143 research outputs found

    Seeking Novelty through Network Analysis of Digital Consumer Creativity

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    Cultural-affective process of market violence : Finnish instant loans in debtors’ online narratives

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    This paper extends recent theorising on “market violence”, defined here as a type of structural and cultural violence that takes place through an assemblage in the market environment. The Finnish “instant loan” market (similar to payday loans) has been widely criticised, e.g. for excessively high interest rates; in this paper, debtors’ anonymous narratives on the discussion forum Suomi24 are used to analyse the instant loan market as a case of market violence. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of the role of culture and affect in market violence and presents a model of cultural market violence showing how affects (here: hope, shame, despair and sense of urgency) can play a key role in mediating between cultural ideals (here: those of individual responsibility and the “good life”) and concrete business practices, thus enabling market violence.© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Kuluttajien vapaa-ajan haaveet ja elÀmysklusteri

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    Sustainable Futures : Comparing Methodologies for Analyzing Citizen Visions in Europe

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    There are increasing calls for engaging citizens in the development of future outlooks. At the same time, large‐scale public engagement activities warrant appropriate methods for analyzing their outcomes. This paper reviews how topic modeling could provide such a methodology, which both accounts for all textual data collected in public engagement activities, however large in scope, yet also allows for meaningful topical analysis. It compares topic modeling results concerning a corpus of 179 citizen visions from 30 European countries on desirable and sustainable futures to those acquired through deliberative analysis. While both methodologies contend that European citizens’ outlook consists of education, sustainability in the economy, health concerns, and fairness in communities, and the particular strengths of topic modeling relate to its documentability, repeatability, cost efficiency, and scalability. Topic modeling can also be considered to support public engagement analytically from the perspective of knowledge formation rather than that of common sense.Peer reviewe

    Embedding European citizen visions in sustainability transition : Comparative analysis across 30 European countries

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    Co-production of knowledge with international publics can reveal novel insights into sustainability concerns across countries. However, generalisable studies on how place-specificity corresponds to sustainability transition are lacking, although there is an emerging body of literature on the geography of sustainability transition. This article contributes to that aim by examining 1) how citizen perspectives on sustainability are distributed across countries and groups of countries, and 2)what sustainability directions the citizens in their respective countries are likely to support. Empirical analysis of citizen visions of sustainable and desirable futures from 30 European countries identifies distinct topics through modelling and categorises groups of countries according to similarities. The study finds an overarching, education-related European citizen approach to sustainability. However,there are other topical differences across groups of countries, which implies that there is not one European but several optional policy directions for successful sustainability transition.Peer reviewe

    Collaborative Consumption as a Source of Market Disruption

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    The concept of collaborative consumption has been developed in consumer studies to define new consumption opportunities which are facilitated by information systems. Accordingly, novel services such as the ridesharing service Uber, for transport, and the hospitality-brokering service Airbnb, for accommodation, successfully employ collaboration in consumption and provide consumers with novel types of access to services. Yet while the identification of this new characteristic of consumption is of great merit, less attention has been paid in consumer studies to how it challenges existing market arrangements. It is against this background that this article examines collaborative consumption as a source of market disruption. The article applies the concept to the empirical case of a pilot scheme in collaborative public transport (Kutsuplus), which essentially consisted of a taxi-like bus service in Helsinki, Finland. It argues that collaborative consumption may tend to contribute premium rather than standard quality in public services, which is apt to disrupt both public and private service markets. The analysis further affirms that the concept of collaborative consumption is well suited to the assessment of novel services and their disruptive characteristics.Peer reviewe

    Regime Market Performance Analysis : Informing European Consumer Policy

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    The Single Market of the European Union has progressed during recent decades to encompass more than 500 million consumers in 28 EU Member States and adjoining countries. During the same period, consumer issues have received growing policy interest and policy measures have been put in place to harmonize the Single Market, that is, to make national markets more alike. Yet, in order to provide policy measures that promote desirable market outcomes, the considerable challenge of understanding differences in the market performances of participating countries and the relationships between national markets and the Single Market need to be addressed. Consequently, this article proposes the consideration of differences in terms of regimes, that is, between groups of similar countries, when assessing the performances of markets. Differences in market performances are analysed with the Kruskal–Wallis test using survey data from the European Commission, and results were reviewed against market studies carried out by the Commission. Findings show that regime differences in market performance can indeed be observed and that the regime approach can draw policy attention to commonalities in market arrangements in addition to the consumer issues conventionally examined, such as price differences and consumer awareness.Peer reviewe

    Johdanto : jakamistalouden monet kasvot

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    Ammattikorkeakoulun verkko-opiskelijaprofiilit sekÀ sosiaalinen, tiedollinen ja opetuslÀsnÀolo reaaliaikaisen yhteisöllisen verkkoopiskelun valmennuspedagogisessa mallissa

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    This article discusses the online pedagogical practices that support teachers and students to promote webinar learning for different groups of online students in the presences of the Community of Inquiry. It answers the following questions: (1) How do Social, Cognitive, and Teaching Presence support synchronous collaborative online learning and coaching pedagogy? (2) How do student groups with different profiles perceive their learning best in a webinar? The data for the quantitative study were collected from online degree students (n=94) at the University of Applied Sciences through an online survey in March–April 2020. The data were analyzed using principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Results of the study showed that the coaching pedagogical approach in webinars expressed Teaching Presence as a joint activity between the student and the teacher. In webinar learning, Social Presence is manifested as an interaction between the student, peers, teacher, and the learning material. Results show that learning materials and learning assignments are produced using the principles of flipped learning for webinars as a Cognitive Presence. This article shows that members of the diverse peer online-learning and active online-learning student groups realize a shared teaching presence as interaction and collaborative peer learning in coaching groups. Those in the independent online learners’ group study actively in a teacher-led manner. Flipped learning associated with webinars is a key finding of the study. Results show that all online learning profiles would prefer a pedagogical plan beforehand, a recording of the webinar, and flipped learning.TĂ€ssĂ€ artikkelissa tarkastellaan opettajaa ja opiskelijaa tukevia verkkopedagogisia toimintatapoja, joiden avulla edistetÀÀn erilaisten verkko-opiskelijaryhmien webinaariopiskelua Tutkivan yhteisön lĂ€snĂ€oloissa. Tutkimus vastaa kysymyksiin: (1) Miten sosiaalinen, tiedollinen ja opetuslĂ€snĂ€olo tukevat reaaliaikaista yhteisöllistĂ€ verkko-opiskelua ja valmennuspedagogiikkaa? ja (2) Miten profiililtaan erilaiset opiskelijaryhmĂ€t kokevat oppivansa parhaiten webinaarissa? MÀÀrĂ€llisen tutkimuksen aineisto kerĂ€ttiin ammattikorkeakoulun verkkotutkinto-opiskelijoilta (n=94) verkkokyselynĂ€ maalis-huhtikuussa 2020. Aineisto analysoitiin pÀÀkomponenttianalyysillĂ€ ja klusterianalyysillĂ€. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan valmennuspedagogiset toimintatavat webinaariopiskelussa toteuttavat opetuslĂ€snĂ€oloa opiskelijan ja opettajan yhteisenĂ€ toimintana. Webinaarissa opiskelun sosiaalinen lĂ€snĂ€olo ilmenee opiskelijan, vertaisopiskelijoiden, opettajan ja oppimateriaalin vĂ€lisenĂ€ vuorovaikutuksena. Tulosten perusteella oppimateriaalit ja oppimistehtĂ€vĂ€t olisi tĂ€rkeÀÀ tuottaa webinaareihin kÀÀnteisen oppimisen periaattein tukemaan tiedollista lĂ€snĂ€oloa. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen mukaan monipuolisesti vertaisopiskelevat ja soljuvasti verkko-opiskelevat -opiskelijaryhmiin kuuluvilla yhteinen opetuslĂ€snĂ€olo toteutuu vuorovaikutuksena ja yhteisöllisenĂ€ vertaisoppimisena valmennusydinryhmissĂ€. ItsenĂ€isesti opiskelevat verkko-opiskelijat opiskelevat aktiivisesti opettajajohtoisesti. Tuloksista ilmenee myös, ettĂ€ kaikkiin verkko-opiskeluryhmiin kuuluvat toivoivat pedagogista suunnitelmaa etukĂ€teen ja tallennetta webinaarista sekĂ€ kÀÀnteistĂ€ oppimista. Webinaareihin liittyvĂ€ kÀÀnteisen oppimisen hyödyntĂ€minen onkin keskeinen tutkimustulos
