897 research outputs found

    Sustainable supply management & supply chain resilience:a systematic literature review

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    Abstract. For the past two years there have been significant disruptions to the supply chains (SC) across the planet. Larger problems raised as the COVID-19 outbreak happened and a great number of workers had to quarantine leading to factory closures. These closures affected the world’s supply lines, which then led demand to grow to unsustainable levels. In order to soften the blow of disruptions to the performance of a business entity, a number of things can be done. One of these things is to develop supply chain resilience (SCRes) to achieve a more robust SC. Another element to achieving better disruption resistance is the more proactive root of practicing sustainable supply management (SSM) as it takes into account and develops organization’s weaknesses in the area of environmental, social and corporate governance. The aim of this research is to find out how much real-world case study literature exists on the combined topic of SSM & SCRes, by conducting a systematic literature review. The knowledge this master’s thesis seeks to pull from the literature is what industries have conducted a case study on the subject of improving SSM or SCRes and what were the methods involved in improving the organizations SSM & SCRes. For this reason, two research questions were set out: RQ1: In which industries were SSM & SCRes considered simultaneously in the reviewed literature? RQ2: Which management areas, best practices and tools most improved SSM and SCRes? The key findings indicate that surprisingly many different industries have been involved in case study research and from them a dozen approved method of improvement to the SSM & SCRes of an organization. The findings of this research can be used as a starting point for a managerial implication and as a way to seek data on the case study literature of SSM & SCRes published to this point.Kestävän hankinnan johtaminen & toimitusketjun resilienssi : systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus. Tiivistelmä. Kahden viime vuoden aikana toimitusketjuissa on ollut merkittäviä häiriöitä ympäri maapalloa. Suurimmat ongelmat nousivat esiin, kun COVID-19 pandemia lähti käyntiin, ja jonka seurauksena monet tehdastyöntekijät joutuivat karanteeniin. Karanteenit johtivat tehtaiden sulkemisiin, jotka itsessään vaikuttivat koko maapallon toimitus vaikeuksiin. Tästä seurasi kysynnän kasvu kestämättömälle tasolle. Liiketoimintayksiköiden suorituskykyyn vaikuttavia häiriöitä ei voida kokonaan estää, mutta suorituskykyä itsessään voidaan saada resilientimmäksi häiriöitä vastaan. Yksi näistä tavoista on kehittää toimitusketjun resilienssiä (SCRes) ja näin saavuttaa vankempi toimitusketju. Toinen tekijä paremman häiriökestävyyden saavuttamiseksi on kehittää organisaation kestävän hankinnan johtamista (SSM), sillä SSM:ssä otetaan huomioon ja kehitetään organisaation heikkouksia ympäristö-, sosiaali- ja hallinnointijärjestelmä asioissa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, kuinka paljon reaalimaailman tapaustutkimuskirjallisuutta on olemassa SSM & SCRes -yhdistelmästä systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Tieto, jonka tämä diplomityö pyrkii etsimään kirjallisuudesta, on se, mitä eri teollisuudenalat ovat tehneet SSM & SCRes aiheista sekä mitkä olivat konkreettiset menetelmät joilla SSM & SCRes aspekteja saatiin kehitettyä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteet pyritään siis selvittämään näillä kahdella tutkimuskysymyksellä: RQ1: Millä toimialoilla SSM & SCRes kehitystä oli tarkasteltu samanaikaisesti katselmoidussa kirjallisuudessa? RQ2: Mitkä SSM & SCRes menetelmät saivat aikaan parhaat lopputulokset? Keskeiset havainnot osoittavat, että tapaustutkimuksiin on osallistunut yllättävän monia eri toimialoja. Näistä toimialoista löydettiin kymmenkunta pätevää SSM & SCRes -kehitysmenetelmää. Tämän diplomityön löydöksiä voidaan käyttää SSM & SCRes johtamismenetelmien kehittämiseen ja jatkotutkimiseen

    Effects of prolonged anoxia on electrical activity of the heart in Crucian carp (Carassius carassius)

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    The effects of sustained anoxia on cardiac electrical excitability were examined in the anoxia-tolerant Crucian carp (Carassius carassius). The electrocardiogram (ECG) and expression of excitation-contraction coupling genes were studied in fish acclimatised to normoxia in summer (+18°C) or winter (+2°C), and in winter fish after 1, 3 and 6 weeks of anoxia. Anoxia induced a sustained bradycardia from a heart rate of 10.3±0.77 to 4.1±0.29 bpm (P<0.05) after 5 weeks, and heart rate slowly recovered to control levels when oxygen was restored. Heart rate variability greatly increased under anoxia, and completely recovered under re-oxygenation. The RT interval increased from 2.8±0.34 s in normoxia to 5.8±0.44 s under anoxia (P<0.05), which reflects a doubling of the ventricular action potential (AP) duration. Acclimatisation to winter induced extensive changes in gene expression relative to summer-acclimatised fish, including depression in those coding for the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump (Serca2-q2) and ATP-sensitive K(+) channels (Kir6.2) (P<0.05). Genes of delayed rectifier K(+) (kcnh6) and Ca(2+) channels (cacna1c) were up-regulated in winter fish (P<0.05). In contrast, the additional challenge of anoxia caused only minor changes in gene expression, e.g. depressed expression of Kir2.2b K(+) channel gene (kcnj12b), whereas expression of Ca(2+) (cacna1a, -c and -g) and Na(+) channel genes (scn4a and scn5a) were not affected. These data suggest that low temperature pre-conditions the Crucian carp heart for winter anoxia, whereas sustained anoxic bradycardia and prolongation of AP duration are directly induced by oxygen shortage without major changes in gene expression

    Vasopeptidase inhibition attenuates the progression of renal injury in subtotal nephrectomized rats

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    Vasopeptidase inhibition attenuates the progression of renal injury in subtotal nephrectomized rats.BackgroundVasopeptidase inhibitors are a new class of cardiovascular compounds that inhibit both angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and neutral endopeptidase (NEP). The aim of the present study was to explore the effects of omapatrilat, a vasopeptidase inhibitor, on renal function and pathology in subtotally nephrectomized (STNx) rats.MethodsSTNx rats were randomized to four groups and treated for 12 weeks: no treatment (N = 14); omapatrilat at a low dose of 10 mg/kg (L, N = 12) and at a high dose of 40 mg/kg (H, N = 10); or an ACE inhibitor, fosinopril, at a dose of 10 mg/kg (N = 12). Sham-operated rats were used as control animals (N = 12).ResultsElevated blood pressure in STNx rats (174 ± 9mm Hg) was reduced by omapatrilat in a dose-dependent manner (L, 121 ± 3mm Hg; H, 110 ± 3mm Hg) and by fosinopril (149 ± 5mm Hg). Proteinuria in STNx rats (246 ± 73 mg/day) was reduced by treatment with fosinopril (88 ± 21 mg/day) and was normalized by treatment with omapatrilat (L, 30 ± 4 mg/day; H, 20 ± 2 mg/day vs. control 25 ± 1 mg/day). Decreased glomerular filtration rates, elevated plasma urea and creatinine and glomerulosclerosis, and tubulointerstitial fibrosis were ameliorated by omapatrilat and fosinopril to a similar degree. Compared with fosinopril, omapatrilat treatment was associated with increased plasma renin activity and decreased renal ACE and NEP binding in a dose-dependent manner.ConclusionThese findings suggest that vasopeptidase inhibition may provide a useful strategy for the treatment of progressive renal disease

    Analysis of sub-3 nm particle growth in connection with sulfuric acid in a boreal forest

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    We analyzed nanoparticle growth during new-particle-formation events based on ten years of measurements carried out at a boreal forest site in Hyytiala, Finland, concentrating on the sub-3 nm particles and the role of sulfuric acid in their growth. Growth rates of 1.5-3 nm diameter particles were determined from ion spectrometer measurements and compared with parameterized sulfuric acid concentration and other atmospheric parameters. The calculated growth rates from sulfuric acid condensation were on average 7.4% of the observed growth rates and the two did not correlate. These suggest that neither sulfuric acid monomer condensation nor coagulation of small sulfuric acid clusters was the primary growth mechanism in these atmospheric conditions. Also no clear sign of organic condensation being the single main growth mechanism was seen. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that several factors have comparative roles in the sub-3 nm growth.Peer reviewe

    One-year unsupervised individualized exercise training intervention enhances cardiorespiratory fitness but not muscle deoxygenation or glycemic control in adults with type 1 diabetes

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    Adaptations to long-term exercise training in type 1 diabetes are sparsely studied. We examined the effects of a 1-year individualized training intervention on cardiorespiratory fitness, exercise-induced active muscle deoxygenation, and glycemic control in adults with and without type 1 diabetes. Eight men with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and 8 healthy men (CON) matched for age, anthropometry, and peak pulmonary O-2 uptake, completed a 1-year individualized training intervention in an unsupervised real-world setting. Before and after the intervention, the subjects performed a maximal incremental cycling test, during which alveolar gas exchange (volume turbine and mass spectrometry) and relative concentration changes in active leg muscle deoxygenated (Delta[HHb]) and total (Delta[tHb]) hemoglobin (near-infrared spectroscopy) were monitored. Peak O-2 pulse, reflecting peak stroke volume, was calculated (peak pulmonary O-2 uptake/peak heart rate). Glycemic control (glycosylated hemoglobin A(1c) (HbA(1c))) was evaluated. Both T1D and CON averagely performed 1 resistance-training and 3-4 endurance-training sessions per week (similar to 1 h/session at similar to moderate intensity). Training increased peak pulmonary O-2 uptake in T1D (p = 0.004) and CON (p = 0.045) (group x time p = 0.677). Peak O-2 pulse also rose in T1D (p = 0.032) and CON (p = 0.018) (group x time p = 0.880). Training increased leg Delta[HHb] at peak exercise in CON (p = 0.039) but not in T1D (group x time p = 0.052), while no changes in leg Delta[tHb] at any work rate were observed in either group (p > 0.05). HbA(1c) retained unchanged in T1D (from 58 +/- 10 to 59 +/- 11 mmol/mol, p = 0.609). In conclusion, 1-year adherence to exercise training enhanced cardiorespiratory fitness similarly in T1D and CON but had no effect on active muscle deoxygenation or glycemic control in T1D.Peer reviewe

    Balancing profitability of energy production, societal impacts and biodiversity in offshore wind farm design

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    The global demand for renewable energy is on the rise. Expansion of onshore wind energy is in many parts of the world limited by societal acceptance, and also ecological impacts are a concern. Here, pragmatic methods are developed for the integration of high-dimensional spatial data in offshore wind energy planning. Over 150 spatial data layers are created, which either oppose or support offshore wind energy development, and represent ecological, societal, and economic factors. The method is tested in Finland, where interest in developing offshore wind energy is growing. Analyses were done using a spatial prioritization approach, originally developed for the prioritization of high dimensional ecological data, and rarely used in planning offshore wind energy. When all criteria are integrated, it is possible to find a balanced solution where offshore wind farms cause little disturbance to biodiversity and society, while at the same time yielding high profitability for wind energy production. Earlier proposed areas for offshore wind farms were also evaluated. They were generally well suited for wind power, with the exception of a couple of areas with comparatively high environmental impacts. As an outcome, new areas well suited for large scale wind power deployment were recognized, where construction costs would be moderate and disturbance to biodiversity, marine industries and people limited. A novel tradeoff visualization method was also developed for the conflicts and synergies of offshore energy deployment, which could ease the dialogue between different stakeholders in a spatial planning context. Overall, this study provides a generic and transparent approach for well-informed analysis of offshore wind energy development potential when conflict resolution between biodiversity, societal factors and economic profits is needed. The proposed approach is replicable elsewhere in the world. It is also structurally suitable for the planning of impact avoidance and conflict resolution in the context of other forms of construction or resource extraction.Peer reviewe

    Vacuum Rabi splitting and strong coupling dynamics for surface plasmon polaritons and Rhodamine 6G molecules

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    We report on strong coupling between surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) and Rhodamine 6G (R6G) molecules, with double vacuum Rabi splitting energies up to 230 and 110 meV. In addition, we demonstrate the emission of all three energy branches of the strongly coupled SPP-exciton hybrid system, revealing features of system dynamics that are not visible in conventional reflectometry. Finally, in analogy to tunable-Q microcavities, we show that the Rabi splitting can be controlled by adjusting the interaction time between waveguided SPPs and R6G deposited on top of the waveguide. The interaction time can be controlled with sub-fs precision by adjusting the length of the R6G area with standard lithography methods.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Immune cell profiles of metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer patients according to the sites of metastasis

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    Purpose Recent works have characterized that metastatic site can affect the tumour immune profiles and efficiency of cancer immunotherapies. The prognosis of HER2-positive breast cancer is associated with the characteristics of the tumour immune microenvironment, with immunological cells playing a central role in efficiency of HER2-targeted antibodies. Here we investigated the prognostic significance of different metastatic sites and their correlation to tumour immune profiles in HER2-positive breast cancer treated with trastuzumab. Methods We collected all (n = 54) HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer patients treated with trastuzumab containing regimens at Oulu University Hospital 2009-2014. Pathological and clinical data were collected from electronic patient records. The tumour immune profiles were analysed from pre-treatment primary tumours using well-characterized immunological markers with computer-assisted immune cell counting. Results Of the metastatic sites, only liver metastases were associated with poor prognosis (hazard ratio 1.809, 95% confidence interval 1.004-3.262), especially when presented as the primary site of metastases. Of the other sites, pulmonary metastases characterized a patient profile with trend to improved survival. Of the studied tumour immunological markers, patients with liver metastases had low densities of CD3(+) T cells (p = 0.030) and M1-like macrophages in their primary tumours (p = 0.025). Of the other studied markers and sites, patients with pulmonary metastases had low STAB1(+)-immunosuppressive macrophage density in their primary tumours. Conclusion Our results suggest that the site of metastasis is associated with prognosis in HER2-positive breast cancer, highlighted by the poor prognosis of liver metastases. Furthermore, liver metastases were associated with adverse tumour immune cell profiles.Peer reviewe
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