41 research outputs found

    Multichannel telemetry system

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    A two-channel telemetry system is described in which one channel is used for high-rate data and the other channel for low-rate data communication. In the transmitter a signal, which subsequently phase modulates a carrier, is produced which is a function of at least the high-rate data, the low-rate data and the frequency of the subcarrier of the low-rate channel. In the receiver which includes a phase-locked loop, the high-rate data is detected off the receiver inphase channel output and the low-rate off the quadrature channel output

    Interplex modulation and a suppressed-carrier tracking loop for coherent communications systems

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    Simple addition to hardware and new mode of operation of transmitter and receiver in coherent, PCM/PSK/PM configuration greatly improves channel efficiency. Procedure reduces amount of power lost to intermodulation products

    Agama, Kesehatan Reproduksi Dan Perilaku Seksual Pelajar: Perbandingan Desa Dengan Kota Di Pulau Lombok

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    Perilaku reproduksi remaja di Pulau Lombok sangat dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan dan sikapterkait kesehatan reproduksi dan seksual. Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan inginmengidentifikasi perbedaan pengetahuan dan sikap remaja terkait kesehatan reproduksiberdasarkan intensitas pendidikan agama dan lokasi sekolah remaja di Pulau Lombok. Datamengenai sikap dan pengetahuan remaja terkait kesehatan reproduksi diperoleh melalui sebuahsurvei pada bulan Mei-Agustus 2009 dengan menggunakan kuesioner (self-administeredquestionnaire). Uji ANOVA dua arah dilakukan untuk menganalisis data dalam penelitian ini.Hasil uji ANOVA dua arah menunjukkan bahwa lokasi sekolah memiliki efek lebih besarterhadap sikap dan pengetahuan remaja terkait dengan kesehatan reproduksi, daripadapendidikan agama. Namun demikian, pendidikan agama di perkotaan lebih berpengaruh terhadapsikap responden terkait kesehatan reproduksi dibandingkan di perdesaan. Oleh karena itu,lembaga pendidikan agama di perdesaan di Pulau Lombok perlu untuk lebih memperkuatpemahaman agama dan pengetahuan reproduksi remaja, agar mereka dapat menghindari perilakuyang berisiko

    Heart rate variability and the relationship between trauma exposure age, and psychopathology in a post-conflict setting

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    BACKGROUND: Cumulative exposure to potentially traumatic events (PTEs) increases risk for mental distress in conflict-affected settings, but the psychophysiological mechanisms that mediate this dose-response relationship are unknown. We investigated diminished heart rate variability (HRV) - an index of vagus nerve function and a robust predictor of emotion regulation capacity - as a vulnerability marker that potentially mediates the association between PTE exposure, age and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), psychological distress and aggressive behavior, in a community sample from Timor-Leste - a post-conflict country with a history of mass violence. METHOD: Resting state heart rate data was recorded from 45 cases of PTSD, depression and intermittent explosive disorder (IED); and 29 non-case controls. RESULTS: Resting HRV was significantly reduced in the combined case group compared with non-cases (p = .021; Cohen's d = 0.5). A significant mediation effect was also observed, whereby a sequence of increased age, reduced HRV and elevated PTSD symptoms mediated the association between PTE exposure and distress (B = .06, SE = .05, 95% CI = [.00-.217]) and aggression (B = .02, SE = .02, 95% CI = [.0003-.069])). CONCLUSION: The findings demonstrate an association between diminished resting HRV and psychopathology. Moreover, age-related HRV reductions emerged as a potential psychophysiological mechanism that underlies enhanced vulnerability to distress and aggression following cumulative PTE exposure

    Ectopic pregnancy secondary to in vitro fertilisation-embryo transfer: pathogenic mechanisms and management strategies

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    Müşteri Profili ve Alışveriş Davranışlarını Belirlemede Kümeleme ve Birliktelik Kuralları Analizi: Perakende Sektöründe Bir Uygulama

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    Bilginin öneminin yıllar boyunca artması ile verinin içindeki anlamlı ve kullanışlı bilginin çıkarılmasını sağlayan Veri Madenciliği tekniği, özellikle işletmelerin başarısı için önemli bir araç haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmamızda hazrı giyim perakende sektöründe faaliyet gösteren bir firmanın alışveriş kayıtları ile alışverişi gerçekleştiren müşrei verileri ele alınmıştır. Analizde öncelikle " Birliktelik Kuralları Analizi" ile müşterilerin alışveriş alışkanlıkları belirlenmeye açlışılmış, daha sonra "Kimeleme Analizi" ile müşteriler, demografik özellikleri dikkate alınarak bölümlendirilmiştir

    Dynamic and three dimensional transcranial ultrasonography of an arachnoid cyst in the cerebral convexity. Technical note

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    Structural imaging of the brain, such as cerebral computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, is state-of-the-art. Dynamic transcranial (dTC) ultrasonography and three-dimensional (3D) transcranial colorcoded duplex (TCC) ultrasonography are complementary, noninvasive procedures with the capacity for real-time imaging, which may aid in the temporary management of space-occupying lesions. A 16-year-old woman presented with recurrent tension-type headaches. A space-occupying arachnoid cyst in the cerebral convexity was demonstrated on MR images. The patient underwent an examination for raised intracranial pressure, which was performed using a standard color-coded duplex ultrasonography system attached to a personal computer–based system for 3D data acquisition. Transcranial ultrasonography was used to identify the outer arachnoid membrane of the cyst, which undulated freely in response to rotation of the patient’s head (headshake maneuver). Three-dimensional data sets were acquired and, using a multiplanar reformatting reconstruction algorithm, the authors obtained high-resolution images that corresponded to the initial MR image and a follow-up cranial CT scan. No detectable differences were observed on dTC or 3D TC ultrasonograms obtained at follow-up examinations performed 9 and 28 months later. Three-dimensional TCC and dTC ultrasonography may complement conventional diagnostic procedures such as MR and CT imaging. This report represents evidence of the high resolution and good reproducibility of 3D TC methods. Ultrasonography is a mobile and inexpensive tool and may be used to improve management and therapeutic strategies for patients with space-occupying brain lesions in selected cases