53 research outputs found

    Eru IlĂșvatar : God in the Legendarium of J.R.R. Tolkien

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    The purpose of my research is to inquire into the essence and activity of God in the legendarium of the English philologist and writer J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973). The legendarium, composed of Tolkien’s writings related to Middle-earth, was begun when he created two Elvish languages, Quenya based on Finnish, Sindarin based on Welsh. Tolkien developed his mythology inspired by Germanic myths and The Kalevala. It is a fictional ancient history set in our world. The legendarium is monotheistic: God is called Eru ‘The One’ and IlĂșvatar ‘Father of All’. Eru is the same as the Christian God, for Tolkien wanted to keep his tales consistent with his faith. He said his works were Christian by nature, with the religious element absorbed into the story and the symbolism. In The Silmarillion, set in the primeval ages of Middle-earth, the theological aspects are more conspicuous, while in The Lord of the Rings, which brings the stories to an end, they are mostly limited to symbolic references. The legendarium is unified by its realistic outlook on creaturely abilities and hope expressing itself as humbly defiant resistance. ”The possibility of complexity or of distinctions in the nature of Eru” is a part of the legendarium. Eru IlĂșvatar is Trinitarian, as per Tolkien’s faith. Without contextual qualifiers, Eru seems to refer to God the Father, like God in the Bible. Being the creator who dwells outside the world is attributed to Him. The Holy Spirit is the only Person of the Trinity bestown with names: the Flame Imperishable and the Secret Fire. When Eru creates the material world with His word, He sends the Flame Imperishable to burn at the heart of the world. The Secret Fire signifies the Creative Power that belongs to God alone, and is a part of Him. The Son, the Word, is not directly mentioned, but according to one writing Eru must step inside the world in order to save it from corruption, yet remain outside it at the same time. The inner structure of the legendarium refers to the need for a future salvation. The creative word of Eru, “EĂ€! Let these things Be!”, probably has a connection with the Logos in Christianity. Thus we can find three “distinctions” in Eru: a Creator who dwells outside the world, a Sustainer who dwells inside it and a Redeemer who shall step inside it. Some studies of Tolkien have claimed that Eru is distant and remote. This seems to hold water only partially. IlĂșvatar, the Father of All, has a special relation with the EruhĂ­ni, His Children, the immortal Elves and the mortal Men. He communicates with them directly only through the Valar, who resemble archangels. Nevertheless, only the Children of Eru can fight against evil, because their tragic fortunes turn evil into good. Even though religious activities are scarce among them, the fundamental faith and ultimate hope of the “Free Peoples” is directed towards Eru. He is present in the drama of history as the “Author of the Story”, who at times also interferes with its course through catastrophes and eucatastrophes, ‘good catastrophes’. Eru brings about a catastrophe when evil would otherwise bring good to an end, and He brings about a eucatasrophe when creaturely strength is not sufficent for victory. Victory over corruption is especially connected with mortal Men, of whom the most (or least) insignificant people are the Hobbits. However, because of the “primeval disaster” (that is, fall) of Mankind, ultimate salvation can only remain open, a hope for the far future.Tutkielmani pyrkii selvittĂ€mÀÀn Jumalan olemusta ja toimintaa J.R.R. Tolkienin (1892-1973), englantilaisen kielitieteilijĂ€n ja kirjailijan, legendariumissa eli hĂ€nen Keski-Maahan liittyvissĂ€ fantasiakirjoissaan. Legendarium sai alkunsa, kun Tolkien loi kaksi haltiakieltĂ€, quenyan suomen pohjalta ja sindarinin kymrin pohjalta. Germaanisten myyttien ja Kalevalan innoitta-mana hĂ€n kehitti mytologiaansa, joka on meidĂ€n maailmaamme sijoittuva fiktiivinen mui-naishistoria. Legendarium on monoteistinen: Jumalaa kutsutaan nimillĂ€ Eru ’Yksi’ ja IlĂșvatar ’Kaiken IsÀ’. Jumala on sama kuin kristinuskossa, sillĂ€ hartaana katolilaisena Tolkien halusi pitÀÀ kertomuksensa yhdenmukaisina uskonsa kanssa. HĂ€n kutsui teoksiaan luonteeltaan kristillisiksi ja upotti uskonnollisen aineksen tarinaan ja sen symboliikkaan. Varhaisimpiin aikoihin sijoittuvassa Silmarillionissa teologiset elementit ovat nĂ€kyvĂ€mpiĂ€, kertomukset pÀÀttĂ€vĂ€ssĂ€ Tarussa sormusten herrasta lĂ€hinnĂ€ symbolisia. Legendariumia yhdistĂ€vĂ€t rea-listinen suhtautuminen luotujen kykyihin ja nöyrĂ€n uhmakkaana vastarintana ilmenevĂ€ toivo. Legendariumiin sisĂ€ltyy ”moninaisuuden ja erotusten mahdollisuus YhdessĂ€â€. Eru IlĂșvatar on Tolkienin uskon mukaisesti kolmiyhteinen. Ilman lisĂ€mÀÀritteitĂ€ Eru nĂ€yttÀÀ viittaavan IsÀÀn Jumalaan, niin kuin Jumala Raamatussa. HĂ€nelle omistetaan maailman ulkopuolisena luojana oleminen. PyhĂ€ Henki on ainoa omilla nimillĂ€ varustettu Kolminaisuuden persoona: Sammumaton Liekki eli Salainen Tuli. Luodessaan fyysisen maailman sanallaan Eru lĂ€hettÀÀ Sammumattoman Liekin sen sydĂ€meen. Salainen Tuli tarkoittaa yksin Jumalalle kuuluvaa Luovaa Voimaa, joka on osa hĂ€ntĂ€. Poikaa, Sanaa, ei suorasanaisesti mainita, mutta erÀÀn kirjoituksen mukan Erun on astuttava maailmaan pelastaakseen sen turmeluksesta ja samalla pysyttĂ€vĂ€ maailman ulkopuolella. Legendariumin sisĂ€inen rakenne viittaa tulevan pelastuksen tarpeeseen. Erun luovalla sanalla, ”Ea! Tulkoon tĂ€mĂ€ kaikki Olevaksi!”, lienee myös yhteys kristinuskon Logokseen. NĂ€in Erusta löydetÀÀn kolme ”erotusta”: maailman ulkopuolinen luoja, sisĂ€puolinen yllĂ€pitĂ€jĂ€ ja siihen astuva pelastaja. Tolkien-tutkimuksessa Erua on joskus vĂ€itetty etĂ€iseksi. TĂ€mĂ€ nĂ€yttÀÀ pitĂ€vĂ€n vain osittain paikkansa. IlĂșvatarilla, Kaiken IsĂ€llĂ€, on erityinen suhde EruhĂ­niin, lapsiinsa, kuolemattomiin haltioihin ja kuolevaisiin ihmisiin. HĂ€n on heihin suorassa yhteydessĂ€ valarin, ylienkeleitĂ€ vastaavien henkien, vĂ€lityksellĂ€. Kuitenkin vain Erun lapset voivat taistella pahaa vastaan, koska heidĂ€n traagiset kohtalonsa kÀÀntĂ€vĂ€t pahan hyvĂ€ksi. Vaikka uskonnollinen toiminta legendariumissa on vĂ€hĂ€istĂ€, ”vapaiden kansojen” perimmĂ€inen usko ja lopullinen toivo kohdistuvat Eruun. HĂ€n on maailmanhistorian draamassa lĂ€snĂ€ ”Tarinan Kirjoittajana”, joka myös ajoittain puuttuu sen kulkuun katastrofien tai eukatastrofien, ’hyvien katastrofien’, kautta. Eru tuottaa katastrofin, jos pahuus muuten hukuttaisi hyvyyden, ja eukatastrofin, kun luodun voimat eivĂ€t riitĂ€ voiton saavuttamiseen. Voitto turmeluksesta yhdistyy erityisesti kuolevaisiin ihmisiin, joista kaikkein vĂ€hĂ€isintĂ€ vĂ€keĂ€ ovat hobitit. Ihmiskunnan lankeemuksen takia lopullinen pelastus jÀÀ kuitenkin avoimeksi, tulevaisuuteen kohdistuvaksi toivoksi

    Vaatimusten jÀljittÀminen simulaatio-orientoituneessa mekaanisten jÀrjestelmien suunnittelussa

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    Requirements traceability is an essential part of the product development process as all development work is based on requirements. When the amount of requirements increases so does the difficulty to notice changes in them and in other related engineering artefacts. To support the design process computer simulation and analysis were introduced to the discipline of requirements engineering. Simulation provides means to verify and validate engineering artefacts, which in this thesis was studied in the context of requirements traceability from stakeholder requirements to design and verification in a mechanical engineering case. Providing sufficient traceability also required version control and impact analysis to trace the impact of changes in the artefacts. Relevant artefacts and their relations were defined by Systems Engineering Artefacts Model (SEAModel), which supports mechanical system design and simulation. SEAModel was transformed into a traceability information model (TIM) to form traceability links between artefacts. TIM was used to create a case dependent traceability demonstration model to depict the traceability chain in the case related environment. To implement traceability and impact analysis according to these models, a database oriented software platform is required. This thesis introduced an integration and traceability platform (ITP) composed of IBM Rational DOORS for an environment to trace artefacts and Subversion version control software (SVN) for version management. Traced artefacts were produced with IBM Rational DOORS, Papyrys SysML, SolidWorks and MATLAB. With this heterogeneous set of state-of-the-art software applications a logical architecture model was created to represent the mechanical structure of the machine depicted in the case. According to the logical model a detailed CAD model was updated to fit the new stakeholder requirements. Requirements were stored and managed in a requirements management tool. Later the CAD model was verified and validated with a simulation model. The integration of engineering artefacts was accomplished by adopting the so called surrogate object method, in which model files were represented as surrogate objects within the ITP. The results of this thesis implicated that requirements engineering can be extended to cover simulation artefacts with SEAModel. Impact analysis and traceability were able to be combined with a tailored solution of the surrogate object method. Although optimal granularity and visibility of all data in all tools could not be achieved, a file level granularity of model elements was met with satisfactory results

    Lineaarimoottorit ja niiden sovelluskohteet

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    TÀssÀ työssÀ perehdyttiin lineaarimoottoreihin ja niiden sovelluskohteisiin. Lineaarimoottoreiden teoriapohja on sama kuin tavallisilla pyörivillÀ sÀhkömoottoreilla. Erona tavalliseen pyörivÀÀn sÀhkömoottoriin, lineaarimoottorin roottori ja staattori on levitetty tasaiseksi levyksi. Lineaarimoottoreissa magneettikentÀssÀ olevan virrallisen johtimen ja magneettikentÀn vÀlille syntyy lineaarinen työntövoima. Moottorin ensiöpuoli koostuu ajokÀÀmeistÀ, joihin moottorityypistÀ riippuen johdetaan tasavirtaa tai vaihtovirtaa. Toisiopuolella induktiomoottorilla on hÀkkikÀÀmitys, reluktanssimoottorilla uritettu terÀslaminointi ja tasavirtamoottorilla sekÀ tahtimoottorilla sÀhkömagneetti tai kestomagneetti. Lineaarisessa tasavirtamoottorissa ja tahtimoottorissa voidaan magnetointi tuottaa yksi- tai kaksipuoleisella magneettiradalla tai magneetit voivat olla pyöreÀssÀ tangossa. ErityyppisillÀ magnetointitavoilla pyritÀÀn saavuttamaan mahdollisimman voimakas magneettikenttÀ ajokeloille. MagneettikenttÀÀ voidaan parantaa myös kÀyttÀmÀllÀ rautasydÀntÀ ajokÀÀmien kanssa. TÀllÀ tavoin saadaan magneettikenttÀ keskittymÀÀn paremmin ja moottorista tulee nÀin hÀviöttömÀmpi. Lineaarimoottoreiden valttina erilaisissa sovelluskohteissa on niiden suuri kiihtyvyys, laaja-alainen liikenopeus sekÀ selkeÀ ja yksinkertainen rakenne. Jos tavallisella pyörivÀllÀ sÀhkömoottorilla halutaan saada aikaiseksi lineaarinen liike, vaatii se kÀyttöön vaihteita, kuularuuveja tai hihnoja. TÀllaisissa kÀytöissÀ lineaarimoottorilla saavutetaan sÀÀstöjÀ, kun tarvitaan vÀhemmÀn osia sekÀ huoltokulut laskevat, kun on vÀhemmÀn kuluvia osia. Hyvien voima ja nopeus sekÀ tarkkuus ominaisuuksiensa takia lineaarimoottoreita on kÀytetty muun muassa Maglev-junissa sekÀ erilaisissa hissi- ja kÀrrykÀytöissÀ. Lineaarimoottoritekniikka kehittyy edelleen ja mahdollistaa tulevaisuudessa moninaisten uusien lineaarisenliikkeen sovelluskohteiden rakentamisen ja kehittÀmisen, kuten esimerkiksi huippunopeiden Hyperloop yhteyksien luomisen

    Machine learning in safety critical industry domains

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    Development and user evaluation of an immersive light field system for space exploration

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    This paper presents the developmental work and user evaluation results of an immersive light field system built for the European Space Agency’s (ESA) project called “Light field-enhanced immersive teleoperation system for space station and ground control.” The main aim of the project is to evaluate the usefulness and feasibility of light fields in space exploration, and compare it to other types of immersive content, such as 360° photos and point clouds. In the course of the project, light field data were captured with a robotically controlled camera and processed into a suitable format. The light field authoring process was performed, and a light field renderer capable of displaying immersive panoramic or planar light fields on modern virtual reality hardware was developed. The planetary surface points of interest (POIs) were modeled in the laboratory environment, and three distinct test use cases utilizing them were developed. The user evaluation was held in the European Astronaut Centre (EAC) in the summer of 2023, involving prospective end-users of various backgrounds. During the evaluation, questionnaires, interviews, and observation were used for data collection. At the end of the paper, the evaluation results, as well as a discussion about lessons learned and possible improvements to the light field system, are presented
