceous. During the first 30 million years of angiosperm leaf evolution, angiosperm leaves exhibited uniformly low vein D V that overlapped the D V range of dominant Early Cretaceous ferns and gymnosperms. Fossil angiosperm vein densities reveal a subsequent biphasic increase in D V . During the first mid-Cretaceous surge, angiosperm D V first surpassed the upper bound of D V limits for nonangiosperms. However, the upper limits of D V typical of modern megathermal rainforest trees first appear during a second wave of increased D V during the Cretaceous-Tertiary transition. Thus, our findings provide fossil evidence for the hypothesis that significant ecosystem change brought about by angiosperms lagged behind the Early Cretaceous taxonomic diversification of angiosperms.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Linking Auxin with Photosynthetic Rate via Leaf Venation

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    International audienceLand plants lose vast quantities of water to the atmosphere during photosynthetic gas exchange. In angiosperms, a complex network of veins irrigates the leaf, and it is widely held that the density and placement of these veins determines maximum leaf hydraulic capacity and thus maximum photosynthetic rate. This theory is largely based on interspecific comparisons and has never been tested using vein mutants to examine the specific impact of leaf vein morphology on plant water relations. Here we characterize mutants at the Crispoid (Crd) locus in pea (Pisum sativum), which have altered auxin homeostasis and activity in developing leaves, as well as reduced leaf vein density and aberrant placement of free-ending veinlets. This altered vein phenotype in crd mutant plants results in a significant reduction in leaf hydraulic conductance and leaf gas exchange. We find Crispoid to be a member of the YUCCA family of auxin biosynthetic genes. Our results link auxin biosynthesis with maximum photosynthetic rate through leaf venation and substantiate the theory that an increase in the density of leaf veins coupled with their efficient placement can drive increases in leaf photosynthetic capacity

    Connecting the dots between root, xylem and stomata

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    2 páginas.- 3 referencias.- Comunicación oral presentada en el BP2021: XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Biología de Plantas y XVII Congreso Hispano-Luso de Biología de Plantas, 7 y 8 de julio de 2021. onlineStomata are present on all land plants and are key features for vascular plant water content regulation on Earth. Their primary function, i.e., stomatal closure to control water los s under soil and atmospheric drought, is Ihought to prevent cavitation in the vascular system (Brodribb et al. 2017). However, stomata are found to close much before the xylem cavitates - i.e., the leaf water potential at which stomata close by 50% (IV gs50) is much less negative than the water potential at which the xylem loses 50% of its conductivity (lV_x50) (Martin-St Paul et al. 2017). The mechanism that would allow sto mata to close promptly to a decrease in transpiration in relation to a change in leaf water potential before the decrease in hydraulic conductance is still elusive. Our hypothesis is that the loss of root-soil hydraulic conductivity, more than xylem vulnerability to embolisms, is Ihe primary constraint on transpiration during drought (RodriguezDominguez and Brodribb 2020). Thus, sto mala would close when the water potential around the roots drops more rapidly than the increase in transpiration. We investigated whether this loss of root-soil hydraulic conductivity, probably caused due to root shrinkage and the formation of air-filled gaps, aml/or damage to fine roots, appeared to be an important constraint on transpiration during drought. We conducted physiological and imaging experiments on maize plants undergoing moderate drought. We performed highresolution imaging (micro-CT) of leaves and the root-soil interface and measured in parallel the soil and plant water potentials. Transpiration, stomatal conductance, root hydraulic conductance and soil and plant water potential were also measured during soil drying in a similar set of plants. The formation of air-filled gaps along individual maize roots was visualized and quantified, finding an agreement between the soil water potential at which roots shrank and root hydraulic conductance decreased, and the soil water potential at which sto mata c1osed. These results proved the hypothesis that the loss of contact between roots and soil, and probably other root cortex modifications, triggered stomatal c10sure and transpiration reduction.Microcomputed tomography measurements were conducted at the PSYCHE beamline at SOLEIL Synchrotron (Paris, France). C.M.R-D. was supported by a "Juan de la Cierva - Incorporación" post-doctoral fellowship (Spain) and was granted a Junior Fellowship by the University of Bayreuth Centre of Intemational Excellence "Alexander von Humboldt" for conducting this specific experiment.N

    Fossil evidence for Cretaceous escalation in angiosperm leaf vein evolution

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    The flowering plants that dominate modern vegetation possess leaf gas exchange potentials that far exceed those of all other living or extinct plants. The great divide in maximal ability to exchange CO 2 for water between leaves of nonangiosperms and angiosperms forms the mechanistic foundation for speculation about how angiosperms drove sweeping ecological and biogeochemical change during the Cretaceous. However, there is no empirical evidence that angiosperms evolved highly photosynthetically active leaves during the Cretaceous. Using vein density (D V ) measurements of fossil angiosperm leaves, we show that the leaf hydraulic capacities of angiosperms escalated severalfold during the Cretaceous. During the first 30 million years of angiosperm leaf evolution, angiosperm leaves exhibited uniformly low vein D V that overlapped the D V range of dominant Early Cretaceous ferns and gymnosperms. Fossil angiosperm vein densities reveal a subsequent biphasic increase in D V . During the first mid-Cretaceous surge, angiosperm D V first surpassed the upper bound of D V limits for nonangiosperms. However, the upper limits of D V typical of modern megathermal rainforest trees first appear during a second wave of increased D V during the Cretaceous-Tertiary transition. Thus, our findings provide fossil evidence for the hypothesis that significant ecosystem change brought about by angiosperms lagged behind the Early Cretaceous taxonomic diversification of angiosperms.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Bringing Anatomy Back into the Equation

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