17 research outputs found

    Representing Teaching Dynamics: Teaching Approaches and Instructional Reasoning Revisited

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    Tässä tutkimuksessa rakennetaan käytännön opetustyön monitahoisuutta jäsentävä teoreettinen viitekehys. Tutkimuksessa esitellään erityinen dynaamisen opetusteorian (teaching dynamics) käsite, jolla kuvataan opetustyön kahteen ydinosaalueeseen – opetuksellisiin lähestymistapoihin ja didaktiseen harkintaan – sisäistyneitä kompleksisia ja toisiaan täydentäviä toimintaperiaatteita. Tutkimus sisältää kolme osatutkimusta ja yhteenveto-osan. Laadullinen aineisto muodostuu kolmesta osasta: viiden luokanopettajan tuntitoimintaan kohdistuvista videohavainnoinneista, samojen opettajien didaktista ajattelua tarkastelevista teemahaastatteluista sekä 45 opettajaopiskelijan tuntitoimintaa ja siihen kytkeytyvää ajattelua yhdistävistä stimulated recall –haastatteluista. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavalla sisällönanalyysilla, jossa teorialähtöisillä tulkintaluokilla oli keskeinen rooli. Analyyttisella lähestymistavalla pyrittiin käsitteelliseen yleistämiseen ja opettajan tiedon tutkimuksessa käytettyjen teoreettisten konstruktien synteesiin. Yhteenveto-osassa osatutkimusten tulokset syntetisoidaan opetustyön dynaamisia ominaisuuksia kuvaavaksi käsitteelliseksi viitekehykseksi. Viitekehys paikantaa kolme aluetta, joilla opetustyön dynaamisuus toteutuu: 1) opetuksellisiin lähestymistapoihin sisäistynyt dynamiikka, 2) didaktiseen harkintaan sisäistynyt dynamiikka ja 3) yhdistetty opetusdynamiikka. Kukin kolmesta alueesta jakautuu edelleen kahteen tarkempaan aladynamiikkaan. Näin muodostuu yhteensä kuusi opetuksellisen dynamiikan toimintaperiaatetta: suorien ja konstruktivististen opetustapojen välinen dynamiikka, opetusmenetelmien ja –tekniikkojen välinen dynamiikka; opetuksen ydinrakenteen dynamiikka, opetuksellisen päämääräsuuntautuneisuuden ja tilannetietoisuuden välinen dispositionaalinen dynamiikka; opetuksellisten valintojen dynamiikka sekä opettajan oppimisen dynamiikka. Kuusi opetuksellisen dynamiikan toimintaperiaatetta esitellään yksityiskohtaisesti ja niitä suhteutetaan aiempaan opetus- ja opettajankoulutustutkimukseen. Dynaaminen opetusteoria on tarkoitettu käytännölliseksi viitekehykseksi, jota voidaan soveltaa opetuksen, opettajareflektion sekä perus- ja täydennyskoulutusvaiheen opettajankoulutuksen kehittämisessä.This thesis constructs a theoretical framework of the essential dynamic qualities embedded in teaching practice. The concept of teaching dynamics is introduced to signify the dialectic counterparts that function within the two suggested key domains of teaching practice: enactment of teaching approaches and teachers’ instructional reasoning. The thesis includes three part-studies and a Summary part. The qualitative data comprise three data sets: video observation data that captured five in-service teachers’ actions through classroom practices; thematic interviews with in-service teachers to capture their thinking; and stimulated-recall interviews with 45 preservice teachers to capture their thinking in action. The data were analyzed using abductive content analysis in which theory-driven categories played a critical role. The analytical approach aimed for conceptual generalization, as well as theoretical parsimony of teacher knowledge constructs. The Summary part of the thesis synthesizes key results from the original partstudies into a conceptual framework of teaching dynamics. The framework presents three main loci of teaching dynamics: 1) teaching dynamics in teaching approaches; 2) teaching dynamics in instructional reasoning; and 3) integration of teaching dynamics. Each locus comprises two more sub-dynamics, resulting in six dynamic teaching mechanisms in total: the direct-constructivist dynamic; method-technique dynamic; instructional core dynamics; dispositional intention-attention dynamic; dynamics of choice in teaching; and learning-to-teach dynamics. The six sub-dynamics are described and related to previous teaching and teacher education research. The teaching-dynamics system provides a practical framework that can be implemented in the development of teaching, teacher reflection and teacher education programs in both pre-service and in-service settings

    Opportunities and participation in conversations: The roles of teacher’s approaches to dialogic reading and child’s story comprehension

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    The role of teacher–child interaction and opportunities provided by the teacher to encourage all children’s active participation in conversation about story ideas are important. In the present study, we report results from the last two years of a three-year long coaching project on teachers’ dialogic reading. The model of 7-minutes-to-stories (Orvasto & Levola, 2010) was used as the pedagogical context. Video-based coaching along with scripted stories were used to increase conversation in story groups. First, we analyzed the developmental changes in story groups such as teachers’ and children’s responsiveness to dialogic reading. Second, we examined the development of verbal participation in children with low, average and high story comprehension. Third, we used State Space Grids (SSGs) (Hollenstein, 2013) to model the formation of children’s participation patterns within four story groups. Eight story groups participated during coaching year 2 and six story groups during year 3. Altogether 47 children from two consecutive cohorts participated. Results highlighted teachers’ and children’s responsiveness to dialogic reading. Children with high story comprehension outperformed children with average and low story comprehension in the total durations of verbal participation. SSGs showed that children with high story comprehension did not take up all the answering opportunities, and also children with lower story comprehension participated actively in some groups. We discuss the benefits of long-term coaching for supporting changes in story group interaction and children’s participation. The role of teacher–child interaction and opportunities provided by the teacher to encourage all children’s active participation in conversation about story ideas are important. In the present study, we report results from the last two years of a three-year long coaching project on teachers’ dialogic reading. The model of 7-minutes-to-stories (Orvasto & Levola, 2010) was used as the pedagogical context. Video-based coaching along with scripted stories were used to increase conversation in story groups. First, we analyzed the developmental changes in story groups such as teachers’ and children’s responsiveness to dialogic reading. Second, we examined the development of verbal participation in children with low, average and high story comprehension. Third, we used State Space Grids (SSGs) (Hollenstein, 2013) to model the formation of children’s participation patterns within four story groups. Eight story groups participated during coaching year 2 and six story groups during year 3. Altogether 47 children from two consecutive cohorts participated. Results highlighted teachers’ and children’s responsiveness to dialogic reading. Children with high story comprehension outperformed children with average and low story comprehension in the total durations of verbal participation. SSGs showed that children with high story comprehension did not take up all the answering opportunities, and also children with lower story comprehension participated actively in some groups. We discuss the benefits of long-term coaching for supporting changes in story group interaction and children’s participation.&nbsp

    Opportunities and participation in conversations: The roles of teacher’s approaches to dialogic reading and child’s story comprehension

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    The role of teacher–child interaction and opportunities provided by the teacher to encourage all children’s active participation in conversation about story ideas are important. In the present study, we report results from the last two years of a three-year long coaching project on teachers’ dialogic reading. The model of 7-minutes-to-stories (Orvasto & Levola, 2010) was used as the pedagogical context. Video-based coaching along with scripted stories were used to increase conversation in story groups. First, we analyzed the developmental changes in story groups such as teachers’ and children’s responsiveness to dialogic reading. Second, we examined the development of verbal participation in children with low, average and high story comprehension. Third, we used State Space Grids (SSGs) (Hollenstein, 2013) to model the formation of children’s participation patterns within four story groups. Eight story groups participated during coaching year 2 and six story groups during year 3. Altogether 47 children from two consecutive cohorts participated. Results highlighted teachers’ and children’s responsiveness to dialogic reading. Children with high story comprehension outperformed children with average and low story comprehension in the total durations of verbal participation. SSGs showed that children with high story comprehension did not take up all the answering opportunities, and also children with lower story comprehension participated actively in some groups. We discuss the benefits of long-term coaching for supporting changes in story group interaction and children’s participation. </p

    Handbook on teaching. Teacher`s strategies in classroom: a student-teaching collection of cases from four European countries

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    This work has been carried out within the ACTTEA project: Supporting preservice teachers’ construction of action-oriented knowledge (Project number: 526318-LLP-1-2012-1-EE-COMENIUS-CMP. Duration: 11/2012 – 10/2015). This project has been supported and funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union.[EN]The handbook was written with the intention of collecting the type of professional knowledge that is of use to preservice teachers in different European countries. This particular knowledge turns out to be of relevance for the training of preservice teachers in the workplace also referred to as a practicum period, or the practicum for short, to learn the basics of the teaching profession in various school contexts. The multiple experiences extracted from the practicum and other real situations give the preservice teachers the opportunity to put into practice the theoretical background learnt in their university preparation. Thus, the teaching practice seems to be a valuable component of the teacher training programs since it provides preservice teachers with the opportunity to deal with real classroom situations in primary or secondary schools. Generally speaking the ultimate purpose of the practice is for preservice teachers to acquire a more sophisticated knowledge of the school by acquiring the know-how of teaching. This handbook intends to examine the action-oriented knowledge and reflective processes that preservice teachers display in practice by providing fifteen examples of teaching practices from four different contexts: Finland, Estonia, the Netherlands and Spain

    Differential Spinal and Supraspinal Activation of Glia in a Rat Model of Morphine Tolerance

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    Development of tolerance is a well known pharmacological characteristic of opioids and a major clinical problem. In addition to the known neuronal mechanisms of opioid tolerance, activation of glia has emerged as a potentially significant new mechanism. We studied activation of microglia and astrocytes in morphine tolerance and opioid-induced hyperalgesia in rats using immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and RNA sequencing in spinal-and supraspinal regions. Chronic morphine treatment that induced tolerance and hyperalgesia also increased immunoreactivity of spinal microglia in the dorsal and ventral horns. Flow cytometry demonstrated that morphine treatment increased the proportion of M2-polarized spinal microglia, but failed to impact the number or the proportion of M1-polarized microglia. In the transcriptome of microglial cells isolated from the spinal cord (SC), morphine treatment increased transcripts related to cell activation and defense response. In the studied brain regions, no activation of microglia or astrocytes was detected by immunohistochemistry, except for a decrease in the number of microglial cells in the substantia nigra. In flow cytometry, morphine caused a decrease in the number of microglial cells in the medulla, but otherwise no change was detected for the count or the proportion of M1-and M2-polarized microglia in the medulla or sensory cortex. No evidence for the activation of glia in the brain was seen. Our results suggest that glial activation associated with opioid tolerance and opioid-induced hyperalgesia occurs mainly at the spinal level. The transcriptome data suggest that the microglial activation pattern after chronic morphine treatment has similarities with that of neuropathic pain. (C) 2018 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Innovaciones en la formación práctica del profesorado

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    La vertiente práctica de la formación docente, ha de ofrecer óptimos recursos para aprender a enseñar. A ese fin contribuye el Proyecto Europeo “Action-oriented teacher knowledge”, (ACTTEA)1, desarrollado en cuatro países, entre ellos España. Acomete la formación del profesorado mediante la reflexión guiada con el fin de generar conocimiento profesional a partir de la práctica docente efectuada durante la estancia en Centros Escolares. </p

    Liikennealan kansallinen kasvuohjelma 2018 - 2022

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    Liikennealan kansallisen kasvuohjelman 2018–2022 lähtökohtana on edistää toimialan yritysvetoista kehitystä, kasvua ja kansainvälistymistä. Liikenne toimii Suomen kansantalouden merkittävänä ajurina sisältäen n. 35 000 yritystä ja työllistäen n. 200 000 henkilöä. Samaan aikaan liikenteen markkinoilla toimivien yritysten liikevaihto on arviolta yli 60 mrd. euroa. Liikenneala on merkittävien teknologisten, taloudellisten ja yhteiskunnallisten murrosten keskellä ja sen uudistuminen pohjautuu pitkälti digitalisaation mukanaan tuomiin mahdollisuuksiin. Liikennealan globaalit markkinat tarjoavat valtavan kasvupotentiaalin, esimerkiksi MaaSin (liikenne palveluna) markkinoiden ennustetaan kasvavan yli 1 000 miljardiin dollariin vuoteen 2030 menness

    Navetan yläpohjarakenteiden vertailu

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    Tässä opinnäytetyössä tavoitteena oli koota tietoa maatalousrakentamisessa käytetyistä yläpohjarakenteista ja vertailla kahta yläpohjan rakentamismenetelmää – yläpohjan paikallaan rakentamista ja elementtirakentamista. Yläpohjarakenteita vertailtiin rakenteiden, kustannusten, rakentamisaikataulun ja työmaavaikutusten suhteen. Opinnäytetyö koostui teoriaosuudesta ja todellisen rakennuskohteen aikataulu- ja kustannuslaskennasta. Opinnäytetyön kohteena oli 150 paikkainen vasikkala Äänekoskella, jonka suunnittelusta vastasi työn tilaaja Ikkunaja ovipari Oy. Teoriaosuudessa koottiin tietoa yläpohjarakenteista eri valmistajien sivuilta sekä Ratu-kortistosta. Lisäksi henkilökohtaisilla yhteydenotoilla maatalousrakennusyrityksiin saatiin detaljitason tietoa yläpohjarakenteista. Kustannuslaskentaosiossa käytetiin urakoitsijalta saatuja työmenekkejä ja materiaalitoimittajilta saatuja hinnastoja paikallaan rakennettavan katon kustannusten ja aikataulun määrittämiseksi. Elementtikaton kustannuslaskennassa käytetiin urakoitsijoilta saatuja neliöhintoja. Vertailussa mukana olleet yläpohjarakenteet eroavat materiaalien, kustannuksien ja aikataulujen suhteen. Paikalla rakennettavan katto siirtää kuormat kantavan poimulevyn avulla runkoon ja siitä perustuksille. Elementtikatossa kuormat vastaan ottavat kertopuut, jotka ovat jäykistetty yhdeksi paketiksi erilaisilla levy ja puumateriaaleilla. Paikalla rakennettavan katon rakentaminen kestää noin puolitoista viikkoa, elementtikaton asennuksen kesto on noin yksi päivä. Kohteessa yläpohjarakenteiden kustannuksissa ei ollut suurta eroa

    Enablers and Barriers to the Organizations’ Design of Effective Online Carbon Footprint Calculators for Consumers

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    To counteract climate change, organizations are providing online carbon footprint calculators (CFCs) for consumers, to facilitate their sustainable consumption. Even though consumers are increasingly using these CFCs, their effectiveness remains an open question. Based on interviews of CFC developers, drawing on encoding-decoding framework, and the concepts of representations of users and usage, we uncover the organizations’ enablers and barriers to the design of effective CFCs. We show how developers perceive their enablers and barriers propagate, rippling through the design process, affecting the CFC artifact’s symbolic meaning and perceived effectiveness: the rippling of enablers reinforces CFC’s symbolic meaning for developers as solid, facilitating the consumers’ reading it as effective. The rippling of barriers, reinforces CFC’s symbolic meaning for developers as precarious, provoking consumers’ reading it as indicative, otiose, or exacerbating. We discuss the implications of the enablers and barriers, especially regarding the technical infrastructure, to the organizations’ design of effective CFCs