61 research outputs found

    Comparison of 2-D and 3-D full waveform inversion imaging using wide-angle seismic data from the Deep Galicia Margin

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    Full waveform inversion (FWI) is a data-fitting technique capable of generating high-resolution velocity models with a resolution down to half the seismic wavelength. FWI is applied typically to densely sampled seismic data. In this study, we applied FWI to 3-D wide-angle seismic data acquired using sparsely spaced ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) from the Deep Galicia Margin west of Iberia. Our data set samples the S-reflector, a low-angle detachment present in this area. Here we highlight differences between 2-D, 2.5-D and 3-D-FWI performances using a real sparsely spaced data set. We performed 3-D FWI in the time domain and compared the results with 2-D and 2.5-D FWI results from a profile through the 3-D model. When overlaid on multichannel seismic images, the 3-D FWI results constrain better the complex faulting within the pre- and syn-rift sediments and crystalline crust compared to the 2-D result. Furthermore, we estimate variable serpentinization of the upper mantle below the S-reflector along the profile using 3-D FWI, reaching a maximum of 45 per cent. Differences in the data residuals of the 2-D, 2.5-D and 3-D inversions suggest that 2-D inversion can be prone to overfitting when using a sparse data set. To validate our results, we performed tests to recover the anomalies introduced by the inversions in the final models using synthetic data sets. Based on our comparison of the velocity models, we conclude that the use of 3-D data can partially mitigate the problem of receiver sparsity in FWI

    Controlled-source electromagnetic and seismic delineation of sub-seafloor fluid flow structures in a gas hydrate province, offshore Norway

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    Deep sea pockmarks underlain by chimney-like or pipe structures that contain methane hydrate are abundant along the Norwegian continental margin. In such hydrate provinces the interaction between hydrate formation and fluid flow has significance for benthic ecosystems and possibly climate change. The Nyegga region, situated on the western Norwegian continental slope, is characterized by an extensive pockmark field known to accommodate substantial methane gas hydrate deposits. The aim of this study is to detect and delineate both the gas hydrate and free gas reservoirs at one of Nyegga's pockmarks. In 2012, a marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) survey was performed at a pockmark in this region, where high-resolution three-dimensional seismic data were previously collected in 2006. Two-dimensional CSEM inversions were computed using the data acquired by ocean bottom electrical field receivers. Our results, derived from unconstrained and seismically constrained CSEM inversions, suggest the presence of two distinctive resistivity anomalies beneath the pockmark: a shallow vertical anomaly at the underlying pipe structure, likely due to gas hydrate accumulation, and a laterally extensive anomaly attributed to a free gas zone below the base of the gas hydrate stability zone. This work contributes to a robust characterization of gas hydrate deposits within sub-seafloor fluid flow pipe structures

    Elastic and electrical properties and permeability of serpentinites from Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge

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    Serpentinized peridotites co-exist with mafic rocks in a variety of marine environments including subduction zones, continental rifts and mid-ocean ridges. Remote geophysical methods are crucial to distinguish between them and improve the understanding of the tectonic, magmatic and metamorphic history of the oceanic crust. But, serpentinite peridotites exhibit a wide range of physical properties that complicate such a distinction. We analyzed the ultrasonic P- and S-wave velocities (Vp, Vs) and their respective attenuation (Qp−1, Qs−1), electrical resistivity and permeability of four serpentinized peridotite samples from the southern wall of the Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, collected during International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 357. The measurements were taken over a range of loading-unloading stress paths (5 - 45 MPa), using ∼1.7 cm length, 5 cm diameter samples horizontally extracted from the original cores drilled on the seafloor. The measured parameters showed variable degrees of stress dependence, but followed similar trends. Vp, Vs, resistivity and permeability show good inter-correlations, while relationships that included Qp−1 and Qs−1 are less clear. Resistivity showed high contrast between highly serpentinized ultramafic matrix (> 50 Ω m) and mechanically/geochemically altered (magmatic/hydrothermal-driven alteration) domains (< 20 Ω m). This information together with the elastic constants (Vp/Vs ratio and bulk moduli) of the samples allowed us to infer useful information about the degree of serpentinization and the alteration state of the rock, contrasted by petrographic analysis. This study shows the potential of combining seismic techniques and controlled source electromagnetic surveys for understanding tectono-magmatic processes and fluid pathways in hydrothermal systems

    Laboratory observations of frequency-dependent ultrasonic P-wave velocity and attenuation during methane hydrate formation in Berea sandstone

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    Knowledge of the effect of methane hydrate saturation and morphology on elastic wave attenuation could help reduce ambiguity in seafloor hydrate content estimates. These are needed for seafloor resource and geohazard assessment, as well as to improve predictions of greenhouse gas fluxes into the water column. At low hydrate saturations, measuring attenuation can be particularly useful as the seismic velocity of hydrate-bearing sediments is relatively insensitive to hydrate content. Here, we present laboratory ultrasonic (448–782 kHz) measurements of P-wave velocity and attenuation for successive cycles of methane hydrate formation (maximum hydrate saturation of 26 per cent) in Berea sandstone. We observed systematic and repeatable changes in the velocity and attenuation frequency spectra with hydrate saturation. Attenuation generally increases with hydrate saturation, and with measurement frequency at hydrate saturations below 6 per cent. For hydrate saturations greater than 6 per cent, attenuation decreases with frequency. The results support earlier experimental observations of frequency-dependent attenuation peaks at specific hydrate saturations. We used an effective medium rock-physics model which considers attenuation from gas bubble resonance, inertial fluid flow and squirt flow from both fluid inclusions in hydrate and different aspect ratio pores created during hydrate formation. Using this model, we linked the measured attenuation spectral changes to a decrease in coexisting methane gas bubble radius, and creation of different aspect ratio pores during hydrate formation

    High-resolution resistivity imaging of marine gas hydrate structures by combined inversion of CSEM towed and ocean-bottom receiver data

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    We present high-resolution resistivity imaging of gas hydrate pipe-like structures, as derived from marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) inversions that combine towed and ocean-bottom electric field receiver data, acquired from the Nyegga region, offshore Norway. 2.5-D CSEM inversions applied to the towed receiver data detected four new prominent vertical resistive features that are likely gas hydrate structures, located in proximity to a major gas hydrate pipe-like structure, known as the CNE03 pockmark. The resistivity model resulting from the CSEM data inversion resolved the CNE03 hydrate structure in high resolution, as inferred by comparison to seismically constrained inversions. Our results indicate that shallow gas hydrate vertical features can be delineated effectively by inverting both ocean-bottom and towed receiver CSEM data simultaneously. The approach applied here can be utilized to map and monitor seafloor mineralization, freshwater reservoirs, CO2 sequestration sites and near-surface geothermal systems

    Laboratory insights into the effect of sediment-hosted methane hydrate morphology on elastic wave velocity from time-lapse 4D synchrotron X-ray computed tomography.

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    A better understanding of the effect of methane hydrate morphology and saturation on elastic wave velocity of hydrate bearing sediments is needed for improved seafloor hydrate resource and geohazard assessment. We conducted X‐ray synchrotron time‐lapse 4D imaging of methane hydrate evolution in Leighton Buzzard sand, and compared the results to analogous hydrate formation and dissociation experiments in Berea sandstone, on which we measured ultrasonic P‐ and S‐wave velocity, and electrical resistivity. The imaging experiment showed that initially hydrate envelops gas bubbles and methane escapes from these bubbles via rupture of hydrate shells, leading to smaller bubbles. This process leads to a transition from pore‐floating to pore‐bridging hydrate morphology. Finally, pore‐bridging hydrate coalesces with that from adjacent pores creating an inter‐pore hydrate framework that interlocks the sand grains. We also observed isolated pockets of gas within hydrate. We observed distinct changes in gradient of P‐ and S‐wave velocity increase with hydrate saturation. Informed by a theoretical model of idealized hydrate morphology and its influence on elastic wave velocity, we were able to link velocity changes to hydrate morphology progression from initial pore‐floating, then pore‐bridging, to an inter‐pore hydrate framework. The latter observation is the first evidence of this type of hydrate morphology, and its measurable effect on velocity. We found anomalously low S‐wave velocity compared to the effective medium model, probably caused by the presence of a water film between hydrate and mineral grains

    Hydrophone component of Ocean bottom recording sgy-files of seismic refraction and wide angle data from profile 1172 and 2222 of expedition MGL1307 and POSEIDON cruise POS453 with links to data files

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    Hyperextension of continental crust at the Deep Galicia rifted margin in the North Atlantic has been accommodated by the rotation of continental fault blocks, which are underlain by the S reflector, an interpreted detachment fault, along which exhumed and serpentinized mantle peridotite is observed. West of these features, the enigmatic Peridotite Ridge has been inferred to delimit the western extent of the continent‐ocean transition. An outstanding question at this margin is where oceanic crust begins, with little existing data to constrain this boundary and a lack of clear seafloor spreading magnetic anomalies. Here we present results from a 160 km long wide‐angle seismic profile (Western Extension 1). Travel time tomography models of the crustal compressional velocity structure reveal highly thinned and rotated crustal blocks separated from the underlying mantle by the S reflector. The S reflector correlates with the 6.0–7.0 km s−1 velocity contours, corresponding to peridotite serpentinization of 60–30%, respectively. West of the Peridotite Ridge, shallow and sparse Moho reflections indicate the earliest formation of an anomalously thin oceanic crustal layer, which increases in thickness from ~0.5 km at ~20 km west of the Peridotite Ridge to ~1.5 km, 35 km further west. P wave velocities increase smoothly and rapidly below top basement, to a depth of 2.8–3.5 km, with an average velocity gradient of 1.0 s−1. Below this, velocities slowly increase toward typical mantle velocities. Such a downward increase into mantle velocities is interpreted as decreasing serpentinization of mantle rock with depth

    Seismic characterisation of multiple BSRs in the eastern black sea basin

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    Long offset seismic reflection data reveal the presence of four Bottom Simulating Reflectors (BSR0-3) within folded sediments of the Tuapse Trough, along the NE margin of the Eastern Black Sea Basin (EBSB). Multiple BSRs are observed in other sites worldwide, however, their origin and formation mechanisms are still debated. Here, we investigate the formation mechanisms of the EBSB multiple BSRs based on their seismic character and on their physical properties derived from reflected and refracted arrival seismic velocities. Seismic reflection data are downward continued to enhance refracted arrivals. A 2D travel-time velocity model of the sub-seabed, using combined travel-times from non-downward-continued reflected and downward-continued refracted signals, shows variations in the physical properties at the BSRs and nearby sediments. The P-wave velocity (VP) increase of 1.55–1.72 km/s between the seafloor and BSR0 (258 mbsf) reflects normal compaction trends in sediments, whereas the VP of 1.75–1.83 km/s between BSR0 and BSR1 (360 mbsf) is higher than that expected for sediments at that depth. Beneath BSR1, a VP decrease from 1.83 km/s to 1.61 km/s occurs within a 70-80 m-thick layer including BSR2 (395 mbsf) and extending to BSR3 (438 mbsf). Beneath BSR3, VP increases. Based on an analytical model linking seismic velocity to physical properties, these VP trends can be explained by a gas hydrate saturation from 0 to 2% between the seafloor and BSR0, reaching 4 ± 2% just above BSR1. A free gas saturation of up to 20–25% is estimated within the low-velocity zone between BSR1 and BSR3. BSR1 likely represents the present-day base of the gas hydrate stability zone (BGHSZ), which aligns with the theoretical BGHSZ assuming a geothermal gradient of 26–30 °C/km. Based on seismic polarities and results from travel-time analysis and rock physics modelling, we suggest that hydrate dissociation and recycling processes may explain the negative polarity of BSR2 and BSR3, which are still visible due to the presence of relict gas, and inferred higher gas hydrate saturations close to the present-day base of the stability zone at BSR1. Also, structural and stratigraphic controls seem to have favoured focused free gas flow and hydrate formation at the top of an anticlinal structure, thus likely controlling multiple BSR generation in the EBSB