181 research outputs found

    Effects of Single versus Multiple Warnings on Driver Performance

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    Objective: To explore how a single master alarm system affects drivers’ responses when compared to multiple, distinct warnings. Background: Advanced driver warning systems are intended to improve safety, yet inappropriate integration may increase the complexity of driving, especially in high workload situations. This study investigated the effects of auditory alarm scheme, reliability, and collision event-type on driver performance. Method: A 2x2x4 mixed factorial design investigated the impact of two alarm schemes (master vs. individual) and two levels of alarm reliability (high and low) on distracted drivers’ performance across four collision event-types (frontal collision warnings, left and right lane departure warnings, and follow vehicle fast approach). Results: Participants’ reaction times and accuracy rates were significantly affected by the type of collision event and alarm reliability. The use of individual alarms, rather than a single master alarm, did not significantly affect driving performance in terms of reaction time or response accuracy. Conclusion: Even though a master alarm is a relatively uninformative warning, it produced statistically no different reaction times or accuracy results when compared to information-rich auditory icons, some of which were spatially located. In addition, unreliable alarms negatively impacted driver performance, regardless of event type or alarm scheme. Application: These results have important implications for the development and implementation of multiple driver warning systems.This project was sponsored by the Ford Motor Company

    A wot-based method for creating digital sentinel twins of iot devices

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    The data produced by sensors of IoT devices are becoming keystones for organizations to conduct critical decision-making processes. However, delivering information to these processes in real-time represents two challenges for the organizations: the first one is achieving a constant dataflow from IoT to the cloud and the second one is enabling decision-making processes to retrieve data from dataflows in real-time. This paper presents a cloud-based Web of Things method for creating digital twins of IoT devices (named sentinels).The novelty of the proposed approach is that sentinels create an abstract window for decision-making processes to: (a) find data (e.g., properties, events, and data from sensors of IoT devices) or (b) invoke functions (e.g., actions and tasks) from physical devices (PD), as well as from virtual devices (VD). In this approach, the applications and services of decision-making processes deal with sentinels instead of managing complex details associated with the PDs, VDs, and cloud computing infrastructures. A prototype based on the proposed method was implemented to conduct a case study based on a blockchain system for verifying contract violation in sensors used in product transportation logistics. The evaluation showed the effectiveness of sentinels enabling organizations to attain data from IoT sensors and the dataflows used by decision-making processes to convert these data into useful information

    DEAD-Box Helicase Proteins Disrupt RNA Tertiary Structure Through Helix Capture

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    DEAD-box helicase proteins accelerate folding and rearrangements of highly structured RNAs and RNA–protein complexes (RNPs) in many essential cellular processes. Although DEAD-box proteins have been shown to use ATP to unwind short RNA helices, it is not known how they disrupt RNA tertiary structure. Here, we use single molecule fluorescence to show that the DEAD-box protein CYT-19 disrupts tertiary structure in a group I intron using a helix capture mechanism. CYT-19 binds to a helix within the structured RNA only after the helix spontaneously loses its tertiary contacts, and then CYT-19 uses ATP to unwind the helix, liberating the product strands. Ded1, a multifunctional yeast DEAD-box protein, gives analogous results with small but reproducible differences that may reflect its in vivo roles. The requirement for spontaneous dynamics likely targets DEAD-box proteins toward less stable RNA structures, which are likely to experience greater dynamic fluctuations, and provides a satisfying explanation for previous correlations between RNA stability and CYT-19 unfolding efficiency. Biologically, the ability to sense RNA stability probably biases DEAD-box proteins to act preferentially on less stable misfolded structures and thereby to promote native folding while minimizing spurious interactions with stable, natively folded RNAs. In addition, this straightforward mechanism for RNA remodeling does not require any specific structural environment of the helicase core and is likely to be relevant for DEAD-box proteins that promote RNA rearrangements of RNP complexes including the spliceosome and ribosome

    A wot-based method for creating digital sentinel twins of iot devices

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    The data produced by sensors of IoT devices are becoming keystones for organizations to conduct critical decision-making processes. However, delivering information to these processes in real-time represents two challenges for the organizations: the first one is achieving a constant dataflow from IoT to the cloud and the second one is enabling decision-making processes to retrieve data from dataflows in real-time. This paper presents a cloud-based Web of Things method for creating digital twins of IoT devices (named sentinels).The novelty of the proposed approach is that sentinels create an abstract window for decision-making processes to: (a) find data (e.g., properties, events, and data from sensors of IoT devices) or (b) invoke functions (e.g., actions and tasks) from physical devices (PD), as well as from virtual devices (VD). In this approach, the applications and services of decision-making processes deal with sentinels instead of managing complex details associated with the PDs, VDs, and cloud computing infrastructures. A prototype based on the proposed method was implemented to conduct a case study based on a blockchain system for verifying contract violation in sensors used in product transportation logistics. The evaluation showed the effectiveness of sentinels enabling organizations to attain data from IoT sensors and the dataflows used by decision-making processes to convert these data into useful information.This research was partially funded by the project Num.41756 “Plataforma tecnológica para la gestión, aseguramiento, intercambio y preservación de grandes volúmenes de datos en salud y construcción de un repositorio nacional de servicios de análisis de datos de salud” by FORDECYT-PRONACES, Conacyt (México

    Control task substitution in semi-automated driving: does it matter what aspects are automated?

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    Objective: The study was designed to show how driver attention to the road scene and engagement of a choice of secondary tasks are affected by the level of automation provided to assist or take over the basic task of vehicle control. It was also designed to investigate the difference between support in longitudinal control and support in lateral control. Background: There is comparatively little literature on the implications of automation for drivers’ engagement in the driving task and for their willingness to engage in non-driving-related activities. Method: A study was carried out on a high-level driving simulator in which drivers experienced three levels of automation: manual driving, semiautomated driving with either longitudinal or lateral control provided, and highly automated driving with both longitudinal and lateral control provided. Drivers were free to pay attention to the roadway and traffic or to engage in a range of entertainment and grooming tasks. Results: Engagement in the nondriving tasks increased from manual to semiautomated driving and increased further with highly automated driving. There were substantial differences in attention to the road and traffic between the two types of semiautomated driving. Conclusion: The literature on automation and the various task analyses of driving do not currently help to explain the effects that were found. Lateral support and longitudinal support may be the same in terms of levels of automation but appear to be regarded rather differently by drivers

    Resonant Band Hybridization in Alloyed Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterobilayers

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    Band structure engineering using alloying is widely utilized for achieving optimized performance in modern semiconductor devices. While alloying has been studied in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, its application in van der Waals heterostructures built from atomically thin layers is largely unexplored. Here, heterobilayers made from monolayers of WSe 2 (or MoSe 2 )and MoxW 1 − xSe2 alloy are fabricated and nontrivial tuning of the resultant band structure is observed as a function of concentration x. This evolution is monitored by measuring the energy of photoluminescence (PL) of the interlayer exciton (IX) composed of an electron and hole residing in different monolayers. In MoxW 1 − xSe2 /WSe2 , a strong IX energy shift of ≈100 meV is observed for x varied from 1 to 0.6. However, for x < 0.6 this shift saturates and the IX PL energy asymptotically approaches that of the indirect bandgap in bilayer WSe 2 . This observation is theoretically interpreted as the strong variation of the conduction band K valley for x > 0.6, with IX PL arising from the K − K transition, while for x < 0.6, the band structure hybridization becomes prevalent leading to the dominating momentum-indirect K − Q transition. This band structure hybridization is accompanied with strong modification of IX PL dynamics and nonlinear exciton properties. This work provides foundation for band structure engineering in van der Waals heterostructures highlighting the importance of hybridization effects and opening a way to devices with accurately tailored electronic properties

    Factores que afectan la producción agrícola bajo riego: cómo medirlos y estudiar su efecto

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    Hay varios grupos de factores que afectan el rendimiento de los cultivos agrícolas bajo riego; entre ellos destacan los meteorológicos, los de manejo y los relativos a la variabilidad espacial de los terrenos. Los primeros pueden afectar de forma seria los rendimientos y es poco lo que puede hacerse para aminorar su efecto. Los de manejo dependen en gran parte de las decisiones que tomen los productores y de los medios que disponen para realizar sus actividades. El tercer grupo, que depende de la variabilidad espacial de los terrenos, tiene un notable efecto para los productores que rentan tierras que han sido cultivadas por otros productores o que presentan variabilidad debido a condiciones físicas del suelo y la forma en que se han manejado. En el Distrito de Riego 038 de Río Mayo, en Sonora, México, se le ha dado el seguimiento a los cultivos durante varios años mediante sensores remotos satelitales y se han podido medir los efectos de estos factores, así como generar recomendaciones para aminorar los impactos negativos en los rendimientos. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar los resultados obtenidos y la manera de hacerlos del conocimiento de los productores, mediante un visor en Internet